Chapter 43

Adam's (P.O.V)

I was called in to a conference meeting with Robyn and a few other managers as well as the CEO James Dalton. He was a very old man very large and had gold crown on each of his canine teeth making him look like a sleezy scumbag. He loved money more than anything and cheated on his wife countless times with any gold-digging slut to cross his path.his children are spoiled adults that don't can'teven wait for him to die so they can inherent his his fortune. "This is bad Adam why would you risk it all do you have any idea how many calls I have to answer explaining what's going on. You're losing your fans to that boy band BTK they are new Fresh your fans are switching sides This Honey girl is dragging you down." Robyn said with worry. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic she was being. how could I lose to a bunch of fruity band boys that looked like little girls. They are insecure losers that can't preform alone so they go everywhere and do everything together. I laughed remembering one had pink hair and another wore a bunny onesie with fluffy slippers and they call themselves men? what man wears glitter? what ever fans of mine they stole they can keep, if they find that band of rejects attractive then they are brainless.

"I don't care Robyn that is my child my son, my flesh and blood how can I not be with my family?" I asked. "Are you insane you are almost nineteen that boy is four years old how do you even know that he is even your kid. Teenage girls sleep around she could just be after money or fame. Don't fall that trick after one night of pleasure." Roby said causing everyone in the room look at me in alarm. It was like they just found out shocking news. "you have a child? Why wouldn't you practice safe sex you are a rising star." One of the managers said I ignored her and looked at Robyn. "Honey is not that kind of girl she would never do that, he looks just like me you can't deny that." I said to her but spoke directed at everyone in the room. "Listen son. Robyn is right, we are losing to Mystro Inc. they signed BTK and their rating are growing yours are dropping if you value your career then drop that woman." James the CEO finally spoke. but I couldn't hear a word over my beating heart I was finally united with honey and they want me to just end it with her and my son there was no way. Robyn looked at me and sighed she knew what I was thinking if anyone knew me more than anyone it was Robyn.

"I know she means a lot to you and all you did was talk about her during the tour, but I have a plan. hear me out before you decide." I looked at her confused.

"We will make a fake news that you are dating someone else that way you can still be with Honey but your image will stay intact. We will say it was a big misunderstanding she was a fan and sweep this whole scandal under the rug. Scarlett has liked you for a while now she agreed to sign with us if you date her." Robyn explained. Scarlett was an actress she was older in her late twenties and won many Oscars for roles she played. I've heard rumors about her liking me, but I was not attracted to her ever since I've met Honey she is all I think about. "No, I can't do that to Honey." I said refusing this ridiculous plan they came up with. "She doesn't have to know." Another one of the managers spoke and I ignored him too. "Yes, Adam we cannot pass up an opportunity like this Scarlett is a wonderful actress every agency is trying to get her she is giving us this opportunity we will take it." James said with a proud smile. "What if I refuse?" I said looking him in the eyes and his smile turned to a frown. No one challenged him like I did. and as much as he tried to hide it the truth was James hated me but i brought in more revenue than any Aritst siged to S.I.O Inc. and he knew that, he maybe an arrogant asshole but he wasn't stupid losing me would greatly impact the company.

"Then we have no choice but to drop you." he said meeting my glare. he was bluffing and i call clearly see it.

"Then I resigned." I said to him still holding my gaze. leaving S.i.O wouldn't be the end for me i have enough agency lined up ready to sign me. and by the sweat dripping from his fat face he knew it all too well. "Now let's not be rash Adam will agree to this no one is dropping anyone. Excuse us for a minute." Robyn pulled my hand and led me out of the room

"Adam please don't do this if your mother was still here she will be so happy with your success. You have come so far don't ruin it now."

"stop bringing up my mom every time you want me to do something its getting old." I said with anger. I was tired of always hearing "if your mother was still here." my mother is not here she is gone for ever now let her rest in peace. "Adam you have been very stressed out these days I know these past years have not been easy for you you're so young but dealt with so much. Please just this once it will be the last thing I ever ask of you." She begged

"Robyn do you know what you are asking me to do?" I said to her showing her how broken I was. I was at my limit, a ticking time bomb about to go off any minute. "I do but believe me when I say this, it is for the best. Honey won't know just date Scarlett for a few months once she signs that contract you can break it off." She held my shaking hand. I thought about it for a second was i being greedy? having Honey and my career was all I wanted and if this is what it takes I will do it. "Ok I'll do it... but once she signs then I'm breaking up with her." I said. "Good no sooner then that." she smiled, and we went back to conference room. "Have you come to a decision he asked?" James asked with an amused smirk.

"I'll do it." I said as I sat down. "Good I was afraid you wouldn't agree it would be a shame to lose you. You are one of our biggest bread winners." James praised but I healed my head down in despair I will tell Honey everything once it's all over I hope she doesn't hate me after this. "Now Robyn has made the arrangements for you and Scarlett to meet don't worry kid this is for the best." James said but I didn't respond my heart felt heavy this was wrong very wrong, I have a bad feeling about this. they all started leaving the conference room James looked at me with an evil smile before he walked out. Sometimes I wanted to knock those gold teeth right out of his mouth that fat sack of shit.

"We will meet Scarlett tomorrow for lunch after the photo shoot." She patted my back.

"I have to be at my son's presentation tomorrow. "I looked at her. "Didn't we just talk about this Scarlett is free tomorrow she is a very busy woman she agreed to meet you we cannot miss it." she raised her voice. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open I don't have any energy left in me. "I will be there don't worry." I stood up to leave. "take some rest tonight you need it. tomorrow is another busy day." She said to me. I guess if I leave the shoot early I can make it in time for his presentation. I home got that night I was about to pass out from exhaustion I wanted to get to bed and sleep. I slowly went into juniors' room and looked at his sleeping face. How could Robyn say he's not mine he looked so much like me. I kissed him on the forehead and walked into my room I noticed Honey already asleep. I wanted to hug her and cuddle, but I don't want to wake her. It's been so long since I've held her close I missed that feeling I've been so tired stressed from work I've even taken out my ager on her. She doesn't deserve any of this. She has been a great mother and a wonderful woman to me. I slowly kissed her on her soft lips and slept beside her. I woke up early to get a head start on the day I went to my photo shoot hoping for an easier day, but it was hectic at the shoot I was trying to finish up, but they kept saying they didn't get the right shot. Countless outfits they had me try on. "you need to smile why do you look so pissed. Robyn called from the back of the room.

"No, no, Robyn this smolder is perfect that sexy anger and fire in his eyes is what the ladies love." The photographer said snapping more pictures. I was now agitated and frustrated. We took a break and I sat to drink some water. Honey called asking me if I was still able to make it. I told her I couldn't, I wanted to surprise them when I got there. I knew I was being cold to her when I hung up, but I started to smile once I imagined the look she would have on her face when she saw me. We finished up and I was racing out to see my son. "and where do you think you are going we are meeting Scarlett in an hour." Robyn said blocking my exit. I have to at least see him I promise I will be at the restaurant before Scarlett shows up. I said and rushed pasted her "you better or you're dead." She shouted at me I jumped in my car and drove as fast as I could his school was about thirty minutes away if I speed fast enough I can make it in time. I arrived just in time it was Junior turn to speak and I was amazed at the portrait he painted. As soon as he opened his mouth and spoke I felt my chest tightened up I was so proud that this smart boy was the product of mine and Honeys Love. I looked at Honey who was staring at junior like my mother looked at me. I wanted to go over and hug her, but she was in the middle of the crowd It would be bad if Juniors big day was interrupted, if I was recognized. Once his speech was over I stepped out of the school and sat in my car. I Never knew I could love someone more than I love myself Junior and Honey are my world. I looked at my phone and Robyn had messaged me.

"you have 10 minutes before she arrives."

I looked up and closed my eyes I've never been so lost and torn in my life. "what should I do mom I'm so confused." I said holding back the tears. I pulled myself together and started driving. I arrived at the rendezvous Robyn had me to meet them. I was glad Scarlett hasn't shown up yet. But just then she stepped out of her car and walked up to Robyn and me. I pulled my hand out to greet her, but she embraced me with a kiss. I was shocked I'm just meeting her for the first time and she kissed me. "I'm sorry it was just on my bucket list to kiss Dark Scorpion. I'm so glad you are have shown interestin me" She wrapped her alms around mine. I was grossed out by her duck lips that looked so pumped with Botox they might explode. I whipped my lips and wanted to gag. She reminded me so much of Rose. I wanted to pull away, but Robyn gave me a death glare. We walked in the restaurant and Scarlett was all over me. She didn't even give me space to breathe. No wonder my mother asked me to stay away from girls in the industry. I had no appetite to eat anything I just wanted this day to end. Robyn's eyes where glued to the entrance I looked over and saw Honey walk in with a woman. She stared at me and the obvious leach attached to my arm. I tried to stand up and talk to her, but Robyn pulled me down "we had a deal…we can't let Scarlett slip away." She said, and I sat back down I hate myself for doing this to her. I could see she was shocked and hurt the way she looked at me.