Chapter 44

Honey's (P.O.V)

"Honey, want me to help you get revenge on your man?" echoed through my head, Revenge on Adam? That's ridiculous. Just as I was about to speak I heard Junior's voice from the front door as he ran to me. "Mommy look at what daddy got me." Junior showed me a new iPad tablet and a new books, he held in his hands. He was so exited he kept talking. "daddy was so proud he promised to buy me a puppy for my birthday. Even though he hates animals." he said with a happy cheer. "Sofia I got to go, I'll call you another time thank you for your advice." Before she hung up She told me to call her anytime I was ready to go through with it and she would help me no matter what. I looked over at Adam who was eating the food I cooked. He kept eating and Junior. already went to his room to change and video called my mom to show her his metal he won today.

"Are you going to act like nothing happened today?" I asked facing him without any fear or regret. He put the fork down and looked into my eyes for the first time in a week and his gaze, cold and frightening. But I didn't look away. "can we talk about this another time?" He Said harshly. "So, you lost interest in me but still keep me cooped up in this God forsaken house for what reason Adam!" I was now shouting. "I'm leaving...take the time to cool off." He said walking toward the door. "Fine leave get out you're never home anyways go back to that skank Scarlett! you are falling in your father footsteps." I said without realizing I said something I shouldn't have. He turned and looked at with anger in his beautiful blue eyes. They were usually bright but right now as he stared in to my eyes they were dull and Full of rage. That twinkle I remember was gone.

"You're just jealous so I won't get mad, I will forget what you said." As he turned around and walked out. That was the longest we have spoke all week and it was an argument. After Junior ate his super he washed up and headed to bed early I stayed up pondering on my thoughts I got a text from Sofia. "Want to come join me for some wine tonight we can do our hair and nails let's have a lady's night." she put a nail polish lipstick emojis. I knew I need to cool off, so I called my mom to watch Adam Jr. while I met up with some friends she agreed and said I needed it. Sofia sent me the address and I realized she was in our neighborhood. I guess Adam really thought about it when buying a house in this prestigious area. I walked down the block and her house was not quite big as ours but still very nice. As I was walking I accidentally bumped into a tall man very handsome and elegant. "my apologies." He said straightening his suit as he kept going. He wore a suit and had a lit cigarette in his hand. He was mysterious yet alluring. He had neatly combed brown hair and a pair of beautiful brown eyes his chiseled cheeks spoke for them selves. He was carrying a folder as he walked in the direction of Sofia house. I felt like a stalker walking behind him, but it was a coincidence that he was going in the same direction as me. he turned and walked up the steps to Sofia's house.

He stood at her door ringing her doorbell. he looked back at me wondering why I was following him. I was flushed and embarrassed. Soon after Sofia opened the door. "Devon you came!" She shouted in excitement. She was wearing a skimpy pink tank top and a small pair of white shorts that was so short it looked like she had on just underwear. "That's Mr. Daniels to you." He spoke, and his voice rang through my head. He sounded so stern yet heavenly. he even had the same last name asme. "Oh, come on now Devon lighten up come in for some wine." She spoke to this man not noticing me behind him. "I'm just dropping off this file of assignment I need you complete by tomorrow." He ordered. "So nice of you to drop them off Devon you're so sweet. " she smiles seductively. The man expression grew heavy as his eyebrows knitted to Express his frustration. "..I was in the area... If they are not on my desk by tomorrow don't bother showing up for work." He said harshly yet Sofia wasn't fazed at all. She laughed patting his shoulder. "Don't worry boss I will complete them tonight!" she stood and saluted like a soldier with her hand to her forehead. "at ease soldier." he rolled his eyes mocking her action. Then her eyes landed on me. "Ah Honey you came!" She pushed the man aside and held my hand tightly. Devon walked past us and got into the back of a black stretched limousine. He looked important, but he looked way too young to be her boss.

"Who was that?" I asked her.

"That's my boss Devon Daniel's." I smiled when I heard he had the same last name as me. He was such a good-looking man. But Adam was still cuter, why was I comparing Adam to every man I see.

"He's the CEO's son and training to take over soon. He's the youngest richest billion air in the country and the most eligible bachelor around every girl is gaga for him how could you not know him?" She teased pulling me into her house. I've honestly never heard of a Devon Daniels, but everyone knows his father Harry Daniel's. the C.E.O of Mystro Inc. I just never really cared about his children I heard he had two sons and one daughter. But who knew one of his sons would be this hot.

"Come I got everything ready for us. I will style your hair, paint your nails, and give you a facial to clean those pores girl." She pulled me into her house. She was like a kid at a candy store. I looked around her house and it was decorated pretty she had style, her home looked fancy with modern furniture. She took me into a room she called her beauty room. Might as well call it a cosmetology store. She had everything the room was literally a huge store with four walk in closets. The main room had a large vanity set make up tables and every make up possible known to man. The next room had all designer purses. And every shoe brand out there. the last had all her clothes all organized in colored coordination. My closet was pretty much empty. Adam's closet was filled almost like hers but with men's wear watches, shoes, and all that. She was reminding me how much I was lacking as a woman. Adam even gave me a black card unlimited to spend on clothes and jewelry, but I never had the heart to spend millions of dollars on material things. She had a huge TV hung up on her wall she turned it on to play the radio channel I rolled my eyes when I saw one of Dark Scorpions songs playing. He looked amazing acting in the video he wore ragged tore clothing for his role as a zombie with some girl touching his body. The video was pretty much about not knowing what it's like to have a heart the main character (Dark Scorpions) is a corps without a heart then he meets a girl who gives her heart to him then he finally feels pain and emotions when he watches her die after she gives up her heart for him. It's a very beautiful video and very touching.

"Isn't he the hottest guy?.... I'm sorry I meant, his songs are pretty deep." She said as she started combing my hair out. I watched the video carefully wondering what happened to my Adam that once adored me like he adores that girl in the video. After the video was over I cried silently. after the song ended The radio station people started talking on the TV. "That was 'Dying Love' by Dark scorpions." The radio station host announced. "Great song with such a great video and a strong message." One of the co host spoke. "Yes, it definitely was but we have a surprise for you ladies and gentlemen we have a special guest today. Please help us welcome the main man the venomous Scorpion himself. Mr. Dark Scorpion!" the host presented. My eyes lit up as I watched Adam's beautiful face appear on the TV with a smile. He was dressed super nice he looked like a real rock star he wore a studded sunglasses his black hair tied in a low pony tail, a white t-shirt with a black vest with spikes shoulders. He had a chain around his neck with a massive diamond Scorpion. His bracelets filled his wrists. "Oh, wow he is a looker.. I mean he's alright…I'm mean ..sorry I have no filter sometimes." Sofia apologized.

The host questioned him on his new album and his new clothing line he launched. Then finally they asked him. So, I heard Scarlett is your new girlfriend is that true?" The co-host asked while the others laugh. Adam did a cute awkward laugh. Before responding. "We have been seeing each other hopefully it becomes something. So far her and I are just getting to know eachother." Those words pierced my heart like an arrow. I knew something was going on but for him to bluntly admit it in front of the world made it that much more painful. I could feel Sofia stop combing my hair as she froze after hearing him say that.

" do you want me to change this?" she said each word slowly. Some how I'm getting the feeling she's not so bright. "No, its ok don't worry about it" I said pretending to be ok. I was angry sad all at the same time.

I looked at his face that smiled carefree made me sick to my stomach. He was the one that knocked me up abandoned me then returned with false hope and cheated on me. I was shaking when Sofia notice "Um… Honey are you ok sweetie?" She asked concerned. I turned around and looked at her dead in the face. "I want revenge against. Dark scorpion. Help me get my revenge." Sofia stared at me long and hard before responding. "If you do this you have to be ready to pay consequence. You must be willing to crush your enemies without batting an eye. It will get harder before it gets easy." I knew all that already I just wanted to make Adam suffer like he made me suffer. No matter what I was not going to let myself be the ugly loser anymore. I wanted to step on everyone that laughed at me and insulted me. Then she suddenly said. "You have to keep your son in mind. Are you willing to crush his father?" My heart skipped a beat. Adam Jr. loved his father, He was so happy when Adam came back he said his family is complete now.

"Haven't you been in a relation with a woman who a had kid people say that's your child." The TV was still on and that question the host asked took my full undivided attention.

"No, she was a major fan of mine so i did a meet and greet for her and her kid." He smiled at the camera

I looked at Sofia and the atmosphere changed immediately. "My son will do just fine without a father that denies him." I said with a poisonous tone. I was skeptical at first, but Adam gave me the push I needed. Denying me is fine but deny your own blood? this means war. Sofia nodded in agreement. She is the only person who understands my pain because she lived the same way. "We will start tomorrow. I will start off by giving you homework. Each task you complete we will move on to the next step. This isn't going to happen over night it will take time but trust me Honey once we get there, revenge is the sweetest taste." She Gave me a bewitching smile. I couldn't help but smile with her. We turned off the TV and drank some wine chatted the night away.