Chapter 45

Honey's (P.O.V)

It was 2am. I had to get home, Junior has school in the Morning and my moms probably already sleeping by now. Sofia walked me to the door and handed me a piece of paper. "What's this?" I asked staring at the folded paper. "Its your home work the first step. You have three days to complete it. If you fail I cannot help you on getting revenge." I nodded and headed home. I was nervous and scared I know Adam won't be home tonight he's at the late-night radio station interview. Once I got home I slowly creeped Junior's door open and noticed my mom and Junior cuddles up together. Junior had a king size bed so there was plenty of room for the both of them. I smiled and closed their door I went into the spare room where I had moved my things changed into my pajamas and sat on the bed. I Looked at the paper in my hand that Sofia gave me and unfolded it. I read it and my eyes winded. "Impossible I can't do that." I whispered to myself. It read.

"step one: get a Job at Mystro Inc."

How the hell could I work at that massive company I'm just a high school drop out with no talent at all. Is she crazy? There's no way I could make that happen especially in three days. That's just Impossible. I scrunched the paper in my hand ready to toss it trash bin along with my dreams of getting revenge. Then I remember how he referred to me as a groupie and denied his son. I unfolded the paper and put it in my purse. I walked down stairs to grab some water when I heard keys raddling unlocking the front door. Why was he back so soon, was his interview over already?

He walked in and looked at me. I put the cup down completely ignoring him. Even his pretty face made me sick. I stood up and walked upstairs and into the spare bedroom. I don't even want to look at him all the love and respect I had for him was now gone. I went to the spare bedroom and climbed in to bed and closed my eyes ready to sleep. "What are you doing in here?" His sudden voice caused me to open my eyes. "Sleeping now do you mind.?" I said boldly. This was the first time I showed him any attitude.

He was taken back and didn't speak right away. "Is this your way of showing me you're mad.?" He asked. But I didn't respond. I turned facing my back to him. I didn't hear anything for a while. He must have left I guess he finally got the hint. Now I can sleep in peace.

moment later I was about to sleep I got myself comfy pulling the blanket over my shoulders. That's when I felt the bed move up and down. I rolled over and saw him getting into my bed. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Sleeping what does it looked like.?" He said getting himself comfortable. The nerve of this guy. "I left that room for you why are you following me? " I almost shouted in anger. "I'm sleeping next to my fiancé is that a problem?" He said nonchalantly. "Fiancé?" I laughed "don't you mean a major fan that wanted a meet and greet.?" I asked, and I saw his eyes widen "what, Surprised that I watch TV? think I cook and clean all day like some maid that doesn't watch TV.?" I said to him. He reached for my hand.

"Look Honey-"

"Don't touch me!" I shouted pulling away as if he was some kind of a virus. I stood up walking out the door but was suddenly grabbed from behind. Hugging my waist tightly. His cologne smelled sweet like I remember four years ago. I gently grabbed his hand making him release me. I looked him in the eyes. I could finally see emotions in his eyes for the first time he showed me he was sorry. He didn't say it, but it showed. "It takes for me to catch you cheating to get some attention from you?" I shook my head and walked out of the room I walked in Junior's room and squeezed beside Junior and my mom. He followed me and stood at the door. As soon as he saw my mother he walked away. I'm fed up with being the victim all the time.

Morning came. I'm not sure when I fell asleep. When I had woken my mother and Junior were already gone. I looked out the window and noticed it was around afternoon time. I looked at the clock on Junior's wall "12:34!?... Shit!" I jumped out of bed. How could I sleep in I never sleep in why didn't my alarm go off where was my phone? I was panicking. I ran down the stairs and noticed breakfast was cooked and on the table. My mother was not in the house and neither was Junior, I called my mom. "You're finally awake sleepy head." My moms said.

"Mom I slept in where is Junior.?" I asked her with worry in my voice. "I dropped him off at school and don't worry I packed his lunch as well." As if she knew I would ask. "Thank you so much mom I was so tired." My heart was finally set at ease. Where would I be without her. "Can I ask why you slept with us last night did you fight with Adam?" She suddenly questioned. There's no way I could answer her truthfully. "Of course not, he didn't come home until late I was scared to sleep in an empty room alone mom." I laughed awkwardly. I know I can never trick my mom she knows everything about me.

"Mhhm..ok anyways I will call you later sweetie I have lunch date with a few lady friends. Love you." She kissed through the phone and hung up. I made myself a cup of coffee and looked at the eggs and bagels my mom made. I ate the bagel and drank my coffee in peace. My mind has been wondering these days and it always about Adam.

I turned my head and saw the note Sofia gave me peaking out of my purse. I took it out and stared at it.

"Step 1: get a job at Mystro Inc." No matter how many times I read the note the more I was convinced it was impossible. How can I do this? Every time I wanted to give up this revenge idea I was reminded of his words at the radio studios interview. I clenched my first tightly. I got up and went to my room to look for an outfit that didn't make me looked like I was twice my age. Everything I had was either my old clothes from high school completely inappropriate for my age and totally not as a mom. Or it was way too ugly. I just took a pair of skinny Jeans from high school and a t-shirt. It was baggy it must have been one of Adam's shirts it smelled like him. I walked out of the house and grabbed my keys and purse. I headed for Mystro Inc. My heart told me this was a bad idea, but my head was stubborn and determined. Soon after I arrived I stared at the massive building that was so big and busy.

. I sat in my car contemplating what I should do. I shook my hair in frustration.

"That's it I'm going in." I said as I opened the car door. I stood at the door of the building. I couldn't take another step. "This was a stupid idea I'm heading home". I turned around on my feet, but my face landed against a hard-masculine chest. The smell of his cologne was so intoxicating it swept me off my feet. I looked up and noticed the most beautiful brown eyes looking down at me. His fancy suit was smudged with my lipstick and makeup. "I- I-I'm so sorry." i stuttered. I used my hand to try and wipe it off, but it just made it worse smearing the lipstick stain. He frowned at me with lowered eyebrows. He looked pissed. What luck to dive face first and ruined Devon Daniels's suit. The Son of the CEO! My life sucks. It was so embarrassing he looked at me coldly and in a disgusted way. "i-i will pay for the dry cleaning." i stuttered once more. " i highly doubt you can afford it." one of his assistance spoke. "Please leave." A security guard who witnessed it all said to me. Devon walked past me bumping his shoulder to mine rather hard causing me to tumble. Just as I was about to fall over I was caught by a hand. I looked over and saw Sofia's graceful face. "What are you doing? Don't tell me you want to quit?" She asked looking through my withering soul. I looked down in embarrassment my make up looked like a clown compared to hers. " come with me." She pulled my hand and took me into the building I looked around and was amazed. This place was bigger and more expensive looking then Adam's company (S.O.I). She led me to an elevator people all stared at us as if wondering why someone like me was at such a fancy place. We arrived on the 6th floor and walked passed a few office doors then I noticed glass room with a bunch important looking people with suits, sitting in a conference meeting. The one that caught my eye was that rude Devon Daniels sitting at the end of the table with his finger tangled together under his chin. It was like he could feel my gaze he looked over as his eyes follow us and watched as Sofia led me to her office. He looked confused. His handsome face was so good looking how could I not stare. Her office was very nice with a nice view of the city. It had pictures of her son Justin everywhere. She had another family portrait with her Justin and a man with his face cut out. That must be her ex. She sat me down in a chair across her desk. And pulled out her makeup wipes from her purse. "Ok I know I gave you a hard task, but you can do it Honey I believe in you." She started wiping off all the mess I called makeup. "How can I do this Sofia I don't have a degree, I dropped out of high school when I got pregnant." I said to her closing my eyes. As she wiped off my blue crusty the clown eye shadow.

"You will apply as a receptionist. Don't worry I will help boost your resume. And make sure HR hires you. He always had a crush on me so there's no way he can refuse my favor." She winked at me.

I was shocked to think she would help me I thought the task was for me to get the job on my own.

"But I've never made a resume before. I'm used to filling out applications." I spoke truthfully. "No worries I've made one right here for you." She handed it to me. how did she know so much about me? She had my name last name and address correct everything else on the resume was fake job experience and all that was bogus.. I've never worked at an office before let alone at these places she named.

As if noticing the look on my face she laughed. "Don't worry everyone lies on their resume. It will be fine." She patted my head like some clueless child. I guess she's right. She pulled out her makeup bag from her purse and started doing my face. After a few minutes she handed me a mirror. I didn't notice she did anything. She made my face casual with light makeup like a very natural look as if I was wearing nothing at all but flawless. "you have such a perfect face you don't need a lot of makeup." She winked at me. She pulled me off the chair with the resume in hand as she walked me to the elevator. I snuck a looked at the conference room that was now empty. They must have finished their meeting.