Chapter 46

Honey's (P.O.V)

Sofia led me to the elevator the doors parted open I stepped in, but Sofia didn't follow. "You re not coming?" I asked with obvious worry in my eyes. "I have to get back to work Devon's task isn't close to being done. You can do it Honey. Once you reach the lobby make a left go straight down to main reception and say " I would like to apply for the receptionist position. That's all there is to it leave the rest to me." She explained. The elevator doors started slowly closing I saw Sofia wave and smile before they shut.. I breathed in and out. I was scared and nervous, but I know I can do this. The elevator suddenly stopped, and the doors started to part. I looked at the number realizing it was the 4th floor it stopped at. And my eyes widened at those strong brown eyes and that handsome face that held an expressionless look. He walked in to the elevator and stood away from me. Without looking at me Why did I keep running into him today? I Squeezed my hands in nervousness. Then suddenly someone stopped the elevator doors as it was about to close. The girl walked in her eyes falling on Devon who she stared at as she smiled at him. Her face looked so familiar I couldn't look away. She noticed me staring at her and stared back at me as well. It was so awkward. We started at each other for what seemed like ever. she finally turned away giving her attention to Devon.

"Mr. Daniels pleasure seeing you again. I've just signed my contract I can't wait to work with your company." She smiled at him then it clicked to me. It was Rose. Adam's ex girlfriend from long ago. She looked more beautiful than ever. her was hair short now she must have cut it and she lost even more weight if that was possible. Now she looked like a real model skinny and starving looking. She grew a pair of breasts or they could be fake, she was flat chested back then. "Do I know you? Why do you keep staring at me?" Her voice rang in my ear snapping back. "I swear Devon do they let just anyone in here? One thing I hate people like this." She scrunched her nose at me as she looked me up and down. I guess one thing that never changed was her nasty attitude. She was still mean as ever. And I thought time would make her humble. I was embarrassed she called me out, but I didn't say anything. And neither did Devon, he was the silent type making him look mysterious and hot.

I didn't want her to recognize me that would cause a huge mess.

"I- I'm uh...applying for a job." I stuttered those words out gluing my eyes to the elevator floor.

"Hah! applying for a job? What can you possibly do here you must be joking right? I don't want to work with this company if this is what you're recruiting." She said grabbing a hold of Devon's arm. He pulled away as the elevator doors opened. "Then feel free to cancel the contract you just signed." She said coldly before walking away towards the lobby. Rose and I froze in shock. How could one be so mean I did not see that coming. I smiled holding back the urge to laugh at how he put her in her place. She snapped her head towards me startling me a bit. If looks could kill I would probably be dead already. She spat at my feet before stomping out and she stromed out the building. I slowly walked out of the room and followed the directions Sofia gave me. Once I reached the main reception, I handed my resume to the pretty young lady sitting down. She looked at me side eye as she held my resume. "You want to apply for reception?" She raised an eye brow looking me up and down just like everyone else did. I nodded.

She rolled her eyes at me. "I will pass this to HR you may leave now." She said. As I walked away I turned around in time to notice her throwing my resume in the trash. I don't blame her one bit. I would never fit in here. I was kind of relieved as well last person I wanted to see every day was Rose. And that jerk Devon didn't make my life any comfy either.. I walked out of the building and into my car I rubbed my eyes and couldn't help laughing to my self. My life has really become such a bottomless pit. I drove away and got home. That's when I received a call from Sofia. "Congratulations you got the job check your email." She said with a calm manner. I was beyond confused I didn't know what she was talking about I clearly saw the woman throw my resume in the trash. How did I get the job?

"Sofia what are you talking about I saw the main reception girl throw away my resume." I explained to her. "I know but I had already sent a copy to HR this morning putting in a good word for you." She said. Now I was kind of puzzled. "Then why did you even bother making me apply in the first place?" I asked the obvious question. I didn't understand if she had already secured the job for me why make me go through all this trouble if I had already gotten the job with none of my effort? I could have avoided this entire mess and embarrassment from the beginning. "I made you do all this because I wanted to break this shy shell you are always wearing. If you want to be a receptionist at Mystro Inc. There is no room for shyness. You won't survive a day here." She said matter-of-factly. She was right I barely survived when I was merely applying, Imagine I worked their full time. "You will start your first day tomorrow so make sure you are ready." She said with a slight chuckle. After hanging up with her. It was almost time for me to pick up Adam Jr. from school.

As I drove to the school I had called my mom and told her about my new job that I will be starting tomorrow I even mentioned Sofia and how she helped me get the job. She was over the moon happy for me then she laughed reminding of something.

"Honey you're no longer a poor single mother that works two jobs anymore. You're living with the rich Adam remember? you don't need to work anymore." She reminded. I knew what she was saying. Adam did spoil me with all the money I could dream of. He never wanted me to work he wanted me to focus on Junior. "I know mom I'm not doing it for the money I'm doing it to gain experience mom you and I both know I need a social life." I lied and laughed. "That is true you need a real office experience. Anytime you need me to watch Junior I'm available." She assured me. That melted my heart. "Thank you mom. Got to pick up Junior talk to you soon." I hung up and drove to the school. I picked up Junior and went home.

" mommy the teacher wanted me to give you this letter." He handed me a letter as soon as we walked through the doors of our house. Junior ran to his room to read books most kids played with toys, but Junior loved to read and solve mathematical equations. He truly was a genius. I placed the keys down and opened it up. I was amazed. The school wanted me to drop him out and enroll him in a school for gifted children. They suggested Gladly Hill Academy. I've never heard of it before I opened my laptop and searched Gladly Hill Academy. I was so surprised as I read about this prestigious school. They had all different programs for gifted children. Junior was almost five years old and his readying level was already at a high level. He knew his multiplication already and I've never taught him that. He knew big words. I've met his teacher before and suggested I hire him a private teacher so that he would be able to enter a high-end school soon I've never expected this letter to come in so soon. Adam never got the chance to realize how gifted his son was. He didn't spend enough time with him to know he just says, "he's smart he gets that from me". That's all.

After I closed my laptop I had called Gladly Hill Academy and booked an appointment with them to meet. I was scheduled for next week. My phone rang, and it was Demi. Ignored it not wanting to talk to her. I was still upset about. The other day how she ditched me and took Tasha to buy her wedding dress. She kept calling and I kept ignoring until she got the hint I didn't want to talk. I got a text, but it wasn't Demi. "I'm off work soon mind if I come over, so we can discuss your second step." I read. It was from Sofia. I respond. "Sure thing." I started preparing dinner for Adam Jr. I cooked spaghetti and chicken cutlets it was his favorite meal. He came down had his meal and went back to his room. I started cleaning the house and doing laundry once I was finished I started organizing Adam's shoes and clothes. He tossed his clothes on the floor when he was changing and always made a mess in his closet. He loved coming home to a neat and tidy house. When I first moved in he wanted to bring Martha or hire a maid, but I showed him it wasn't necessary and what a wife should be like.

After a short while there was knock on the door. I opened it to welcome Sofia who had little Justin with her. I sent Justin to Junior's room I'm sure Junior would be happy to see him.

Sofia and I sat on the sofa in the living room. "Would you like some tea?" I offered her. "No thanks I'm a wine kind of gal, got any?" She asked. "I'm sorry but I don't drink." Then I remembered Adam had an entire bar down stairs in the basement i've never really been down there I just briefly go down to clean up what ever mess he makes, it was another place Adam spent most of his time. I quickly walked down to the room and looked around all the expensive looking alcohol bottles amazed me everytime. the whole wall was stacked with bottles most I couldn't even pronounce. I looked for wine, but Adam didn't drink wine. He had harsh strong liquor. I grabbed a pretty bottle and walked up the stairs and handed it to her She stared at the bottle with wide eyes. I thought maybe she didn't like it.

"Sorry but Dark doesn't have any wine. He has this and lots of scotch was down there." I apologize for being such a bad host. "No, no Honey do you know what this is? Its Pasión Azteca. It's the most expansive tequila, Its 3.5-million-dollar bottle. Your man sure does drink with class." She said, and I almost dropped the glass cups when she said how much it coasted. What kind of money does Adam have. And I use to think Starbucks was too expensive. I was now hesitating to open the sealed bottle. I wanted to pull it out of her hand and take it back downstairs. 3.5 million? She must be pulling my leg how did one single bottle cost so much money. I was shocked and scared Adam might be mad I let a stranger drink it. But then I remembered why she was here. To help me get revenge. Hurting his pockets wouldn't be so bad after all. I watched her drink with complete satisfaction in her eyes. "This is good, really good." She complemented as she shook the drink around in the cup. I smiled glad she was happy. She placed the cup down and got right down to business giving me a serious look.

"Your second mission is..."