Chapter 47

Honey's (P.O.V)

I sat down in the chair beside her with a heavy heart. "what did you just say?" I looked at her trying to understand what she meant. "I said your next mission is to.. move out of this house." She said plainly. I was shocked but didn't show it to her. "Its the only way to make you distance yourself from him." She continued. But I was still Stuck on Move out. How could I take Junior anyway from his new home that he loved so much? We lived in a small apartment before and this was our dream home. "I don't know if I can." I said to her truthfully. She sighed lightly and turned to looked at me.

"Honey I know it's hard but how can you get your revenge while still living with him?" She said, and she was completely right. I was planning on getting revenge but still lived in his house, that wasn't realistic at all. "But I have no where to go. I don't have any money of my own." I said to her. "You start work tomorrow, can't you stay with someone until then? I have more than enough space for you and Adam Jr. if you would like.?" She offered but there was no way, I couldn't burden her any further. She got me a real good job, staying with her would be greedy. "I have a place.... we can stay with my mom." I told her leaving out the fact that my mom lived in a one-bedroom apartment that she refused to leave. i had offered her to to live with us but she refused, Adam even baught her a lavished house and guess what... she refused that as well. she was really attached to that small apartment for what reason? i do not know. "Good then do it now. I will help you pack." She suddenly offered. I stared at her for a second then noticed her stand up. Was she crazy how could we move so suddenly I haven't even spoken to my mom yet let alone Junior, it would take time to convince him. "Can't we start this weekend today is too sudden there's too much to move." I told her.

"Just take what you need, and we can move the rest another time. Its to show him you are moving on without him." She stated. I pinched my lips then nodded. I guess now would be good its not like Adam would notice us gone anytime soon. he would have to be home more frequently to do that.

We stood up and started with my stuff first I didn't have much to begin with Junior on the other hand was going to take time. Adam spoiled him since he came back with everything a kid could possible need.

After I was all done with my stuff I gave my mom a call and explained to her I was starting work tomorrow and would need her help taking Junior to school every day and picking him up, it would be easier for Adam Jr. and I to live with her temporarily instead of her making a trip every day early in the Morning. "Honey I don't mind at all but is there something wrong why do you need to move in as well? Junior can stay with me." She asked with curiosity. I knew it was going to be hard to convince her. My mom wasn't easily fooled. But she agreed anyways and didn't question it any further After I told her Adam was busy these days he's almost never home.

"I know something is up, so I won't push it too much I'll be home in a few minutes." She said before hanging up. I sighed in relief usually my mother would howl me down with questions, but she never liked Adam she of all people was present and witnessed my struggle in raising Junior alone while Adam went MIA. She was forcing herself to agree with our relationship for the sake of Junior.

After we packed up Juniors belongings I told him we would be staying with grandma for a while because she was alone all the time. "But what about daddy wont he be lonely too.?" The little fella said. Causing me to ponder before answering. " daddy is busy working. He will see us every time he is free." I came up with that excuse. Junior just nodded. Sofia had ordered a big van taxi to pack up the rest. Sofia's Car was a sports car that didn't have much space to begin with. It was a very sexy red-hot breath-taking Lamborghini. I started loading my stuff in my car, my first car that I owned previous Adam. "you know taking his car won't be such a bad thing, your car is a little…. You know… from the stone ages." She said making a screwed face. "no, I don't want to take it, I want out of this relationship without anything he gave me." I said, and she understood. We walked in the house and Sofia helped me write a letter to Adam. I briefed Sofia about Adam an I's past, so she told me word for word what to write because I didn't know how to word my feelings.


If you are reading this then we are gone. Junior I have decided to move out and give you the space you need. The years you have spent away hasn't given you any wisdom and you clearly have a lot of growing up to do. Maybe you're still young and not prepared to be a family man. I have made every possible excuse for your actions, but I can't defend it anymore there is no excuse for hurting someone that loved you unconditionally. But don't worry You are free now from any baggage we may be to you be so, enjoy your life of being the bachelor you desperately miss. I won't hold you back anymore. I did love you believe me I did, but you were too blind to see what I had to offer. I'm doing what's best for me and more importantly I'm doing what's best for my son. This is the end of us so farewell. I wish you a happy life." I placed my engagement ring on the note and we walked out. Sofia and I stood in front of the house I locked the door and placed the keys in the mailbox.

"Are you ready to say goodbye to your old life." She asked me. I turned to look at the house one last time before smiling and nodding at her. We walked away and drove to my mom's place. To say I was nervous would be the biggest understatement. I arrived at moms and she welcomed Junior with a hug. She glared at the beautiful woman beside me with a raised eyebrow.

"Mom this is Sofia she's the friend I told you about that got me the job." I introduced. My moms' lips curved to a smile and greeted her with a hug. "Its nice to meet you Sofia. Thank you for looking after my Honey." my mother thanked.

"No ma'am its Honey that has been good to me I'm glad I had met such a good friend." Sofia said holding my hand and squeezed it gently. I smiled at her. In truthfully I was the one fortunate enough to have met her. After Sofia helped us get settled her and Justin left. She said she would call me later to chat about work tomorrow. My mom and Junior sat to watch a movie. i noticed my mothers cell phone on the kitchen counter and knew Adam would call her if he couldn't reach me so i slowly took the phone and blocked Adam's number. i placed it back and went to the bedroom. i pushed thoughts of Adam aside and was wondering what I should wear for my first day tomorrow. I was excited and nervous at the Same time. After hours of deciding I finally settled on a pair of Jeans and a black sweater. I didn't have anything fancy like everyone else at the office but better then everything else I owned.

Adam's (P.O.V)

I walked through the door late at night stressed from constant meetings and album signings. The house was quite they must be sleeping. I can't believe Honey saw me today with Scarlett she wasn't supposed to know not yet at least. I was planning on telling her soon anyway, but this was the worst way she could have found out. I walked in the kitchen and there was food cooked and placed neatly ready for me. I smiled to himself knowing she thought about me. I feel terrible for treating her badly these days, I don't want to be like this towards her but I'm dealing with so much stress and I can't face her after all that I have done. I ran my hand through my hair as I walked towards the stairs. I wanted to give Junior a kiss while he slept like I always did when I got home. I noticed Adam Jr.'s bed was empty. His stuff was gone "what's going on did she move him to another room?" I said to myself in curiosity. I looked in the spare bedrooms and found nothing they were all also empty all of Honey's clothes and stuff were gone. I ran downstairs in a panic searching every inch of the house I sat down to think but noticed a note on the table with Honeys engagement ring sitting on top. I quickly grabbed the note and unfolded it. and began to read it. I held my eyes wide open as I scanned the note. I threw the note back on the table and ran out the front door I jumped in my car and quickly called her phone, but no answer It was late at night she was most definitely asleep by now.

I called again and again and still no answer. I stopped car and wondered where she could be. I didn't have her friend Demi's number, nor did her mother answer I ruffled my hair in frustration. And punched the car steering wheel in anger.

"Fuck!" I shouted. I knew it was too late in the night to do anything, so I left it alone for the night. She just needed time to calm down she will be back soon. Honey was always forgiving.


Honey's (P.O.V)

Morning came, and I got ready for my first day of work. I was so thankful my mother was here to take Adam Jr. to school I didn't have to worry and could just focus on myself. I looked at my phone and was shocked at the amount of missed calls from Adam. My heart sank when I saw there was almost 20 missed calls. He must have read the note I left him when he got home last night. Why did feel guilty all of a sudden. My heart hurt but there was no going back on my word. I had to keep moving forward. He didn't care when he hurt me why would I care about him now?

I walked out the door optimistic about my first day at Mystro Inc.

Arriving at the building I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Breath honey just breath you can do this." I whispered to myself. I pushed the big glass doors open and stood in the massive spacious lobby. The security guard immediately came up to me asking what I needed. I pointed in the direction of the main reception. "I'm the new receptionist today's my first day." I explained nervously. He looked me up down the large man stepped aside before giving me access to the reception. I walked toward the desk and the lady that threw my resume stared at me in annoyance. "Miss if you have not received a call I'm sorry your application has not gone through they are not interested in you." She said turning away from me continued doing her work. I didn't move or say anything. She looked back at me and sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"Look I don't have time to entertain you if you don't have any business here please leave." She lifted her hand at the security guard as she pointed at me. The massive man walked towards our direction and before I knew it he was right behind me his deep voice rang out. "Is there a problem miss?" He asked with authority. "Can you please escort this woman out she is rather annoying." She said to him with attitude all over her face. "Ma'am please follow me out." He gestured me to the doors. "I'm here for work I got the reception job." i Said looking at the woman. "Can you please let this woman know her resume was rejected.. please toss her out I'm pretty busy and she's bothering me." She looked at the security guard with a pleading look and he started to blush then his cold eyes landed on me.

"Don't make this anymore troublesome miss, please follow me." His attituded was completely different when speaking to me then the woman. "But I'm not lying please call your HR let him know Honey Daniels is here." I said to the woman.

"Look get lost your making a fuss no one hired you ok!" She shouted at me catching the attention of everyone in the lobby other security guards came as well to see what the fuss was about. The man grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the desk with force. I was embarrassed I was being treated like some criminal robbing a bank. I hung my head in shame and followed the man submissively. Then a sharp clear voice spoke catching the attention of everyone present.

"What is the meaning of this?" The sudden voice rang with authority causing the security guard to release my arm in shock as he froze.