Chapter 48

Honey's (P.O.V)

Everyone's heads turned in the direction of the voice. A man stood at the top level of the building as he ascended down the escalator "Mr. Parks. This woman is causing A ruckus we were just kicking her out." The Admin woman said as she stood up and walked towards him. "This woman is Honey Daniel's whom I have been waiting for. Is this how you treat our new recruits?" The man stated causing the woman to slightly tumble but caught her self. And respond with shaken words. "No sir this woman had claimed she had gotten a job when she just applied yesterday her resume hasn't even reached you yet, I was just doing my job.' She defended. "But you threw her resume in the garbage of course it couldn't reach Mr. Parks." A woman spoke walking behind Mr. Parks. It was Sofia, I was so happy to see her.

"Luckily I had emailed him a copy that is why she is here today." Sofia added.

And the woman was pale as a ghost as if every ounce of life had left her body. She stood their dumbfounded. "I swear I didn't. I placed it in the pile with all the other resumes Miss Sofia believe me." She defended as if pleading for her life. "we have cameras in place for a reason shall we show you the footage?" Sofia said with a smirk. "this must me a misunderstanding." The woman cried. "That's enough Trista pack your stuff and leave immediately you are dismissed." Mr. Parks lifted his had shushing the chatting crowd that gathered.

She placed her hand over her mouth in shock. "But I didn't do anything wrong!" She screamed. "I don't want untrustworthy people to represent us. Your actions today have proven your character." He was a small man, but he held such fury in his eyes. He was young no older than thirty but carried himself in a very mature matter as if he was twice his age. Trista started to cry she was embarrassed as she glanced at everyone around. "Wow, who knew Trista could be so evil." A woman from the crowd spoke up.

"and to think I wanted to be friends with such a shameless woman." Another added and so everyone was talking bad about her. Trista was not an idiot she ran back to the desk and grabbed her purse and jacket as she raced out the front doors.

"If everyone one here has nothing better to do then you too can join her, if not then get back to work." Mr. Parks roared through out the lobby and everyone quickly scattered. His eyes landed on me that fierce eyes softened. " Miss Daniels what a pleasure to have you join our team please follow me." He said shaking my hand and turned up the escalator. I looked at Sofia with shocked eyes but all she did was smile at me. She waved at me and then she was out of sight. I followed Mr. Parks to his office. It was much bigger than Sofia's office it was decorated with plants pictures of cats there was the same cat all over his office there was even a painting of his cat wearing a crown. He must love his cat to have pictures of it like some cat model. I fought the urge to laugh. "Miss Daniels please have a seat." He pointed at the empty chair in front of his desk. "Would you like me to get you something to drink?" he offered. "No thank you that's alright." I refused. "Than how about something to eat we have some snacks if that is what you prefer." He offered once more. "That's alright I've had a large breakfast thank you" I refused again. He sat in his large chair and opened a folder on his desk.

"So, you have been referred by Sofia who is an outstanding employee here so there was no way I could refuse her...please tell me about yourself I would like to know the kind of person that Sofia is willing to help." He asked, and I was I little shy, I've never been interviewed before ive worked in restaurants and even janitorial work all i did was fill out the application, and hired on the spot, cleaning tables or mopping floors. this was totally out of my element i didnt know but to say but I started talking anyway. . "I will be honest with you sir, I don't have much office experience and I've never worked for a large company like this. But I can tell you I am a hard worker and willing to learn. I have a son at home who relies on me. I've given every job I've had my one hundred percent and I promise I will work hard to do my best." I said truthfully. I known Sofia would probably slap her forehead if she heard me say this, but I can't lie I've never been a good liar. Mr. Parks stared at me long and hard his arched eyebrows made him look scary. I knew he was going to throw me out for wasting his time. He just fired a girl for my sake and here I was useless. His thin lips curved to a smile slightly startling me. "Excellent I can see why she has recommended you, you are an honest person it's one thing I value over anything and that's honestly. I'm very pleased with what you have said just now." He suddenly stood up and went to grab a badge with my name and position on it. "Put this on lucky for you a new position has just opened up fifteen minutes ago." fifteen minutes ago? don't tell me he was giving me Trista's position. This man was cruel. He fired her because of me now he was giving her position to me. I would hate to be on this guy bad side. He led me back to the front desk and there was another woman sitting in the chair. She smiled and greeted us. "Honey this is Tammy, she will be training you for a week then you should be good on your own." He said then walked away without saying another word. I wanted to thank him, but he was gone.

"Its nice to meet you. Hope we can get along." The girl smiled at me. She was innocent looking. Black hair to her shoulder with bangs over her forehead. "Me too my name is Honey." I introduced my self then took the seat next to her. Just as she was speaking my phone suddenly rang. I looked at it and my face ran cold. I began to sweat when I read the caller ID Adam Hayes. I silenced it and gave the girl my full undivided attention. She continued explaining the procedure but stopped when my phone rang again. "You can take that I'll wait. You can step outside if it's important." Tammy suggested. I looked at her apologetically and walked out the front doors. I know Adam too well he won't stop calling me until I answer.

"What!?" I answer surprised in my own tone.


He didn't say a word. He must be pissed. "Where are you?" He sounded surprisingly calm, but His deep voice sounded so good that it sent waves of shock through my body. I mustn't give in, I bit by lower lip before answering him. "It doesn't concern you what do you want from me." I spoke harshly not holding back my attitude one bit. "It concerns me when you have my son.. where are you we need to talk." He said as his tone grew with anger. I could already imagine the look he had on his face. "You have a son? Really last I checked the famous Dark scorpion denied having any kids." Sarcasm was very clear in my tone. He didn't reply how could he. He knows very well what he said that day on the radio station. "Where are you I need to speak to you in person?" He finally asked this time his words softened more.

"Adam things will never be like they were back then. Let's just end this for the sake of Junior." I softened up not in the mood to argue. "I want to be in my son's life Honey."

"You sure have a nice way of showing it, you're never home, you break countless promises, do you even know how gifted he is…the faces he makes when happy or sad? the little twinkle in his eyes when he looks at highly he speaks of you? ....I bet you don't even know what his favour color is or favorite food.... I can't do this right now-"

"I want to know I want to know everything about him." he Said with a crack in his voice as if his emotions broke for a slight second before hiding it again, but I caught it I felt his break that second.

"Its too late goodbye." I said and hung up. I turned my cell phone off and went back to work I hid my anger back with a smile as I walked toward the desk. Tammy spend hours explaining everything to me. I wrote down almost everything she was saying paying close attention not to miss anything. she explained how my main job was answering calls and taking important notes filing and faxing all in coming and out going messages. I would photo copy files marked with a red "D" and scan a copy to Devon Daniels. I had to be careful when handling his files anything that had a blue seal had to be taken to him personally in his office and not opened it was not allowed to be given to anyone else either. There was so much Information I could barely keep up. "Oh my God what luck Mr. Daniel's is heading our way she poked me with her elbow. I followed her eyes and saw the handsome man walking towards our desk. I felt my throat suddenly got dry remembering the countless embarrassing encounters with him. He stood before us and his cologne creeped its way into my nostrils. Man did he ever smell good. His scent was different than Adam's. Adam's was sweet with hint of fresh Irish spring to it.

Devon's was musky and yet very intoxicating. I couldn't get enough. "Mr. Daniels what can I help you with?" Tammy asked with obvious flirtation in her tone. She changed once she saw this man approaching and became a seductive person. Not Bubbly like a minute ago but serious now. "Why haven't the files been delivered to me this morning where is that other girl?" He looked mad and didn't even acknowledge my existence. As if I was empty space. "I'm sorry sir Trista no longer works with us I'm training our new hire in Trista's position I didn't have time to drop it off sir." She explained with clear fear in her eyes.

"I am not interested in your excuses if you value your job you will not repeat your mistakes. Let this be a warning." He said before grabbing a few files off our desk and stormed off. I released a breath I didn't realize in was holding. "He's scary." I said lowly surprised she even heard me. "He can be when he's in a bad mood, and those days everyone knows it. He suffers from insomnia and nothing works he sees countless Doctors no one can identify his problem. he needs a hypnosis to hypnotize him to sleep. When he doesn't sleep he's super grouchy. I'm so glad he didn't fire me today." She explained and now I was terrified of the sleepless man. Last thing I want is to be on his bad side. I quickly wrote in my note pad. "Neve be late with Devon's files." I highlighted it, so I would never miss It. After a while Sofia came to my desk. She was smiling from ear to ear. Tammy changed again once she saw Sofia. "Miss Sofia what do I owe the pleasure." This girl was an obvious suck up. Sofia completely ignored her and grabbed my hand. "Come its lunchtime let's eat." She pulled me away causing Tammy to sit there with her mouth hung open.

We walked to the lunch room, forget lunch room this place looked like a fancy restaurant. There was chefs and waiters serving people that sat at white clothed tables. When I walked in everyone looked at me I could hear whispers about me and dirty looks.

"Why is she dressed like that?" I heard someone say I didn't know where that voice came but soon a flood of insults was thrown at me. "She works here? What a joke there no way Mr. Parks hired a street rat." Another insult towards me. I Ignored them and sat at an empty table with Sofia. I didn't have an appetite either everyone staring at me so hard and gossiping right to my face. "Sofia I'm sorry I'm not very hungry go ahead and eat without me I need to call my mom and check on Junior." I lied I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I think Sofia understood my feels and walked me out. "hey, don't let them get to you it was the same for me on my first day saying I fucked my way in, calling me a slut. If you ignore it then they will stop." She smiled at me with pity. "I'm not bothered, don't worry." I lied but it bothered the hell out of me. I went to the front desk and noticed Tammy sitting there still. "Why aren't you having lunch?" I asked her. "We aren't allowed to leave the front desk unintended." She said. "But it's fine I can always eat at the end of my shift. She shrugged her shoulders. "Go eat I'm not very hungry I'll watch the front until you're done." I offered I could see her eyes light up. "Can you really handle it for a bit?" She asked with excitement. "Of course, I just answer calls take messages how hard can it be?" I said confidently. She didn't hesitate and quickly stood up. "I'll be back in thirty minutes I promise, thank you." She said jogging towards the elevator.