Chapter 49

Honey's (P.O.V)

I sat in the chair waiting. No calls came in, so I decided to call my mom. "Hey mom how's everything?" I asked once she answered. "Good sweetie how's work are you having fun?" She asked. "Its great mom everyone's so nice I love it." I lied, everyone was rude with attitude minus Sofia and a few people everyone else sucked. "That's nice well Junior and I are going to the museum after he's off school. He's a little strange I asked him what he wanted to do, and he asked to go to a museum instead of an amusement park. He said he wanted to learn more about history." She said with a hint of amusement in her tone. " that's Junior for you he loves to learn. It's like he craves knowledge." I laughed then suddenly a deep voice came from the conference phone almost stopping my heart as I dropped my phone. "Bring me coffee." The voice rang through the lobby. It was Devon's voice. Was he talking to me? "Mom I got to go." I said hanging up. I looked around desperate for help. The security guard that tried tossing me out earlier looked at me with remorse. "Reception is also responsible for coffee runs." He simply said with a shy smile. If only he knew how he saved me just now. I nodded at him with gratitude. I jumped up looking around for coffee. I went up the stairs toward the cafeteria I looked around quickly as my eyes scanned the room my eyes landed on a coffee maker I ran over grabbed a mug from the cabinets and pouring a cup of coffee from the glass pot I added a little sugar and some cream. I didn't even realize the coffee was cold. I quickly walked out and made my way down the hall now I was lost; this building was huge how can I possibly know where his office was. "Shit!" I cursed to myself. I saw some people walking and I asked them where Devon's office was. They gave me odd looks before saying it was on the top floor of the building. The building had like 12 levels his was at the very top. They said his room was 1209, I thanked them and headed for the elevator. I waited for the elevator for a moment before I realize it wasn't moving and someone must have held it and wasn't letting go I Rushed to the stairs and made my way up. My heart was about to burst out of my chest when I was just passing the 10th floor. I haven't worked out in years. In high school I was an athlete playing volleyball and track. The current me couldn't even go up 12 flight of stairs. I finally reached the top and exhaled and I was hyperventilating rapidly trying to catch my breath, my heart was racing. I was sweating all over. This day can't get any worse.

I looked around, this floor of the building was unlike the rest. It was like a house a massive house. Expensive looking furniture and paintings and vintage sofa style with gold trimming. I walked over one of the rooms it was a huge office. I peaked my head in and noticed it was empty after a few more empty rooms I finally saw Devon's office. His office was the fanciest through out the building. The view in the window was amazing. Who knew the city could be this beautiful? This room was filled with plant so many plants exotic ones and beautiful flowers I've never seen before I was admiring the alluring plans and flours that I almost didn't notice a figure standing in front of the window with his back to me.

"Excuse me I brought you coffee." I said gently hoping I spoke correctly. He turned to me exposing his beautiful face the sun shone behind him making him look like an angel descending from heaven. I walked in and placed the coffee cup on his desk and quickly tried to retreat I couldn't stand being in his presence any longer he was too intimidating. "Wait." The sudden voice froze me in place. "What is this?" He asked. I didn't want to turn around, but did I have a choice. I turned around and looked at him my eyes locked with his. They were so sharp they priced through me. "C-coffee?" I asked in a question not understanding what he meant. "You think I would drink this?" He asked with anger. What was wrong with it? "I don't see why not." I said. He raised his eye brows in surprise like I said something unusual. "Why not?...would you drink something like this?" He asked me this time leaning back comfortably in his chair. He looked pissed Tammy warned me about him, yet I didn't listen.

"If I wanted coffee yes.. I don't see the problem." Why was I still talking I'm shooting my self with every word I say? He's already acting like all those embarrassing incidents never happed was I trying to push him to fire me on my first day? He paused and stared at me. "Not only is it cold it's in a mug. God knows where you got it from.. It probably has sugar in it and why do in see cream?" He asked looking at me I didn't respond but was shocked someone could be so picky there was no way this was happening right now. I looked around like this was some kind of a joke. Sofia must be pranking me. I started laughing at the thought of her jumping out saying "gotcha."

Once I saw the look on his face I stopped laughing. "I'm sorry I didn't think you were serious." I said. He looked shocked yet again. "What is your name?" He asked with a frown.

"My name is Honey." I answered him. "Honey you are new here, so I will let you off with a warning. Next time I ask for coffee you will have it on my desk in less then ten minutes just the way I like it." He threatened "and take this mess you call coffee off my desk." He said pulling out a spray bottle and napkin from his desk drawer. I nodded and clutched the cup and turned to leave. "Tell your friend Sofia if she hires another useless person she's fired." He called out to me as he sprayed and wiped his desk down. I walked out with clenched fists. What a jerk abusing his power. Having insomnia is no excuse be a total asshole. I hate this man the more and more I see him he just called me useless to my face. I walked back to reception desk and waited for Tammy to arrive she needed to tell me how this pampered princess liked his coffee.

Shortly after Sofia walked past my desk as she smiled at me. I waved my hand at her to come over. "what's up doll face." She asked leaning against my desk. "Why hasn't anyone told me princess Devon likes his coffee a certain way?" I asked her she laughed so hard. "Princess Devon that's a good one." She laughed some more. "Don't tell me you got him regular coffee from the cafeteria? Oh boy.... ok so Devon is kind of a germaphobe. He wont ever use our staff dishes, or washrooms the Janitors cleans and disinfect his office twice a day. He never shakes anyone hand no matter who and if he does he carries hand sanitizer with him. So, for you to take him a cup from here is too funny. He only drinks coffee from Pete's brewing coffee shop. Plus, he hates sugar and anything sweet. He drinks his coffee plain black. He also doesn't like the taste of cream or milk. He's complicated but once you get use to him he's a softy and a complete gentleman." She explained everything but what I was thinking of was him being a softy. He was far from that, he was not soft he was hard and cold as ice. "Are you kidding me Sofia do you know what he told me up stairs? He told me to tell you if you hire anymore useless people you're fired." I said with a dramatic tone.

Sofia just laughed some more. "Don't worry he can never fire me no matter how hard that little puppy barks he will never bite." She teased. And I was now even more confused. He was the son of the CEO the heir to the company and she was just a financial controller, in other words she was just a glorified accountant. How could he not have the power to fire her?

"Am I missing something here?" I asked.

She patted my shoulder. "In soon time my dear just focus on you." She said as she walked towards the escalator. Her skin-tight black dressed hugged her curves making it look like she was shaking her hips as she walked away. Soon after Tammy finally returned. She thanked me for doing such a good job that she had more confidence I wouldn't need a week to train. That made me happy but scared at the same time.

My shift was coming to an end. It was time for me to go home. Suddenly an older woman walked over tossing a huge pile off papers on our desk. Tammy's eyes went wide in terror.

"Scan each one to me individually and stamp today's date on them once that is complete create files for them and sort them in chronological order. This must be done today and put on my desk by sunrise." The woman said before walking away. Tammy started panicking. "This could take hours I have a date after work how can I get this done and make it on time for my date. Oh my God this cant be happening." She started getting teary eyed. I felt bad for her. I wouldn't want her stuck here while someone was waiting on her. "Don't worry I will get it done you can go ahead and leave, don't want you missing your date." I smiled at her. She lit up and hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad you came to work here you're my life saver Honey I owe you big time." She thanked. She grabbed her purse and quickly rushed out the doors. I watched everyone leave one by one Sofia being the last I told her I was leaving after a small task I lied I didn't want her to worry about me. The place was empty no one left just the night shift security. I called my mom letting her know I was working late. After I had hung up with her I cracked my fingers and got right to work. There were so many papers I started scanning the sheets one by one. After hours of that I started making Copies I had just a handful left. Suddenly my printer ran out or ink. I had no idea where they kept the ink cartridges either. I got up and looked around for another printer. Everyone's office was locked. I didn't want to explore this huge building I might get lost. I got up and remembered there was one on the 6th floor near Sofia's office. I took the elevator and notice this printer was also out of ink. Great what luck do I have. I remembered there was another printer on the 12th floor in Devon's main floor. No one's here so he wont mind if I use his printer. Its already dark out I need to get home soon. I arrived at the 12h floor. The lights were out so I slowly walked to the printer and started the copier as soon as it started going I heard a deep voice nearly startled me to death.

"Why are you still here?" I turned in the direction of the voice. I squinted my eyes to get a better look. There he was sitting on the sofa across from me.

Devon Daniels…