Chapter 50

Honey's (P.O.V)

It was so dark, so I assumed he had already gone home. How did I walk right past him and not notice his presence? He held a glass cup in his hand with an empty scotch bottle beside him, he was leaning sloppily in the sofa making him look messy with an unbuttoned loose collar and his tie hung around his neck. He was always so well put together seeing him like this was appalling. "Why are you here?" He repeated. "I'm just making copies. My printer ran out of ink." I answered. "Make your copies than leave." He said resting his head back against the sofa closing his eyes. I felt bad that he has insomnia what a way to suffer. Having a long day and not being able to rest at night must be terrible. No wonder he's an ass hole all the time, he handles it very well if he's just grouchy. I made the copies in a hurry since it was so awkward having him sit there. I peaked over at him and his arm was over his eyes. I think he finally fell asleep. But I wanted to make sure "Are you asleep?" I lowly whispered. "No." He answered. I flinched at his sudden answer, I pinched my lips and continued copying. I wonder how many days he hasn't slept. How did he even developed insomnias I wonder? I remember mom suffered from insomnia once when I was little. When my father left she was depressed and had trouble sleeping. No one could help her sleep, sleeping pills or anything. The cause was stress. One day she met a traveling hippy that was hitch hiking, my mother offered him a ride. The hippy suggested to her a deep body detox bath and shortly after she tried it she slept through out the night and most of the next day. I wonder if he's suffering from stress as well. Either way I'm sure it would work on him.

"Um.." I began then decided never mind there's no way, what if it Doesn't work and he thinks I'm a lunatic.

"What is it? " he asked. I didn't think he heard me, I might as well suggest the idea to him, what he does with the information is up to him.

"I heard you have insomnia...and you require a hypnosis to help you sleep.....why isn't he here tonight?" I know I'm getting out of line, but I was curious to know. "He's not in town." He answered softly. He sounded exhausted. "My mother had the same thing as you once. nothing helped but then she tried a detox bath to cleanse her body of harmful toxins and she hasn't had the problem ever since." I explained. I watched him lift his head and look in my direction. "What did you say? . what's a detox bath?" He asked with excitement as he straighten his posture in the sofa. I walked over to him and explained the ingredients that he needed for the bath. "You will first need to fill the bath tub with hot water. Then add Epsom salts, Essential oils, green tea, ginger, apples cider vinegar milk and honey. Then-"

"ginger? ...milk and honey? should i add lemon and start cooking myself?" he mocked interrupting my information i was generous enough to share with him. " if you would listed and not rudly interrupt i would like to finish." i stated sounding slightly sassy he didnt speak as dark as it was i could tell he was taken back. he must be desperate to let me off again with my attitude towards him. "my apologies continue." he softly said.

"you lay in it for 20 to 40 minutes soaking your entire body from neck down. After you are finished keep in mind to stand up slowing and carefully you might feel dizzy. Wash off with cold water. Make sure you drink plenty of water and don't eat immediately after or before your detox." I explained every detail to the best of my memory. He just stared at me catching each word like a little child listing to his teacher speak. "Are you certain this will work." He was skeptical but then let his guard down. He must be really desperate. "yes, it flushed toxin, reduces tress, improves sleep, improves muscle function, help treat cold, flu, and other sickness there are many benefits to detox bath". I spoke like I was some doctor. His face lit up slightly but when I blinked it was gone. The smile I saw a second ago was gone it was dark in his office It must have been my imagination. After that I told him I had to get back and finish my task. " no need go home for today. I'm heading out as well." He ordered but I knew Tammy would get in trouble when that old lady saw it wasn't done. As if he saw the hesitation in my eyes. "No one will give you trouble tomorrow you have my word." He stood up picking up his suit jacket throwing it on.

"I'm locking up let's go." I nodded and followed. We stood in the elevator in silence.

He was being so nice all of sudden made me wonder if he's an ass or nice. Who was Devon really? We arrived at the lobby and the security guards gave Devon a nod as we walked out of the building. I got in my car and saw him get in his very classy rolls Royce and drive off. I arrived home, Junior was already in bed and my mom was sound asleep on the couch in front of the TV. She must have fallen asleep watching tv. I put a blanket on her and crawled into bed with Junior today was such a hectic day a good rest is what I needed most. I was so glad that I completely forgot about Adam today I was so busy that I had no time to even think about him and the short conversation we had over the phone. I didn't dare turn my cell phone back on I knew he would keep calling.

I walked in the bathroom and soaked my body in a hot bubble bath. I closed my eyes and soon drifted into a dream, but I felt strange as if awake and sleeping at the same time. In the dream I could see Demi holding hands with Tasha at Demi's wedding. I've never met Tasha, but I dreamt her to look like Rose for some reason. and Chad stood tall and handsome at the end of the isle. "why are you here, who invited you?" Chad snarled at me in disgust. "you're so ugly. Leave you're not wanted" Demi's sister Amy said with attitude.

"She's my best friend now." Tasha said as she walked away with demi in hand. Demi didn't even turn to look at me. I didn't know why but I wanted to chase after them but no matter how much I ran I couldn't catch up. They looked like they were just walking slowly but I couldn't catch up.

"Honey." Adam's voice called out to me I turned around and saw Adam holding his hand out to me smiling. The same Adam I once knew, the young and cute Adam that was always happy to see me. I had a big smile on my face as I rushed in his arms and hugged him tightly. He kissed me softly holding on to my waist. "I've missed you Honey." His gentle voice rang in my ear. "I've missed you too Adam." I responded.

Suddenly his face turned dark with anger. The sunny sky turned dark as night and clouds covered the dark sky. he pushed me to the ground and started growing taller as his hair grew longer turning into the current Adam that held that cold expressionless face.

"Wont you ever learn we are not on the same level. I'm too famous to be seen with you." He turned around his broad back facing me. "Adam not you too. Please don't leave me alone." I cried tears falling down my cheeks. "Look at you...your disgusting to look at. How can I be seen with someone so ugly." His poisonous words pierce my heart. "Adam please.." I begged.

"Get lost." Those two words escaped his lips as he walked toward the beautiful Scarlett embracing her with a hug. He started kissing her passionately in front of me. She looked at me with a bewitching smile. Then suddenly i jumped out of the tub just before my head went under the water. I was trembling my legs felt numb and my body temperature was reaching a fever pitch. This nightmare was my reality, everyone I loved abandoned me. I looked at the time 4am. There's no way I can fall asleep now after such a bad dream. I went to the small cramped bedroom and crawled into bed and looked at Junior's sleeping face and my heart suddenly felt at ease calming me. Not everyone I love is gone I still have my dear mother and my precious baby boy. I sat there admiring every detail of his face his dark full head of hair, his pink lips, his perfect nose and long full eye lashes. I got out of the bed slowly not wanting to wake him. I had started preparing Junior lunch and laid out his clothes. Might as well get an early start in the day since I can't go back to sleep I quietly made breakfast not waking my mom either. I turned on my cell phone and I was shocked how many missed calls text messages and voice mails I had and almost all were Adam's and a few from Demi. They were the last two people I wanted to talk to right now not after that dream. I saw one message that caught my attention. It was Sofia. "Ready for your next step?" She sent. I was not ready at all she kept throwing these missions at me I don't know what's next. I looked at Demi's text message Demi: "call me back Tasha and I want to show you the dress she picked."

I frowned at the message. Remembering the dream, I just had. I closed hers leaving it on read and opened one of Adams message

Adam: "why are you doing this to me?"

Why was I doing this to him? Did he forget what he did to me? I was growing more and more angry as I looked at Adam and Demi's massages. I ignore them and responded to Sofia's. "I'm ready." I said out loud as I typed those two words. I was determined to continue this path of revenge. What ever little doubts I had before was now completely gone thanks to that dream I just had. I got dressed and left before Junior and my mom woke up. I still had a couple of hours before work. So, I Grabbed coffee and sat at a cafe pondering on my racing thoughts. Suddenly my phone rang I rolled my eyes thinking it was Adam again but to my surprise it was Sofia. I quickly answered. "So, you're a morning person too? I always start my day early it helps me prepare for my day." She said happily with out any care in the world "Not really I just had troubled sleeping is all." I said.

"where are you now?" She asked. I explained the cafe soon she was on her way to meet me. Shortly after she arrived in her high heels and blue short summer dress looking like some famous celebrity. Sofia always dressed amazing I envied that about her. She sat in the chair in front of me and ordered a coffee. The staff at the cafe kept looking at her and I wondering why such a well-dressed woman was talking to an ugly person like me. "So, let's get right to it shall we?" She placed her clutch on the table. Facing me with a serious look. "Your next task is a very tough one. And I'll give you one week to do it." She suddenly said looking at me with burning eyes. I swallowed the saliva in my mouth waiting for the hard task she was going to assign.

"I want you to become famous." She suddenly said without saying another word. The air was quiet the only sound I could ear was the background noise nothing more. She was joking right? Me famous? That was so comical I started laughing out loud. I couldn't stop laughing Sofia was really a funny person who knew? I stopped laughing when I saw she wasn't laughing or even smiling. "Sofia are you serious.!? How the hell can I be famous?" I almost shouted. " that's your task. I don't care how you do it this task is one you will have to accomplish all on your own. I can't help...but I will support you." She answered. I was more shocked then her first two tasks. This one was definitely impossible. "I have no talent what's so ever what can I do to be famous?" I asked. "You work for mystro Inc. the worlds largest entertainment company, you think I assigned your first task to get a job there for kicks and jokes? No way, use that opportunity to fine what you're good at. Working there is a quick access to search every department and figure out a way to be famous." She explained. "Yea but that can take months one week is not reasonable Sofia can't you extend the deadline a little more?" I asked. She shook her head before saying. "One week is more than enough time to find your talent." I thought long and hard no matter how much I thought about it this was just ridiculous. There no way I could be famous.

"It looks like I have to get going. I suggest you pick up Devon's coffee on your way to work. He likes a cup first thing when he arrives." She Advised. I watched her walk away everyone watching her as if they were mesmerised by her. I sat there for another hour alone this was her most ridiculous get revenge scheme I'm quitting this stupid idea of revenge my life was much less complicated before Adam came back and Sofia entered my life.