Chapter 51

Honey's (P.O.V)

I made my way to Pete's brewing coffee shop that Sofia mentioned to get Devon his black coffee and head to the office. I placed it on his desk that was empty. He must be ruining late. As I turned to walk away I bumped into someone Causing me to tumble back. I looked up and saw him and those unforgettable brown eyes. His faces looked refreshed and better than I remember. His eyes landed on the coffee I was sure he would complain it was cold or something. "I'm sorry I didn't see you. I'll leave now." I hung my head down and raced out. "Wait." He called out to me. His voice even sounded more energized than before. I didn't want to get shouted at first thing in the morning, so I kept walking pretending I didn't hear. I reached the main lobby and headed to my station I noticed the old lady that assigned us the task last night shouting at tammy. My heart wanted to leap out of my chest as I heard her insult Tammy.

" how can you be so useless now I have to do all this and leave my important jobs to wait." She shouted with spit flying out her thin wrinkled lips. Making her look scaring the veins on her necked popping out. Tammy looked so scared like a kitten curled up shaking. Tammy eyes landed on me an they grew with anger. I was scared but I walked towards them anyways. "Lori it was her she said she would do it and sent me home last night its Honeys fault." Tammy threw me under the bus. The woman turned to look at me with rage in her eyes as her nostrils faired. "You're are the incompetent fool that set me back? Do you realize what you have done?" She screamed and soon everyone came to take a look. I was terrified what can I say to calm her down? "I- uh I'm sorry.." I stuttered. "Sorry! You're sorry!.. as that all you can say-"

"Lori settle down she was busy with a task I assigned her." The saddle deep voice cut her off causing everyone including me to whip our heads in the direction of the Stern voice. "Mr. Daniels I'm sorry but this woman failed her duties and set me back now how can I do payroll?" She said still raging but respectfully. "Set you back?. Are you saying your tasks are more important than mine?" He narrowed his sharp eyes at her. She froze and stared as if all color left her body. "Of course, not sir but it's just I need to complete payroll today and.." she went cold as if she didn't know what else to say. "Please get back to work I don't have time for this." He turned and walked away and soon everyone started walking away. Lori still frozen in place. I felt bad for the old hag but serves her right to bully me. She soon came back to her senses then stormed off before giving me a venomous look. Tammy looked at me with a sorry expression. She had felt obviously guilty for what she just did. I didn't say anything but sat down and started working right away. "I'm sorry Honey I panicked when I saw you didn't finish. I had no idea Devon kept you busy." She said with remorse. I didn't blame her she trusted me to finish but I didn't. but for her to quickly jump to conclusions and offer me as sacrifice told me keep her at a distance and watch out for her. "there's no need to apologize." I turned my focus back to work. I started filing then I saw I file with a Blue label this was what needed to go to Devon's office hand delivered. I didn't want to see him, I looked at tammy "could you please deliver these to Devon for me please" I asked. She shook her head. No way he probably didn't sleep again last night I don't want to be fired Besides I have to finish that old witches work." She said in a joking manner. I gritted my teeth and made my way to the elevator. I got in and breathed in and out ready to face him. The elevator suddenly stopped on the 4th floor. The modeling floor for all contracted models and in walked in the toothpick I hates the most, Rose. She walked in with her high heels clicking on the freshly wax floors a pair of jean shorts and a white dress shirt. She looked great but those large sunglasses she is wearing was not working for her. It covers her small face plus she was indoor why was she wearing sunglasses? Such a dramatic little diva she was. She stood beside me not saying a word she looked upset for some reason knowing this girl she always had something rude to say when ever I saw her, she would have insulted me by now. I snuck a glance at her and noticed a bruise on her cheek and the corner of her eyes looked black and purples. I could even closer to see tears rolling down her cheeks. I wonder what happened to her. Now that I looked at her closer her hair was kind of messy and not that neatly combed shine she always had. She wasn't even wearing any makeup from what I can see. I was too hung up on Rose that I didn't even notice the elevator was going down. It stopped on the 6th floor and in walked Sofia looking elegant as ever. She was curvy and beautiful much better looking than Rose. As soon as she got in, the air in the room tensed up so thick I could feel the hair on my ends stand. Why did the atmosphere change so much? Rose was releasing an aura of danger and Sofia was that of killing any second. What shocked me was Sofia didn't even greet me she was kind of scary. It was the most awkward elevator ride ever. It got to the lobby when they both tried to get out at the same time but bumped shoulders. It was like hell broke lose. "Watch it bitch don't you see me leaving first." Rose said. Causing Sofia's face change to someone I didn't recognize. "Why don't you watch it stupid airhead." Sofia spat out. "your just jealous and fat." Rose said, and I covered my hand over my mouth in shock. Sofia was far from fat what is she talking about?

"jealous of who?" Sofia laughed. "Don't take your anger out on me you're last years news he doesn't love you anymore he never really loved you." Rose said causing me to widen my eyes. He? Who is this he she spoke of? "You think I care I gave him to you honey he is just using you for sex you dirty slut." Sofia said with danger written all over her. Rose bit her lower lip in anger. "You're just jealous he left you for me what a sad woman you are" Rose chuckled. "You're so dumb you mistake abuse for love. I wonder what you're hiding behind those sun glasses." It was now Sofia who laughed. Rose's nostrils flared I could see veins on her forehead pulsing. This was crazy why was I witnessing this feud between these two women for a man? I wanted to leave I knew I was seeing too much but it was like my curiosity had a mind of its own. My feet refused to move. "I'm saying this once you washed up hang. Get over Steve he will never go back to you no matter what using his money and name to get yourself a fancy life doesn't fix your ugly heart you cheated on him and killed his unborn child, so he went for me." Rose blurted out something I wasn't supposed to hear. Suddenly Sofia started laughing hysterically. It was a chilling laugh. "His Money, his house, his cars, his son, his whole life is in my hands Rose everything he owns is mine what can you do?" Sofia said with a bewitching smile. "Enjoy it while you can I will soon end it all. you and your bastard son will be on the street soon enough." Rose stormed off. Her healers clicking through the lobby with fury. She pushed poor Tammy aside who was just walking by.

Sofia turned and looked at me her eyes chilling to the core. I didn't dare say a word. "6 more days use your time wisely or quit now." She said walking away her tone was cold not the Sofia I grew to know. I was stunned and still frozen in place. the elevator doors behind me opened causing me to remember the file I had in my hand needed to go to Devon. I walked in and arrived on the 12th floor. I walked in his office and noticed him watering his plants. He must be a plant man I bet he gardens on his spare time. His sharp eyes locked with mine. "I uh... have folders to be delivered..." I said walking towards his desk and placed them down. "...and ...thank you for today." I thanked with my head held low. "Why thank me I told you no one can gave you trouble. I gave you my word." He smiled with pearl white teeth shining at me. it was as if all life flew out of my body threw my mouth as it hung wide open in awe. I've never seen him smile his mile was a million-dollar smile. His pink lips plump and moist. His strong chiselled jaw and his perfect eyes glared at me. I knew I was blushing by the heat I could feel in my cheeks. "Its me who should be thanking you." He said walking towards me. Every step he took was in sync with the beat of my heart. "I haven't slept like that in.." he paused and looked up with a squint in his eye. "Ever actually. Its been years. Thank you for that." He smiled again. What is it about his smile that kept sending daggers to my heart?

"It was n- nothing...something I just thought of I'm glad you had a good rest." I said shyly. I smiled at him awkwardly he was so warm and kind. If I compared him to yesterdays him i would say they are two different people. "Honey was it?" He suddenly asked. My mind went blank Devon remembered my name "that's right" I said lowly. " suits you." He said. Was it a compliment? It suited me? Was it because he thought I was dull and sticky looking or sweet and nice? I didn't think about it too much. "I'll get going now." I said on my heels to retreat. "Just a minute...if there is anything you need please let me know I will try to the best of my ability." He said with a gentle tone. I nodded and walked out. I reached the elevator and breathed out hard. Releasing a breath, I held I placed my hand over my racing heart. I guess Sofia was right about him being a nice guy after all. Then I suddenly remembered what Sofia said to me 6 more days then I should quit. I pinched my lips together.