Chapter 52

Honey's (P.O.V)

Now was a good chance to fully explore this place as best as I could and to explore my options quitting was out of the question. I stopped on the 4th floor the same floor Rose came from earlier. The floor was covered with all sorts of model's posters plastered around so many pretty women walking around it was so full and busy I could barley get around even though the place was huge so many people were running around made it hard to walk around. I entered one of the rooms and saw a very tall skinny woman in a swim suit in front of Camera behind her was a large beach background. The woman was beautiful chocolate dark skin complexation, long curly hair and a thin body to attract any man. I looked down at my body and knew right away modeling was not for me. Not only was I not skinny enough. I wasn't confident, poised enough like this woman. It was like she owned the room the way she carried herself. She was fierce and sexy, she posed seductively. The Camera man kept shouting compliment at her as they snapped pictures. I turned around to leave when I almost bumped into someone. It's like this has been happening quit frequently these days. A pair of strong arms held me keeping me steady I looked at the strange yet very familiar face. "Devon?" I said subconsciously. "The names Steve and who might you be?" He asked. "I'm sorry I'm the new receptionist at front desk." I explained I couldn't get over how much he looked like Devon a bit more mature looking. And attitude was much more different he was more sociable than Devon not to mention his wardrobe was way off. this man wore a casual dress shirt unbuttoned at the collar and a pair of jeans making him look sloppy his hair was messy and unkept. Devon always wore a sharp neat suit and always put together.

"Really is that so?.... this has Sofia written all over it…. interesting" He rubbed his chin as he looked at me up and down with a smirk. "Anyways that doesn't matter. Go fetch coffee for the meeting it starts in 20 min that should give you more than enough time." He dismissed with a waved hand. I nodded and watched him greet and kiss that beautiful model I saw a moment ago as he squeezed her buttocks. He was definitely nothing like Devon. I was confused why this man looked so much like Devon and bossed me around. I reached the lobby as I was about to leave Tammy called out to me. "Where are you going?"

"Some guy asked me to get coffee for a meeting." I explained. She nodded and got back to work. I was curious I had to know why he resembled Devon in looks. "There's this guy that looked a lot like Devon who is he?" I asked.

"Oh, you mean Steve. That's Devon's older brother a nut case and a disgrace to his father Harry Daniels. He's …never Mind." She shook her head as if saying something she shouldn't have said.

"What is it?" I asked. She pondered for a minute looked around making sure she could gossip without an audience. She leaned in for a whisper. "He's Sofia's ex- husband and he's Rose's new boyfriend." She said. With obvious pleasure in gossiping. I knew this was touchy due to the battle I witnessed today between Rose and Sofia I couldn't entertain this kind of news. "Oh well I got to go get that coffee meeting will start soon." I walked away pretending not to be interested. But that was a lie. I was so interested to know more, what happened between them? Was this the guy sofa got revenge on? And why Rose of people. but I just saw him kissing that model and caressed her booty. Did Sofia really cheat on him? So many questions needed answering. I reached the coffee shop and bought about 12 cups of coffee it was almost impossible to curry them all. I stacked the trays on top of each other and walked out. I could barely see in front of me. Thank God the doors were automatic. I was close to my car now the real struggle was how was I going to get my keys out of my pocked. I walked on the side walk missing my step causing me to fall and all the hot coffee dumped all over me and leaked on the streets it was hot so very hot. I shouted in pain it burned my chest and arms but thankfully nothing serious, but I was drenched. "Are you ok?" I heard a woman's voice I glanced up to only see a very beautiful woman in all white from sunglasses, hat, all the way down to her shoes was all white. She was like an angel "Honey?" a manly voice came from behind her and my eyes landed on all black clothes. It was Adam. It was instinct to hide my face. I was so humiliated. I didn't want him to see me like this. I was a mess. What ever happened to it being almost impossible to run it to celebrities, why was I always seeing these two?

"Dark do you know her?" The woman asked. When I took another look at her I noticed she was Scarlett. This keeps getting worse. Adam didn't respond to her he kept staring at me. I stood up and ran to my car I opened the driver's door but was grabbed by a strong hand. I turned around and looked at him with teary eyes. I want to cry from the embarrassment. "Why have you been ignoring me?" His deep voice shook with emotion. I averted my eyes away from his. It was so hard looking at him he was just too damn good looking how was it humanly possible to keep getting more and more attractive? I pulled my hand away from him hard. "Because there is no reason for you and i to talk anymore." I said to him.

"What are you talking about Honey what's gotten into you?"

"Adam wake up! How stupid do you think I am we are done and over for good this time. You moved on now let me do the same." I was now in tears thinking about Scarlett in his life. "I don't want this Honey this isn't what you think it is...." he paused as if wanting to say more. he reached for my arm once more.

"Is everything ok?" I voice said startling me. I looked and saw the handsome Devon. Stepping out of his rolls Royce and dashing suit. Adam narrowed his eyes at him as if he knew him. "Can we go somewhere to talk?" Adam tuned to me completely ignoring Devon. "No, I want you to leave me alone." I said harshly. I could see hurt in Adam's eyes. i tried pulling away but Adam held a string grip on my arm. "The lady would like you to leave her alone." Devon said and gave Adam an icy cold look. "This has nothing to do with you." Adam said. "This has everything to do with me. If my employee is being harassed how can I stand idle." Devon responded. "Employee?" Adam said looking back at me waiting for my response.

"I think it's very clear the lady is bothered by you. Please leave before things get messy." Devon said. Taking a step towards me. Why was this happening to me why couldn't everything go smoothly. live happily every after like I dreamed. "Honey tell him who I am." Adam asked me with a half smile. introduce him? as who? What did he want me to tell him? That he was the father of my child? my ex fiancé? or the man that broke my heart? I didn't say a word. The atmosphere was suffocating.

"Honey let's go." Devon broke me free of my agonizing thoughts. "Dark we really need to get going or we will be late." Scarlett's gentle voice rang from behind Adam. He ignored her and focused on me. She looked at me in confusion I know what she is thinking, and I don't blame her she was thinking how this plain Jane knows Dark Scorpion. If no one knew our history they would think Adam is crazy for speaking to me. She looked at Devon and her eyes grew big. "is that Devon Daniels? Amazing running into you I've always wanted to meet you." She started smiling but even Devon ignored her. "Honey tell him who i am." Adam repeated. i felt a lump in my through i was unable to speak.

" No need for introduction...i know who you are Dark Scorpion a lowly pop star that's caught up in the limeligh." Devon answered causing the atmosphere to thicken.

"is that so?...I've heard of you as well...spoiled rich boy living on Daddys money." Adam chuckled but his tone was clearly challanging. i knew Adam this was a disaster waiting to happen i had to stop this beforr things escalated. "Goodbye Adam." I said his name lowly so that only he could hear. I turned and walked with Devon towards his car. I got in and looked out the window noticing Adam still staring at the car as we drove off. His eyes held such hurt that I looked away not wanting to feel any worse than I did. I loved this guy with all my heart. It wasn't me who betrayed him, it was he who betrayed my love and trust. So why? Why did my heart feel so heavy?

"Are you ok?" Devon asked I didn't look at him, but I knew he was looking at me I could feel his gaze.

I just nodded. The whole care smelled of coffee from my drenched clothes. "If you don't mind me do you know Dark Scorpion?" His question caught me off guard. I couldn't tell him he was my everything once. "Its a long story." I simply said hoping he didn't ask any more questions.

He went silent and I was thankful of that, he drove without any of us saying a word. "Where are we going?" I asked when I noticed we past the way back to the office. "Taking you to change, you can't go back soaked in coffee can you?" He smiled at me. I felt a tug at my heart strings. He has no idea how he saved me from Adam today I was stuck but he came to my rescue.

He pulled in to a store and I didn't know why he took me to one of the most expensive stores in town. He could have just taken me home to change.

"Come on pick something from here then I'll take you back to the office." He said without giving me a chance to refused he stepped out and opened my side of the car for me like a true gentleman. I stepped out. "please take me home to change." I asked but he kept walking in the store ignoring me I followed him in the store. A woman dressed in a fancy dressed approached us with a huge smile towards Devon.

"Mr. Danial's what a pleasure to see you again. How may I assist you?" She asked.

"Help her find something suitable to her tastes." He Said gesturing to me.

The woman looked at me and her mouth twisted. She looked at my wet clothes and forced a smile. "of course. Please follow me miss" she walked away. I looked at Devon he nodded at me, so I followed her. She took me to the woman section and started picking out dresses. "Do you have any less fancy clothes like Jean's or maybe a t-shirt?" I asked. The woman looked at me with obvious attitude. She rolled her eyes as she put away the dressed" this isn't Wal-Mart we do not carry t-shirts and such clothing." She said to me. There was no way I was leaving here wearing a dress. "I don't want a dress." I explained to her. she once again rolled her eyes at me she picked out some Jean's baby blue color that still looked too fancy for me. But its was better than a dress. i looked at the brand of jeans and my jsw dropped "Stivela morela?" i asked more to my self in surprise that was such a huge brand.

She grabbed a very cute tank top and a blazer to go over. When I looked at the price tags my heart sank there's no way I could afford these. They were just simple looking why so damn expensive? She led me to changing room and handed me the clothes. I hesitated before taking them this was probably my salary for the year. I changed into them and looked at how they hugged my curves. I looked great no wonder they were so expensive I've never seen Jean's make my legs and ass look so great. It was like they were made for my body. I got out and the woman smiled as she analyzed me. "you have a nice body for a hobo." She complimented and insulted. I walked shyly towards the check out. Devon was leaning against the counter talking with another lady when he noticed me he looked at me with wide eyes and a smile.

I wrapped the blazer around myself nervously. "You look nice." He compliments. "Thank you." I said shyly. He took out his wallet and handed the clerk lady a black card.

"Wait I can pay for it!" Said with a slight shout.

"Its my treat." He smiled. The woman scanned his card. "I went ahead and threw out your old clothes." She said with another forced smile. This woman didn't like me for some reason.

I was mad she threw out my clothes, but I couldn't argue Devon just paid a fortune for this outfit. We left the store and back to his car. I wanted to thank him for today but why didn't i say anything? i was nervous. The drive was an awkward silent one. Devon was such a gentleman Sofia was right he wasn't so bad after all.

He drove to the under-ground parking of the office I had no idea this was even an underground parking. he parked his car on a stall marked just for him with his name on a plate plastered on the wall. I looked around so many beautiful cars park underground must be only important people who parked here. The rest of the staff parked outside in the parking lot.

"Thank you..." I said hesitantly as he turned off the car engine.

"No worries." He simply said we got in the elevator and I got off at the main lobby. He continued to his office. I was feeling so warm inside. I had a smile on my face the whole time.

"You look different." Tammy said trying to figure out what I changed about myself.

"I just changed." I said leaving out what Devon did for me. She shrugged and continued working. That's when a group of people exited the elevator men in business suits and woman. Amongst them was Steve Denials. I quickly hid my face remembering the coffee run I was supposed to do. He walked the group out and came to my desk I held a book in front of my face hiding from him "I can see you." He said with a teasing smile. "I will forgive you if you can do me a favor."He said with an arrogant smile.