Chapter 53

Honey's (P.O.V)

Tammy looked surprised as Steve spoke to me. "What is it?" I asked. Wondering what favour, he could possibly need from me. "Its simple don't worry you're not my type so you don't have to gave me that look." He Said with a smile when he noticed my skeptical glare. "its not anything ridiculous either. Just have Sofia call me." He explained.

How was I going to do that?

"Tell her its important and that I need to speak with her." he continued. "and if she doesn't call?" I asked weighing my options. "make sure she calls that is all." He turned to leave, and I was left confused. Was that an indirect threat or something. "How do know Steve?" Tammy asked. Finally speaking up after he left.

"I don't" I said plainly. "wow that's crazy Steve is the wild card of the Denials Family the black sheep I guess…I heard he's trouble watch out for him." she warned. He was Definity someone I needed to stay away from he carried drama and that drama was Rose.

I worked the rest of the day in peace. When it was time to go home I realized I left my car behind at the coffee shop. Tammy was already gone, and I needed a ride. I was so desperate to get away from Adam that I left my car too. I noticed Sofia walked out of the elevator I quickly ran to her. "I need a ride I left my car at the Pete's brewing coffee shop." I said with worry.

"No worries I can give you a lift." She said.

Thank God for Sofia.

I got in her car that was in underground parkade.

She didn't speak as we drove her mood was off since Rose today. I didn't dare ask her about it.

"I bet you're wondering about that incident today." She spoke breaking the silence.

"Huh? No, its none of my business." I responded.

"Its ok we are friends Honey I trust you. I will tell you everything, do you have any plans? let's get something to eat and you can tell me about your little shopping date with Devon." She winked at me. I whipped my head at her in shock. How did she know?

"I don't have plans and please don't joke about that." I said. She chuckled a little

We went to the same restaurant I saw Adam and Scarlett at, as usual these people like to eat fancy food why Was it always expensive places doesn't she know by now I'm poor?. This restaurant was one of those expensive restaurants I use to avoid. Even though I had all of Adam money I've never splurged or used any of it beside grocery or the necessities. I've never been a big spender and Adam never took me to any restaurant we never even had an official date even before he left.

We were greeted and seated at a nice table. I looked at the menu and was dazed why did the smallest thing cost more than my shoes. "order what ever you like, I recommend the lobster it's to die for they have the best lobster in town." Sofia said as if reading my thoughts, she knew I couldn't afford even a drink from here beside water. I felt like a charity case first Devon buys me clothes now Sofia is buying me food. I'm so hopeless.

"Can I start you off with a beverage ma'am?" I man dressed in a white dress shirt came asking Sofia. " I'll have Your finest wine please." Sofia said.

"Right away." the man said walking away ignoring my existence.

"Excuse me my friend hasn't ordered her drink." Sofia said with slight attitude. The man looked at me and made a confused looked. "I'm sorry I assumed she was your help." He said casually. I wasn't surprised at all. I'm used to people looking down on me. But someone referring to me as "the help" was a new one.

"She is my close friend I'd watch what you say if you consider your job." Sofia hissed.

"My apologies what can I get you?" He asked with hostility. As if I was annoying him.

"Just coke please." I asked shyly. I have a low alcohol tolerance, so I haven't been much of a drinker. It's like one sip and I'm gone. Demi and I experiment a while back after I had Junior and was about to go crazy thinking of Adam she suggested I drink my pain away. Demi was fine, but I didn't even remember how I got home, and I only had one cup. That was the first and last time I ever drank.

"So, tell me about today when you and Devon become so close?" She had a teasing smile. I started to blush..

"We haven't!... it was just a coincidence." I defended as if being accused of something I was surprised at my outburst and took it down a couple of notches.

"He just helped me is all." I said.

"Oh, is that so? Knowing Devon, he must have taken a liking to you. He's not the helping just anyone kind of guy." She smiled with amused eyes.

"So, tell me about this coincidence." She folded her fingers in both hand in question. As she mocked with a chuckle.

"I was ordered to grab coffee when I did I dumped it all over myself. And just then I ran into my ex and his girl friend. Devon helped me escape he took me to a store to change I couldn't go to the office soaked in coffee. So that it nothing exciting." I said making the story short. Sofia just looked at me with a smirk. " that all?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, nothing else." I said plainly. She didn't say anything but smile. "He likes you." She said catching me off guard.

"What? No way! We only just met." I defended again.

"He does, trust me I've known Devon for years I know when he shows interest that means he likes you."

"stop it look at him and look at me there's no way a guy like that could like me."

"Are you kidding you're beautiful you're face alone makes me jealous. And you managed to snatch Dark Scorpion so you're not so bad after all." I felt flushed being complimented so much.

"Yea and he left me in the dust." I reminded her.

"Oh, Honey he will soon realize what a diamond he lost when he picked up a rock instead." She held my hand warming my heart. I couldn't help smiling like a fool.

Soon our food arrived, and my mouth watered at the big red lobster in front of me. I don't even hesitate to crack it up and digging in.

"So what's going on with you and Rose." I dared to ask. Sofia took a bite of her lobster and wiped the corner of her mouth as she placed the fork down. Giving me her full attention.

"Where should I when I was in high school I met Devon at a juice bar I worked at and we became friends. Soon I met his brother Steve and we fell in love. Shortly after little Justin arrived. It was like a magical fairy tale. I had the man of my dreams who was wealthy. and beautiful son. After I reached 18 we got married, I was young and in love. I should have seen the signs but I ignored them After we got married Steve started to become abusive he would hit me when ever he was in a bad mood he cheated on me countless times with all my friends one of my friends even got pregnant it wasn't his child but when I found out the truth about another man being the father of the baby, she went and got an abortion she went and told Steve I pushed her down a flight of stairs so she lost the baby. she also lied about me cheating on him to hide her scandal soon everyone knew me as the cheating murderer who killed her baby. So, I didn't wait too long

Justin was just a baby when I left him. After that I filed for a divorce. The agreement was I got full custody of Justin plus half his financial earnings. I worked hard at Mystro Inc. To show them I'm not just the ex wife of one of the Denials family boys. Then he started telling everyone I cheated on him that's why we divorced trying to make it seem I was the cause of the divorce. And it gets worse, he told everyone Devon and I slept together. He was always jealous Devon and I were close friend, so he made that up to feel better about himself. he finally found out the truth about that freind and all the lies made about me....he started chasing after me begging for forgiveness but that ship has sailed and i am so over him. So, what happened between Rose and I.." she laughed before continuing. "She started dating him for a while now or should I say just sleeping with him. She was a coin chaser she tried Devon first, but he didn't show her any attention, so she hovered to Steve. Ever since than long story short, her and I haven't gotten along." She explained and the hole time I held my mouth open in awe what a crazy adventure. Who knew she went through all that she hid it so well. he was the one that cheated her and than lied about her. What a shameless man he is.

"Oh, that's right I completely forgot. Steve asked me to tell you to call him he wanted to speak with you." I said remember the favour he asked.

The corner of her mouth lifted to a side smile.

"And he still wont leave me alone. That's what I mean if you want the man to chase you make yourself worth chasing." She picked up her wine glass and gently placed it on her lips sipping the red liquid.

"enough of him, so tell me Honey how is your progress you have 5 more days left what have you found.?" She asked. Brushing her hair behind her shoulder.

"I haven't found anything yet. This is too hard to do I don't think I can do it." I said with panic.

"Don't worry I'm sure you will find your calling soon." She smiled.

"I think you and Devon would make a great item." She suddenly said causing me to choke on the soda I was drinking. "What are you saying?" I asked wide eyes.

"I'm just saying he's a great guy and you an amazing person I'm sure you two would be perfect for each other."

"No, we wouldn't you can stop already. That's not going to happen."

"It will happen and when the time comes I will say told you so." She laughed with a charm.

"Can we talk about something else please." I was becoming uncomfortable with the whole Devon talk.

"I'm glad he's interested in girls he was rumored to be gay." She said more to herself.

I couldn't help laugh. He is so pretty its no shocker if he was.

After dinner Sofia took me to the coffee shop I left my car. Once I got in I looked over the street that had dried coffee I spilt reminded me of the embarrassing moment with Adam. I shook my head and drove home. It made me think about my future what did I want to do? What was I good at? I got home, and as usual junior and mom were sleeping my mother was on the couch again. Why was she sleeping on the couch again? Then it clicked it was just a one-bedroom apartment she was letting us sleep on the bed. My heart ached just seeing her on the small uncomfortable sofa with a small blanket barely covering her legs. I needed to find a place and move out quick I couldn't torture my poor mother any more. She's already taking care of Junior for me while I work.

It was decided tomorrow I would find what I'm going to do and finish my task Sofia assigned the sooner the better.

I woke bright and early. Left to work to get a head start. I arrived at the office I noticed tammy was absent. She was always early. "Can I see you in my office?" Devon said suddenly walking past me. There was a crowded of people around my desk as well chatting and looking at me as if something terrible happened. I didn't like this feeling. I followed Devon to his office and the HR, Mr. Parks was also present as well. It made me uncomfortable and worried. What was going on? I sat in the empty seat. "Do you know why you are here Honey?" The HR asked. I felt a lump in my throat preventing me from speaking. I just shook my head.

"A very important file that was labeled with a blue sealed and not to be opened by anyone other than Devon has been opened. Do you know anything bout this.? The Mr. Park asked. I looked over at Devon who hasn't said a thing since I arrived but just started at me.

"I- l have no idea." I stuttered. "Is that so? Well that's not what Tammy said. She said you are new and still in training, but you have been here a few days you should know not to open any files labels blue. I will ask you again Honey…why did you open that file?" He said more harshly.