Chapter 54

Honey's (P.O.V)

"I swear I don't know what you're talking about I didn't open any files." I said with panic. "You still deny it? Please keep in mind Tammy has been fired this morning and if you continue to deny it your job is also on the line." He threatened. I was shaking confused and frustrated. Why was I being blamed for this? "I didn't do it please believe me." I cried. Mr. Parks just shook his head as if disappointed I looked at Devon whose eye were still on me cold as when I met him. "I guess you leave us no choice. Please pack your things you're dismissed." Mr. Parks stood up to leave. My heart raced sweat tickled down my back and forehead. I worked so hard how could I be fired so easily and to be framed. This was not right. Sofia would be so disappointed that I gave up so quickly my chance at revenge was slipping through my fingers I couldn't let it end this way there was no way I could go back after coming this far. I clenched my first tightly, I must be brave. "Wait!" I shouted. Mr. Parks stopped and turned to look at me.

"What proof do you have I opened that file?" I asked I stood up and looked him in the eye. He looked taken back as if shocked I dared step up to him. "What proof do we need? it was on your desk this morning opened." He said matter-of-factly."I didn't get here until before you dragged me in here. That file arrived before I did how can you say it was I who opened the file?" I said with rage in my eyes. Sofia worked hard to get me this job I didn't want to let her down by getting fired so soon. Devon's eyes glared at me as he smirked with amusement. "Honey that may be true but considering it was in your station and on your desk you must take responsibility." He stated. Also growing angry. I laughed at his accusation just because it was on my desk I had to take responsibility? What a joke. "You dare laugh in such a situate? you are in a mess, Honey you are only making matters worse for yourself." He huffed. "I'm laughing because you are a joke. To fire me for that reason alone is funny to me." I said surprised at my own respond where was this boldness coming from. I guess when pushed far enough even I can be sassy.

"My decision is final you are still in probationary I can fire you at any time I please. Goodbye." He turned to leave. "Mr. Parks…I believe Honey has prooven her innocent." The sudden voice shocked the both of us. "What innocent Mr. Daniels? what proof is there?" He asked with respect towards Devon. "Exactly, what proof is there that she opened the file?" Devon asked with a smirk. Mr. parks didn't say anything as if chocking on his own words. "If you do not have proof than leave both of you get back to work." Devon dismissed with a wave of a hand. Mr. Parks looked at me then stormed off. I was shocked he helped me again the third time he saved me. "Is there anything else?" He asked. "No.." I said. "Then leave I'm busy." He said without looking at me. he was typing in his computer. I left with a heavy heart I almost lost my job. I almost lost my chance at revenge given to me by Sofia. I got back to my desk noticed a slim fair skinned man staring at me as he walked towards me. "That was a close one hey?" He said with a nerdy chuckle. I looked at him puzzled.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked. "Mr. Parks can be a dandy man but once it involves breaking work rules he can be scary." He leaned on my desk casually. "I'm sorry who are you?" I finally asked.

"Pardon my rudeness. I'm Jeremy from IT. Nothing goes undetected on my watch so that whole meeting you just had I was watching." He laughed but I was confused.

"I know it wasn't you who opened that file." My eyes lit up with shock. "Do you know who it was?" I asked. "Of course, I do but I'm not telling." He sang intone. "ok fine you convinced me ill tell you…it was Lori from the Accounting department I guess that old lady wanted to frame you for humiliating her she should be gone by the end of the day." he laughed he was a total nut case. "But don't worry I caught it on those cameras and sent a copy to Devon before your little interrogation." He pointed to the camera in the corner of the ceiling behind me and the one in the lobby. I had no idea who this man was, but he saved me. " A thank you would be nice." He smiled at me.

"Oh, thank you but why?" I asked.

"I don't like to see someone being wrongfully accused. And besides I've been watching you for a while now you're an interesting person." He smiled again. Causing my body to be covered in goosebumps. He was watching me? How creepy is this guy? "Don't worry I'm not a stalker I'm just good at what I do computers are my life." He tried to explain but that didn't lessen the creepiness. "Well I'll get going remember to ask me if you need help with anything." He waved as he walked off.

That was the weirdest guy I've ever met but I was grateful for what he did.

I felt bad for tammy being fired if the real culprit was still here I had to keep my guard up. Maybe this might happen again. I've made a few enemies already I need to watch my steps

I spent a couple hours answering calls and papers. An older man came to my desk with a file of papers.

"Can you run this to the 3rd floor for me give it to Bradly Jackson." He asked placing the papers on my desk. I nodded as I collected the pile I made my way to the elevator I couldn't help looking at the camera ever since Jeremy said he's been watching me I've had this feeling eyes are on me all the time. I pressed the 3rd floor but then a woman called out "hold the elevator please. The woman walked in short and slender my eyes grew wide. She was the actress I've seen on TV her name was Sherry Moss was such an amazing actress. she was in one of my favorite soap operas she played the main character that starred along with Jerome the handsome male lead. I could feel my inner fan girl coming out.

I stared at her the whole time. I so badly wanted to take a picture but that would be weird. She got off on the 3rd floor I stood there star struck the doors were about to close when I came to. I quickly opened them and rushed out. I held the papers as my eyes wondered looking for Sherry I needed a picture, autograph or something. then I realized this was the floor for actors and actress. I was amazed at how many famous people were here.

I wanted to scream from excitement I saw one of the girls in ugly little lairs. This job had its perks and great ones at that. I felt the papers in my hand reminding me I was an employee with a job to do.

I looked for Bradly Jackson's office the place was huge, so I looked and looked when I came across a room and saw Jerome the Male lead on my favorite soap show that starred Sherry Moss. He was so much more handsome in person. I couldn't get my eyes off him. He was chatting with some guy when His eyes landed on me and my heart skipped a beat. "Can I help you with something?" He asked. "I was looking for Bradly Jackson." I managed to say.

"He's in a meeting right now he's in the conference room just go straight and turn left you can't miss it." He said bubbly. I was taken back he sounded very feminine. When I was about to leave he held the man's hands and kissed him. I was amazed I had no idea he was guy Jerome was gay? how come I've never heard of this? This was totally mind blowing. I left them and in the direction he gave me I came across the conference room and it was full of people they were in such a heated conversation I didn't want to disturb them. I stood at the door when someone noticed me.

Then all the heads turned to look at me. "M-Mr. Jackson I'm dropping off some papers for you." I said with shaken words. Not knowing who Bradly Jackson was. Then the oldest of the men said.

"Just leave it in my office." Without looking at me and flipped through the papers on the table. I was confused. I continued to stand there hoping he would tell me where his office was. "I said to take it to m- "He finally looked at me but to cut off his sentence. he stared at me removing his glasses with a serious look. It was awaked the way he stared at me. "What's your name?" He asked me out of the blue. "My name is Honey sir." I responded. Everyone else was whispering to each other wondering if the old had lost it. "Which department are you from how come I've never seen you?" He asked walking toward me. I subconsciously took a step back.

"I'm front reception I'm new sir." I explained. He was staring at me as if discovering a rare creature with amaze. I didn't like this feeling I wanted to leave right away. "Has anyone told you that you look a lot like Sandra Grey?" He asked. Then everyone in the room started at me and smiled. With oohs and aahs

"No." I said not having the slightest clue who Sandra Grey was.

"My Bradly, you sure have an eye for these things why didn't I see it?" A woman said.

They started conversing amongst each other. "Have you ever done acting before?" He asked. I shook my head. "My what a shame...if you may please come buy tomorrow for an audition." He said turning away and back to the crowd. Me, addition? This was insane. I left the papers at one of the admin desks and left. I immediately called Sofia to tell her what happened, but her phone was off. She must be busy. I went back to my desk when my cell phone rang it was an unknown number. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello is this Honey Daniel's?" an elderly woman voiced asked.

"Yes, who may this be?" I asked. "Miss Daniels my name is Hilda from Glady hill academy reminding you today is the meeting for your son's potential enrollment." The woman said. Then I remembers today was the meeting for that school I booked. I completely forgot. I looked at the time and it was in an hour. "Yes, miss could we reschedule please I'm at work at the moment." I explained. "I'm sorry but once a meeting is scheduled that is the only opportunity given to students we have hundreds of applicants daily if you choose to cancel please re apply next year." The woman said respectfully yet with hostility. There's no way I could pass up such an opportunity for Jr. Next year who knows what chances he can miss. "I'll try to make it." I said "Please do we are very busy next time do not make an appointment you cannot attend. Good day madam." She said before hanging.

She was rude. I stood up then wondered who was my supervisor? Who could I speak to? Sofia was still busy, and Mr. Parks was the last person to let me off work early. I picked up the phone and dialed Devon's extension. "What is it?" His sudden deep voice was so intimidating, it made me afraid to ask him. I hesitated for a moment. "Uh.." I couldn't ask I was scared.

"I'm busy stop fooling around and speak." He said with annoyance. I was now worried he would say no. He sounded agitated. "Its nothing I have some files for you." I lied. "That's it? Don't bother me with nonsense bring them up." He said then hung up. He was definitely in a bad mood he didn't sleep again I'm assuming. I need to find someone else to let me leave. I sat around wondered what I should do. Time was ticking, and I couldn't miss this meeting. I buried my head in my hands in frustration. "You ok?" I voiced called out. I looked up saw Jeremy the creepy computer freak.

"No I'm not." I whined. "What's wrong?" He asked with a teasing smile.

"You look amused by my misery." I said, " not amused just fascinated with you." He said. He's still creepy as ever. "I have a meeting with my sons' potential school in less than an hour and I'm stuck here." I said

"That sucks why not just leave." He said simply "Sure and be fired why not?" I said with sarcasm. "I'll cover for you don't worry you won't get fired." He assured. "No way! Parks already hates me I'm not risking it." I reminded. "Here take these to Devon for me and ask him, he will say yes after receiving these." He placed a file on my desk I looked at them. "Bidding numbers?" I read. "Yup, I collected data from the Stunning one Inc. for bidding on this new project. We have been trying to figure out their numbers, but I got them." He smiled with confidence.

"How did you manage that?" I asked. Stunning one Inc. was Adam's agency. He hacked their data system stole their numbers? How the hell did he do it? But for some reason I didn't feel bad for them I felt good about it I felt if stunning one Inc. failed so did Adam. "Let's just say I'm a computer genius now go on." He said.