Chapter 55

Honey's (P.O.V)

I stood up end collected the file and left for the elevator. I looked back at Jeremy giving him a smile of gratitude. I reached the 12th floor and walked in. I saw Devon was staring at the computer scream with tired eyes. His insomnia looked like It returned. His eyes fell on me and I could feel his stress. "What is it?" He asked coldly. "I have a file from IT to deliver." I said walking over to him. He took the files in his hand and started flipping through it briefly before tossing it aside. I was confused wouldn't he be happy receiving such a file. Yet he tossed it aside with little to no interest. "Um isn't that the bidding numbers you have been waiting for?" I asked my curiosity speaking before me. He looked at me causing me to stiffen. He leaned back in his chair without takin his eyes off me. "What do you know about bidding?" He asked as his lips curved to a wicket smirk.

"Not much but S.O.I is bidding those numbers shouldn't we try to match it?" I asked seriously. He laughed out loud. My body covered in goosebumps. I've never heard him laugh. It was calm and settle. I didn't know why he was laughing but I enjoyed it. "If we matched those numbers the Vendors will not bite. We have to go lower to catch the bait." He explained making me feel like the biggest idiot that had no idea what she was talking about. "Oh I see." Was I could say. "Either way we must take that contract from S.O.I deserves to crumble." I accidentally said without thinking. He started at me with amusement.

"Does it have something to do with Dark Scorpion?" He suddenly asked. I was shocked with the sudden name drop and that encounter they had last time wasn't pleasant. I didn't say anything. I looked away with embarrassment. "by your silence ill take that as a yes." He said with s raised eye brow. "I'm not going to ask your history with him nor do I really care. I'm just curious about one thing." He paused before continuing. "Is your affiliation with him going to affect Mystro?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me all amusement and jokes gone from his face. Why would he ask that? How was my relationship with him going to affect Mystro Inc.? "No." I murmured "Good now I won't hold back with crushing them." He gave me a chilling smile. I knew he didn't like Adam, but he was planning on taking down the whole company. I felt shivers from his wickedness. I couldn't let him do that I wanted to end Adam with my own hands. I wanted to taste that sweet revenge. "I can't let you do that." I said bluntly. He looked at me with slight shock as his eyes narrowed in on me. His eyes brows knitting together. "I plan to destroy Dark Scorpion myself please leave him to me." I stared back and met his gaze with fire.

His eyes scanned me for what seamed like hours. "How do you plan to do that?" He asked loosening up his features a bit. "I have my ways." I simply said. He smiled and nodded. "Adam Hayes is not of my concern." He turned back to his computer. But my eyes where glued on him. He knew Adam name. His full name at that. I was shocked. "You may leave." He said without looking at me. And not giving me the chance to respond. "I turned around still shocked but soon remembered why I even came up. "I need to leave for the day." I asked squeezing my hands together nervously. "What for?" He asked. "My sons' school." I said without getting into detail. He turned from the computers screen and back at me.

"You have a child?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yes." I answered. He paused and looked at me up and down. It was making me uncomfortable. "I didn't think you were married." He said. "I'm not!" I quickly shouted. For some reason he looked startled by my outburst. "I see so divorced then?" He asked.

"No, I was never married Engaged once but not anymore." I said remembering the beautiful ring Adam gave to me as he kneeled and proposed. I didn't want to think about it I didn't want to get emotional again. "Strange...ok you may leave." He turned back to his computer. I was dumbfounded what did he mean by that.

"Strange?" I repeated. "Call me old fashioned but I prefer love, marriage, then starting a family. Your way seams backwards." He bluntly said. I couldn't help getting upset. He was right though but his bluntness struck a nerve. "Well I was young and stupid I regret a lot of mistakes I've made in my life, but I will never regret my son. So, my backwards ways may be strange to you, but it was a blessing for me." I stormed off worried I might say too much and get myself fired. Junior was the best thing that happened to me. Even if his father was Adam Hayes. Junior was my only joy and ray of sunshine. He brightened my day no matter how dark, seeing his smile lights up my whole world.

I didn't dare look back at him I went back to my desk collected my things and left the office.

I headed towards Glady Hill Academy. My phone rang. I looked at the collar ID. It was Demi.

I've been ignoring her calls all week. She doesn't give up does she? "Hello?" I answered with hostility in my tone. "What is your problems these days?" She barked at me. "I have no problem why don't you just stop calling me leave me alone." I said coldly. "What have I done to you? we have been friends for years and now you suddenly become a bitch." She said.

"Demi you are so dense and selfish. Did you once think bout my feelings?" i was already upset with Devon now Demi was fuel to my fire.

"I've been nothing but good to you. You're just miserable these days and take it out on me." She shouted. "I'm not miserable you're just too busy to care. Always Chad this and Tasha that every time we talk." I explained. "Seriously are you jealous?" She asked with a laugh and it triggered hatred in me. "Jealous of what? What do you have that I want?" I asked. "I don't know maybe a man that didn't leave me for four years and loves me. A man that spends time with me. And friends maybe that's what." She said. I was now furious she would bring up Adam leaving me. She knew that was the worst time of my life when I was pregnant with junior I would break down every day in front of her. And for her to rub that in was too much. "How about you lose my number I don't needs a friend like you." I hissed. "Fine you miserable human go make friends and don't come to me crying when Adam hurts you again. Oh, wait he has left you again and this time for Scarlett hasn't he?" She hung up on me. And that was it. Every last feeling love and emotion I had for her disappeared. She was dead to me now. Add Demi to my Revenge hit list. I arrived at the school still shaken from anger at Demi. I tried to forget her I was about to meet with the principal of Glady Hill Academy. All anger and resentment I held slipped through my body as soon as I laid eyes on the school. It was so beautiful I never imagined a school like this existed. It was so big that it felt I had to walk a mile just to get to the entrance. I stepped in.

Such beautiful interior design. I saw kids walking by with the assistance of a teacher I felt butterflies flapping in my stomach just imagining Junior wearing the same uniform. It was the cutest thing seeing small kids dressed like adults, Cargo shorts the girls wore skirts a white buttoned shirt and a sweater fest with the school's crest logo on the left side of the vest. They wore ties making them so cute I wanted to scream.

I went into the principle's office. The admin lady was and older lady with a head of grey hair.

She looked at me with a gentile smile asking. "Are you miss Honey.?" I nodded at her. "Please proceed to the office down this hall it's the one to your left. Mrs. Ramble is expecting you." She pointed to a hall behind her desk. I carefully walked around her desk and down the hall. I read the name on the door.

"Principal J. Ramble." I knocked the door gently. "Come in." I grouchy voice called

I walked in and saw a woman sitting at her large desk with the window blinds behind her shut. Making the room slightly dim. A large book shelf and so many degrees and diplomas hung on her wall. I walked over to the slender woman. Her eyes landed on me with pointed edge glasses. her arched eye brows and thin long nose making her looked like wicked and evil. Her hair was in a tight bun, neatly not a single stand out of place she looked to be in her late 50s, but her hair was black as Coal, not a sight of grey. Her thin wrinkles lips opened to greet me. "Glad you made it. Have a seat." She said gesturing to the empty seat next to her desk. I quickly ran and sat down as if I was a student still in school. This woman frightened me. She didn't smile or even change her face expression. She started flipping through a file.