Chapter 56

Adams' (P.O.V)

Scarlett and I were seated in our seats assigned to use at the music award ceremony. I was being presented with a Grammy award. She wore a long elegant black dress and I wore a black tuxedo. Her designer suggested we match since all eyes was going to be on us. "are you ok you have been acting strange.? "She whispered in my ear. "I'm fine." I said to her not wanted to talk about my feelings with her. She might not know but this is a contractual relationship. I have no feelings for her nor will I ever touch her other than a peck on the lips for publicity. I felt a nudge and notice I was seated next to that annoying boy bad BTK I don't even know any of their names. "its an honor to meet you Dark we are huge fans." One said with his pink hair and gold glitter suit. I looked over at the rest of them all smiling at me. I slightly laughed with I noticed they all had gold glitter suits on. "thanks." I said turning my attention back to the stage where the host of the evening spoke. He was that comedian that everyone hated but I liked him he spoke about truth on his daily night show they say he insults celebrities but never crossed the line with me. His name was Jimmy Lane. "can we take a picture with you?" one of the BTK asked but I didn't respond to him "Dark I think Rain is speaking to you Scarlett said making this situation more annoying Rain must be the Pink haired one. "and the winner is." the hosted said unfolding the envelope in hand. "Dark Scorpion!" he shouted my name and I was saved from continuing this conversation. Everyone started clapping as I stood up Scarlett leaned to hug me, but I walked past her and made my way to the stage. I stood on stage shaking the comedian's hand and accepted the award It was my 7th awards I have won my songs was number 1 on the billboards 5 years running. "congratulations Dark you deserve this man I'm honored to be presenting this to you." He said handing wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "thank you this is an honor to win, I'm truly blessed. when I started my career, I've never imagined having the support I do today my fans have been my inspiration I push myself to the limit to be the best I can be, and this night proved my hard work played off thank you everyone." My peach was short and simple. Robyn wrote me a ridiculous speech and a long list of people I should thank but my fans are the only ones that deserve my thanks.

The ceremony continued but I didn't want to stick around and watch that stupid boy bad perform I came tonight, did what I had to do, and I wanted to leave. I left the night early and Scarlett didn't want to leave but she followed me anyways. "you can just stay you don't need to come with me." I said to her stepping into my car. "no, it was boring anyways. Where are we headed?" she asked

Slipping into the passenger side. "I'm taking you home." I said to her. I didn't want to spend any more time with her. The deal was public appearance nothing more. "how can you say that I can't go home when you look so handsome with that tuxedo on why don't you come over or I can go to your place." She said rubbing my cheek. I pushed her hand away. "I'm not in the mood." I started the engine of the car. "look I know you don't like me and only agreed to date me, so I would sign with Stunning one, but I really like you Dark a lot…" she started to cry reminding me of Honey my little cry baby. I felt terrible. Scarlett wasn't a bad person she was kind and never pushed me she respected my boundaries and never harassed me like Rose did. "don't cry." I said hoping she would stop but she kept crying. "I'm sorry I know that girl means something to you please don't deny it." She said looking at me with her teary blue eyes. Was she talking about Honey?

"what girl?" I asked. "the one we ran into that Day Devon was there…she's the same who was rumored to be your girlfriend." She said causing me looked at her shocked.

"don't be silly-"

"I'm not stupid I never forget a face and the way you chased her that day was more than a coincidence." She crossed her arms. She was good really good she only met Honey once and she knew so much already. "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. So just take me home please." She wiped away her tears and smudged her makeup making her look like a racoon. This wasn't fair to so many people I'm hurting too many innocent people. "I'm sorry can you please just play along." I said not facing her. "I know its not fair to you, but I just need you to play along…. just a little longer." I finally looked at her and saw she was smiling. I was taken back wondering if she lost it. "I just want you to be honest with me…if you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend, I don't mind but please tell me why? I know its not only for me to join stunning one there is more to the story isn't there.?" She said. "when the time comes, I will tell you everything." I smiled at her grateful she was mature and understanding. "if it is about that girl then I won't be mad. I know you have your reasons and I can't compete with history…" she sounded hurt. "thank you." I said and started driving.

I dropped her off at her house she stepped out of the car and stopped to look at me. "if she wasn't in the picture would I still have a chance?" she suddenly asked with hurt in her eyes. "you'd be just my type of girl." I answered truthfully. she may not have been my type at first, but she had an amazing personality. "goodnight Dark." She smiled at me with tears rolling down her cheek. "goodnight Scarlett." I said. And drove off.

I got home to the empty house that was once filled with love and laughter. My heart ached I missed my family I miss them, and I can't even get a hold of them anymore I need to see them but how? I went to the basement and started opening 3 bottles of harsh liquor and poured them down my throat. I need to clear my mind I need to numb the pain.


Honey's (P.O.V)

"Miss Daniel's our school ranges from ages 10 and above but we mad an exception for your son. If he is as gifted as his school says he is we will present him with an entrance exam. If your child passes with and average mark of 80 he will be accepted. I must advise you these exams are difficult for the average 10-year child. Once a child fails our exam they lose any opportunity to be accepted ever again. But we are a fair school and so if your son receives a 50-present considering his age he will be allowed to re apply next year. Do you have any questions?" She explained but all I could do was worry. What if junior failed and doesn't even get a 50-precent mark? I know junior is smart, but their test was difficult for a 10-year-old. I was nervous, but I have faith in him after all what's worse than trying your best. He's only 4 years old he has the rest of his life to study and enter a better school. "When can he take the exam? I asked confidently. She looked at me long and hard without saying anything she lifted one eye brow making the wrinkles on her face very visible.

"Your confident he will succeed?" She asked. "Of course, even if he doesn't that won't stop him from being a gifted boy." I assured her. I watched her wrinkled thin lips curve to a smile. I was kind of amazed how could someone look so bad smiling. It was weird there was so much of her wrinkles curled up her teeth looked dull grey like color with huge gums. It was like she wasn't comfortable smiling. No wonder she doesn't do it often. It creeped me out. "How admirable. Truly admirable my dear. Do you realize how many discouraged parents walk out these doors with lost hope after my intro and don't even bother allowing their child to take the exam? You are a splendid mother." She complimented, and I too started to smile. The one thing I loved to hear in the whole world was how I was a good mother. It fed my soul making me feel amazing. "I admire confidence the most." She winked at me and I felt chills again I know she liked me, but it was like a scary witch trying to be nice it was unsettling.

"Thank you." I said lowly. Her smile faded and her face back to the scary poker face.

"The exam will be taken tomorrow at noon if you have any plans cancel them. It will be for approximately 3 hours of testing reading level mathematic and writing comprehension. That's all for today thank you." She turned away from me and started writing in her note book. Was she done the meeting already? Was I to leave? I had no idea. I sat quietly waiting for her response she stopped and looked me. "That will be all." She muttered. I stood up quickly and left. I was off for the day and had time to kill. I looked at the time it was only in the after noon. Junior was still in school I called my mom to tell her about the good news of junior taking the exam. "Oh, Honey that's wonderful. But don't you think that is too much. He's just a child it might be too much pressure on him." She explained. "But mom he's smart why waste his talent at some normal school when we can expand his knowledge."

"I understand honey but what if he fails the exam wont that disappoint him and make him feel he's not good enough?"

"I know mom, but I think he will pass he's smarter than you think." I said "You're right but if he doesn't pass tell him it's not his fault that he did his best" he sounded worried. "Don't worry I will." I assured her. Once I got off the phone with her my phone rang. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was Adam. I hesitated and mentally prepared myself. I took a deep breath then answered. "What is it?" I asked with attitude. "Where are you?" He asked with a cold tone I wasn't surprised he always spoke to me this way. "Why what do you want?" I returned his tone. "Meet me at home." He said. "Your home or mine?" I said reminding him it was no longer my home. "Mine I need to see you." His tone was softer this time. "No, I don't want to see you... why can't you just leave me alone.?" I asked. "I can't do that can you please just come I just want to see you.... please." his voice slightly cracked with sadness. I had mixed emotions. I for some reason wanted to see him too. Not that I missed him. I just needed closure. I wanted to see what he wanted to say. "If you want to see me meet me at Ronald's." I said fiercely. Ronald was a restaurant close to his house it wasn't fancy it was a very basic public place. If he wanted to meet it was on my conditions and not hiding at his house. He didn't say anything, so I continued. "What? don't want to be seen in public with me?" I asked, "That's not it." He quickly defended. "Be there in 10." I demanded then hung up. I placed my hand on my racing heart. I was so mean to him. I didn't even let him respond yet I hung up I felt adrenaline being the one calling the shots. I drove to the restaurant it was closer to me than him but for some reason I saw he was already there waiting at a table. He wore dark sunglasses and a hoodie making him look like a suspicious bank robber. I rolled my eyes at his obvious disguise. Others my not recognized him but there's no way I can miss him. Even his posture was printed in my memory. I walked over and sat down. I didn't say anything but started at him. I placed my purse on the table in front of us. "our first date.... isn't that fascinating?" I said with sarcasm. And crossed my arms. He bit the corner of his lip and lowered his eye brows. It was hard to see hi expression behind those sunglasses. "Take off your glasses." I ordered.

"What?" He said surprised.

"Take them off I want to see your eyes when speaking to me." I demanded once more.

He frowned then obeyed his icy blue eyes gazed on me. I almost got lost in them. They were so bright and his long dark eye lashes fluttered. It's been so long since I looked into them. I felt a sick feeling, but I quickly hid my emotions. "What is it you wanted?" I asked. "How's Junior?" He asked. "He's fine what else?" I brushed off his question. He pinched his lips together and his eyes fluttered around. As if he had something to say. I raised an eyes brow showing my inpatients followed with a closed mouth sigh.

"How do you know that Devon guy what is he to you?" He asked. "If that's all you wanted to talk about you could have asked over the phone. Don't waste my time like this again." I stood up to leave but he grabbed my hand his warm hand held me tightly. I looked at him with an angry expression. "

"Wait please let me explain everything." He said with vulnerability on his face. The only time I've seen him like this is when he first spoke to me about his mother years ago. He looked hurt and helpless. I sat back down and pulled his hand away. "You have one minute I'm leaving." He sighed in frustration. I was loving every minute of it. It was his turn to be Rattled up. "Scarlett and I aren't really dating." He said but I started to laugh. He looked at me like I had gone crazy. "Really and how is that?" I asked with a smile. I leaned in close with my chin in my hand. Pretending to be amused. "You don't have to believe me but its the truth-"

"Stop right there." I said cutting him short. "That's all you need to say. To be honest I don't really care…real or fake I don't give a shit what's going on with you and Scarlett. I've made peace in my life. I'm done being the hidden girl of Dark Scorpion. I've only agreed to meet you today to let you know what ever we had is done. I've said this many time to you already, so this is the last and finale time. Goodbye Adam." I grabbed my bag and walked out. I opened my car door, but it was forced shut by Adam he stood in front of me towing over me. I looked at his eyes that held anger yet sadness. I didn't know what was going through his head, but I didn't want to know. "Move." I ordered. "Not until you tell me you don't love me anymore." The anger in his eyes was now completely gone just sadness remained. My stomach felt butterflies all over again when those words escaped his lips. "Move Adam I need to go." I was now shouting. Reaching for my car doors but he held it closed. "Say it and I will leave you alone." He said softly. "Move now!" I cried with tears escaping my eyes. Pushing his strong arms away. But he stood firm. "You can't say it can you?" He said with a smile on his pink lips. "I don't love you anymore!" I screamed as it echoed through the streets. I couldn't hear anything but then sound of my beating heart. I watched his smile break before my eyes it was like his heart was also shattering to pieces. He froze as his gaze stuck on me. I pushed him away and he stepped a side without taking his eyes off me. I got in the car wiping my tears away. I drove off looking in the rear-view mirror I saw he was still standing there looking at my car. With the same shocked look. Why do I care about his emotions but why did it hurt so much seeing him like that? As much as I hate to admit I still feel love for him it's hard to forget the old Adam I fell in love with. the kind caring Adam I once knew.