Chapter 57

Adam's (P.O.V)

I hated this house, this big depressing house that reminded me of the loving home it once was. My heart ached it felt as if it burst in my chest causing so much pain. "I don't love you anymore." Repeated in my head over and over again. Hearing those word coming out of the one I loved mouth was unbearable. How can I fix this mess I keep causing? Why am I so stupid if I just told her the truth from the beginning would she still walk out on me? If this is how I feel then she must have been hurt seeing me with Scarlett. "fuck!" I shouted throwing the empty bottle of liquor against the cabinets causing all the bottles to smash to the grown making a river of broken glass and liquor. There was a knock on the door I ran up the stairs hoping and wishing my family had returned. I reached for the door as my heart rate increased with joy. As soon as I opened the door my smile broke when I saw that wrinkled annoying face.

"yikes you're a mess anyways go get dressed we have so much that needs to be done." Robyn said walking past me. "look at this place you live in a dumpster boy where is the cleaner?...never mind ill send one over later now hurry up or we will be late." She said scanning her eyes around. "I'm not going anywhere Robyn leave me alone." I walked to the sofa and laid down.

"are you drunk? This early in the day?...are you crazy you knew about the commercial for your clothing was today now get upstairs, shower and get sobered up." She ordered but I ignored her placing my hand over my face. "what's the point I don't want to do this anymore." I said.

"look kid I know how hurt you are about that girl but believe me this will all be over soon." She sat on the sofa beside me. "you don't understand anything just leave." I was getting annoyed her selfishness. She didn't care about my happiness all she cared about was making money.

"I understand plenty son believe me your mother- "

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MY MOTHER!" I shouted. I was so sick of her pulling the mother card. She looked startled as she stared at me.

"get out of my house!" I sat up looking her in the eyes. "you're drunk so calm down drink some coffee to sober up we can still make it if we leave now." she stood up and walked in the kitchen to make coffee but I wasn't drunk not even close I was just fed up with this fake life I had to live to make everyone else happy. But I wasn't happy at all.

"I said get the fuck out of my house." I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door. "Adam I don't know what's gotten into you-" I slammed the door in her face after pushing her out. I locked the door and sat back down ignore her knocking and kicking the door. After ignoring her for an hour she finally left leaving me at peace. Now I need to work on getting my family back. I looked at the time noticing it was almost time to Pick up Junior from school. if this is what it takes to see my son then I have no choice. I quickly took a shower and changed into comfortable sweat pants and sweater and headed for the door.


Honey's (P.O.V)

I arrived home at my mother's apartment and she was not home. I was glad because I really needed some alone time. Time to myself to collect my thoughts. I ran a warm bath and soaked my entire body neck down. I rested my head against the rim of the tub and exhaled deeply. It felt good to relax for a moment this month has been a rollercoaster ride that I couldn't get off. I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I quickly reached for it and saw it was Sofia. "Hello?" I answered. "Sorry I haven't returned your call I've been crazy busy with work how are you?" She apologized. "I've been good it's been crazy for me too." I so badly wanted to tell her about my meeting with Adam today but didn't have the energy to explain. "Why did you leave early today? I've looked for you to have lunch Devon told me you had important business to take care of is everything ok?" She sounded worried. "I'm fine I had a meeting at Glady Hill academy for a potential entry for Adam Jr." I explained. "Glady Hill academy are you serious? Do you have any idea how amazing that is? That's the best school for gifted children I knew Adam could do it." She screamed nearly deafening me.

"He hasn't been accepted yet he has to take an exam tomorrow." I said. "He will ace that exam your boy is super smart." She said. "Thanks, but how will I get out of work tomorrow if I keep missing days I might get fired." I asked with worry. " this is an important opportunity for Junior you have to go but I can't cover for you Parks is pretty mad at you for humiliating him in front of Devon. Don't worry I will find someone to cover." She assured. And I felt so grateful to her. She saves me countless times. I can never repay her kindness. "So, there is 4 days left until your deadline. Have you found your talent yet?" She asked reminding me about these tasks she assigned me. I didn't even get a chance to fully explore Mystro and I'm already down to my last 4 days. "No not yet." I confessed with disappointment. "Well can you sing?" She asked. I laughed out loud at the thought of me singing. "Well in the shower I sound great, but Junior said I sounded like a chocking pigeon what ever that mean." I admitted. She started laughing. "Kids are too honest." She said. "Well what about modeling you have a great body for it." She added. "No way I don't feel comfortable half naked. Plus, I'm way too short." I said. She kept giving me ideas, but I reject them all. She was trying to help but her ideas where far fetched. "

"Well that's all I can think of so come up with something by the end of the week." She casually said.

"I know I will try." I sighed them rememberedthe audition i was asked to do i told her all about it she was overjoyed that this was my ace in the hole. "By the way its the devil birthday this weekend same as every year he is hosting a big party for himself want to come as my date?" She asked. "Who's the devil?" I asked. Remembering that's what I use to call Adam. "My ex he's so self observed he has to throw a huge party to honor his day and I can't not go because his son has to always be there." She laughed. "I don't know I've never been to a big party before." I admitted. "Oh, please don't make me go alone." She pleaded. She was lying she had plenty for friends to go with. She was miss popular at work. Reminding me of Demi's popularity but I agreed. After everything she had done for me that's the least I could do for her. "Great I'll pick you up then. Got to run back to work bye." She chirped like a bird as she hung up. I smile to myself. We just met but she was a good friend. I got out of the tub and changed in to my pajamas. My phone buzzed signaling I got a text. I looked at it and felt cold chills as I read Adam's name. I hesitated before opening. My thumb felt so heavy when I clicked it open. "You may hate me, but I will always love you. I never wanted to hurt you Honey" I read and almost dropped my phone. my mind shuffled like a scrambled egg. Why did he send me this was he toying with me? Just wen I wanted to get revenge he sends me a message like this. I placed the phone on the table not knowing how to respond. Was this all a big misunderstanding and I blew things way out of proportion? There's no way. He was fully kissing Scarlett that day at the cafe. And don't forget his radio interview. He acted like I was some stalker groupie. I rubbed my face in frustration. What should I do? I brushed that thought aside and it was time to pick up Junior from school and take him out. I haven't spent time with him these days I was too caught up with my self that I completely neglecting the little fella.

I called my mom telling her I was off work early that I would pick up Junior today and take him out. She agreed.

I tossed on some clothes and walked out. I got in my car and started the engine the car was old the engine screeched before making a roaring sound as It started. It was vibrating as I drove down the street as the exhaust pipe released clouds of black smoke. As I was driving Sofia texted me.

"I'm sorry girl I can't find anyone to cover." Shit now what was I going to do?