Chapter 58

Honey's (P.O.V)

I arrived at his school just as the bell rang signaling end of the class. All the students started greeting their parents I walked in and couldn't find junior I went to his class room that was empty and I saw his teacher sitting in front of her computer screen. "excuse me where is Junior?" I asked her. "his father picked him up a little early today." and I felt my knees shake and my stomach sank. "I'm sorry his father?" I asked just to make sure I was hearing right. "yes, his name was Adam Hayes. Junior was happy to see him as well." She smiled. I quickly rushed out of the school and sat in my car to make a call. Within the first ring Adam voice rang in my ear. "I'm glad you finally called me." I could imagine the smirk on his face. "where the hell is my son?" I said with rage. "he's here with me. Is there something wrong?" he asked. "are you serious why didn't you tell me you were taking him from school are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I screamed through the phone.

"calm down, he's my son too. I wanted to see him, but you keep him away from me." He was also raising his voice. "you don't have a son you made that vey clear now stop toying with my child." I shouted. He sighed deeply as if giving up the fight. "just let me have him for the night I promise to take him to school tomorrow." He said softly. "is that mommy can I say hi?" I heard Juniors little voice from the background softening my heart. "Mommy…guess what? Daddy took me to the Library I have my very own Library card now isn't that cool? He even got me a new chest set and I beat him two times." He laughed, and I couldn't help smiling at his enthusiasm. "mommy can I please stay here today I've missed daddy." He whined, and I couldn't say no. "can I talk to daddy baby?" I asked. "you heard the little guy he's missed me." Adam said with a chuckle. If only he knew how badly I wanted to strangle him through the phone. Then I remembered Juniors exam tomorrow. If I can get Adam to take him then I don't have to miss work. I can put him to use somehow. "fine he can stay with you tonight. But listen Adam, Tomorrow at 11am you will take Junior to Glady Hill Academy he will be taking an entrance exam." I explained. "Glady Hill? Isn't that the Smart School?" he asked. "yes, Junior was Accepted to take the entrance exam from a recommendation from his school if you were more present in his life you would have known." I said with attitude. "I'm sorry Honey I know I haven't been around, and I want to change that." he sounded sad. "its too late for that…if you want your son then do not disappoint me tomorrow." I said before hanging up I could hear he was saying something, but I hung up anyways.

i tried starting the engine of my car but it didn't start. I tried once more but still nothing then the engine screeched as I turned the key in the ignition.

"shit not now please don't die now." I said as I stepped out.

I opened the hood and noticed smoke coming out of the engine. I knew nothing about car but I'm sure this was more than a simple fix. I was stuck how was I going to get going with a broken car. Who cam I call for help. I took out my phone and called the only reliable person I knew. "Hey girl what's up?" Sofia answered. "My car broke down and I'm stuck at Juniors school can you help me out?" I asked. Hoping for a ray of hope. "I knew that old thing would give out on you one of these days." She laughed then continued. "I'm sorry girl I'm stuck at work give me a sec I'll send someone over to help." She said before hanging up. I got back in the car and waited for my savior. I sat quietly, I looked at the time hoping they would arrive soon I didn't want to waste the day away I wanted to go home and search online for ways to be famous I know that sounds funny but what choice do I have? Time was running out. My phone rang suddenly I looked at the unfamiliar number. I frowned hoping it wasn't Demi. I answered it with caution. "Hello?" I asked lowly. But the voice was strong and deep. "Honey Daniels?" The unfamiliar voice called. "Yes, who is this this?" I asked. Skeptically.

"I'm Brady Jackson, the director you spoke with earlier today. I'm sorry to call on such short notice but are you able to come in to the studio This evening for an audition?" He asked with a much calmer demeanor than before. I guess he's wasn't in as much stress as he was when I saw him today.

Before I could answer there was a knock on my window. I looked over and almost dropped the phone when I saw Devon standing by my car with his expensive looking suit. "Yes, sure I got to go now thank you." I said eager to hang up. I scrolled the window down to ask what he was doing here.

"Pop the hood." He said without looking at me. I quickly obeyed and stepped out of the car to follow him to the front of the car. He lifted the hood taking a look at the engine he fiddled with it. I had no idea what he was doing I knew nothing about cars. I watched him in silence examining him. He looked so good fixing my car. But it had me wonder how he knew I needed help. "Did Sofia send you? I'm sorry to bother you it wasn't my intentions" I asked lowly not trying to disturb him. "I was in the area when she called. It's no trouble." He said with his head in the engine. I stood behind him growing silent once more. He lifted his head standing straight. He pulled out his phone and walked away. I lifted my brow wondering if he had given up and decided to leave. He walked back moments later. "Get in my car there is a tow truck coming to take your car in." He briefly said. He started walking towards his car I sat in the back seat. "Get in the front." Devon suddenly ordered. I looked at him confused. "I'm not a cab driver." He said before starting the engine. I didn't want to sit in the front, but I can't refuse the man that just saved me I opened the passenger door and slipped in once I buckled up Devon drove the car. It was awkward being in his again I just wanted to get home and end this awkward moment. Devon didn't say anything his car smelled of his cologne and a light scent of cigarette mixed with that leather smell. Devon's phone rang he looked at the phone before answering it. "What is it?" Devon answered. "Where are you you're late for then engagement dinner." An elderly man spoke threw the car speaker. His phone was connecting to the cars blue tooth, so we could hear the conversation.

"I'm not coming I'm busy." Devon answered. "You are really testing my patience boy, what ever you have planned cancel it now I will stall them as long as I can." The older man spoke with anger. "Im not doing that. I've told you before. I'm not marrying her so stop wasting everyone's time." Devon was now angry I didn't want to listen this conversation it sounded private. "You fool, when will you learn the Flinn family has so much to offer our company? stop being so stubborn and come this instant." The old man huffed. "Im ending the call now." Devon said reaching for the end call button on the screen. "Devon I am your father If you-" click the line was dead. I looked out the window to avoid all awkwardness. Devon didn't say anything he just kept driving. He could have just answered that call in private. "I'm sorry about that." His sudden voice startled me. "No don't be sorry." was all I could say. His father sounded strict and scary. I Know it's none of my business but I'm a curious cat. Devon was getting married? I wonder Sofia knew this. Who ever that woman is she sure is lucky. Devon is quite uptight at times, but he was a great person. He's handsome successful and helpful. Suddenly the phone rang once more. I wondered if it was his father. I gripped my knees ready for another awkward phone call and a possible scolding. Devon looked at the caller I'd and just tossed his phone angrily into the space near gear stick. I snuck a look at his phone and read "Do not answer." I held back the urge to laugh. I wonder whose number he saved as "no not answer. " but that person didn't quit they called back several times before Devon grew annoyed and answer. "What?" he said Harshly. "Darling why aren't you answering my calls I've been so worried about you." A high-pitched girls voice rang through out the car. hearing Devon's bizarre calls was something I wish I didn't witness. "What do you want?" Devon asked. "I have been waiting for you to arrive for an hour now have you forgotten about today dinner? Your father keeps saying you are on your way, but my parents are not very happy." The woman said, and I was already annoyed by the tone of her voice and I've never even met her. "I never agreed to this dinner so I'm not coming." Devon said, and I looked at his face and he clearly read annoyed with his lowered eye brows. "You don't need to this Devon joining our family together is best for everyone." She said. "I'm not getting in this Michelle stop calling me I'm very busy." He hung up on her. It was back to the silence. We reached a red light he leaned back in his seat and sighed out loud and reached for his pack of cigarettes and slipped one out and placed it on his lips. He was about to light it then remembered I was in the car. He rolled down the window and tossed the cigarette out the car. He looked stressed and I'm sure I didn't make it any easier for him. "I'm sorry." I said lowly. "What for?" He asked not looking at me as he focused his attention on the road ahead. "I know you're busy I'm taking up your time. I wanted to take a taxi home, but I didn't have enough money." I admitted shamefully. He didn't say anything making me nervous. Maybe he was annoyed and was just being a gentleman about it. "Its like I said before. I was in the area...its no trouble my schedule is cleared for the day." He looked at me and I felt chills. He was so mature his brown eyes held a gentle sparkle in them. "Those phone call sounded important." I said knowing it wasn't in my place. "No, they are far from important. I should be thanking you or I would be stuck there." He smiled the light turned green and he turned his head back ahead. it sounded like the relationship between him and this Michelle was just one sided. He was not the least bit interested in her. "Your son got accepted into Glady Hill academy I heard." He asked with a side smile. Sofia has a mouth on her if I just told her the news recently. "Not yet he still needs to take his entrance exam." I explained. "That's still something. That's the school I graduated from when I was younger it's a great school he will love it." He said, and I looked at him in admiration. He must also be very smart since that school was for the gifted. I'm learning more and more about Devon the more time I spend with him. "That's amazing I'm glad to know it's a good school." I said. He stopped the car and I noticed we were right in front of my mom's apartment.