Chapter 59

Honey's (P.O.V)

"thank you for everything Devon I don't know how to repay you." I said stepping out of the car. "you're welcome." He simply said. He looked bothered, so I didn't say anymore. I waved at him as he drove off. I walked into the apartment and saw Demi and my mother sitting down having Tea. My blood boiled the minute I laid eyes on Demi's care free laughing face.

"Hi Honey, where is Junior?" my mother asked when she noticed my presence. "what are you doing here?" I said completely ignoring my mother and staring at Demi. "I came to see you since you ignored me for so long." She laughed making me look like the bad person. "Honey Demi says you haven't been very nice to her these days, is this true?" my mother said looking at me with worry. I was amazed at how she was flipping the whole thing on me. I laughed out loud. It was funny how malicious she was being.

"you're joking right get out before I throw you out." I threatened. "Honey that's no way of talking to your best friend. People argue and fight but why are you ending years of friendship for a little bickering?" my mother scolded. "Can we talk in private please?" Demi asked. "Talk about what? There is nothing to talk about now get the hell out?" I shouted there was no way I wanted to be her friend again after everything she did. "I will leave you two alone to talk stop being rude and let her explain." My mother said oblivious to everything. She stood up and grabbed her coat. "I need to get milk anyways we are all out and Junior loves his milk." My mother said and walked out. "can you please let me apologize I know what I did was wrong." Demi started to say. "we have been friends for so many years and it was unfair of me to not at least invite you to buy my dress and please forgive me for what I said about Adam I was just so mad at you I didn't know what to say." She started to cry "you say you are my friend, but friends don't treat friends like how you treated me." I said to her.

"I know Honey I'm begging for forgiveness, I was always there for you in your tough time of need don't forget that." She reminded, and I felt a tug on my heart string she was right about that. When I had no one, she was there for me. "I fucked up and I know it, but I need my befriend again." She cried. My mom was right I guess friends fight all the time I can't end our friendship due to an argument. "I just felt you where replacing me with Tasha." I admitted. "I could never do that you're my maid of honor no one gets that tittle but my bestie." She laughed giving me a hug. I couldn't help feeling terrible I jumped to conclusions on my own without even thinking about it. "I know my fashion sense suck but at least lie to me, don't say it straight up." I joked. We sat on the sofa drinking tea we talked about the whole Adam and Scarlett scandal how I ran into them at a restaurant. "wow I'm so sorry about that I had no idea he would be so shameless." Demi said. "yea so I guess I'm a single mother again." I said with a chuckle holing back my anger. I didn't bother telling her About Sofia or my Vendetta Plan. She wouldn't understand and besides Demi was Miss Loose Lips sometimes. She would tell everyone about my plot. My phone rang I saw an unknown number again. That's when I remembered that director Bradley. I was so caught up with Devon and my beat down car that I completely forgot about the audition. "Hello." I answered. "Hi Honey, this is Bradly's assistant reminding you about the audition are you still able to make it?" A woman asked. I hesitated I don't know what to do at an audition and why was he so interested in me anyways? "Sure." I answered.

"That's great, addition will be closing soon so please be at Mystro Inc building within the hour." Sure said. "Ok I will be there soon." I said as I hung up.

"Who was that?" Demi asked eating my moms hand made cookies. Demi might have lost weight and looked amazing, but she still loved food. "I have to go to a meeting I need to get going now." I said. "Meeting for what?" She asked with curiosity. I didn't tell her that I started working at Mystro Inc. either should make a big deal of it. "I might be getting a job at a restaurant." I lied to her. "That's awesome you need to start working Adam isn't going to spoil you anymore." She tasted but it was too soon for Adam jokes. "I need to lock up, so I'll walk you out." I said signaling I was leaving. " it's getting late anyways I have to meet with Chad's mom about planning the wedding anyways." She said as she stood up to grab her purse. I remembered I didn't have a car how was I going to get there. "Demi do you mind dropping me off my car is being serviced." I asked." No worries I'll drop you off I want to see the restaurant anyways." She commented. We got in her car it was a new car she bought last year it wasn't fancy, but it suited her. As we drove I was nervous how was I going to get her to drop me off at Mystro when I told her I was going to a restaurant for a meeting? "What restaurant is it?" She asked. "Um...its the one near Mystro." I said without thinking. "Mystro Inc.? You mean that fancy restaurant every celebrity goes to eat at?" She asked. " pays good." I lied again. "Wow good job girl maybe after the wedding I can apply and work with you." She laughed. I was chewing only finger nails as we approached the restaurant. Mystro was less than a block away if she left I could walk my way there. "Its so pretty how lucky are you." She commented as she pulled into the parking lot. "Where are you going?" I asked as she turned off the car. I want take a look inside who knows what celebrity is in there." She commented. My heart was now bounding against my chest. That's when her phone buzzed as she looked at it. "Darn it its Chad's mom she wants to meet now I'll call you later Honey." She said, and I sighed in relief. Saved yet again. "Thanks for the ride talk to you soon. " I stepped out and watched her drive off I walked in the restaurant and waited until her car was no longer visible. That's when I quickly turned around and ran towards Mystro building. I still had 20 minutes I could still make it on time for the audition. I finally made it with 10 minutes to spare. I walked in and made my way to the 9th floor it was where I first met Bradly. I noticed there was so many people waiting around in front of the theater room. It was a huge line, so I waited in the back. That's when the doors opened, and a woman walked out crying as her friends comforted her. "I didn't get it they said I didn't fit the role." I heard the woman cry to her friends. Then out walked a thin short woman with boy cut bleached blonde hair. "Next!." She shouted but her eyes landed on me. Just as another woman was headed towards her she put her hand up stopping her. "Wait, Honey please come in we have been waiting for you." She said, and everyone turned to look at me. I followed her in the room and I could feel everyone's eyes on me muttering insults at me. Once I was in saw a beautiful arts theater a massive stage with lights aiming. Bradly Jackson and a few people sitting in the judge's seats with cameras. "My dear you made it I'm so glad. Please right this way." Bradley said with a smile. As he gestured me to get on stage, I slowly walked up the steps and stood on stage the camera man aimed his camera at me. " may I see your resume and cover letter please?" The woman that called me in said. I had no idea what she was asking. "I don't have any." I said shyly. She made a screwed face and looked at Bradly. "Honey, has never auditioned in her life she is here because I asked here." Bradley said, and everyone looked confused. "Alright then can you preform a monologue please?" The woman asked again. "What is that?" I asked truthfully. the woman sighed in frustration. "Bradley is this some kind of a joke? This isn't the time for joke we need to start filming and you haven't even found a Sandra Grey yet." The woman hissed at Bradley and I was so nervous I started shaking. "There no joke Jennifer can you not see Honey is the only one that fits the role give her a chance." He defended. I was growing more and more anxious as everyone stared at me and muttered. Bradly walked up to me handling me papers when I looked down I noticed it was a script. "Don't worry sweetheart just be calm and read the lines only for." He said winking at me as he walked away. I opened the script and started from the middle since that looked easy. I breathed in and out and began reading. "I will.... always l-love him Trudy...don't you understand.. he's mine and I will die for-"

"Stop that's enough this isn't going to work Bradley I'm starting to doubt your eye for talent." The woman Jennifer cut me short. My palms started to sweat as I grew more nervous. Bradly walked back to me "sweetheart I know you are nervous I'm giving you a shot at fam and fortune I know you can do this just ignore everyone in the room and read those line as if you are speaking." He said that was easy for him to say but I was about to pass out. I've never been put on the spot like this before. my mind went blank he was giving me a chance at fame an fortune? This was my gate way to completing Sofia's task. If I got the role of lean protagonist in this film I will be able to get my revenge. I looked at Bradly and nodded. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath all I had to do was pretended no one was here. I opened my eyes and looked at Bradley as he smiled at me with a nod to go ahead. I looked back at the script and started reading once more

"I will always love him Trudy, don't you understand that? He is the one I've always wanted and now that I have him I can't let him go no matter what no one will get in my way.... even if it kills me…. Until I take my last breath I will die for him. " I stopped and looked back at them. As they looked at me they all held smiles even Jennifer was pleased. "Yes!! Ha-ha...didn't I tell you Jennifer she is perfect to play .... I saw it the moment I laid eyes on her!" Bradly jumped from his seat with joy. I looked around as they all applaud for me. "Yea, yea, don't rub it in we get it you're wonderful.... Congratulations Honey you got the role of Sandra Grey, be here tomorrow morning for rehearsal." The woman said as she walked over to the other people. I was overjoyed I got a part in a real movie a real big Hollywood movie. I stood up as Bradly walked over to me. "You my dear you will be a star you are truly made for acting I look forward to rehearsal tomorrow. He shook my hand. I walked out of the room as everyone's eyes where on me. Jennifer came out and stood behind me. "That's it for audition thank you to who have came tonight but the role for Sandra Grey has been filled." She announced, and everyone started grunting and leaving they knew it was me who got the part I couldn't ignore the dirty looks they threw me as they walked out. "See you tomorrow." She winked at me as she walked away. I went outside and felt my knees shake this was overwhelming. I don't know who or what I will be playing but I knew this was just the beginning of my adventure.