Chapter 61

Honey's (P.O.V)

I walked out of the building and noticed Devon standing in front f his car with a very beautiful woman with long black wavy hair and skin fair as snow her body was slim and she wore a dress that looks expensive along with pin pointed high heels. They were swinging their arms around as if in a deep argument I could tell by the look on their faces as well. I could hear their voices but not make out a word. they were right in front of the building how could I leave without being notices. I slowly started walking towards them making their conversation very clear. "you're such a lair Devon who are you seeing tell me now I know there is no other girl you're just saying that to get rid of me." The woman screamed, and I knew right away by the high-pitched annoying sound of her voice it was that Machelle girl he spoke with today in the car. I was trying to be stealth a few more steps and I was home free and away from them. but my clumsy self wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into the trash bin causing all the garbage to spill with a loud bang. Machelle and Devon looked at me with surprise I could see Devon's eyes wide as he glared at me. I bet he was wondering what the hell I was doing here. he dropped me off at home a couple of hours ago why was I back at the building? Michelle gave me a side glace before turning back to Devon. "I said tell me who you are seeing?" she shouted. "Honey!" Devon shouted my name walking towards me. "Honey?" Machelle repeated following him. "I've been looking for you where have you been?" he asked wrapping an arm around my waist, but I just retuned a confused look. "Who is she?" Machelle asked with a raised eye brown and dirty looks. "this is who I'm seeing." Devon smiled at me. But I was still puzzled I tried to pull away from his grip as I looked into Michell's false lashed, make up wearing perfect eye lined eyes. "stop joking around this is just one of the cleaners." She laughed at she pointed at my clothing. That's when Devon Placed his Perfect pink lips against mine as he pulled me closer for a wet long kiss. I was so shocked I froze in place. "are you fucking kidding me! This is ridiculous you refuse to marry me, but you date a fucking street rat?" she was now red. Devon pulled back from the kiss looking me in the eyes with a smile. "love is on the inside Machelle not the outside maybe one day you will find someone who loves all your ugly demons inside you." He commented, and I watched her tremble with anger. She turned on her heels and stormed off with anger. It was far from being awkward it was uncomfortable in so many levels. He kissed me without warning and humiliated me in front of that woman. "can you let go of me please?" I asked holding back the feeling to slap him. "I'm sorry about that Honey but you really saved me from her she is persistent and can't take a hike-" he stopped talking when he noticed I was not happy. "I deeply apologize about that please do not misunderstand it was only- "

"please do not use me like that again." I said. As I started walking down the street. I didn't have a way to get home but there was always the bus. That's when I felt a grip on my hand. "that was very unethical of me to do, I was desperate please do not be upset." Devon said giving me eyes of remorse. I felt violated I've never kissed anyone other than Adam and Devon just surprised me with that sudden kiss. I don't like to be used without my knowledge. "I need to go." I said walking away. "let me give you a ride I know your car is still in the shop." She asked but I refused I just wanted to leave. I walked a few blocks before getting tired night has fallen covering the town in darkness. I needed to get home quickly. I turned a around when a heard foot steps behind. I noticed a couple men wearing all black following. I picked speed and continued to walk. I looked over my should and they where still following me. I stopped just to make sure it was a coincidence but that was a huge mistake I should have just ran. I was grabbed and pulled into an alley between two buildings. The strong men that wore black suits pinned me against the cold building wall. "What do you want?" I cried when I noticed they just held me against the wall without speaking making me grow even more scared. "I don't want anything this is just a warning." I woman's voice echoed through the street. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Michelle's face appeared out of darkness. She nodded at one of the men holding me and he pulled out a gun and held it against the temple of my head. My knees gave out I was only able to stand due to the men holding me. I felt the mouth of the steel gun touch my skin sending shivers through my body I've neve seen a gun and there was one pointed at my head. I tried to pull away but one of the men gripped my thought so tight I couldn't breathe "don't try to move I can easily kill you and dispose your worthless ugly body and no one would know." She threatens her voice went from that annoying high pitch to a frightening melodious tone. She was so scary as her brown eyes pierced through my soul it was dark out, but her face was very visible. "Now listen carefully if you value your life Stay away from Devon I don't need a nobody like you interfering with my hard work." She said. "Please..stop..i-ts a mis..understanding." I tried to say but he squeezed my neck making it impossible to speak. "There is no misunderstanding sweetheart Devon and I will be married soon if I ever see you around him again I will make sure you disappear." She nodded at the men to release me as I fell to the ground gasping for air. "And I wouldn't tell anyone about this or you can kiss your life goodbye. " she threatened and walked away with the man behind her. I sat on the ground shaking. I almost died, and I haven't even done anything. I was scared and never felt so helpless in my life. This Machelle woman was crazy about Devon that she was willing to kill me without batting an eye.

I stood up and slowly walked out of the alley making sure she was gone. I never want to see her again, so I must keep my distance from Devon.

I sat at the bus stop still shaken from what just happened. Once the bus arrived I got in and sat in the back alone and curled up in a ball. What would have happened if he pulled the trigger and I died? I would never see my son again or my mother. I got home late it was close to midnight.

"Honey my goodness why haven't you answered my calls I was so worried about you." My mother rushed to me holding my hand. I didn't say anything I was still shell shocked. "Where is junior?" She asked

I looked at her and held back the tears. I couldn't show any emotion she would call the police and escalate the whole situation. "What's going on Honey are you ok?" She asked noticing my silence and obvious discomfort. "I'm fine mom junior is with Adam for the night I just need to rest I'm tired." I explained walking past her. I went to the room and dropped on the bed and started to cry I was so scared I could barely breath through my crying. I closed my eyes to help my racing head, but I ended up falling a sleep.

I woke to my phone ringing I ignored the call and I looked at the time and noticed it was noon and I was late for work. I jumped out of bed and ran to the washroom I brushed my teeth changed my clothes and ran out of the door. "Honey come eat before you leave!" My mother shouted but had no time to eat. "Got to go mom I'm late for work." I shouted as I ran out the door. I grabbed my mother's keys to Barrow her car I drove to Mystro building and walked through the doors I didn't even notice my hair was a mess and my shirt was on inside out. But I saw a woman sitting in my desk I've never seen her before I walked closer and she smiled at me. "Can I help you?" She asked, "I work here I'm the reception." I said but she returned a confused look. That's when Jeremy the creepy IT guy came out of the elevator doors. "Wow rough night?" He said with a chuckle. As he placed a file on the girl's desk. "I'm so late I didn't have time to get ready." I said shyly trying to comb my hair with my hand. "Well sorry to break the news to you but that Parks fella isn't happy with you." Jeremy said leaning against the table as he tilted his head towards the woman. I wasn't sure what he was signaling at. That's when Mr. Parks walked down the escalator. With an angry face. "You have finally arrived." He walked towards me. "I'm sorry I slept it." I explained. "That isn't my concern please leave you are dismissed." He said with both hands behind his back. "What?" I asked in a shock. "Dismissed means fired." Jeremy with a smiled. "I know that much but why?" I asked Mr. Parks. "You are almost 4 hours late for your shift you did not call. Do I have any other reason?" He asked with a straight face. "I'm sorry but can this be a warning?" I asked.

"Your position has been filled I do not take tardiness too lightly please leave." He said. And I noticed Devon walk past the reception desk as he made his way to the elevator he shot me a quick look and continued as if not noticing anything. I walked away not saying another word my heart was heavy with anger at myself. How did I let myself get fired? I walked out the doors when I heard my name. I turned around and saw Jeremy running up to me.

"Hey, don't be sad you may not work for Mystro, but we will still see each other again" he smiled. why would I want to see this self-absorbed lunatic again? "Jeremy I just got fired this is the last time I will see you again." I reminded. " trust me this isn't the end...Here take this call me if you ever need me." He handed me a piece of paper I looked at it and saw his phone number written down. "Thanks." I said stuffing the paper in my pocket I turned to leave he was a weirdo why would I need his help he didn't do much to save my job what could he possibly do for me now. I stepped in my car and saw him waving at me I rolled my eyes and drove off. I looked at my phone and saw missed calls Sofia and voice mails from unknown number. I opened my voice mail and listed.

"HI Honey this so Jennifer calling we didn't see you for rehearsal please call me back." She said and so I returned her call. "Honey, rehearsal starts 8am you can still make it if you come." Jennifer answered. "I'm sorry Jennifer but I can't take the role." I said with teary eyes remembering I lost my chance. "Why is that?" She asked. "I just got fired from Mystro Inc." I explained. "That's perfect I was looking into your resignation anyways." She said. And I was lost "how was that possible I just got fired." I said.

"You no longer work as a receptionist but sweetie you are going to sign a contract as an actress with our department that has nothing to do with Mystro office. "she explained. I could feel joy raise in my body. "Really?" I said with joy. "Yes, please come right away Bradly has been looking for you

he is waiting at Mystro head office once you are all done please head to Palmer walk park." she said, and I agreed before hanging up. I turned the car around and headed back to the office I was not quitting.