Chapter 62

Honey's (P.O.V)

I arrived and walked through the doors I saw Mr. parks standing at reception desk with that new girl. He looked at me with a screwed face. And walked towards me but I walked past him and made my way to elevator. "Where do you think you are going?" He shouted at me. But I ignored him and tried to press the button, but he stood in front of me. "are you deaf I asked where are you going?" He raised his voice at me blocking the elevator door. "I have been casted now please move." I said lowly. " casted? what lies are you spitting? Security please escort this delusional woman out." he said, and I saw security walking towards me. "Call Bradly Jackson the director he is expecting me."

"You have been fired now leave now before I call the cops." He said with rage. I ignored him and stood in front of the elevator. "Miss please leave." The security said from behind me. I didn't respond I stood quietly I reached for the elevator button once more but then I felt a hand pull me so hard I fell to the ground dropping my purse with all my belongings scattered from my purse he stood before me taking a step closer "see what you made me do...leave now." towered over me taking a step towards me he stopped once he heard a crunch and cracking sound underneath his foot I looked down and noticed he stepped on my cell phone. He took his foot off with a smile." Now I will ask you one more time get out this instance!" He yelled. And I was on the brink of tears he just tossed me to the floor and destroyed my phone was he allowed to do this? "Get out or security will throw you out!" He shouted.

"You dare raise your voice to a lady?" A mans voice rang throughout the lobby. "You delayed my main actress for what reason? To harass her?" Bradly said as he walked towards me.

Parks face went fair. "Bradly I have just fired this woman know your place." Parks said rudely. "I know my place it is you who need to know his place. She has come to sign a contract and you dare not let her pass do you have any idea what you are doing?" He said giving him a deathly look.

"No one messes with Bradly he is the top director that earns this company millions." Jeremy whispered in my ear I looked at him wondering how the hell he got here without me noticing. He smiled and gave me a wave. "You are making a big mistake Bradly this woman in incompetent." Parks said. "And that is not of your concern if you meddle with any of my cast manners again I will take this matter to old man Daniels." Bradly threatened as he walked towards me. "Come dear we have a contract to sign." I collected my things and held my broken phone in hand. "Oh, and well will send you an invoice to reimburse Miss Honey for a new phone." He said walking away.

Parks face was red I saw him storm off in anger. I was so grateful to Bradly. I got to his office and signed the huge contract that was before me. Once that was done I was off towards Palmer walk park."

I arrived on set and didn't know where to begin Jennifer gave me a script and told me it would be for the role I was playing I almost screamed when I saw Sherri moss on set with me she was one of my cast mates she was playing an important role as well. "Honey its too late in the day Rehearsal are finished come back tomorrow early so that we can get started." Jennifer said. I held the script and drove home it would be since I was not prepared and didn't even know what this movie was about.

I got home and decided to Google the movies it was a remake of an old 1980 classic film that was famous starring Sandra grey the woman Bradly said I looked like. She was beautiful with brown hair like mine. She resembled me in a way, but I don't think she looked like me that much. The Movie was Called "Endless love" I've heard of the movie but never watched it Sandra's Character was names Chess who I would be playing. I was amazed that Adam's mom was in that movie before Adam was born her Character was named Drew. She played the rival in love and that role got her and Sandra a rise in stardom and won an Oscar for their roles. I decided to watch the movie to see what I had to work with. The movie was about Chess in high school that fell in love with a boy in her class he was popular and loved by all, Chess was quite and almost invisible she was smart but had no friends she wanted to kill herself because she was so alony that the popular boy saved her from jumping off a building ever since then she was crazy about him they graduated high school and moved on with life. The popular boy became a doctor and got engaged to a nurse at the hospital (Drew), but Chess was obsessed with him she even becoming a doctor just to be close to him. Drew and Chess would constantly fight for his love. He was slowly falling in love with Chess she was a brilliant doctor, but Drew got pregnant and he had no choice but to marry her. things got complicated when one intimate night led to Chess getting pregnant too. It was hard for him to choose but his family forced him to be with Drew sine they knew her well, but he was in love with Chess. Chess grew dark and started to plot ways to kill Drew and her baby she planted poison in Drew's drink at a work gathering but ended up accidentally drinking the poison herself and killed her own unborn baby her life was falling apart that she became mentally unstable. He ended up marrying Drew because she still had his child. Chess became so crazy that she shot and killed both Chess and him on their wedding day in front of everyone screaming "if I can't have him no one will." The film ended with Chess at a medal hospital.

As soon as I turned off the film I was in tears it was such a good movie that I was wondering if I could even come close to Sandra or Adam's mom in acting. Everything was shot perfectly. My mother walked in and said she loved this movie when she was younger she said it was the best movie of its time. I went to my room and started to read the script, I tried to practice but my character was such a dark and deep role I couldn't get it right. I would laugh every time I tired to be serious. It was getting late, so I called it an early night.

I arrived at the filming studio and we started rehearsal Sherry Moss was Playing Drew and an actor Named Stanley was playing the main man. I lost count of how many times I got yelled at for not getting the acting right. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. After serval hours I notices they were happy at how I was doing. "we have to start filming sweetie I know you still need a lot more time to rehears but we are tight on time this film needs to be released soon and besides you got Chess to the T." Bradly said next thing I know I was sent to hair and make up I was dressed in a dull clothing similar to my every day wardrobe. Once and my hair was braided into two section they didn't put any Make up on me, they put on green contacts and I was on set for my first film and I knew this was going to be hard I was starring with big time Hollywood stars and I was a nobody. I got a text message from Adam saying he was dropping off Junior with my mother. I wanted to call him and ask about Junior exam, but I was too busy. We where shooting the first scene at school were Chess meets her crush at school. Everyone was ready and in character I have spend hours practicing so I was more than ready for this role.

I walked in and sat down in my seat. "action!" Bradly shouted. And everyone was in character I looked at my crush and I smiled at him as the actor playing the teacher spoke. I watched my crush stand up and chat with friends as I stared at every move he made. This was reminding me too much of my high school days and hopeless crushes. "Private study kids I will be back shortly" The teacher said leaving the room A few girls came up to me and started pulling on my hair as they teased me. I know this is just acting but why pull my hair so hard? "Please stop." I said. "Why do you even bother coming to school you loser?" One of the girls laughed an they all started giggling. They pulled me out of my seat and spilled soda all over me and started laughing. "Hey knock it off!" My crush said pushing through the crowd as he helped me up "are you ok?" He asked with a gentle hand. "Don't touch her she will taint you with nerd germs or curse you with with her witch craft." One of the girls said. But I just looked into his eyes. the script said, if I can remember correctly; I stare at him with passionate eyes as he held out a helping hand. I took his hand and he helped me up as we started into each others' eyes. "Cut!" Bradly shouted as he walked towards me. "Beautifully done and on the first shoot amazing work everyone especially you Honey." He complimented. I felt great about myself everyone was so pleased with my acting. I felt incredible. We filmed a few more scenes around the school I just pretend I was the invisible girl I once was in high school and it worked soon It was time for the dramatic suicide attempt. I stood at the top of a building as I watched them inflate a huge air pad on the ground the building wasn't too high, and my character doesn't really fall he saves her, but it still looked frightening. All cameras were aimed at me. I've read these many times before it says to look down and cry as I jumped. Crying was easy for me, but it was so hard to jump. "Cut!" Bradly shouted. He walked towards me with a frustrated look. He may be sweet but once he was working he was kind of scary. "You will not get hurt or even fall just jump." He said to me and I nodded. He walked away back to his seat. I took a deep breath and tried to jump but a hand grabbed me pulling me in for a hug it was my crush. "I know how you feel but believe me this isn't going to solve it." He said. This was the first physical encounter the two leads had and when he hugged me his scent was that of Adam the same fragrance Adam wore reeked off his clothing. My heart started to race, and I couldn't control my emotion I was already in character making my emotion all over the place. I grabbed him hugging him tight if I closed my eyes it felt like I was holding Adam. "And cut" Bradly shouted once more. "What was that?" He asked walking towards me. I knew I was out of character in that last second and he was going to yell at me for slipping up. I just shrugged and looked at him waiting for a scolding. "That was beyond perfect you really looked hurt and grabbed him like your life depended on it fantastic I want to see more of that." He said and patted the actor on the shoulder. I was done filming for the day I went home exhausted and tired. My mother and junior where gone out, the apartment was quite as I tossed my tired body on the sofa. I got a call from Sofia and she screamed into my ear. "Why didn't you tell me you completed your task and got the role of Chess in Endless love?" She said. I was so caught up with all this that I completely forgot about her. "I'm sorry Sofia I totally forgot about it." I tried laughing it off. "I'm so proud of you we need to celebrate let's go out." She said but I was so tired I had no energy to celebrate. "I'm beat, rain check on the celebration." I said.

"When I said let's celebrate I meant your last and finally mission before we head to the devils party tonight did you forget I told you it was this weekend." She reminded, and I sighed out loud today was Friday when she said weekend I thought she meant Saturday I had no energy to go out or party and she wanted me to do another one of her missions and she wanted me to also go to a party on top of that. But how could I refuse when I already made the promise.

"I'll pick you up in 20 min I'm leaving work early. Text me the address to your place." She said and hung up. I sat on the Sofa and rested my head. I was so hungry and tired no wonder celebrities are so skinny they didn't eat all day but drink water in between breaks. And no one was tired but me it was like they all had so much energy who knew acting was so hard? I could easily remember lines and get into character but why did they have to refilm same scenes repeatedly? I'm so close to my goals I'm getting so close I need to hang on a little longer. I got a text from Sofia moments later. Saying she was outside. I went down to her and she was sitting in her fancy car. I stepped in as she smiled at me. "You look tired." She commented. If only she knew how tired I really was. "No worried you will like your final mission." She smiled as she drove off. Some how I highly doubt that so far all her missions have been one heart attack after the other I'm sure the last one was going to kill me. "what is this great this last mission?" I asked.