Chapter 63

Honey's (P.O.V)

"Your next task is to have a complete make over. I'm talking a new look. Hair make up and new wardrobe." She smiled at me. I raised my eyes brows. Was she reading mind how I thought I was ugly and felt sorry for me? "How can I do that.?" I asked. "We will go shopping of course." She said matter-of-factly. I looked at her as if she had three heads. "Sofia I don't have any money of my own I justice started acting and I already returned all of Darks credit cards to him. The day I left." I explained to her.

"Don't worry about that let's go now we still have 3 hours before the party let's fix you up." She said. I was confused but I kept quiet. As we drove, and song came on the radio. "Oh my God I love this song." She shouted cranking the volume to the max. It was so loud everyone on the street turned to look at the red Lamborghini with blasted music wondering why it was so loud. I smiled at her care free attitude. I was jealous of this fabulous woman that had such a happy life. I wanted to be just like her making me want to reach my goals that much more. She pulled up in front of a hair salon.

"We are here. This is the best hair dresser in the city. They style all celebrities hair. You will love it." She explained. I looked over and immediately saw I big poster of rose in the glass mirror of the salon. She was posted with a braw and underwear with her fingers in her beautiful hair that was so shiny and full, her slender body made me feel worse about myself. She looked amazing.

I stepped out and followed Sofia in the salon. It was huge and so full of people. The front desk girl greeted Sofia with a smile and so much respect. "Please come in Paul should be available shortly. Please have a seat." The girl said to Sofia. Sofia nodded, and we sat in a chair. They offered us sparkling water as we waited. "Is there anything I can do for you while you wait miss Sofia?" she asked.

"As a matter of a fact there is." Sofia said tuning to looking at me.

"Can you please do my friends eyebrows while we wait." She said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes of course." The girl walked away then came back with a roll of thread. "Please have a seat in the chair. Ma'am." The girl sat me down then unrolled the roll cut off a piece of the thread, held it between her teeth and tangled in her fingers. She positioned my head then she yanked hair off my face. It was so painful that tears escaped my eyes. I've never done this before was it supposed to hurt so much? She moved from one eyebrow to the next She kept pulling and pulling I was sure there was nothing left on my face. Shortly she was done she stopped and spun my chair facing me in the mirror. I learned in the look at my sore red skin around my perfectly shaped eyebrows. I loved it. She shaped them so nice I never knew they could look so perfectly arched. A smile crept on my lips.

"Great job looks great" Sofia complemented from behind. "Sofia my darling I'm so sorry to make you wait." A very flamboyant man sang walking toward us as he hugged her and kissed both her cheeks. He had silver hair that was long to his hips styled nicely. He wore ripped skinny Jean's and a tight black shirt. "Paul my friend how are you?" Sofia said. "Oh, you know me busy bee I always am." He laughed.

"I'm sure you are. I have a project for you old friend.. I need you to fix up a good friend of mine." Sofia pointed at me and soon Paul's eyes landed on me. "Oh, my Sofia you really know how to put me to work don't you?" He laughed. "We are invited to a party tonight all of our friends and colleagues will be there please work your magic." Sofia said. He pinched his lips and looked me up and down. "I know just what to do, a hair style that suits her age and make her look elegant...leave her to me honey." He said pulling me towards a salon chair and sat me down. He pulled out my pony tail and my long hair fell. It had grown considerably over the years and I haven't done anything to it since highs cool. He ran his fingers through it as he examined my hair. "Very healthy hair and shiny but so unkempt my dear. The color is dull but for you I'm thinking blonde ombre, a small trim and mermaid waves." He explained. "Ok" I said to him not caring what he did as long as it looked nice it was not a problem. He washed my hair and started applying the bleach to the ends wrapping them in foil. Once that was dont he watched my hair and started trimming the ends off. I was falling asleep on the chair that's how tired I was. He was now styling it as I forced my eyes to stay open. "All done." He said clapping his hands and I snapped out of my short slumber. I looked in the mirror and fell in love with the hair it was exactly as he described it dark roots with blond ombre ends with amazing waves. He trimmed the ends but my hear was still down to my back. I couldn't stop touched my hair it was so soft and shiny with so much volume. "My, my, Paul you sure have outdone yourself." Sofia commented with a pleased smile "We must get going so much needs to be done. Paul put this on my tab." She said pulling me out the exit door, but I wanted to keep looking at my hair. She took me to the same clothing store Devon took me and the same woman greeted us, but she looked at me differently she still frowned at my clothes but didn't remember me. "We need two gowns one red one black." Sofia said, and I gave a look of confusion. Who wears gowns to a birthday party? Wasn't that a little much?. "I know just the thing please follow me." The woman said leading us towards the back I noticed a beautiful black dress on display in front of the window. The dress was strapless tight around the waist and hips with a mermaid flair at the end it had a long tail. as soon as I saw it I was in love. Sofia notice me staring at the dress. "can I get that one for my friend please she would like to try it on." I whipped my head at her. "No way Sofia that looks expensive." I said. "Yes, ma'am that dress is Mirabella villa Cruza's latest design it just came in this morning." The woman said, and Sofia smiled. 'Perfect, if it fits we will take it." She said, and the woman's eyes grew wide. "Right away madam." She started to undress the mannequin and handed me the dress. I wanted to argue but Sofia threatened to slap me of I refused the dress. As I was in the changing room I looked closely at the dress it was amazing and so beautiful. It was so soft with so much detailing.

"Darling where are you I need you to meet me right away a friend and I are going to an event tonight and we will need your amazing art work." I heard Sofia say as she gave directions of the store to someone over the phone. I ignored it and slipped on the dress. It fit me perfect. I didn't know I was as skinny as that mannequin doll, it hugged all my curves the same as the doll. I stared in the mirror as my new hair and dress fit perfectly. I looked fancy and rich like I was apart of their world now. I slowly stepped out and saw both Sofia and the woman's eyes widened as they stared at me. "Oh my God who are you?" Sofia shouted running towards me. She grabbed my hips shaking them. "You had a body like this under all those clothes I mean I knew it was nice but not this amazing holly shit." She twirled me around. "Madam we have had a few women they it on today, but you look magnificent in that dress." The woman complimented. That's when I noticed Sofia was wearing an amazing red dress with beautiful timing in the cleavage area it was shaped like mine but with one strapped shoulder. What a bombshell she was. Sofia started picking out tons of clothing down to shoes. "This is all too much Sofia." I said at the amount of clothing she kept picking out. Don't get me wrong it was all stylish and very nice but way too expensive. "Didn't I say a new wardrobe? everything you own must go I mean everything throw it all away or burn them from now on you are a new Honey an important actress." She smiled tossing shoes at the poor clerk lady who held a mountain of clothing. Suddenly a feminine man walked in with very light purple hair and amazing face of makeup and swung his hips and tapped on his high heals carrying a big silver case. "SOFIA THE FUN HAS ARRIVED!" He screamed walking towards her. Sofia hugged him. "Damn you look like a very delicious lickable red lollipop." He complimented her when his eyes landed on me he smiled. "who is this vibrant beauty?" He asked. "This is my friend Honey, we need our makeup done fast we will be late for the party." Sofia said, and I remember her phone call this was her friend she was talking to. "Your friend is smashing why have I not met her I would remember such a pretty girl." He said making me feel incredibly good. My head was so big I could fly off this earth. He sat Sofia down first and started working on her face. The sales clerk lady offered wine and of course Sofia jumped at it. I refused her because I knew I can't handle any alcohol. I watched him work his magic and he finished her face off with red lips to match her dress red looked great on Sofia and matched her very well. I've always wanted to wear red lipstick but was afraid it might draw too much attention to my lips. "Your turn Honey bee." He said as I sat down. Getting my makeup done was reminding me of the time Adam took me to his photoshoot to be on the cover of Macy. The pounds of makeup they used made my face feel weird.

He started gluing false lashes to my eyes and then finished off my face with lipstick. He placed the mirror in my hand and I was stunned at the job he did. Smoking eyes with long full lashes a sharp contoured nose and cheek bones with peachy nude lips. I stood up and looked at the body mirror and covered my mouth in shock the hair the dress and make up made me look like a different woman. "You my dear are one of the most beautiful women I've seen." He complimented. And Sofia smiled. The clerk woman even smiled at me. It was time for us to head out. We got in Sofia's car and started driving. Last time I got dressed up with an expensive dress I got kidnapped by Kevin. I smiled to myself my life was coming around I felt confident and stronger already. We pulled up to a hotel and my eyes grew wide it was Romero hotel. Kevin Romero's hotel. The same hotel Demi and I got lost and ran into Adam and Rose in a long time ago. My heart started to race. "Let's go Honey we are here" Sofia said pulling into he hotel as a hotel attended help the doors open for us. We stepped out and Sofia grabbed my arm and smiled at me "ready?" She said, and I nodded