Chapter 65

Honey's (P.O.V)

I was shocked to see it was Harry Daniel's Devon's father. He stood with a very beautiful woman that resembled Devon and Steve. She looked at me then looked at Michelle once her eyes returned to me there was animosity. She glared at me with hate even though she didn't know me. Harry walked towards us "Mr. Daniel's this is a misunderstanding Honey wouldn't harm anyone." Sofia said to Harry, but he looked at her with fierce eyes. "Sofia how you are still around my family is beyond me. Justin is my only connection to you now zip it." He disparaged. Sofia didn't utter another word she hung her head and blended in the crowed. "Who is this woman that dares to hit little Michelle?" He asked. "She is Bradly's new actress staring in the film Endless Love." Someone said from the crowd. "Harry is this what your company has come to? to have such shameless people harm my daughter at your sons party. This is unacceptable." Mr. Flinn roared. "I understand your fury old friend please let me fix my mistake. This woman is fired from every setting foot in my company and security will hand her over to the police...I will make this up to you old friend." He said waving a hand to the security guards. They rushed towards me and grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the doors then suddenly I heard a shout. "Stop she is innocent." I looked over and saw Devon as everyone watched him carefully. "Devon what is the meaning of this?" Harry Daniels said looking at his son with killing instinct. "She is lying father and I can prove it." he said, and everyone gasped and started whispering and chatting. "Devon darling what are you saying?" He Michelle cried. Running to Devon's arms.

"I have proof that Honey hasn't done anything now unhand her." He yelled as the security guards released me. "Devon you foolish boy what are you going on about what proof?" Harry said. That's when Devon heled out a small USB in his hand. I got a copy of the security cameras from that camera over there." He said pointing at the camera just above the bathrooms aimed perfectly at where I stood with Michelle. I looked at Michelle whose face was now ghostly as she stumbled on her words. "W-what camera there's no way." She stuttered. "Harry is this some kind of a jock your son has disrespected our family far too many times this is going too far." Mr. Flinn huffed. "Father can I play this on the projector so that I can prove her innocence.?" Devon said. I could see Harry doubting everything but stayed true to the Flinn family. "Play it let us see who the lair really is and if I see that wicket wench harm my daughter nothing can stop me from throwing her in jail." Mr. Flinn said. "No, it's ok i-i forgive her now let her be father." Michelle was sweating. "My daughter is the purest of souls to forgive such an evil woman." He praised, and I wanted to throw up in my mouth. No wonder Devon didn't want to marry into such a family. "Michelle my dear it is at our event that you have been wrongfully attached we will see the footage and justice will be served." Harry Daniels said and nodded at Devon giving him the green light to play the footage and Devon walked away. "No please don't worry I'm fine." Michelle begged but it was too late the footage started playing on the wall. Every word she was saying from threatening me at gun point to threatening to kill me and her last attempt at framing me was shown everyone was shocked as they watched the mad woman beat herself up. "That's not true this video is fake." She screamed "how is this fake when clearly shows tonight's event?" Devon said. "I would never do that this is fake please darling believe me." she started crying grabbing Devon's arm, but he pulled away from her "Darling how could you believe this that's not me- "

"Michelle that's enough." Mr. Finn said with clear embarrassment on his face. "No father this isn't true that crazy bitch attacked me." She started shouting like a mad woman. Everyone in the room strapped away from her whispering. Sofia came to me and held my hand. "Are you ok Honey?" She asked but I was focused on how Michelle was denying everything when it was clearly visible. "Let's go now." Her mother grabbed her arm pulling her to the exit. "Harry please excuse us we will retire for the evening." He said to Darry Daniels as he walked past me he glared at me sideways as if wishing death on me that instant. Everyone looked at me with remorse and sorry eyes. A moment ago, they cursed me to ends of the earth. "Alight everyone please back to enjoying yourselves the night has just begun. I still haven't done my speech yet." Steve shouted as he popped a champagne bottle. The music started playing again and everyone walked away. I walked to the bar and sat quietly. I was about to be arrested and sent to jail. Devon came to and sat beside me. He ordered a drink without looking at me. He saved me, and I didn't even thank him. "Thank you for that." I said to him. "Don't thank me...I was just doing as I was told." Said finally facing me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Thank your little scorpion for that. He handed me that recording and told me you didn't do anything. He told me to play it in the projector I didn't trust him, but I had no choice when they took you away." He explained. I looked around searching for Adam that I completely forgot about. "Don't bother looking he left as soon as he handed me that USB stick." Devon said as he stood up. "You're lucky if it wasn't for him who knows what would have happened." He said and walked away. Adam was the one that really saved me. How did he get that recording? And why did he leave so suddenly? "Well aren't you a famous one." The woman is in Harry's arm said placing her clutch on the table sitting in the seat beside me. "Talk of the part and you have my brother wrapped around your finger tell me how do you do it?" she smiled. "I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about…who are you?" I asked. "I'm sorry let me introduce myself, my name is Stephanie Daniels that old cranky old man over there, Harry Daniels is my father and that idiot party animal, Steve is my older brother and the uptight goody two shoes who you snatched away from my friend Michelle, Devon is my little brother." She pointed at each of them as she described them. But her face held attitude when she pointed at Devon. "I'm sorry but I didn't snatch anyone away from Devon he I have nothing going on." I explained. "Oh, don't be modest you are very pretty so I see why Devon likes you...but Michelle and I have been friend since we were kids. She has been crazy about Devon for years so if you can just back off that would be nice I won't threaten you but heed my warning they will be married, and our family will be joined. So, save yourself the heart ache and just quit." She said as she ordered two drinks. "There is really nothing going on I wish Michelle and Devon luck on their engagement." I said truthfully. I wasn't interested in Devon or any man at the moment I was on a self-righteous path to better myself I don't have time for useless feelings and emotions called love. "That's a good girl let's drink." She said placing a drink in front of me. " I don't drink thanks." I said pushing the drink away. "Aww you're no about water I'm sure you drink water." She signaled the waiter to send me water. He placed the glass of water before I picked it up drinking it. it helped wit the hunger I was feeling, and this place had so much food I didn't get a choice to even smell it but so much drinks were shoved in my face drinks, drinks and more drinks. I hate rich people all they do is drink. "Look sweetie I'm not your enemy but anyone who is against my girl Michelle is my enemy so please don't make an enemy of me." She smiled. No wonder and Michelle were friends they were so much alike. I was so annoyed by her and her annoying warnings I don't give a shit about Michelle or Devon. Why was everyone thinking something was going on between Devon and I we don't even talk as much.

"I'm not drunk let me go I can walk by my self." We turned to look at Brady who was falling around. He was obviously drunk but didn't want to admit it. "Oh, dear looks like your director friend had one too many." She laughed I turned to look back at her. "It was a nice chat see you around." She stood up and walked away giving me a smile. I sipped the water some more. And looked around for Sofia. I noticed she was dancing with her son Justin. They looked so cute dancing and Steve was sitting with some woman chatting and flirting.

It was getting late I didn't want to be here anymore I wanted to go home and see junior I've missed him. I stood up but suddenly felt dizzy it was probably due to me skipping meals today I haven't eaten all day. I tried walking but felt a rush as I placed my hand over my hammered head. I tried again to take another step but stumbled and fell but I was held up by a man "Are you ok?" He said as he held up to stand. I looked at him, but my vision was blurry I couldn't see anything. Something was wrong this was more than hunger, I was about to pass out as my vision was fading onto darkness. "I'm fine." I said faintly to get away from the stranger. Then I was out cold.

I woke up and rolled around in the big comfortable bed. I sat up trying to remember what happened when I looked around I was in an unfamiliar place it was a hotel room I felt someone move beside me when I looked over it was a man I've never seen before. He was lying beside me with no shirt on and I noticed a big dragon tattoo on his arm. I prayed to God he wasn't naked under the blanket I stood up off the bed and I was completely naked. I pulled the sheet of the bed away from him to wrap my body, but I noticed he was naked as well. He woke up and sat up with smile. I quickly turned around avoiding the naked man I found in bed with me. I wanted to scream. "Good morning beautiful." He said with a deep voice. I looked around and saw my dress and his clothes scattered all over the room. I don't remember a thing after last night. "Who are you what's going on?" I asked with tears filling my eyes. "You don't remember begging to get a hotel room last night?" The man said I saw from the corner of my eyes he stood up and grabbed his boxer and slipped it on. My heart was racing, and my head was pounding. I don't know this man I would never ask a stranger to get a hotel room. He walked up to me and tried to kiss me, but I moved away. "please don't touch me." I said distancing myself from me. Suddenly the door swung open and a woman rushed in with a few men holding cameras as she charged at me she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to the floor kicking and punching me as she screamed. "You slut how dare you sleep with my husband."

I tried pulling away, but I had to keep the bed sheet up to cover myself. I saw the men snapping pictures as the man I found in my bed tried to pull the woman away, but she stomped on my ribs and I spit out a puddle of blood. "Baby stop it's not what you think." He held her. She started slapping him "let me go you asshole I'm divorcing you." She screamed the man stopped with a sad look. "Baby she drugged me I don't even know how I got here she took advantage of me last night." He lied as the camera men kept recording and taking pictures. "You drugged my husband you shameless bitch?" She screamed at me and tried to attack me again, but he grabbed her. "Let's just call the police and get out of here." He said getting dressed. "Let's go sweetie let the police deal with this horrible criminal." He said pulling her out the doors. The camera men took more pictures before leaving. I sat on the floor curled in a ball cut and bruised and my ribs ached from her kicks. I started crying I had no idea what was going on. I got raped and beat up and humiliating pictures where taken of me. I stood up slowing and put on my dress I had to leave before police arrived. I saw a small purple bottle sitting on the night stand beside the bed. I picked it up and it read love potion. What the hell is a love potion? I put it back down and raced out of the hotel room I looked around I noticed I was still at the Romero hotel. I got to the lobby of the hotel and saw police men walking in some of them were standing at the entrance outside talking to the woman that beat me up and her husband. They pointed in my direction as the police men came to me and grabbed me as they placed hand cuffs on my wrists. "Please come with us to the police station for questioning."