Chapter 66

Adam's (P.O.V)

I took junior to Glady Hill academy for his entrance exam. "Don't be nervous you can do this son." I said to him. "The exam will take about 3 hours you can leave, or you can wait at the cafeteria down the hall." And older woman announced to everyone. "Good luck buddy I'll be right here when you're done." I assured him giving him a hug. He walked in to the classroom and the doors were shut. I stood outside the doors waiting for him. I was so proud of my boy taking such a huge exam. I could see a few mother staring at me as they chatted. "Are you that boys' father?" One asked. "Yes I am." I said. "Wow you are so young did anyone tell you that you look a lot like Dark Scorpion." She said. "I get that a lot." I said and walked away. "He's so handsome what a lucky woman the mother must me." They giggled I sat in the car waiting I didn't want to be stared at all day by those women their flirting was annoying.

My phone rang I looked at the unknown number "Hello?" I answered the unknown caller. "Adam Hayes its Black raven calling with an update. Please meet me at Tavern on main in 20 minutes." . He said before hanging up. His call was so brief and direct. I looked at the time junior wasn't going to be done anytime soon so I headed to Tavern on main it was a bar at the other end of town it was about a 40 minutes drive Once I arrived I looked around at the busy bar with drunk folks falling around the smell of cigarettes and alcohol was heavy. I noticed a man with a hat and black long trench coat sitting at the table it had to be him who else could look so mysterious. I sat on the stool beside him. And ordered a drink the man slipped me an envelope I looked at him as he drank his drink in silence not saying a word. He was older man with a dark scruffy beard his eyes bags showed years of sleepless night or staring at a computer screen and a large scar on his cheek. He was small and kind of chunky with salt and pepper hair peaking out of his hat. I opened it and started looking through it. The first file was about this Sofia Marshall woman Junior mentioned. She was a financial controller at Mystro Inc. And the Ex of one the Daniels Sons. She had a son with him and met Honey at Juniors school. her son and junior were friends. I briefly scanned through her file I couldn't believe how much detail he collected from this woman and he even collected information on her ex Steve Daniels and how they split up. I saw a few pictures of her and Honey together. Her life wasn't important to me I could care less about her, so I put her folder aside and flipped through Devon's folder. He was the son of the CEO who was next in line to take over

He was a business man who had a clean record. He was never in the public eye and was secretive about everything. His family was arranging a marriage between him and a woman named Michelle of the Flinn family. The Flinn family was a rich family that owned casinos and jewelry lines. They where truly a rich and powerful family. That's when I looked at a few pictures with him and honey. One was him standing next to her as he helped with her car, there was a few more of Honey and him going for a joy ride and the last picture almost made my heart stop when I saw him kissing Honey in front of Mystro building. I closed the file up and clenched my fist in anger. My blood was boiling. I didn't even open ger file because I was so angry. How could she move on so quickly and with him of all people? "Your woman Honey has a very interesting story…and mi very amazed to have known her father." Black raven suddenly said bringing me back from my daze. I looked him side way wonder what was so interesting about Honey. And how did he know her father? "how do I know her father you are probably wondering I've never taken a case that involved my story in anyway, but I felt substantial and added my and Honey's father's Details." He gave a closed mouth smile deepening the wrinkles around his mouth I could now see a clear view of his case that's when I noticed he had an eye patch covering his left eye and so much more scars around his nose and cheeks.. I opened her file and started reading. Honey started working with Mystro as a receptionist about a week ago it was Sofia who helped her get the job. And Honey was now recruited by Bradly Jackson a Famous directly at Mystro he was remaking the movie my mother stared in Endless love and Honey was the lead. I smiled to myself the thought of Honey acting and starring in a movie. Was this part of her revenge to be famous? I flipped through it some more and noticed she moved in with her mother, he even details their address. I filled through it some more when my eyes landed on Honeys fathers' information. Nicholas Daniels was born rich Between Richard Daniels and Agnes Daniels he had two brothers Names William Daniels and Harry Daniels. William was the oldest but Died in a plane crash over twenty years ago along with their Parents Richard and Agnes. Harry was the middle brother and Nicholas being the youngest. Nicholas had a passion for music and wanted to be a musician, but his father wanted him to follow in his foot steps and be aa business man like him. Nicholas met Heather at an outdoor music concert and fell in love he didn't tell her who he was and where he came from he married Heather in secret and he ran away from home to be with Heather. He found out that his brother Harry had coordinated the death of his brother and parents in the plane crash so that he would inherit the family riches.

I stopped reading and sweat broke out all over my body. It was cold chills at how the hell no one knew how Harry Daniels was a murderous maniac and Honey was his niece I felt a sick feeling in my stomach thinking about the fact Honey and Devon were cousins and had no idea. "so, where do you come in this-" started to say and noticed Black Raven was gone. I was so caught up by all this that I didn't notice him leave. I continued to read.

Nicholas lied to Heather saying he cheated and on her and wanted to live with his lover and child, but he was just protecting them because he knew his brother Harry would come for him and his family. Nicholas met with and old collage friend who was an excellent computer expert, together they started Mystro Inc. originally Mystro was as computer software developing company it was very successful and slowly branched off into other departments such as Gaming and eventually entertainment when Nicholas who had a strong passion for music finally got to do what he dreamed of. But then Harry who didn't know anything about business at the time was losing the family business and lost billions due to incompetency. He needed money to save the family business and he needed it quickly. He saw his Brothers company was taking off and so he framed his brother sending him to jail claiming Mystro has his own. He sent hitmen to the friend's house killing and raping his wife and two daughters and beat that friend near death. The friend lost his left eye and they cut his leg off and left him to bleed to death. That friend survived, and that friend is Black raven.

I was shocked to the core. Honey's Father is in jail at this moment? he never left her intentionally he was framed ad falsely imprisoned by his brother Harry. I sat there still shook at what I just read about Honey's father. I quickly picked up the phone and called back Black raven I had so much more questions I needed to know more. he answered the within the first ring as if expecting my call. "Adam I have given you all the information what more do you want?" he asked. With obvious annoyance. "I know but I need to know does Harry know about Honey…and Nicholas is he still incarcerated? Why haven't you fought for your company why hide?" I asked. "slow down kid first of all, no Harry doesn't know that his brother ever had a kid because Nicholas ran away before Harry could find out. Second of all, yes Nicholas is still in jail and would like to remain hidden from Honey so don't bother telling her anything. And thirdly, I hide because I am an old man with no fight left in me. Harry has taken away everything that I love so I just want to live what ever little life I have left in peace." He explained, and my heart ached for him and losing his family. "I see, thank you for everything." I said about to hang up. "Wait." He suddenly shouted. "please do not Tell Honey anything I haven't seen Nicholas in years when I last saw him he told me he didn't want anyone to know about him." he said. "I understand." I said as I walked out of the bar heading back to my car before my phone rang. It was Scarlett. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm busy what is it?" I said not in the mood to talk. "Well tonight I got invited to a party and I was wondering you could come with me." She said. "I can't I'm busy today." I said eager hang up. "Please come it's that Steve Daniels birthday party and I hate Steve but so many of my friends are going and I can't say no." She begged. That's when it hit me. "Steve Daniels was that's Sofia's Ex. So that's means Devon was going to the party and Honey would be his date. I needed to find out more and make sure Harry didn't find out who Honey really was or he might order a hit on her as well. "I'll go." I said.

"really? Thank you so much baby I'll call you later with details." She said before hanging up. I arrived at juniors' school I sat and waited for him to finish up. As I was alone with my own thoughts. How did all happen things were supposed to be good I had so much plans for us after we got married but now it's over a big mess with so many obstacles in our way. I pushed those thoughts aside. Right now, my focus is to keep Honey safe at all cost.

I kept reading more about Devon and Sofia. Black Raven even collected data on their past as well. Devon and Sofia were friends Devon's sister Stephanie was good friends with Michelle Devon's soon to be fiancé. But what I didn't get was did anyone know Devon was seeing Honey? Does his family know since they want him to marry into the Flinn family? What ever the reason I was glad they where secretive about it, if Harry found out then things would be very complicated. I looked at the time and Juniors exam was finished, and I shouted for joy when I found out Junior was the only one that past the exam and with an average of 97% I was so proud of him that I took him for ice cream and asked if you wanted anything. "no daddy I already have everything I need. But all I want is to have a family dinner date with you me and mommy. We never got to spend any family time together." He said with a sad look and I felt terrible. That was the only thing that I could not give him right now. "I promise we will have a family date very soon right now mommy is busy working and so am I but don't worry we will spend more time with you." I said, and he smiled at me.

I took junior home to the address Dark Raven described in the file. I arrived at the apparent and knocked on the door. Heather opened the door and her eyes were fixed on me with surprise. "Grandma!" Junior shouted giving her a hug. "Hi baby how was the exam?" She hugged him. "I passed it was so easy grandpa."

"that's so good baby why don't you go get changed I made supper." She said as he ran towards the apartment, but she kept staring at me every time she spoke.

"Hello Heather, it's been a while." I smiled at her. " Adam I almost didn't recognize you I thought a younger Andrew came to my door you look so much like you father now." She laughed and welcomed me in the apparent. I looked around at the very small apartment wondering how all three of them were living here so long. It was old and cramped. "How have you been?" I asked her. "I've been great what about you how is life in the fab lane?" She asked. "Its been good. I should have come sooner to see you I'm sorry I don't even have an excuse." I said truthfully. I've been very busy that I didn't have time for anyone. "Oh no need to apologize son I know how busy the life of a celebrity can be."

"How has junior been doing?" I asked. "He's such a bright boy and so full of energy sometimes I feel like we have a grown man when speaking to him." She laughed. "That's true he is smart" I commented I so badly wanted to ask her some questions and see what little information she knew about Nicholas "...Heather can I ask you what kind of a person Honey's Father was?" I asked her. she looked taken back as her eyes darted around. "Nicholas? Why do you want to know all of a sudden?" she laughed. "I've always been curious about him I want to know was he anything like Honey?" I asked. "my goodness no, Nicholas was nothing like Honey he was fun outgoing and a loud spoken man he always spoke his mind and you know how Honey is..she has the soul of an old lady." She laughed and so did I. "how did you meet?" I asked her. "geez let me think…oh that's right Nicholas and I met at an armature concert at Palmer Walk Park it was like love at first sight we didn't even know each other but there was a strong connection. we started dating shorty after, he was young and lived alone since he was an orphan and didn't know his parents a few weeks later we got married and Honey was born. He was a great father a loved Honey. I guess you already know the story that he up and left us one day and I've never seen him since." She explained. She looked sad and I knew by the look on her face she loved him. if only she knew he loved ger as well and only lied to protect her and Honey. "well I need to get going please excuse me." I said as I stood up. "I'm sorry to keep you here you must be so busy." She said walking me to the door. "no, I enjoyed the conversation. Thank you." I said as I gave her a hug.