Chapter 67

Adam's (P.O.V)

I arrived at Romero Hotel with Scarlett in hand. I notice Kevin who I spent some time with in Italy during my tour he and I have grew to be close friends. As strange as it was he was a great friend over the years. Kevin was Standing in front of the doors. As he coordinated the employees. He noticed me and smiled. "Well if it isn't the Venomous Scorpion how are you friend?" Kevin said as he shook my hand and greeted Scarlett with a kiss on her hand. "you can't stay single can you? Always getting one great woman after the next tell how you do it?" he teased looking at Scarlett. I watched her blush at him. I can't blame her Kevin was a pretty boy indeed. "Scarlett can you grab me a drink?" I asked her wanting her to leave so I could speak with Kevin in private. "no need to make a lady go ill fetch the waiters." Kevin said waving at the waiter, but I grabbed his hand and winked at him and soon he understood. "no Kevin Scarlett knows how I like my drinks." I smiled at her and she grinned from ear to ear as she rushed in into the party room. "what is this about Dark?" he asked. "I need a favor can you get every camera in this hotel to record the whole night for me?" I asked. "oh, you silly boy do you think this is some motel? my surveillance cameras on recording 24/7 with high quality."

"Kevin I'm not asking you to brag I'm asking for a copy when ever I need it." I said to him.

"that's not a problem but what for?" he asked with raised eyebrow. "I can't tell you yet and don't worry its not illegal." I said when I noticed the look on his face. "fine just go to the elevator and press the bottom that doesn't not have a number, it will lead you to Computer room." He explained. Then we stopped talking when Scarlett came back with some fruity looking drink. I hates sweet and fruity drinks, but I smiled and pretending to like it. suddenly the lobby doors opened as two breath taking woman walked in. my eyes landed on long wavy hair a slim perfectly shaped body wrapped in a black dress and the most beautiful face that made my heart skip a beat. The whole lobby went silent the only sound was the sound of their heels kiss the floor with every step. They walked in the lobby and I felt I was in love all over again. Honey looked amazing. I couldn't get my eyes off her. They walked past us as if Honey didn't even notice me.

"Is that who I think it is my how she's changed. And to think you let such a rare beauty go tisk tisk once a fool always fool." Kevin commented. "Well I would love and chat but I'm busy hosting that big drunk idiot's birthday party." He rolled his eyes as he left. Scarlett and I entered the ball room and she quickly went over to her friends and picked up conversation. I saw Honey talking to Devon at the bar and I felt sick just thinking about the possible relations they could have had. I watched her walk towards the washroom area I walked over and exchange a few words with her. there was so much I needed to say but bit my tongue. I said what little I had to say and Walked away from her and headed to the bar, I needed a strong drink to help me supress my anger. I noticed a woman tailing Honey I followed and stood behind the wall to listen to the conversation as I heard the woman threaten Honey. Honey denied being with Devon making my heart at ease but still knew something was going on that picture with them kissing wasn't an accident. The way woman spoke I had a good idea she was Michelle. Moments later Michelle started hitting her self and screaming catching the attention of everyone. She was tying to frame Honey as everyone rushed to her aid. I knew I had to do something. I quickly ran out of the room and noticed Kevin speaking with some people in the front lobby. "Kevin!" I shouted his name. "Not now Dark I'm very busy this evening." He said looking at the menus as the waiter stood around. "I need access to the surveillance now." I said in a hurry. "Get it yourself I've already told you where to find it." He said shooing me away. I ran towards the elevator and pressed the bottom he said was numberless that leads to the security surveillance room. I stepped out of the elevator and towards the security room. The security guard on duty was asleep with his feet up on the table. I woke him up and ordered him to get the footage on a USB right away. He obeyed and handed me the stick "Please don't tell my supervisor I was sleeping " he begged. I walked out of the room and quickly headed back to the ball room as I noticed Harry standing before Honey. When I laid eyes on him I felt shivered as if Satan himself was in the room. Michelle's father shouted at Honey calling security. I noticed Devon standing in the crowd not doing a thing to protect her. I walked up to him handing him the stick. "What is this?" He asked. "It proves Honeys innocents. Play it on the projector." I simply said. "Wait can I trust you?" He looked at me with firm eyes. I hated him for many reasons, but he was the only person I could trust to save her right now. "You don't need to trust me. It's me who needs to trust you." I said as I walked out of the room. I left the arty abandoning Scarlett if. I wasn't thinking straight and couldn't control myself. I stayed any longer someone would get hurt.


Honey's (P.O.V)

I arrived at the police station and was seated in an empty small room two officers walked in and started speaking to me their obvious good cop bad cop was laughable. "Don't worry sweet heart you will be released if you just tell us why you drugged that man?" The police officer said. "I didn't do it I swear he's the one that drugged me I have no reason to drug him." I cried. "No reason to drug a handsome millionaire really?" The one playing bad cop said with raised eyebrow. "Millionaire? I don't even know who he is. I was at a party and next thing I know I woke up in a hotel room." I shouted as I cried. "Sweet heart I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth." one said, " but I am telling the truth believe me I didn't drug him I'm the victim." I cried. "That's enough you can't lie, your finger points are all over the liquid bottle that was tested and found Rohypnol in it." The cop shouted. That's when my heart dropped. "what is Rohyonal" I asked not having the slightest clue. "I type of tranquilizer used to date rape people, do admit it you roofied him didn't you?" he asked. "I just saw that this morning I don't know what it is." I pleaded. "Take her away." He shouted as security came in and threw me in a holding cell. They wouldn't even let me explain and kept accusing me of such crimes. I looked around the cell, it stank and freaked of urine. "Please let me make a phone call." I shouted as I held the cold metal bars

"You're not going anywhere so get comfortable" one of the security men said as the other one smiled at me. "how much is she giving you?" I heard one say to the other before leaving. I was alone cold and scared. This cant be happening I need to go home I need to see my son. I sat on the dirty smelly bed it was better then sitting on the sticky unlined stained floor.

I sat in the empty cell for hours I don't know what time it is but I'm sure it was night by now. No one knows I'm here. And they wouldn't even let me make a call. I was so hungry I could feel my stomach growl with hunger and my mouth was dry from thirst. My head was still ringing, and my wounds didn't make this any easier. I closed my eyes in exhaust I was about to pass out again my body was so weak. The door crept open "Honey!" I heard I looked over and saw Sofia and Devon walk in. "Let her out now!" Devon shouted as Sofia rushed over. I ran towards her and grabbed her hand through the bars for dear life. I was saved. "What happened?" She asked. "Sir I can't release her." The officer said. "Let her out now or my lawyer will sue you for wrongful incarceration." Devon threatened. And then scared officer hesitated before unlocking the gate I hugged Sofia tightly and cried in her arms. "Let's get you home." She helped me stand as I could barely walk. We walked out, and Devon helped me in his car. "How did you guys know I was here?" I asked. "You went missing last night I looked all over I came this morning to ask around and the fron desk woman said you were taken away by cops I called Devon right away for help. What happened to you?" She asked. I started shaking when remember how I got raped and falsely blamed for it. "You don't have to say anything." Devon said as he drove as if he knew I was unable to explain. Sofia just rubbed my arms to calm me down. "I can't go home like this my son and mother will worry." I said, and Sofia nodded. "Devon take us to my house please." She said. "We need to take you to a hospital." Devon said. "No please I'm fine I just need to rest." I said. "Honey you don't look so good." Sofia said pointing at the cuts and bruises on my body. "They are just scratches please no hospital." I begged, and they understood. Short we arrived at her house. Devon said he had something to take care of then he left. Sofia drew me a warm bath I cleaned up and into the clothes she laid out for me. I sat with her in her room. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked and knew she was curious to know what happened but didn't want to push it. So, I explained everything that happened. "Are you kidding me who is this woman and man?!" She shouted, "I have no idea I don't know what happened last night all I remember was talking with Devon's sister Stephanie then I felt dizzy, some guy was talking to me, but I don't remember his face, but his voice was the same guy I woke up with." I explained. "We have to find out who he is." She stood up and walked around in anger. "Sofia what do you think they will do with the pictures they took of me?" I asked thinking about what Adam might think of me if he saw those pictures. "I've been meaning to ask how are you feeling…you know down there?" she raised both eye brows pointing to her vagina. "what do you mean?" I asked. "you know does it hurt or feel funny like how was it with him usually after sex your vagina should feel some way." She explained. I was no sex expert I've only done it once with Adam and it was very uncomfortable. "I feel fine I don't feel anything at all." I explained. "that's strange I guess his dick must be extra small." She laughed then her phone bussed she picked it up and looked at it and her eyes grew wide. She covered he mouth "I think I know who they are." She said and handed the phone to me as my heart jumped it was some blogging website and my face was the cover. It was me in the hotel naked with nothing but the bed sheet covering me scrolled down and more picture of me getting beat up by the woman. "Honey Daniel's lead actress in the new movie Endless Love that will premiere this year was caught in a scandal with young millionaire jack Miller." one the title read and there was picture of the man looking dashing in a suit smiling. Jack Miller was his same. "Jack Miller? He is some rich real-estate guy.. I've met his wife once at a gathering what's going on?" Sofia said making a confused expression.

I tossed the phone aside not wanting to read anymore I was in a state of shock. Sofia picked up the phone and continued reading.

"Sources say jack Miller was drugged and Raped by Hone Daniels last night at Steve Daniels birthday party when his wife walked in on them with paparazzi to expose his cheating ways Honey was taken into custody and will be charged for her crimes." She stopped reading when she saw tears role down my cheeks. "Honey don't cry we will make sure he pays for this." She said rubbing my back. I didn't know what to do? I was ruined. I need to know how and when he drugged me. There was no on around to witness it, but I needed to clear my name. I stood up and rushed to grab my phone. I looked at all the missed calls and almost cried when I saw Adam's. I dug in my purse and pulled out a piece of paper and called the one person I didn't think I ever would.