Chapter 68

Honey's (P.O.V)

Sofia stared at me with anticipation and utter confused crossing her face. "Well miss famous scandal, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Jeremy answered.

"I need help" I said with desperate tone. "I know you do and how can I be of assistance?" He asked. He was good with computers and hacking if he could some how get footage of last night then I could clear this whole mess. "Can you hack into Romero hotel security camera and find out what jack Miller did to me?" I asked. "I already did let's just say I was curious as well I'll email you the footage…don't be too surprised when you see." He said before hanging up. I looked at Sofia who was still staring at me with confusion. "Do you have a computer?" I asked her she nodded and walk away and came back with a laptop I signed in my email and clicked on the link Jeremy sent. We both quietly watched the screen as last nights event unfolded before us. It started with my conversation with Stephanie I watched closely as the waiter placed the water in front of me I turned away to see Bradly making a fool of him self that's when I saw her put something in my drink before walking away. Both Sofia and I looked at each other in shock. We continued the video and we saw her speak with jack Miller and point at me as he made his way towards me. "It was her!" Both Sofia I shouted in sync. "Why could she spike your drink?" Sofia asked. I explained the conversation she had with me. "She is a good friend of Michelle's she would do anything for her." Sofia said. Why would she spike me and send that man to rape me? I asked. "She was probably upset you embarrassed Michelle in front of everyone." She explained. "How can we fix this? I cried. "Call who ever sent this video and tell them to upload it everywhere make it go viral so that you will not be known as the rapist." She suggested. I picked up the phone but noticed the screen on the laptop go black as numbers and codes appeared. "What's is this?" Sofia said, and I was wondering the same thing. Suddenly Jeremey's face came on the scream. "Don't worry ladies I've already spread the message and made sure the video went viral you are clean Honey, just be ready for any retaliation from the Flinn family and Daniel's family." He said before ending the video with a smile and waved goodbye. "Jeremy is such a strange soul but what a savior." Sofia commented. I was so happy he did that for me. We searched the net and saw his video as he titled it. "Honey Daniels Drugged and set up by a Daniels family member."

"Honey this is great the has millions of views already." But I was still not happy I kept remembering everything that happened as I grew more and more angry. How was I so weak and helpless letting people take advantage of me I was done being a door mat to be stepped on and crushed I needed to fight for my innocence. "Honey I'm afraid for you the Flinn family is a force not to be reckoned with and don't get me started on the Daniels." She said with concern. "No Sofia I'm done being scared I was drugged beaten and held at gun point by them enough is enough I'm taking them all down even if I fail they will go down with me." I started at her with fire in my eyes. She held my hand. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't help you I have to think about my son." She said with remorse. "Don't worry I would never ask you to do anything I'm doing this alone." I said as I stood up. "I need to go I have to check on my son." I said as I left her house. I got home, and my mother was so worried about me. "Honey my goodness what happened to you. You're all over the news." Said hugging me tightly. "Mom where is junior?" I asked her. "He sleeping he has no idea what's going on but please explain." She said last thing I want to tell her is what happened, but do I have a choice since it is so public already. I explained everything. And she started crying. "How did this happen to my baby I knew this job was no good why isn't Adam around?" She asked. I looked at her tear-filled eyes and felt terrible for lying to her. "Mom Adam and I have broken up and I'm moving on please don't make this a big deal." I said walking away "how can you say that look at you with all those bruises and you want me to not worry?" she shouted with anger. "I told you I'm fine everything will be over soon." I closed the room door not wanting to argue with her. I sat on the bed and sighed wondering what my plans were and what I needed to do. My Phone rang as I looked at my cracked screen. It was a private caller I picked up and listened. "I told you not to make an enemy of me Honey now your life is over." The voice of Stephanie spoke with a chuckle. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "What could I possibly want from you?" She laughed. "Then why are you doing this to me?" I asked. "I haven't done anything you're the one that couldn't control yourself and ended up rapping jack...if you want all this to stop then stay away from my brother." She said with a serious tone. "you won't get away with this I will expose the person you are. The video has already been leaked." I said. "I know I saw the video and now you have officially declared war on me, so I will crush you." She said bewitchingly and hung up. I knew I had to do something if Stephanie and Michelle where after me. this was not going to be easy, but I had to fight back.

first thing I needed to do was get in touch with jack Miller and find out why a married successful man would agree to this. I searched the internet to find out more about him he was a regular guy good looks and lots of money to play with he married into riches his wife was named Rachel fudge she was born rich and married jack just last year she was much older than him and had two children from her previous marriage her ex husband had passed away and she inherited both his company and her own. there was multiple article of Jack cheating. I found out that they had a main building that's where jack spent most of his time working. I needed to see him and find our where he lived. It was far too late in the day to anything, so I decided to rest my head just for a short while, but I was exhausted, and my body needed to recover.

I woke up mid afternoon not knowing when I fell asleep I felt so refreshed and recharged. I looked around and no one was home. I looked at the time I needed to make my move and look for Jack. I stood up I put on a pair of dark sunglasses and a baseball hat and a large sweater so that I wouldn't be discovered.. I got in my mothers' car and drove towards the office. Once I arrived I sat in my car and watched the doors waiting to spot Jack. That's when my phone rang in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Adam. He probably heard the news of my scandal and wanted to shout at me for being such a fool. I don't want to hear him shouted right now so I silenced his call. I waited in my car for hours as I noticed the sun was setting. That's when I saw Jack stepping out the building and into a black car. I quickly started the engine and followed him. I kept a good distance from his car I didn't want to him to know he was being followed After about 20 minutes of driving he pulled up in a very luxurious neighborhood he parked his car in front of a big house and went into the house. I pulled out a note pad and a pen and wrote down his address. I drove away and left to a quite place to think. I sat in my car I needed a way to get in touch with him while he was alone. I called Jeremy once more. "Missed me already." He answered. "I need another favour is there anyway to hack into his security footage at his house?" I asked. "Childs play Honey give me more of a challenge." He gloated. "Please let me know who he lives with and their schedules, when they are home and when they leave." I said. "I'm on it." He said, and it had me wondering. "Why are you helping me anyways?" I asked him. "to be honest, don't be mad but I looked into your background and found out a few interesting things." He said.

"what did you find out?" I asked curiously. "I can tell you all that over dinner...don't worry just a casual dinner I'm not into you. No offence but you're not my type." He said with a chuckle. "Thank you for everything." I said.

I waited around and shortly he sent me an email. I opened it and there were a few attachments, I opened the video up and saw the inside of Jack's house there was about seven vintage one was in his living room the other in the kitchen a few in the hall ways and one in his bed room. I watched the live video as Jack walked around and his step son was in the living room playing video games he looked to be in his early teen, and his step daughter was in Jack's bedroom. She was young and pretty she looked young in her teens as well. I watched as his step daughter undressed taking off all her clothes and laid in his bed. I watched Jack Step into the Bedroom and get in bed with her as they started kissing and getting intimate he got on top of her and started having intercourse. I was shocked and disgusted that he was sleeping with his step daughter. She was just a child and he was in his 30's. What kind of a sicko was this man? I was about to call Jeremy, but he already texted me. "Don't worry I got that all on recording and just, so you know she is only 17." I read his message. I closed the footage unable to stomach anymore. I opened the other attachment as he detailed the step son and step daughter scheduled. The boy went to school during the day and when he's home he's always playing video games the buy had a mild case of autism and is very attached to his video games. The girl was in her last year of high school and worked part time at the office helping Jack. I looked at the sky as it was now dark out I spent the entire day following him that I completely lost track of time. I drove home and noticed my mother and junior were already asleep. I know there will be trouble following me, so I need to leave and make sure junior or my mother don't get caught up in all this. But I can't go anywhere without any money I don't have a cent to my name. How will I get money and quick? Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I was startled wondering who it could be so late in the night. I slowly stepped closer to the door and looked through the peep hole and saw a couple men I didn't recognize. I had a gut feeling there was something was wrong, but they kept knocking if I didn't open it they would wake my mother. I slowly opened it and peeked through the crack. "Can I help you?" I said but then door was kicked opened as they grabbed me and pulled me out of the apartment. The covered my mouth and tossed me in a car. "What's going on let me go?" I shouted. But they didn't speak not saying a w