Chapter 69

Honey's (P.O.V)

"Who are you what do want?" I said but swallowed the rest of my words when I noticed they were the same men that held a gun to my head the day Michelle threatened me in an ally. I remember their body shapes and one was blonde the other had dark hair. My legs started to shake, and I trembled in fear I looked around for my cell phone, but I left it at home. "Please let me go why are you kidnapping me?" I asked. "Shut up you nosy bitch today is your last day on earth." One of the men threatened causing me to panic. "If I'm going to die at least tell me where you're taking me?" I asked. "Doesn't matter your body will soon be floating in tumbling river with a bullet in between your eyes." One of the men commented. My legs became numb and I broke into cold sweats I was going to die, and no one can save me. "What is she paying you I can double it." I said out of fear. "What can you pay you're broke." The one driving said. "Please don't do this I can pay you 1 million dollars if you let me go." I cried. "And where are you going to get 1 million dollars?" They asked. "Give me one day just one day and I will deliver 1 million dollars." I said as they stopped the car and looked at each other. As if contemplating what to do. "I'm not lying you know where I live so I can't run away give me until tomorrow and you can take the money I know Michelle isn't paying you 1 million." I said. "How can we trust you?" They asked. "Its my life that I'm gambling. If I am not able to deliver the money then kill me." I said looked them in the eyes. They started thinking and exchanging looks with each other again as one nodded to the other. "One day is all you have or else we will come for you again." They said as they headed back to my apartment and dropped me off. They made sure to give me another warning as they drove off. I got back in the apartment and sat on the sofa shaking. I was too overwhelmed to even cry this was the second time Michelle has come close to killing. There wasn't going to be a third I need to deal with her quickly. I needed to sleep and make sure I was well rested for my day tomorrow earning 1 million was not going to be easy.

Morning came I fell asleep on the sofa still wearing my clothes. I opened up my laptop and looked at the footage with jack and his step daughter. I called Jeremy once more. "I need another favour." I said to him. "Oh boy you sure are needy these days but I love how you keep me busy." He said with his usual cheerful attitude. "Can you create me a banking account that will not be traced to me in any way?" I asked. "I sure can and what is it for?" He asked. "There will be a huge amount of money that will be wired to that account. If all goes well I will hire you full time as my personal help and make sure you get paid well." I explained. "Hire me? This sounds fun I'm in." He agreed. "When will the account be ready?" I asked. "Give me a few minutes and it should be done." He said making me wonder how big of a genius was he. "Thank you and one more thing can you send me a voice disguise I need to a make a call to someone." I asked. "If I will be working for you can I please get in on some action? Connect me to the collar and I will disguise your voice." He assured me. I didn't trust Jeremy one hundred percent, but I really needed his help. "I will be calling jack and black mail him with the footage." I explained. "Oh boy you silly rabbit. Good thing you called me first. Are you trying to get killed? If you send him the footage he can track you down by tracing your IP address and find the location of the sender. I will block your IP address and make sure you are untraceable." He said making me feel like the biggest idiot. "I don't know how to thank you…let me know when the account is ready." I said hanging up. Now its time to earn that money. Jeremy texted me giving me the green light to go ahead after he blocked my IP address. I sent the video to jack's Personal email address. I opened his live footage to his house and saw he was still at home. He was in the kitchen as he had his arms around his step daughter kissing her. she looked like she was getting read to head out to school no one else seamed to be home I watched as he looked as his phone and pushed her away in shock as soon as he saw my email he walked around running his hand through his hair as the girl followed him around in panic. I waited a few minutes to make him sweat a little in panic. Then it was time. I called Jeremy and he connected me to jacks cell phone. "Good morning jack Miller did you get your gift I sent?" I said. "Who the hell is this how did you get that tape?" He shouted in a panic. "Shut up and listen to me carefully if you do not want your wife to find out what you have been doing with her precious daughter I want you to wire 2 million dollars in the account information I will provide. "2 million this a joke… fuck you I have a good lawyer that will sue the shit out of you!" He screamed. "Go a head and sue me that if you can find me, but I will make sure everyone gets a copy of this video. I will start with your wife then her father then everyone at you work then eventually leak it to the public. I don't know what is worse, divorce and losing all your riches that you just entered or jail for having a sexual relationship with and underaged girl." I laughed. He went silent as I could here the girls voice in the background asking what's going on. "I will send you the money please don't leak the video I can't go to jail ...please." his sudden change in attitude was obvious he was scared. Send it within 10 minutes or the video will go viral. I said and hung up on him. My phone rang, and Jeremy started laughing very hard on the other line. "That was epic you played the villain so great who knew you had it in you? And I gave you a mans voice over for a dramatic effect." He complimented. "Its thanks to you I wouldn't have ever pulled it off if not for you." I thanked and suddenly there was a message on my laptop screen. I clicked the account opened and felt my heart drop as I saw a deposit of 2 million dollars. I've never in my life had this much money. "You see that?" I asked Jeremy over the phone. "Yup the fool actually came through." He said. "Jeremy 500.000.00 is yours you have earned it. " I said. "Really? But I haven't done much to be rewarded half a million you're being too generous." He said. " this whole thing was thanks to you now take it." I ordered and so he took his portion. "So, partner what's our next mission?" He asked. " I have one last favor; can you collect information on two men that worked for Michelle they are tall and build men in late 30s one is blonde with blue eyes with a pointed pinched nose. The other has brown hair with a mole on his left cheek. I explained what ever little details I could remember. "You're not giving me much to work with, but I can fine them." He said. "Once you find them please transfer half a million each into their accounts and please send me everything you can find on them." I asked him. Taking Jacks money was just the beginning I still needed to know why he did what he did.