Chapter 70

Adam's (P.O.V)

"Where have you been and why are you ignoring my calls do you have any idea how many meetings I had to cancel?" Robyn shouted over the phone "I have to go I'm busy with something." I said as I hung up on her I called Honey but still no answer. I needed to know what was going on as I've been seeing so much news about her raping or being raped i was so worried that I couldn't even think straight. Who the hell was this Jack Miller guy I needed to know I called Black Raven once more. "What is it Adam?" He answered grouchy as ever. "Jack Miller I need intel." I said briefly he sighed in annoyance but agreed moments later I was looking at everything about him. It was late in the evening and so I collected a few body guards and headed out. I followed Jack Miller as he was headed to a strip club and we watched as he had fun with the dancers. I kept a distance from him but observed his every move. I didn't even know this guy, but I could already see what kind of a man he was. one dancer came up to me offering me a nap dance. "Take that man to VIP and give him a lap dance. " I said pointing to Jack Miller as I slipped her some cash in her hand. "As you wish handsome." She stuffed the money in her bra and headed towards him. I watched as she seductively danced on him as she took his hand and led him towards the back of the club. The men and I followed them and stood at the door of the VIP I watched him grin like a fool as he caressed her body. I stepped in the room with then men as one of them escorted the dancer out. "Hey, get out we are busy what the hell are you doing?" He tried to stand up, but I pushed him down. "Look I don't want any trouble." He said once he saw the hostility I showed as the men stood behind me. "Neither do I but I have a few questions for you." I said standing above him. "What is it?" He asked with obvious anxiety. "Honey Daniels, tell me why you raped her." I asked holding the urge to beat him senseless. "Why do you want to know." He asked but I couldn't control my anger as I punched him so hard he spit out blood. "I don't have the patience, so you better tell me quick." I said. "Who the fuck do you think you-" I shut him up with another punch on the nose as his eyes spun around in daze. "I will ask you one more time what happened." I grabbed him by the caller. "go to hell you punk." He spit a mouth full of blood in my face. I whipped it off with my hand and started punching him repeatedly as blood spattered all over the room. One of my body guards grabbed my hand stopping me when I noticed he was unconscious. "Grab him and let's go." I said as I left the room. We walked out of the back door of the club making sure no one was around. They tossed him in the car and we drove to a secluded area down Tumbling river. They pulled him out of the car and tossed him on the ground. He woke up and grabbed his head as he looked around confused. "If you don't tell me what happened I can't help what will happen to you." I said with frustration at how stupid this man was. "Please stop I will pay you any amount please don't hurt me…I have a wife and kids please." He cried as he bowed to the floor. And to call yourself a man I was annoyed at his cowardness and kicked him in the chest as he rolled over on the ground in pain. "I will tell you what happned ok no more please I cant handle anymore." He cried out. I bent down to his leven looking him in the eye. "speak." I simply said. "Nothing happened I didn't rape her I swear on my life indidnt rape her. Stephanie just asked me to take her to a hotel and have sex, but I never touched her I swear it… she promised me to invest in our company if I did." He cried but just the thought of him touching her made me angry, so I punched him in the face as he spun around and flopped to the ground. "I told you I never touched her I swear I was just helping Stephanie I didn't rape her." He shouted. "Take him and throw his worthless body in the river." I said walking away.

The men grabbed him and pulled him towards the river. "Please don't I have proof I can prove I didn't touch her." He screamed towards me as a desperate cry for help. I stopped and turned around to look at him. "What proof do you have?" I asked. "The hotel room there was a Camera I placed a Camera in the room I was going to rape her, but I didn't because I didn't trust Stephanie to come through with her promise if she pulled back the deal I was going to leak the video myself to expose Stephanie… I have the recording at my house I will show you." H explained I nodded at the med to release him as they dropped him to the ground. He crawled to my feet like a dog and cried. "Please take me home and I will show you." He grabbed my leg, but I kicked his hand away. This scrum would pay dearly if he was lying to me. "Get him in the car." I ordered.

We arrived at his house and followed him in the house. It was empty, and no one was home, he led us to his study and opened up his computer and clicked opened the video. We watched in silence as the video showed him carrying Honey's unconscious body that evening and tossing her on the bed as he undressed her. I tightened my fist as anger slowly raised within me and he noticed my anger. "Keep watching please I didn't do it." He said with panic. I watched as he placed her under the Blanket as he undressed and laid beside her and placed something on the night stand and slept. I kept watching but he didn't touch her he slept on the bed as the recording continued. "Give me the tape." I said. "Of course." He hurried and handed me the USB. "You see I told you I didn't touch her." He said as he sighed in relief as if he was just saved. "Take care of him." I said leaving the room. " I told you everything what are you not the face again please stop." He screamed as they started beating him.

I left his house and made my way to Honey's apartment. I was overjoyed knowing nothing happened. But who was this Stephanie woman he spoke of and what did she want with Honey? I headed to Honey's apartment. I needed to tell her everything I can't keep hiding this from her she needed to know the truth the whole truth and that was her family as well. I arrived at her apartment and knocked the door as Honey opened it she looked at me with surprise. "Adam what are you doing here?" She asked averting her eyes from me. "Can we talk I have something to tell you." I asked. "Junior and my mother are sleeping right now." She frowned. "Then come with me there is something you need to know." I said but she didn't say anything as she hesitated. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out. "What are you doing?" She asked. "You can't keep avoiding me this is important." I asked as we stepped out of the building and stood in front of my car. "Get in." I ordered. "Adam I can't go with you right now." She began to say. But I was not having a good day and was not in the mood for her tantrums "Get in the car now I don't have patience right now." I repeated, and she obeyed and entered the car. she sat in the car quietly and uncomfortable making my heart ache. since when did she feel this way around me? "Are you hungry?" I asked. "No." She answered.

"Great I'm starving let's talk over food." I said as I drove. We arrived at a low-key outdoor patio. She sat on the chair with an annoyed face doing anything she can to avoid eye contact with me. "what can I get you." the waiter arrived. "Two noodles special with water please." I ordered.

She sat staring at me quietly but ever time I looked at her to turned away and often looked spaced out as if she wasn't mentally absent and her mind wondered. "You didn't get raped." I said unexpectedly causing her to finally look into my eyes with a shocked expression. "What?" She blurted out. "Come on Honey I know you are not that stupid if you didn't feel anything after the incident... I mean after you and I did it you said it hurt didn't it?" I asked and watched her face turn red. "I didn't feel anything with him ... but I was naked…how do you expect me to react?" She said shyly averting her eyes from me once more. She looked so cute when she blushed I missed seeing her look this way and the way I use to tease her she would get mad I missed it all. "Don't worry it's all on this…he said some Stephanie woman asked him to frame you and promised him a contract with her company who is she anyways." I said handing her the USB Jack gave me. "Stephanie is Devon's sister she is the middle child of Harry and to be honest she has been threatening me." She said making my heart race in anger why would the daughter of Harry threatened her. "Don't worry I will take care of her and Michelle." She said noticing the hostility on my face. "I want to protect you Honey, let me help you." I grabbed her hand, but she pulled away. "This is my war I don't want you to fight my battle for me I can take care of myself." She said with a firm tone and determined eyes. She wasn't the fragile Honey I once knew, she had fire in her eyes. "I know you can, but I can't forgive myself if anything happens to you Junior needs you and so do I." I said looking at her. She let down her force look with a sad one. "If there is nothing else then I will be leaving now." she stood up, but I grabbed her hand. "Wait… that's not what I wanted to show you." I said as I dropped the files that Black Raven gave to me in front of her. "What's this?" She asked with a raised eyes brow. "I hired someone to look into you Devon and Sofia." I admitted. "You stalked me?" She said with slight anger. "Yes, I did I was worried about you but please just look at your file." I said truthfully. She sat back down and opened her file I sat quietly and watched her read her eyes scanning it. She flipped though the pages and her eyes grew wide as she continued to read. She suddenly dropped the file and looked at me with tear filled eyes.

"Where did you get these who gave them to you?" She said with shaken words.

"Never mind that your life is in danger. If Harry finds out who you are then he will kill you." I said with concern. "No way...there's no way this cant be true my father left us he married my mothers' friend this cant be true there no way." She cried. she was in obvious shock and denial. "Honey its the truth it's from a reliable source." I tried to calm her down. "No they are not my family I refuse to believe this." She shook her head. "I know you are shocked to be honest I didn't believe it myself but why would he lie to me?" I said looking at her quiver. "Who is He? I need to meet him." She said. "I can't tell you much about him but if you read in the file he is your father's friend his real name I don't known but he calls himself Black Raven. Honey they stole Mystro from your father and Black raven…that company is rightfully yours and Black Ravens." I said, and she looked at me with shock. "I can't be related to them if this as all true then Devon is…" she trailed off and the moment his name escaped her lips I felt sick. "even though I'm here with you, you still think of him?" I asked hurt. She looked at me with sad eyes. "Adam I don't need to explain anything to you but if you must know there is nothing between Devon and I…it's a misunderstanding he will be engaged to Michelle." She explained. I smiled at her it uplifted my mood I just needed to hear her say It that's all I wanted. " father is in prison?" She asked more to herself. "yes, he told Black Raven he doesn't want anyone to know especially you or Heather." I said, and I could see her get crushed and she held back the tears biting down on her lower lip. "would you like to see him?" I asked her she looked at me as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Can I?" a smiled crept on her lips. "We can go tomorrow I also want clarity." I said holding her hand and she squeezed it tightly and cried. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her as she cried hard in my shoulder. "Thank you Adam." She managed to say through her tears. I held her tight not letting go I never want to let her go again. All this pain she was feeling I wanted to take it away from her. I wanting to make her and smile and be happy. "Excuse me your food is ready." The waiter said placing the food on the table I cursed under my breath for interrupting us. "Eat up you've lost too much weight lately." I said letting her go. She smiled shy and whipped away her tears.

we sat quietly eating our meals once we finished I knew I had to take her home. I didn't want this night to end. I was so happy being with her I didn't feel empty when she was by my side I felt complete and whole. I drove her to the apartment and parked the car. "Thank you again Adam." She said with a smile. "ill pick you up tomorrow morning to see your father." I Reminded. She nodded and smiled as she opened the door. Why did it hurt so bad watching her leave, her back was to me as she kept walking away my heart ached as if shredding to pieces? I don't know what came over me I jumped out of the car and grabbed her as she reached for the apartment door I spun her around. "What are you doing?" She looked at me skeptically. My body had no control it was moving on its own as I leaned in and kissed her passionately slipping my touch in her mouth. she didn't push me away or fight back she let me kiss her. I kissed her like I would never see her again it as if my mouth was moulding with hers as our saliva's mixed. She tasted so sweet I grabbed her cheeks pulling her in, I wanted to taste every drop of her saliva I pinned my body to hers as we leaned against the apartment door I ran my hands through her hair my body was heating up as blood rushed to my head her moans that escaped her lips got me excited. she suddenly pushed me away our lips parted, and she stared at me wide eyes. My heart was racing as we both tried to catch our breaths. She didn't say a word and I didn't have the courage to either. She turned around and ran inside the apartment. What came over me? It was like I was possessed and at got lost in emotion. I went back to the car and smiled to myself. That was the best kiss I've ever had. Every time I kissed her I felt a rush fill my body. I really love this woman.