Chapter 71

Honey's (P.O.V)

I stood in my apartment and took a deep breath as I hyperventilate. He kissed me this wasn't then first time, but it felt like I was being kissed for the first time. If I didn't push him away I know I would do something I would regret. It was so sudden he didn't even give time to react. He made my heart stop palpitating why did I have these feelings again. I thought I was over him, but I felt butterflies every time he looked at me. "Honey are you still awake?" My mother asked stepping out of the room. "Sorry mom did I wake you?" I said looking at her. "No, I just woke for some water." Said as she went to the kitchen and poured herself a cup. I remembered everything Adam said as I held the files in my hand. What would my mother do if she found out what happened to my father? How he lied to her all these years about who he really was. Would she be upset or joyful? I wondered. "Is everything ok why are you just standing at the door staring at me?" She smiled. "Sorry I was just out for a walk I needed fresh air." I lied. "What's that in your hand?" She asked looking at the file I held. "Its just some paper work I wanted to drop off at Mystro before I quit." I lied again as I gripped them tightly. "I'm glad you are quitting ever since you started working there it has been one trouble after the other." She said placing the cup down and walked towards the sofa. "Come sit we haven't spoken it a while tell me what is really going on I'm not stupid I see your name in news papers and all over the internet." She crossed her legs with a frown on her face. "Mom I'm really tired can we talk some other time?" I said walking towards then room. "Hold it young lady you may he an adult now but I'm still your mother now sit down now." She snapped with authority. I sighed at sat beside her. "Start from the beginning since Adam came back you have been miserable then you move out of his house then you break up suddenly I see your name on the internet about drugging now spit it out." She recounted. I guess I needed to say something I know how worried she is about me it has been a mess lately she must be confused and frustrated being left in the dark. "I didn't get raped or rape anyone it was just a misapprehension and Adam and I haven't been seeing eye to eye so we called it quits." I explained. "Is that so?" She said with disbelieve I known she didn't believe me she's a very smart woman. "Mom I need you to take care of junior for a bit." I suddenly said. "What do you mean?" She raised am eyes brown. I know trouble will follow me if I stayed here my mother and junior would be caught in the mixed. "I just need to leave for a bit and take care of some things." Said with a heavy heart. "Honey what are you talking about?" She asked. "I promise once its all over I will tell you everything mom just don't ask me anything right now." I stood up and made my way to the bed room she followed asking questions, but I ignored her and started packing my things stuffing my clothes in a suitcase. "Honey this doesn't make any sense where are you going? please tell me something." She cried. "I told you I will be fine I will be back soon." I grabbed my things, but she grabbed on to the suit case. "I'm not letting you go anywhere you better tell me something." She said staring at me. I looked at I could see she was hurt and worried, but this was for her own good if what Adam said was true then Harry was not going to let us be. "Trust me please mom, junior needs someone to take care of him I can't do that right now please mom." I said to her she stared at me long and hard as her grip loosened. "Just be careful and please call me every day" she said with a crack in her tone. I nodded and hugged her as I made my way out the door. I tossed my bags in the car and drove in the night. I cried to myself in the car. What was I doing? How did my life end up like this? I arrived at a hotel it was a temporary place I could stay until I figured out a plan to end this whole charade. I checked in and made my way to the room. I wired some money into my mothers account so that she wouldn't be short on cash if they ever needed it. Once I knew they were taken care of I sat in front of my laptop and started to work. I didn't want to sleep there was so much I needed to do. I searched the internet about the Daniel's family if they were truly my family then who were they really. I searched and searched but they looked clean there was no scandal of them. I read about Harry and how his brother and parents passed away in a plain crash many years ago I was amazed to read my fathers name they said he went missing. I called Jeremy I needed to know if he really was arrested. "Do you known what time it Honey I'm getting my beauty sleep." He yawned. "I know I'm sorry, but I really need to know about someone." I asked. "Can't this wait?...who is so important that can't wait until tomorrow?" He asked. "Nicholas Daniel's what can you find on him?" I asked. "Your father?" He said making my heart skip. "How did you know?" I asked. "I told you I looked into you and found out some interesting facts I was going to tell you over dinner didn't I?" He reminded. "Are the Daniel's really related to me Jeremy?" I asked. "Yes, unfortunately your father was framed." He said. "Please tell me how." I cried.

"I can't do too much digging around Harry is dangerous and can be very scary I wouldn't meddle in this one if I were you." I continued. but how could I do that? my father was done horribly by him. "I know he's scary, but he stole something that doesn't belong to him I want to take it back." I said to him as he grew silent. "I know we are now partners Honey, but I don't know if I want to risk my life for money." He sounded worried. "I know I'm asking too much but I'm offering you something big if we take back Mystro we can run it as partners." I concluded making sure he was on board. "And what if this plan fails what are the consequences?" He asked. "I will take the full blame and take the fall alone." I answered truthfully. "You are an admirable woman Honey, I admire your loyalty. And I would never let you take the blame. I will help you claim the company because truthfully I hate Harry with every ounce in my body your family Is not the only one he has ruined." He related making me wonder what he could have possibly done to Jeremy. "Now I will send you your fathers' info please do not call me in the middle of the night even geniuses need there sleep too know." He laughed but I would tell something was off about him we ended the call, I sat on the hotel bed and waited for his message. Shortly he sent it as I quickly clicked it opened and started to read about my father. Nicholas Daniels was arrested for fraud and theft it said my father tried to embezzle money from foreign countries and was arrest fifteen years ago. That was around the same time he went missing. I sat back and covered my mouth in shock Adam was right he was really arrested. How come this news was never released to the press. How come no one knew of his whereabouts it just said he went missing. My mother would have told me if she knew but it seemed like this was covered up. And steeped under the rug. I continued reading as to how Harry killed his own parents and brother. He threatened to kill my father as well but instead framed him and locked him in jail taking control of Mystro has his own. Harry Daniels my uncle was a terribly evil man that stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. That's when my eyes landed on information about his wife Jenna Daniel's the mother of Steve, Stephanie and Devon who he had also murdered because she had an affair with a man and birthed a son for him. How did Jeremy find so much details about Harry? who documented all this I'm sure Harry would try his best to cover all this up. I didn't want to call Jeremy he already seamed annoyed. So, I left those questions unanswered. I decide to play then USB Adam had given to me the footage he says Jack didn't rape me. I inserted the USB into my laptop and clicked opened the link. I watched the video as it played I was amazed that Jack just laid beside me I watched for hours and suddenly his phone rang as he rolled out of bed to answer it. "Hello?...yes she is here but I don't plan to touch her until Stephanie signed those papers.....if she doesn't come through with her end of the deal I will expose her and say she bribed me to rape her...ok make sure she signs those papers on Monday. Alright bye." He said and hung up as he laid beside me once more. Hours had gone by with out him touching me. Then I saw myself get out of bed in shock and then rest I remember clearly as his wife barged in to attack me. I closed my laptop with a smile on my face. I didn't get raped Adam was right yet again. I was so happy knowing that nothing happened. That's when I noticed the sun was up and it was already morning. I spent the whole night on my laptop that I didn't even notice it was already day time. I stood up to take a shower because Adam would soon be on his way to pick me up. After I showered I changed into a t-shirt and Jean's and waited for Adam's call. For some reason I wanted to see him again that kiss from last night was still fresh in my mind as I placed my hand on my lips remembering his soft lips against mine. I wont lie that kiss was amazing reminding me of the great life we once had together. Suddenly my phone rang. As I noticed Adams name on my caller ID. "Are you ready? I'm on my way to your place." He said, "yes I'm ready but I'm not at home I will send you the address to where I am now." I said as I hung up he sounded like he wanted to say more but didn't. I text him the address and waited for him at the lobby. I watched his car pull in the drive way as my heart started to beat faster. I stepped in his car and saw his beautiful smile with those adorable dimples and icy blue eyes stare at me.