Chapter 72

Honey's (P.O.V)

"Did you sleep well?" He asked. "Yes, I did." I lied I didn't sleep at all since he dropped me off at home. "Why are you staying at a hotel?" He asked. "I needed time to clear my head." I simply said not getting into details and he didn't question me any further I was grateful of that. He started driving I kept sneaking looks at him. He was so handsome as always his face had matured but still held that boyish charm that I adored. He was wearing a plain white t shirt and Jeans with white sneakers, but he looked amazing in anything he wore. His body was so masculine and perfectly shaped, and the car spelled of his sweet sent that I missed I looked at those pink lips that kissed me intensely last night and my heart was now pounding. He looked at me as if noticing my glare, but I quickly looked away in embarrassment I was checking him out and he caught me. "Are you ok?" He asked he could tell I was blushing. I snuck a quick look at him as he smirked with amusement. "I'm fine." I answered. He tuned his attention back on the road. I placed my hand on my beating heart trying to calm my self. It was like old times where he made me feel like butterflies in my stomach. I don't want to feel this way knowing he's Scarlett's man made me feel even worse. He was once mine and now another woman kissed and touched him. I sighed out loud without even noticing. "Is something bothering you?" He suddenly asked. "No.." I answered unable to tell him how I feel. "Honey about that kiss last night...I -"

"you don't have to say anything just please don't let it happen again." I said to him. He was Scarlett's man now and he needed to know it was not ok to cheat on every girl he was with. First it was Rose then me now Scarlett.

"What if said no?" He asked without looking at me. "We are not together anymore it's not ok." I assured looking at him. "I haven't given up on you-"

"But you are with Scarlett!" I suddenly shouted out surprised at I my own out burst. He stayed quite and drove in silence. I wished I never said that I didn't want to show him I was bothered by it. "My label was going to drop me…I know its not and excuse, but she was going to sing with SOI only if I dated was just pretended you can choose to believe me but it's the truth." He explains with sad eyes he didn't once face me or look at me. "Its not an excuse… you chose your career over your family." I emphasized to him knowing it would hurt him. "I know I made my bed and now I'm laying in it, but I regret that mistake I have to live with it." He said but I didn't respond if I continue I would say hurtful things to him, so I chose to stay quiet. We drove in silver it was so awkward. It may be pretend, but he didn't once think about my feelings or his son. He's still young but old enough to make the right choice. "I didn't touch her if that's what you are wondering." He suddenly said. "I wasn't wondering that." I declared "Yes you were but don't worry the last woman I touched was you and you will be the last." He chortled with a smile. "You won't touch me again." I said crossing my arms. "I will have you again it may not be now but sooner or later you will be mine again." He tittered reaching for my arm. But I pushed it away. "I said you wont touch me again." But he retracted his name and reached once more this time rubbing my thigh. "No man will touch you but me this is my property." He said jokingly. But I pulled his finger back ready to snap it. He pulled away and chuckled. "Doesn't this bring back memories?" He laughed. It was like when we first met the day Andrew and Adam came for dinner at my house. I couldn't help chuckling he was being cute. We arrived at the Morning ale valley correctional facility that my father was being held in. As we got closer I grew more and more edgy as my palms started to sweat we entered the gates and security escorted us to the waiting room. "Please understand that you require an appointment to visit inmates." The security said she was an older woman but tall and strong her face held so much attitude as if she hated her job but needed to make a living. Once she laid eyes on Adam her mouth hung in awe. "Oh my God! Are you Dark Scorpion?" She shouted in excitement. I looked at Adam who looked uncomfortable but put a fake smile. "My daughter loves you she is a huge fan can I please get a picture and autograph for her?" She asked pulling out her cell phone. "Anything for a fan." He put his charm to work. He smiled signing her hat as she took selfies with him. All the hostility she showed me was complete opposite of what she showed Adam. "We would like to see Nicholas Daniels please." Adam said reminder her why we were even here. "I'm not allowed but since Dark Scorpion is asking how can I say no. Please wait here." She hurried to and left. Adam looked at me and smiled wide showing off his charm. I rolled my eyes at him but was thankful to him. I was overwhelmed that I was about to see the man that I thought abandoned me, the man who I loved with all my heart I felt a rush of anxiety through my body and Adam could tell I was uneasy. "Hey don't be nervous." He grabbed my hand his hand was so warm it made me feel better I held his hand and waited the woman arrived shortly. "I'm sorry but he does not want any visitors." She said, and I felt my heart drop I wanted to cry but couldn't. I waited years to see him again. "Can you tell him his daughter is here please." I begged. "I'm sorry he's been like this for many years an elder man always comes to visit him, but he always turns him away he never accepts a visitor." The woman explained. "Tell him his daughter is in danger let him know Harry knows everything." Adam suddenly said to her I looked at him with shock his lie might actually work he looked at me and shrugged. The woman agreed and left. I waited with anticipation and a pounding heart as I paced around nervously. The doors opened once more and opened as the woman walked out I felt so disappointed why didn't he want to see me even after the lie Adam made about me being in danger. Suddenly a man wearing prison clothes walked behind her his hands were cuffed he walked on the opposite of the wall as the woman removed his hand cuffs he sat down. He was grey all over with a full beard his face was that I remember but age and time has had its tole on him. His brown eyes looked tired and his body withered away as if about to parish any moment. It ached my heart hurt so bad seeing the strong young man I once knew. He stared at me through the glass window analyzing every inch of me. He picked up the phone and I shook before I picked up the other end. I was getting choked up as my throat tightened not allowing to speak. "Honey you look so much like your mother." He spoke as his deep rough voice rang in my ear. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.. "daddy..." I cried like the little broken girl in side me called out. "has Harry harmed you how did he find out?" He asked as all softness left him. I shook my head. "He doesn't know him sorry I lied I just wanted to see you." I cried. He sighed deeply in relief. "How did you know about me?" He asked. And I turned around to look at Adam. "He helped me find you." I said with a smile my father looked at Adam up and down before turned back to me I could see Adam shift with discomfort. "Who is he?" My father asked. "The father of my son." I lamented. "your son? mean you..." he started to smile and let out a big laugh. "I'm a grandfather?" He shouted with teary eyes and I nodded. "I'm so happy baby girl." He held back the tears. "Does your mother know about me?" He asked, and I nodded. "And I don't plan to tell her anything yet." I answered the question he would ask. "Daddy what really happened how did you get framed?" I asked getting down to business I wanted to talk about every detail about my life, but time was not on my side. "Its such a long story Honey, but I've come to peace with it." He said finally releasing his tears he tired but couldn't stay strong. His tears made me sob, I cried even harder. "Daddy I'm taking back Mystro and I will get you out of here...everyone that tore our family apart will pay for it." I said with determination. "Honey my life is just about over; live your life with your husband and son don't waste it on this old cook." He looked at Adam. I didn't have the heart to tell him we were not married or even a couple anymore. "You can't give up because I'm not giving up on you. My son needs to see his grandfather and I know you miss mom." I said to him. "I know baby girl but there is no way you can fight them all on your own…you are just a girl." He continued. "I'm not a little girl anymore dad you wait and see I will get you out soon so please do not give up." I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Let me talk to your husband." He suddenly said looking back at Adam. I handed the phone to Adam and stood beside him. "Hello sir." Adam greeted. "My you are a handsome fella... now listen to me carefully boy, my Honey is my life if anything happens to her its on you…if you let even a hair on her head get damaged I will never forgive you." He cautioned. Adam glared at him with stern eyes. "don't worry sir I love her and won't ever let anything happened to her I promise you." Adam stammered as my heart skipped a beat. My father smiled at him with pleased eye. "I like you son call me dad from now on we are family now." My father said, and I watched Adam smile from ear to ear. "Thank you dad I will protect her with my life." Adam declared. I felt odd hearing him say that, this strange feeling was taking over my body. "Good boy now you will need to get in touch with a good friend of mine. His name is Gilbert Jones he goes by the alias Black Raven tell him it's time and to use the thing he will know what to do next." My father related to Adam and I watched with anticipation. Black Raven was the man who started Mystro with my father. Adam nodded handing me back the phone. "Baby girl its time I go back but remember to be careful Harry is a heartless man." He warned "I love you Honey." He said to me.

"I love you too daddy." I cried as we ended our conversation I watched as the woman placed hand cuffs on him and escort him back to the room. And all the emotions I was holding back I let out one time. I cried harder than I've ever cried in my life. Adam hugged me tightly and I sobbed in his arms like a baby. "Don't worry we will get him out." He consoled softly I was so glad he was here with me right now I needed comfort.