Chapter 74

Honey's (P.O.V)

"I will start off this meeting by telling you Scarlett and I were never a real couple and from this day forward what ever little fake relationship we had is over." He said, and I saw scarlets and Robyn's face expression change. "Dark what are you saying?" Scarlett shouted. "I'm saying I was never into you if you choose to sign with SOI then that's your business not mine. "He said harshly. "Dark please don't do this I love you I always have." Scarlett cried but Adam returned a cold glare at her. "My heart belongs to one person only." He walked towards me as he stood behind me placing a hand on my shoulder. "This woman has stolen my heart and it belongs only to her." He said sending bolts of electricity throughout my body. Sofia stared at us with wide eyes as Robyn gritted her teeth in anger. "Dark stop with this nonsense-" Robyn began to say but Adam cut her short. "And another thing I want to say is that I quit being Dark scorpion my name is Adam Hayes I no longer want to be a singer so cancel my contract Robyn." He said as my heart shook and everyone in the room gasped in shock. Even Sofia placed her hand over her mouth. "Think about what you are doing don't throw away everything you worked so hard for just for some floozy who you knocked up." Robyn stood up from her seat with fury as she glared at me with killing instinct. "Watch how you talk about her Robyn that's a warning." Adam gave her a death glare.

"I won't let you or anyone control me anymore I'm done being your puppet to make everyone else happy its my turn to be happy." He announced making the air still and cold as the tension in the room grew thick. no one dared to speak, Scarlett was breathing heavily with anger and Robyn looked at me as if she wanted me to die on the spot I downcast my eyes avoiding any eye contact from her. "Is this what you really want are you sure about this?" Robyn asked. Adam looked at me with a smile "I've never been so sure in my life." He said staring into my eyes. "Fine don't come crawling back to me when you two break up." Robyn walked out of the room slamming the door shut emphasizing her anger. "I wish nothing but the worst for you two...I hope you live miserably together." Scarlett condemned before exiting the room as well. It was now just the three of us I was lost of words and couldn't utter a sound. Adam sat beside me holding my hand. As he smiled at me waiting for my response. "Now that is over I can focus more on you and junior." He said I pulled my hand away from him as slight surprised crossed his face. "I wish you never did that." I said lowly. "But I wanted to." He stated. "But I have not accepted you yet." I said truthfully. "I know, and I don't Care, I've said this before many times you are the only one I want, and I will wait for you no matter how long it takes I will never love another." His eyes looked so gentle and my face heated up. "I can't accept your feelings." I began. Then Sofia started coughing reminding both Adam and I of her presence. We both turned to look at her. "Oh, I'm sorry don't mind me pretend I'm not here.... continue." she smiled sheepishly.

"No there's nothing to continue if that is all you wanted clear up then we will be leaving." I announced. "Wait don't leave yet I called over Black Raven he is on his way." Adam suddenly said but looked at Sofia with caution. "Don't worry she is on our side." I assured him. "And how do we know that?" He asked. "Because I want those fuckers all dead." Sofia suddenly roared. "I see...who are you again?" He questioned. "Adam this is Sofia and the Daniels took everything away from her as well." I explained. Adam looked her up and down then smirked. "Ok the mayor the merrier." He laughed. "Wait there is also one more person I would like to join this meeting he has been a huge help to me and has an equal Gruden against the Daniels." I explained. "Who is that?" Sofia asked. "you will meet him once I call him." I pulled out my phone. "You rang boss?" Jeremy answered the call I rolled my eyes at his cheeky remarks. " can you come to Town Hall for a meeting to start our plans." I said briefly. "Let me check my schedule.... looks like I'm free just kidding I never have plans. I'll be there in five minutes." He laughed and hung up. I sat back down and wait Suddenly an old man walked threw the doors he had an eye patch on his left eye and limped as I saw his leg looked strange. His face had so much scars and a full grey beard, He looked kind of scary. Adam smiled and greeted him and escorted him to sit at the table. "Ladies this is Black Raven, or should I say Gilbert Jones." Adam announced, and I was amazing that such a scary man was my fathers' friend and a known genius. Gilbert glared at me long and hard making feel uncomfortable. "Gilbert this is Honey Daniels Nicholas's daughter." Adam introduced me. As the man didn't say a word his cold stare was getting weird. "And this is her friend Sofia." Adam now introduced Sofia to him. "I'm sorry to stare but you are beautiful and look so much like your mother and father." He suddenly said as he smiled at me. "Have you met my mother?" I asked curiously. "I'm afraid I haven't but Nicholas showed me so many pictures of the two of you and you have grown up so much." He smiled depending the wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. "Its nice to meet you Gilbert." I said to him. "You're a lucky man Adam." He praised Adam. I could see Adam light up with a big grin. "The luckiest man in the world." Adam commented. But I didn't say anything. Then there was a knock on the door Adam stood to open. "can I help you?" Adam said to Jeremy who stood at the door.

"Seeing Dark person in person what an honor." Jeremy casually walked past him. "looks like I'm in the right place." Jeremy continued taking the seat beside Sofia. Everyone looked at each other confusion. "Who are you?" Adam asked him. "Jeremy what are you doing here?" Sofia asked. "What am I doing here? The question what are you doing here and why do you look like you did the walk of shame after a one-night stand?" He laughed pointing at her. "bite me nerd." She snapped crossing her arms. "Everyone this is Jeremy the person I mention that would be joining us." I explained. "What does he have to do with the Daniels?" Sofia asked with annoyance. "I hate them just as much as you do." Jeremy laughed. "Jeremy has been helping me these days he is good with computers and is a good asset to the team." I complimented as Jeremy gave a concise smile. "How can we trust him?" Adam asked. "you can trust me pretty boy I already know who you all are." He winked at Adam as Adam gave me an annoyed look wondering why I associated with this clown. "Mr. Gilbert I'm a huge fan of yours by the way can we chat a little after this meeting." Jeremy kicked his feet up on the table. He was arrogant and cocky and slightly annoying, but we needed him. " enough with introduction Now let's get down to business Adam you mentioned that Nicholas said it was time and to do the thing is that correct?" Gilbert asked. "Yes, Honey and I spoke with him this morning and he said you would know what to do." Adam explained. "I see...I do have a plan it will be our fist step to taking them down. The thing Nicholas speak of is a man that holds the truth to how Harry had plotted to kill his family We will get in to touch with that man and hopefully bring that to light." Gilbert started. And Jeremy tossed his feet off the table. "What about his wife that he had murdered wont those crimes be brought to light as well?" He suddenly asked, and we all looked at him with surprise. "I know who you are boy and I know you also seek retribution for her death." Gilbert began to say.

"Why do you care about her?" Sofia asked the question on everyone's mind. This was the first time I've ever seen Jeremy look so serious. "Because that was his mother." Gilberts announced as we all stared at Jeremy with wide eyes. "Is that true?" Sofia asked. And Jeremy didn't speak. "Its the truth Jenna Daniel's had an affair with a man and birthed a son once Harry found out he had her killed and you started working at Mystro to get close to them you have been collecting your own little information haven't you?" Gilbert looked at Jeremy who gritted his teeth in anger. "what about your father?" I asked wondering who raised him and what happened to his father. "he pasted away when I was young." Jeremy answered. "Don't worry son we will also expose this as well but for now our second step, we will hit them were it hurts and that is their pockets we need to plan ways for us to get Devon and harry who are the largest share holders of Mystro to sign files over renouncing their ownership next thing is Harry holds the proof of embezzlement that he used to frame Nichole. I will assign each of you a task. Each of you will play a big role in all of this so please be cautious and careful in every step you take. Your lives depend on it." He warned, and we all looked at him with determination. "Adam you and I will go meet with the man who will we need information form ..odd boy you will oversee all surveillance in Mystro and the Daniel's houses be careful they have heavy security guarding their data base you will be our eyes and ears…. And you little Kitten will need to find a way to get Steve to talk anyway you can about the file used in framing Nicholas in Harry's position... that is all for today let's make little contact when we meet we don't want anyone to shadow us." He announced, and I was lost everyone had a task but me. "What will I be doing?" I asked him "I'm sorry but you need to stay hidden if Harry finds out you are Nicolas daughter then that will be the end of you." He warned. "That's right Honey we can't Risk your life." Adam added. "But I can't sit idle while everyone is working hard I need to do something." I explained. "I'm sorry but I can never face Nicolas if something happened to you." Gilbert said as he stood up. "Now everyone gets rested and start your tasks immediately. I will keep in touch with you all." He said, and I was so upset I clenched my fist tightly. "Hey, it will be fine." Sofia said to me with a smile. "I want to help out and pull my weight as well." I cried.

"Honey just leave it to us when the time comes you will get your revenge." Adam said holding my hand as I loosened my tight fist. I nodded because I knew they wouldn't let me do anything. We all walked out of the restaurant and went our separate ways "stay hidden and I will let you know everything that happens." Adam hugged me gently before he waved goodbye we watched as everyone was no longer visible as Sofia and I headed back to the hotel. W e passed the intersection and stopped at a red light and our car was blocked and on each end by two large freightliner trucks not allowing a way out. "What's going on?" Sofia asked with shock. "I don't know what do they want?" I asked more to myself. We watched as about five men step out of the trucks wear black hoodies and faces covered with bandanas. "Who are they?" Sofia panicked. They tried open our car doors, but it was locked. One pulled out a crow bar and smashed the window opened pulling me out. Sofia screamed as another pulled her out as well they covered our mouths with duct tape and tossed us in one of the trucks and drove off covering our faces with smelly sacks. I couldn't see anything and none of them spoke. I was scared, and so Sofia must he terrified as well after about a few minutes the vehicle stopped moving and I felt hands grab me and pulled me out of the truck they lifted me over their shoulder and threw me to what felt like cold hard cements my head hit the ground and I was unconscious.

I opened my eyes and saw I was in a small cage meant for a large dog or small animal, so it was so cramped I could barley move around I couldn't stand or have space to move. My hands were tied I looked around and saw I was in a Wearhouse I looked around and saw the Flinn family logo on shipping containers and boxes. This must be one of there workshops. I saw Sofia was tied to a metal pole. "Sofia!" I called out trying to wake her. "Sofia wake up!" I screamed as she came too she looked dizzy but once she opened her eyes she panicked once more. "Oh my God Honey what happened? where are we?" She cried. "I think this was Michelle's doing look around this must be a strange of some sort." I explained. then suddenly the large steel door opened as two men walked in carrying large boxes. They walked towards me and dumped the boxes in my cage as thousands of large black scorpions tumbled in the cage crawling all over me. "What are you doing!" Sofia screamed. I couldn't utter a word as I froze in shock my mouth was opened but no sound came out. "Message to sleep with a scorpion and you will die with thousands." The man spoke as my heart pounded and blood rushed to my head as they crawled all over my body. "Let her out please!" Sofia screamed. The men laughed as they turned around and walked out closing the door. "Honey don't move or you will die." She cried. I couldn't move I was ready to pass out my skin crawled I closed my eyes and stood still. I felt a sting on my leg followed by another on my stomach and then a few more on my arms I screamed and cried in pain. They were stinging me all over that I lost count. "hold on please don't die." Sofia cried as my vision grew blurry and before I knew it I was out cold once more.