Chapter 75

Adam's (P.O.V)

"Who is this man?" I asked Gilbert as we drove. "His name was Tom, he was the piloted that crashed the plane killing Nicholas family." He explained. "But how did he survive if the plane crashed." I asked. "He never crushed the plane…he landed the plane in a foreign country burning them alive in it. the news reported there was no survivors after the plane crash, but Harry paid him to leave town." he explained. "and where is he now?" I wondered. "If I recall, he retired at the Bay and picked up business in the fishing industry." Gilbert stated. "Isn't the Bay out of town?" I asked. "Yes, he and his family are now living comfortably with the money he got from Harry." He added. "We will need to catch a flight to the Bay today and pay him a visit." Gilbert declared.

"We can take my private jet; public airport will draw too much attention to us." I suggested to him "that's a good idea." he nodded in approval. I wanted to call Honey let her know I was leaving down for a couple of days, but her phone kept ringing until reaching voice mail. I arrived at my flight station calling my pilot letting him know I needed to fly out of town. I assured him not to tell anyone I was flying today. I know Robyn would be the first person to know if my plane took off with out her consent. We boarded the jet and Gilbert sat in the seats looking around the plane. "You sure have made a name for yourself boy...this is very nice." He commented. I opened the mini bar and handed Gilbert a drink he smiled with a pleased look.

Gilbert opened up his laptop and started typing the keyboard. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously. "Just a quick take down. I'm hacking into Mystro and spreading a virus to make them sweat a little." He said as I looked at him how geniuses mind work. I sat and watched in silence. "Done, this isn't going to affect them much, but it should keep them busy for a little while." He laughed. He sat back with a conceited smile as we drank champagne. Suddenly his laptop made an alarm sound as he quickly looked at the screen in surprise. "How is this possible?" He said as he stared at the screen in shock I walked over and looked at it and saw numbers all over the screen as it glitched. "What is that?" I asked oblivious to how computers work. "I'm being hacked." He started pounding on the keyboard as his fingers went lightning speed I couldn't keep up. He fired a few counter attacks and suddenly words appeared on the screen. "Who are you?" The words read. Gilbert kept typing, he broke a sweat in nervousness. "I need to shut this down quick before they hack into my system." Gilbert said. And I watched him take down all the defenses thrown at him he kept typing as codes and numbers kept appearing. Then finally the screen was back to normal. "That was close it looks like that Devon boy knows a thing about computers he managed to take down my small threat in seconds." Gilbert sighed. "how do you know it was him?" I asked curiously. "you see that icon in that box?" he pointed to the screen with small boxes and a few numbers "every computer has a unique code and so when he tried to hack me I was able to block him out and hack him in the process what you are looking at now is not my desktop but Devon's." He explained. I nodded but to be honest I had no idea what he was talking about I only know how to use the basic of a computer and being next to this guy made me feel dumber than usual. " not bad for him I must give credit where its due, He not only defended against my attack he managed to retaliate. Those years of expensive schooling wasn't wasted on him." He commented. "He may be good, but he is still miles away from my ability. I will try another attempt and make this virus more threatening." He commented and once again started tapping away. Moments later "that should be the trick." He smiled. He closed his laptop "are you sure that worked?" I asked. "They will solve the issue but not anytime soon." He assured.

The plane landed on the Bay island landing strip. We stepped out as the air was heavy with the smell of fish I looked around the beautiful island as the ocean currants hit the rocks it was a beautiful town very green palm trees and landscape was breath taking with boats and decks and very little houses. "What now?" I asked him. "We visit Tom at his house."

we entered further into the town, I was amazed at how different the lifestyle here was. The streets were crowded and almost everyone was walking with little to no vehicles on the road they sold street food as people walked around selling bananas and fruits this was all new to me I grew up in the city and was pretty much born in the fame life, so this was very different for me. "come on boy we are not here on vacation we are here for business." Gilbert huffed annoyed at how I was staring at my surroundings. He waved a Taxi down as we entered Gilbert told the driver the directions to Tom's house. "Oh, are friends of Tom?" The cab driver asked. "How do you know Tom?" Gilbert asked. "Its a small town everyone known everyone here Tom is fisherman here great man, but poor guy never seams to catch a break it's always one trouble after the other for him." The driver added. Gilbert and I exchanged looks. "What do you mean?" I asked the drive. "Well Tom first came to this town as a wealthy man and bought a fishing company and we all know how much money fishing season brings in, so he was the wealthiest man on the island as his company expanded he started helping everyone making his very popular. Then for some unknown reason he lost the company no one knows how and didn't ask why we just know that it is no longer his. So now he Barley scrapes by working for his own company as low paid fisherman. And recently his daughter and wife have fallen Ill from a rare disease and the low doctors here cannot solve the issue. He can't afford to take then off the island, so he watches them die slowly as each day passes." He explained Gilbert and I didn't comment but I know we were both thinking then same thing this was his karma for murdering innocent people for money. We arrived at his house. "Here you folks are, please say hi to Tom for me." He waved as he drove off. We looked at the rundown shack that wasn't even considered a house. It looked like he built it with his own two hands. It was constructed by scraps and sheets of rusted metal with holes in every corner. We knocked on the door with no answer. Suddenly a woman opened the door she looked fragile and pale with no color pigment in her skin she could barely stand as her lips were blue. She started couching violently. "Can I help you?" She murmured. "Is Tom here?" Gilbert asked her. And she shook her head. "He is at work, but he should be here shortly would you like to come in?" The woman asked. Gilbert looked at me and I nodded to him. We stepped in and the foul smell of rot rushed our nostrils. I so badly wanted to cover my nose but didn't want to be rude. Everything looked dirty, rusted and molded. It was like a scene from an abandoned home in a horror movie. There was no kitchen or bathroom the only thing we saw was two beds and one held the body of a young girl no older than a teenager that looked just as sick as her mother. She was conscious, but she laid there with a weak physique. She sat up once noticing us she had beautiful long black curly hair and gorgeous bright green eyes if it wasn't for this sickness she would have been one stunning girl. "I do apologize about this messy place I'm sure you are not use to places like this." The woman said shyly. "No please do not apologize." Gilbert assured. "Please have a seat can I get you two something to drink I can only give you tea without sugar I'm afraid we do not have any sugar." The woman said as she coughed roughly once more. "No thank you we are fine." Gilberts assured. He looked at the both of us and noticed my discomfort trying my best not to touch anything. "Its not contagious." She suddenly said with sad expression. "Im sorry?" Gilbert asked wondering what she said. "If that's what you are afraid of this illness is not contagious, so you don't have to be afraid of us." She said with a broken smile. I felt my chest tighten I felt so bad for them. The girl in bed stared at me with astonishment I looked at her and smiled. "What is your name?" I asked trying to ease up the intention. She didn't speak she lowered her gaze. "Her name is Jasmine she cannot speak she lost her voice a couple of months ago due to this illness." The woman explained. "I'm so sorry." I said with a heavy heart. "Don't be sorry everything happened for a reason I know God has a plan for us on this earth or the here after." The woman smiled then then girl started coughing violently as she grabbed her chest in shrieked in pain. She coughed until spitting out blood. Her mother whipped away the blood and laid her back down. I wanted to leave I couldn't bare to watch this any further it hurt me so much.

"I'm home I got a surprise for Jasmine." A deep voice rang from the door as we all looked over to see a very slim skeleton like man with a tired face stood at the door staring at us in shock his clothes were torn and dirty and he was bar foot. "Who are you? what are you doing in my home?" He asked us. "We have come to speak to you about a plane crash fifteen years ago." Gilbert said to him. The man looked scared and angry but tried his best to control it in front of his family. "What surprise have you got for Jasmine?" The woman asked as his daughter sat up with excitement. His fierce eyes had softened considerably after looking at his daughter. he walked over to her and pulled a chocolate bar out of his pocket handing it to her. His daughter smiled hugging her father she was like a little kid receiving a large gift. "Chocolate where do you get that?" His wife asked with surprise. "I know Jasmine has been getting worse and I wanted to make her smile again, so I sold my shoes for this chocolate." He said, and his wife started to cry as tears trailed down her face. This was ripping my heart apart why the hell was I even here I hate sob stories I'm a big softy. I couldn't handle this anymore. "Tom we would like a moment of you time." Gilbert interrupted. "I don't know anything now please leave." Tom frowned. "Tom this is very important." Gilbert continued. "I said I don't know anything now get out!" Tom shouted startling his wife and daughter. "Honey what's going on?" His wife asked but she suddenly passed out without any warning. Tom rushed to her and grabbed her as he laid her on the bed. "Is she alright? I asked concerned. "...this happened often if she stands for too long she gets weak and passes out. " Tom said tucking her under the filthy sheets. His daughter was eating the chocolate bar in silence with her eyes still on us. "so, let me guess you are here to arrest me aren't you?" he asked. I ignored his questions and walked towards him "let us help you if they don't receive medical attention soon they might die." I whispered to him. "You think I don't know that already every day I wake up and go to work hoping and praying I don't return to corpses." He cried as he rubbed his tear-filled eyes. I dug in my pocket and pulled our as much cash as I had on me it wasn't much it was about five thousand dollars and handed it to him as he stared at it with wide eyes. "Its not much but I hope this can help your situation a little?" I said, and he broke down and cried. "I don't remember the last time I've seen so much money." He took the cash and held onto my hand. "Thank you so much." He said. "I want to help more I want to get your wife and daughter to Morning-Ale-valley to seek proper medical care, but I really need your help as well." I said to him. He looked around pondering on my words. "I want nothing more than to provide my family with everything they deserve but I can never return to Morning-Ale-valley I'm sorry, but I can't help you." He sobbed. "What If I told you that you will be safe, and no harm would come to you and your family." I suggested. "How can you guarantee that if they find me there they will kill me." He stated. "Tom I know what they have done to you they have promised you riches only to take it away and let you live such a life... Join us and we will take Harry down and you will have a proper standard of living for you and your family." Gilbert added. And Tom looked at his daughter as tears rolled down his cheeks with a broken expression and turned to look at his wife laying on the bed lifeless. "Can you promise me one thing even if it costs me my life I just want one thing." He cried and looked at me with remorse and guilt. "I know I have done wrong and deserve what is happening to me, but they do not deserve this, all that I ask is for their safety and wellbeing...tell me now they will be taken care of and I will join you." He asked Gilbert looked at me then continued. "I will personally bare that responsibility." Gilbert declared. And Tom smiled. "Thank you." He thanked. "Suddenly my phone rang to an unknown caller. "I picked it up. "Adam we have a problem Honey and Sofia have been captured they might be in danger." Jeremy relayed, and I felt my heart drop.