Chapter 76

Adam's (P.O.V)

"What do you mean… how!?" I shouted. "I was bored so I looked reviewed the street surveillance cameras to test my connections and witnessed them get ambushed by a few men... They are being held captured I called police but I'm afraid the Morning-Ale-valley police department might be working with our enemies they told me they do not known of such kidnapping and refused to intervene." He explained, and I was ready lose my mind I hung up on Jeremy without thinking. "We need to leave now.!" I announced to Tom and Gilbert. "Is something wrong?" Gilbert asked. "Honey has been kidnapped we need to leave now." I said with frustration. "I understand Tom please let's hurry pack your family immediately." Gilberts said. "No leave everything, we don't have time let's go." I said eager to leave and get on that plane back to Morning-Ale-valley. Tom nodded as he picked up his wife I rushed over and lifted Jasmine in my arms as we headed out the door. We jumped in a cab and rushed to the landing strip and we were already taking off.

Once we landed I jumped in my car and drove off I left Tom and his Family in Gilberts care as he took them to a hospital for treatment. My heart was racing. I called back Jeremy. "Where did they take them?" I asked. I followed their truck of each street cameras and they took them to the Flinn shipping facility but be cautious they have armed men standing guard." He cautioned I once again hung up on him and made a call to some back up. My body guards were trained men ex soldiers highly efficient. so, I knew they were capable of any job. I arrived there and kept a distance and noticed about seven men standing in front of the Wearhouse. my men showed up right away I only had four men but they heavily armed with fire arms. "Take them all down but leave one for questioning I ordered and before I knew it an open gun war unfolded my men shot and killed about five of them as two fled and tried to escape. I chased one down and tackling him to the ground and punched him repeatedly. I stood up from his unconscious body and rushed towards the doors of the Wearhouse I felt weak as I saw Sofia sitting tied to a pole as she cried silently. Once she saw me she screamed at me. "The cage! she's is in the cage quickly she might be dead." Those words escaped her mouth made my heart quiver with fear. I ran over to the cage that was in the room and saw it filled with live Black scorpion and Honey's head peaked out. I kicked it open as all the scorpions dumped out crawling around. I pulled her body out and held her senseless body, her skin was swollen red and covered in scorpion stings. I was so mad I wanted to kill who ever was behind this. My men walked as one hurried to untie Sofia. "Get the car now!" I shouted.

We drove as fast as we could to the hospital I felt her body shake as she gasped for air. She was about to die in my arms and I couldn't do a thing about it. I cried rubbing her face. "hold on please!" I hugged her body sobbing in her neck. We arrived at the hospital as nurses rushed to her aid and ran toward the emergency room. I watched as they put her on the table taking her pulse as so any nurses and doctors surrounded her. "She's going into cardiac arrest hurry we need to perform surgery her heart will give out." The doctor announces as they pushed me out of the room. "Please wait out here she isn't looking to good we need to perform emergency surgery on her." The nurse said closing the door. I stood in the empty hall not knowing what to do. I cried "fuck!" I cursed punching the wall. As my knuckles cracked open gushing blood on the floor. Sofia sat on the floor with her hand over her mouth crying. "Sir we have one survivor we captured he is tied up in the car." One of my men reminded me. I followed him towards the back Alley of the hospital parking lot and pulled the door opened yanking him out of the car. I kicked I'm in the chest sending him tumbling backwards without warning. I didn't care about questioning I wanted to kill him. I pulled the gun out of my men's pocket and clocked it aiming at his head. "We need to question him he may be the one who did this but there is someone bigger behind it they will strike again." My men reminded. My head was clouded with rage and my hands shook with fury he was right, but I was so ready to pull the trigger and end his worthless life. "Who sent you?" I hissed with a dangerous tone. The hostage didn't speak. "You have one chance and I will blow your brains out.. tell who sent you?" I threatened as my finger danced on the trigger. The man was covered in blood his eyes was so swollen he couldn't reopen it. He looked scared as his eyes zoomed into mine. He knew I was not bluffing. "just give one reason to kill you please." I said growled. He was now afraid to look into my eyes he quivered like the cowered he was. "She hired us to kill her she said she would pay us if no one found out." He began with shaken words. "Who is she?" I asked. "Stephanie Daniels but there were two of them I don't know the other woman… they said we had to do it quickly...something about taking Devon away from the other woman and also seeing a scorpion I over heard.. that's all I know please don't kill me." He cried. And I shaking with anger. Stephanie and Michelle were behind this? "too bad you take orders from a bitch." I said shooting him in the shoulder the sound of his scream filled the air echoing through the Alley. "I told you everything I know." He cried. "If she dies in that hospital then you will die as well. Count your blessing because if she lives you will also live but you will live in hell." I threatened handing the gun back to my men. "Take him and hold him do not let him escape." I Warned as I made my way back to the hospital. "What did they say what happened?" Sofia asked with worry. "It was Stephanie and Michelle They were behind this " I explained. "What are you serious?" She gasped. "They won't get away with this." I said. "What if she doesn't make it? What if she dies do you know how long she was in there?" She cried, and I felt my heart ache just imagining the suffering and pain she endured. We sat around waiting in front of the surgery room for hours then suddenly the doors opened as the doctor stepped out covered in blood my whole body shivered as I raced towards him. "Is she ok?" I asked. And the doctor returned a sad look. "I'm sorry." He said. I felt my whole world come crashing down on me. "Don't worry son we managed to save her but any minute later she would have past away. She is recovering now we extracted most of the poison from her body. But unfortunately, she has slipped into coma I do not know how long she will be unconscious, but her body needs to recover." He explained. "Can I see her?" I asked as emotions made it hard for me to speak. "Yes, but not at the moment she is in a critical state her body was very weak we will move her to another room and once she is settled we will let you know please continue waiting." The Doctor said. I sat back down, and Sofia was still crying. "Excuse me are you her family?" The nurse asked. "I am her husband." I lied, and Sofia looked at me strange. "ok can you please follow me the medical fees need to be paid." She said. I followed her to the registry desk "that will be 250 thousand dollars if you cannot afford it we suggest government support." She continued. I pulled out my credit card. "I'll pay in full." I said the ladies looked at me with shock. Once I paid I walked back, and Sofia came rushing to me the room is ready let's go." She said, and I followed. I stepped in the rooms and Honey was wrapped in bad aids neck down her face looked as if she was sleeping soundly. I stood above her and broke down. I should never of left her side this is all my fault she was nothing but a good person and supported me all I returned was a heart ache and stress. I held her hand kissing her forehead. "Don't cry Adam she is a strong girl she will wake up." Sofia commented. I didn't know I was even crying. I whipped my tears with my sleeve and kissed her on the lips as I walked out. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Taking care of a couple of insects." I said as I walked out. I called Jeremy asking for the address of Stephanie and where she was at the moment. And he sent it to me right away. He explained She was at a mall shopping with her friends Michelle was not with her, but I will deal with her another time. I ordered two of my men to come with me as I left the rest to watch over that rat. We drove in silence and parked in front of the store as I watched her and a couple of female friend's sip champagne and giggling picking out clothes. we watched patiently waiting as these bitches took so ours to shop. Once she stepped out the store we followed her car as she dropped off her friends at their house. She was now heading home. But I knew if she made it home she was safe from me. I had to stop her now. "Shoot the tires" I ordered my men as he rolled down the window and aimed his gun at her car and fired. I watched as her car lost control and steering towards a tree as she collided with it. "Get her now." I shouted, and one quickly jumped out and pulled her body as she screamed. "Let go of me now." She cried but he tossed her in the car. As she sat beside me. "Who the fuck do you think you are do you know who I am-" I shut her up with a back-hand slap. She rubbed her face in shock. As her cheek showed my hand print. "Dark Scorpion you will pay for this you are messing with the wrong person-" I slapped her once more and she stared at me shocked. I bet she was never hit a day in her life. "Speak again and I won't hold back." I threatened, and she kept quite with fear.

We took her to the Romero hotel through the back doors making sure we no one saw us. I took her to a room and closed the door as the men tossed her body on the bed. "What do you plan to do rape me?" She said with tears in her eyes. "I wouldn't touch filth like you.. my dick might fall off if I did." I said with disgust. I looked at my men and smiled at them. "Want to fuck her? It's ok, have your way with her" I chucked as she stared at the large men in shock. "You can't do this please let me go." She begged. I walked towards her grabbing face squeezing it. "Now you will know what it feels like to be raped and kidnapped." I pushed her face away and nodded to my men as they started to undress. "If you touch me you are all dead men walking." She threatened. But soon one grabbed her pulling off her dress as her breast jiggles around. I sat on the chair crossing my legs and pulled out my cell phone and started recording. She struggled and cried but she was no match for the strong men they pulled off her underwear and she was now completely naked. One held her arms pinning her the bed as the other got on top of her and penetrated her and she cried out in pain. I was shocked to see she was a virgin. He pounded her showing no mercy then finished inside her. She crawled in a ball sobbing. But it was not over yet the other man wanted a turn as he pulled her in and had his way with her. "Please stop n-no more I'm begging you!" She screamed but they didn't listen. They took turned one after the other for hours as I sat there smiling. These guys must have been really thirsty I lost count how many times they did her and with every position possible even twice at once, what a way to lose your virginity. They stood up with smiles on their faces putting on their clothes. She laid on the bed as her blood tainted the sheets she laid on the bed barely able to breath as she wept covering her face from me. "if you try to do anything to Honey again this video will go viral...good luck ever getting married and we all know the Daniels hate shameful women." I said as we exited the room and left. That's one down I had one more to take care of.