Chapter 77

Adam's (P.O.V)

We sat in my car as I was thinking of what I should do to Michelle. "Sir I have an idea." One spoke up. "What is it?" I asked. "When I was in the military we would give Nytroraidium to our enemies to make them talk." He explained. "what is Nytroraidium?" I asked. "it's a drink." He said. "And how will a drink make her suffer?" I asked. "Once the drink is consumed the body experiences excruciating pain for 3 days." He stated. "Will this drink kill her?" I wondered. "No but you will wish you were dead. For 3 days no doctor anyone can help you." He explained as a smile grew on my face. "Do you have any of this?" I asked him. And he nodded. "but this cannot be known it is a lethal drink and can be extremely dangerous." He added. I didn't care about all that I just wanted to get my hands on this drink. The man left to fetch some for me as I waited my phone rang, I answered it. "Boy you are messy leaving so much trail of crumbs where ever you go...are you trying to get arrested?" Jeremy teased. "I'm not in a laughing mood what do you want." I asked him. "Temper, temper I had to clean up your mess and not even a thank you?" He teased some more. "What mess?" I asked annoyed. "Car chase, shootings, collision, and kidnapping those where all caught on street cameras I had to clear all that." He explained. He was right I didn't think about getting caught or seen I was blinded by rage. "Thanks, I wasn't thinking." I thanked. "Aww even Dark Scorpion can be nice...I'm touched." he laughed. "Don't push it. And stop calling me Dark Scorpion my name is Adam." I Sated. "Calm down bad boy I'll take you gratitude...but please be more clean next time before you decide to do something stupid." He laughed. "Aren't you mad about what I did to your sister?" I asked trying to get a reaction from him. "Sister?... we may have the same mother, but she is no family of mine...don't tell me you still don't trust me?" He asked. "I don't trust you to be honest." I said truthfully. "I'm not a Daniels, what more do I have to do to gain your trust?" He asked. "Just continue doing your job and don't worry about what I do." I said harshly. "Fine don't trust me and I know you do not like me and truthfully I don't really care for you either. But we both have a common enemy, so we have to work together." he said. "You may be good with computers and numbers but I'm waiting for you to make a wrong step to harm Honey I will end you." I threatened. "I know you have been angry and clouded but don't make your friends your enemy either." He said. My mind has been shuffled these days, but can you blame me I almost lost Honey today. "We are not friends just allies." I said before hanging up.

We drove to Michelle house and she was having dinner with her parents. he returned with the drink as I looked at the clear bottle that contained Purple liquid. "will this work?" I questioned his as he nodded. "I've seen it work first hand." He explained. "Good, we will strike soon get ready" I announced. "But her family is home we can't risk being seen." One said. "No, it's now or never we will get her tonight, or I can't face Honey in the hospital." I declared as they nodded. "Once they are done eating go to the houses power control panel and cute the lights, I will sneak in the house alone." I explained. We watched closely through the window as they ate in peace laughing away not having the slightly clue how much hell they would face. Once they finished eating her mother and a few maids walked around the house cleaning up the meal they ate as her father retreated to his room. Michelle was on her way to her room. "Now move out." I order as we stepped out of the car. They made their way to the back of the house and cute the power. Just as planned. I climbed the tree near Michelle's room window as I parted her butterfly window doors open and jumped in. "Mom what's going on why is the power out?" She called as she was about to leave her room, but I grabbed her and pulled her in slamming the door shut. I grabbed her from behind holding her in a choke hold. "Don't make a sound" I whispered. "Who are you what do you want?" She asked with frightened. "I have a few questions for you...if you cooperate then I will not harm you." I said. " please don't hurt me I will answer any question." She cried. "That's a good girl…my first question is who told you Dark scorpion was seeing Honey?" I asked. She hesitated before speaking. "Who are you?.. are you one of her friends?" She asked. "Just answer, you don't get to ask any questions." I tightened the grip around her neck.

"Devon told me he said they had a kid together." She answered as I tightened the grip even harder after hearing his name. "why did you try to kill her." I questioned once more. "it wasn't my idea the whole scorpions thing was Stephanie I just wanted to scare her I didn't want to kill her… please let be go I'm telling the truth." She cried. I tossed her on the bed as she looked at me trying to make out my face in the dark. " .... please I didn't mean for this to happen I tried to stop her, but Stephanie didn't listen I would never kill anyone." She sobbed in a panic I took out the bottle out of my pocket and tried to make her drink it, but she was struggling as she was about tot scream. I quickly poured it in my mouth as I got on top of her placing my lips against hers as I forced the liquid in to her mouth making sure she swallowed every last drop I got off of her whipping my mouth. "What was that what did you make me drink?" She asked trying to spit out what every little bit she had in her mouth. "You made her suffer and now it is your turn to suffer." I said as the lights came on in the house she now had a clear view of my face. I got close to her as she gasped once she clocked eyes on me. "Dark?" She questioned in disbelief I took another step towards her "I'm telling my father and he will have you killed." She threatened. "Go ahead and tell him...if you want him to die...anyone you drag in to this I will have them killed so if you love them keep those disgusting lips sealed." I said jumping out of the window once more. I jumped back in my car and drove off as Jeremy called me once more. "Didn't I say to stop being messing?" He asked, "what do you mean?" I questioned him. "You sneak in the Flinn family resistance and didn't even check to see if security systems were down?" He reminded as I slapped my forehead in shame he was completely right once more. "Rooky move Scorpion...don't worry I knew you would do something stupid again, so I disarmed the system for you." He said with a chuckle as I sighed in relief. He saved me once more. "I think you owe me an apology." He said. "I'm sorry and thank you." I said with gratitude he wasn't such a bad guy after all. "Now that wasn't so hard was it...let's keep working together as friends." He said. "I'll be careful next time." I said to him. "Oh no way, there will not be a next time...if you keep making these moves we will fail before we even begin now stop with your personal vendetta and get your head back in the game." He reminded, and I felt stupid, but I don't regret any of it. These people threatened the life of the person I care about I was not going to sit around and let then keep attacking her I had to take care them some how. "I understand." I said to him. "Good now get back to Gilbert and put that man to use." He ordered. I agreed and hung up. I sent my men home wiring money to each of them for a job well done. I drove back to hospital to check on Honey. I walked in and saw Sofia sitting by her bed side. She looked tied and restless face and puffy red eyes as if crying all day. "Why don't you go home and rest I'll watch over her." I suggested to her, but she shook her head. "What home can I return to they took my house and my son." She said with a sad tone. "Thank you Sofia for watching over her but I need you well rested so that you can start your mission as well." I said, and she nodded. "Please keep me in the loop if anything happens." She looked at Honey then walked out. I sat beside Honey and held her hand. "I known you can't hear me, but I need you to wake up...I can't live without you." I cried. I needed her junior needed her more than anyone. Suddenly Gilbert walked through the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Tom and his family are upstairs doctors say that the disease was fatal and thankfully it was caught in time they are doing well." He explained. I forgot about Toms family I was too worried about Honey. "How is she doing?" He asked. "She's alive but in a coma I don't know when she will come too." I answered. "I'm glad she's alive at least....Jeremy tells me you have been quit busy this evening...let me remind you Adam how serious this is, we cannot afford any mishaps everyone's life is on the line I understand you are upset and want revenge but if Harry finds out what you did to his precious daughter then no one can save you." He said as in looked away he was right. "thankfully Jeremy was on to your plans. Next time tell us what ever you are doing if you don't then how can we help you?" He scolded. "I know but I was afraid you might stop me" I admitted. "We are all on the same side me Honey, Sofia and Jeremy are on the same team if you can't trust us then we will fail." I know what he was insinuating to trust Jeremy and stop being so hard on him. "I know I will from now on." Commented. "Good now…. got any money? Jasmine and her mother's medical treatment is not cheap and I'm short on cash." He asked, and I smiled handing him my credit card. He walked out, and it was now just me and Honey. I closed my eyes I was tied and haven't slept I needed to rest as well but I didn't want to sleep afraid something might happen to her while I slept but my body was too drained and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

I woke to a pair of brown eyes glaring at me and that beautiful smile that was imprinted in my mind. I jumped and kissed her on the lips with desire cupping her face in my hand. My heart was leaping for joy as I couldn't control my excitement. "You are are you feeling?" I shouted rubbing her cheek. "I'm fine but what happened?" She asked. "Don't ask any questions just lay back down." I said helping her back down slowly.

"Is Sofia ok where is she?" She asked. "She's fine I sent her home." I assured her. "When did you wake up?" I asked. "Just a few minutes ago can you tell me how we get out?" she glared at me. "It was Jeremy who told me about you and Sofia I thought I was too late I was afraid I lost you." I said to her. "Thank you for saving me." She smiled but I couldn't take any credit. "Thank Jeremy if he hadn't called me who knows what wound have happened." I explained. "Its thanks to you as well." She smiled at me. I hugged her tightly with so much love satisfying my heart. My clouded mind was now clear as day.