Chapter 78

Honey's (P.O.V)

I didn't know what happened after I passed out, but it was always Adam saving me when I was kidnapped.

"Can you tell me what happened who was responsible for this?" I asked. "It was Stephanie and Michael they hired a couple of men to kill you." He explained. "But don't worry they won't be bothering you anymore." his eyes turned dark it was a little frightening. "What do you mean they wont?" I was growing worried. "I did something I'm not proud of, but I did it to protect you." She stared with a straight face. When I took a good look at him his clothes were covered with blood and roughed up. I felt chills running down my spine Adam was always clean and neatly put together seeing him like this was scary. "Adam what did you do?" I asked hoping he didn't have any blood on his hands. "I didn't kill them if your wondering just punished them." He stated but that didn't make me feel any better. "The blood on your clothes...don't tell me.." I trailed off. "Its not their blood. Its the blood of the men that harmed you." He explained but I was still worried. "I did what I had to do please don't ask me anymore questions." He said averting his gaze from me. What happened while I was out? Adam turned into a monster and everyone was working hard for my sake. I need to do something I can't keep being the useless damsel in distress anymore I tried to stand but Adam pulled me back. "What are you going you just woke up stay in bed." He said. "I can't do that I can't keep letting you risk your life for me I have to do something." I said standing but a rush of sharp paid hit me as I tumbled back on the bad. "Stop being stupid stay in bed you had surgery you can't go any wear until your body recovers." He hissed. I knew if he was here I wouldn't be able to leave. "Ok I won't go anywhere." I assured him. He sat back down as he looked threw his cell phone. "Why don't you go home and relax you look tired." I said to him, but he shook his head. "I'm not leaving you." He declared without looking at me. "Adam I'm fine I have doctors and nurses to look after me." I assured him. "I told you I'm not leaving you." He repeated with determination. I hated how hard headed he could be sometimes. I need to come up with a lie to get him to leave. "Can you please check on junior for me?" I asked as he looked at me doubtfully. "Your mother is taking care of him he's in good hands." He said. "I know but he must miss us go check on him please." I begged he started at me long and hard. "Can I go in the morning he is a sleep by now." He reminded of how late it was. And he was right, it was dark out I don't know what time it was, but I knew it was late. "Ok thank you." I smiled. "Now get some sleep you need a lot of rest." He pulled the blanket over me. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I was not tired I just woke. I looked at Adam sitting in the uncomfortable chair with his head back trying to sleep. He kept shifting around looking for comfort I felt bad who knew how long he was here beside me. "Come lay with me." I offered. "I'm ok you just sleep." He said. "There is more than enough space you can't sleep on that chair." I reminded. "You really want me to share a bed with you?" He smirked. "Take it or leave it that's the last time I offer you." I rolled away turning my back to him. I felt the bed move as his arms wrapped around my waist as he held me close. It felt so warm as he put his lips to my hear. "I'm never letting you go again." He whispered in my ear. He held me close and I shook from his firm grip. "Don't worry you are too weak for me right now when you get healthy again your body will be mine." His seductive voice rang as if feeling my body shiver. "That's not what I was thinking just go to sleep." I frowned. He didn't speak, his breathing steadied in a calming pattern, he fell asleep faster than I thought he must be really tired. It must have been the warm feeling of his body that I fell asleep as well. I woke up the next morning to an empty bed in was disappointed that Adam was gone but realization rushed in, this was my chance to leave. I quickly stood up trying to remove the IV needles hooked to my body when suddenly the doors swung open Adam stood at the door holding two cups of coffee. "I just stepped out to grab coffee and you try to sneak away." He chuckled with his beautiful smile. "I was just going to use the bathroom." I said to him with an awkward smile. "I'll help you." He said placing the cups on the table as he wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up. "I can walk alone." I blushed. "What? are you being shy?... I've seen every part of you." He laughed making my heart skip. He curried me to bathroom and I was uncomfortable with him being there. He placed me inside and shut the door as he stood outside. "I'll be right here let me know when you finish." he called out. I placed my hand over my beating heart. I'm glad he didn't join me I don't know how I would have reacted. I flushed the toilet after doing my business and stepped out, he took my hand leading me to bed. I was not in as much pain any more and I could walk freely but Adam was so persistent. "Did you check on junior?" I asked him. "Not yet I wanted to make sure you were ok before I left." I stated. "I told you I will be fine." I stressed. "make sure you eat and call me if you need anything." he

He kissed my forehead giving me a hug before he left Once I noticed he was gone I quickly stood up. I called Sofia to bring me clothes to the hospital and to hurry because Adam might be back. Once she arrived I quickly put on the Jean's and sweater she brought. "Honey are you sure you are ok to leave you haven't been discharged yet." She looked at me with concerned eyes. "I'm perfectly fine I need to leave now let's go!" I hurried to the door and she followed we got in a taxi parked at the hospital and left. "What's Steve's schedule like?" I asked her. "Steve why Steve?" she looked at me incredulously. "We need to get him to talk times running out. what ever he knows is useful information." I explained to her as she pondered on her thoughts. "If I can remember correctly he's probably at the office or some woman's house… at night he always hits up clubs almost every night on weekdays he hosted his own parties and on weekends he goes to those popular celebrities' clubs." She explained, and I was amazed he could party seven days a week. He was the complete opposite of Devon. "Right now, where do you think he is?" I asked, and she shrugged "I don't know."

I called Jeremy. "Are you ok I'm sorry I couldn't visit you at the hospital I was working at Mystro collecting some Intel." he apologized

"I'm ok don't worry what have you found?" I asked him. "I found out a lot can we meet I'm just leaving the office." He asked, and we rendezvous at a coffee shop that was not very popular with no traffic.

Once we arrived he was already seated. Sofia and I sat down at the table. "Are you sure you are ok to leave the hospital where is Adam?" He asked. "I left the hospital and Adam does not know so please do not tell him." I said. "You two are a troublesome couple aren't you?" He laughed. "What have you found.?" I asked getting the point. "Well I followed Harry around and discover he has been meeting with a foreign oil company that deals with construction amongst other things and at first I thought he was doing a business deal, but I ran some research on the company and found they smuggle illegal weapons and stolen military equipment. I have caught them meeting as Harry handed them a lot of cash for exchange of military material." He explained, and Sofia and I started at him shocked. "I have also found that they have been working together for years and that this is the company alleged that your father smuggled money from I have concluded they were working together to frame your father years ago." He added as I felt sick to my stomach with rage. "What's this company called?" I asked. "DCA alliance. Is what they are called." He stated. "Do you have their meeting documented?" I asked. "Yes, I managed to record when I hacked the surveillance vintage." He explained. "Good I want to meet with Harry." I suddenly said, both Jeremy and Sofia looked at me with wide eyes. "Honey are you crazy he will kill you." Sofia said with panic. "Don't worry I won't let anything happen to me I want to speak with him our goal is to make him sign his shares over and that is what he will do." I stated. "you think he will sign so easily?" Jeremy added. "I know it won't be easy, but I have to at least try we won't get any where being afraid of him." I explained, and they nodded

"But still it will be risky." Jeremy added. "I'm aware of that but it's worth a try." I said. "How do you plan to meet him?" Sofia asked. That question had me thinking, I was lost I don't know how I will meet. "I'm not sure." I admitted. "I have an idea...he has a meeting with DCA when he goes to meet them we can hijack his vehicle and advert it where we want and get him alone." Jeremy suggested. "when is the next meeting?" I asked. "Its tonight so we will start preparations right away." He commented. "Good but please this is between the three of us do not tell Adam about this plan." I stressed and they both nodded in agreeance. "Harry never travels alone he is always surrounded by body guards when he goes anywhere so listen carefully to the plan...this is what we will do." Jeremy started explaining in detail.

We finished off the plan. It was simple yet complicated. We would hire our own men pretending to be Harry's body guards and Driver then lure him away to where we wanted and speak with him without any interference. Jeremy was in charge of collecting a trust worthy team if body guards and Sofia would still be doing her original task to seduce Steve into talking.

"Jeremy I want you to leave his driver but replace the rest of his crew." I Advised. "Can I ask why? we have a plan set out already we need to replace all his men." He advised. "I want to see this meeting of his with DCA call me a curious cat, but I want to see who these foreigners are that framed my father." I explained. "And you know the old saying goes. Curiosity killed the cat.. we need to stick to our initial plan." He stated. "Jeremy please let me get closure." I begged. He wasn't happy at the change of plans it was dangerous enough being along with the vicious snake, but I was now asking to crawl in the snake's hole. "Ok but you will need to be careful." He agreed with very little enthusiasm.

Adam called my cell phone and I panicked he probably went to the hospital and couldn't find me. And answered it with fear. "How are you doing I'm still will junior he wouldn't let me leave right away are you feeling any better." He asked.

"I'm good doctor just gave me some medication I'm feeling much better." I lied. "That's good make sure you stay in bed I will come see you tonight after I get junior to bed." He explained. "How is he? does he ask about me?" I asked sadness rushing into me. I missed him so much and I've never been away from him this long he must be so sad. "He did ask me I told him you are working a lot and will be back soon to see him. He understands so don't be sad." Adam said making me feel so much better. "I'm going to get some sleep I'm a little tired." I said to him. "Ok get some rest." He added before we ended the call.