Chapter 79

Honey's (P.O.V)

I went back to my hotel room with Sofia as she got dressed to impress. She needed to be extra fabulous if she wanted to woo Steve. I showered and started to get ready for my nights of extravaganza Jeremy called me moments later and assured everything was a go ahead. He arrived at our hotel with six large men dressed in back suits black hats and sunglasses. I stared at the men that looked intimidating wondering where he found them. "Honey if you are going to be involved in this then put these on at least he won't know who you are." He handed me some black clothing a hat and sunglasses to match my image with the men. "You are not a woman, but a man does not speak or say a word if he talks to you just nod...and most of all do not what ever you do… do not let him see your face that man may be old, but he never forgets a face so keep hidden." Jeremy warned. I nodded and went to change in the bathroom I stuffed my hair in the hat and placed the sunglasses on as I stepped out Jeremy looked at me making a screwed face. "What is it?' I asked. "This isn't going to work you look like a small boy next to these offence." He said looking at the large men. "Do you think he will see through my disguise?" I asked with worry. "No, I doubt it but just to be safe stay in the back and blend in do not walk in front of Harry." Advised and I nodded. "We have to get moving I sent a fake email from Harry's account to the security team he keeps around and advised them that Harry did not require their services it will only be a matter of time before someone finds out it was not really him." He stated. "Take this I will be guiding you and speaking with you." Jeremy handed me an ear piece. I placed it in my ear and we tested it making sure I could hear him. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yes I am." I answered with a pounding heart. We headed out I sat in the car with all these large strange men and Jeremy headed home so he could get to his computers.

We arrived in front of Harry's house as he walked out with his driver. I breathed heavily as my hands and knees shook. We all stepped out of the car and waited for Harry's orders. "Hurry and get in the car I can't be late for this meeting." He said with slight annoyance. Harry and his driver stepped in the vehicle and we stepped in ours and followed his car. We drove for hours I noticed we were leaving Morning-Ale-Valley as we got closer to the mountain side. I've never in my life left town and here I was with strangers and following the devil. We drove further and further as there was nothing but open land and the single road we drove on, the city was no longer visible. This was adding intensity to my anxiety. We arrived as I looked out the window and saw a massive tower built in to the mountains the structure was amazing as it blended into the Rocky Mountains. It was so secluded from the outside world and heavily secure by foreign military guards. We sat and waited as our vehicles got checked by the security gate. They wouldn't let us pass until Harry waved a hand granting us access. We drove in as the huge metal doors buzzed open and we drove into the underground tunnel of the mountain. I've never seen anything like this I was amazed.

We parked the vehicle behind Harry's as he stepped out into a huge park ate we stood beside him as a few man and women stepped out of doors walking towards him they all wore white lab coated looking like doctors or scientist. One man wore a sharp suit he was tall and older around the same age as harry I assumed but in much better shape. He wore glasses and had dark hair his eyes held darkness and carried himself sharp with a demonic aura. I didn't like him just by looking at him. I didn't like being around him the hair on my neck stood up as my body was covered in goosebumps. He was Satan in human clothing I could feel it. "Daniels pleasure seeing you again." The man shook Harry's hand. " Luciforo the pleasure is mine… now I'm assuming you have completed your research?" Harry asked. Luciforo? He even had the name similar to Lucifer himself now I'm convinced this man was the devil. "No quite we keep running in to a common issue please follow me so that we may discussed it in my lab." Luciforo said as he walked towards the doors. We followed but suddenly Harry called out. "Wait you there." He said as all my men turned around to look at him. I didn't dare turn around. "You, turn around." He ordered me, and I slowed obeyed as he looked at me down and up. "Aren't you too small to be a guard boy?" He asked me, and I remember what Jeremy advised not speaking or saying a word. My heart raced in fear. "He is older but do not underestimate his ability sir he is well trained." One of my men spoke up for me. "I see is that so?" He stared at me. "Daniel's this way please." Luciforo called out with inpatients. And I was saved. Harry looked at me curiously before headed towards Luciforo. "Thank you." I thanked our men and he nodded with a smile. "That was a close call wasn't it?" Jeremy said in my ear startling me near death. I forgot he was connected to my ear peace. "You can see us? How?" I asked looking around as my eyes landed on cameras in the corner of the wall. "Bingo that's how I can see you.. since you stepped in to that place I was able to get connection and hack their security cameras." He explained. "That's good keep your eyes open." I said as I quickly followed Harry and Luciforo. They walked through bright halls with so much lighting and then what I saw next made my heart skip, a cellar with so many people locked behind bars and treated like animals. "As you can see these are our fresh catch we will start testing right away." Luciforo spoke to Harry I looked at all the woman and children behind bars they looked dirty and tired as the children reached their hands through the bars for help and cried. I wanted to cry they were reaching for me to save then. "Stop shaking Honey you might be seen close your eyes and don't look." Jeremy said to me as if noticing my obvious bothered demeanor. I bit down on my tongue to distract my mind. There were children no older than junior and woman as old as a grandma. Men of all ages all cramped in each cellar. There was over hundred of people down here. It was like jail, but each cell held over 20 or more people camped together with no space to move around and the smell was strong and horrendous. "Now follow me and I will show you the progress." Luciforo said as he scanned his hand on a pad on the door as it open. We all went silent as soon as we heard screaming and roaring. It sounded like wild animals on a rampage as we all quivered. "What is that?" Harry asked. "Those are the failed subjects they will be put down soon...unfortunately that's the progress of our research." He explained. But I was scared to the core, how could any human make those sounds and noises I was terrified. "This place is a nightmare." Jeremy said with shock. I wanted to ask what he saw but couldn't say a word. We walked in and stepped in an elevator as it went up to the 3rth floor. As soon as the doors opened I was shocked to see a scene right out of a movie. A lab a massive lab with all sorts of a science laboratory tools and test tubes with a purple liquid bubbling and brewing in every jar and tube. So many scientist people working. "As you can see we are sufficient but unfortunately we have not succeeded we have come close very close but Harry we are running out of test subjects...there's only so many homeless people we can use and most already have health issues. We can't continue to kidnap...too many Missing people report is raising awareness we need healthy unwanted people." Luciforo announced.

" I see...we have come this far we cannot afford to quit, I have just what you are looking for and you can find them at Morning-Ale -Valley correctional facility."

Harry gave a wicked smile.

"Prisoners?...yes they would do just fine." Luciforo returned a wicked smile. And my throat tightened, and my chest squeezed tight. My father was in that prison? What did they plan to do? Luciforo led us towards another room as a very thin man was strapped and tied to a chair. He was shaking behind glass doors naked and afraid. The scientist observed and watched him as they tapped away on their computers "You are just in time they are just about to use another subject let's hope this one Is not another disappoint." We watched quietly as a machine lowered to the man covering his head and arms. "What does that do?" Harry asked. "The arm piece has small middles that carry the Nytroraidium and injects it into his blood stream and the helmet inserts the micro chip in his brain. The Nytroraidium will enhance all his senses improve muscle function and pretty much make him super human. Not only that he will be totally and complete under our control with the chip in his brain. Trust me Harry once we succeed in this we will bring this country no…. the whole world down to its knees and rule with these powerful specimens at our fingertips who can stop us?" He laughed, and Harry joined him this was not right this place needed to be shut down how did no one know about this dangerous lab that killed innocent people. Suddenly the man started to convulse and shake as he screamed so loud my body was covered in goosebumps. He screams as all the purple liquid that was in the dispenser was poured into his body. His veins popped out all over his body making him look like a monster as his muscles grew larger and larger in size. Spit and silver flew out of his mouth as he screamed in agony. "You see that Harry its working." Luciforo shouted in excitement. The man screamed and struggled to get free, but he was restrained with straps and metal cuffs. Suddenly he lifted his arm so hard breaking all the straps and cuffs. He broke free through like it was a stand of hairs. He stood up and I was shocked how anyone could get this big he was not he same skinny man moments ago this was a monster with blood shot eyes and covered in purples veins. What is in that Nytroraidium stuff?