Chapter 80

He looked like a monster about three times as tall as the average man and his body was shaped like the incredible hulk. His eyes were a bright shade of red as he stood staring us through the glass as he huffed and puffed. The scientist started speaking in code and I didn't understand a word. Lucifer pressed a button on the keyboard and it was a speaking to communicate with the beast. "Subject A-2119 do you comprehend?" He asked the monster but the monster didn't respond staring at us with drool running down his jaw. I was so scared I didn't want to be here anymore. "Test subject Number A-2119 do you comprehend?" He repeated and I watched the monster nod his head slowly. Lucifer jumped and shouted for joy. "You see how competent our team is, it was only a matter of time before we had our breakthrough." He patted Harry's shoulder and Harry smiled with approval. "Now we need those prison inmates so that we can have our army of nytroraidium soldiers." Luciforo states and I could now barley breath they wanted to turn my father into a monster. "Now, please come with me so that we can discuss funds." Luciforo led Harry away. "Listen to their conversation." I whispered to Jeremy lowly. I needed to know when they planned to steal all those people from prison. I had to get my father out as soon as possible.

Shortly Harry returned as luciforo escorted us back to our vehicles. "We will be in touch." Harry said to Lucifer as he entered his vehicle. We drove out and left "your boyfriend is calling me like crazy, he said he can't get a hold of you and you disappeared from the hospital please call him as soon as you finish up… he has a bad temper and to be honest he scares me." Jeremy said. " I will, as soon as I get to the hotel I'm not going to the hotel. " I said. "Are you backing out of your plan to speak with him?" He asked. To be honest I was too shaken up to do anything. what I witness was pure terror I just wanted to get away from him at the moment. "That will have to wait for another day." I answered. "That's a good idea to be fair anyone would be scared after what we just saw." He commented. "I'm ending the call now…take care" said hung up. It was a long drive back to town as we followed Harry's car. We arrived at Harry's house as he stepped out of the car. We waited in our car as he waved a hand to us finishing our services for the evening.

I finally got to the hotel to find Sofia, Adam, Jeremy, Gilbert and a man I didn't recognize. As soon as Adam laid eyes on me he rushed to me hugging me tightly. "You are the stupidest person I know." He began. "How can you be so reckless and dive into a mission without telling me?" He had so much worry in his eyes. I looked at Jeremy wondering if he told him anything. "You could have been killed you idiot do you know how worried I was?" He scolded. "I'm sorry but I needed answered I'm not going to sit around and do nothing." I shouted back. "you haven't even been discharged from the hospital yet you charge into something dangerous like this?" He shouted at me we went back and forth arguing as I defended my case. "That's enough you two come have a seat we have much to discuss." Gilbert interrupted our quarrel. Adam and I look at each other, we still had much to say but obeys as be sat on the bed. "Sofia you go first, how did to encounter with Steve go?" Gilbert asked. She reached in her purse and pulled out a few papers. "I got him to sign his shares over

" she smiled proudly. Jeremy looked at Gilbert with shock

"he's owned shares?" Jeremy asked. "Yes and I got him drunk as he poured his heart out to me saying it was all a misunderstanding. Harry didn't want me to be apart of the company so he had nothing to do what happened to me." She mocked Steve. "He couldn't give me custody of Justin because Harry has full custody but I at least got this from him." She states. "Well done Sofia, so that silent shareholder that no one knew was Steve. No one would suspect a fool as himself so he was kept in the dark very well done Sofia." Gilbert praised. "Now Jeremy has shown us all the footage of the even that happened tonight DCA Alliance is a force not to be reckoned with...what we have witnessed is inhuman and we cannot let that distract us from our goals." Gilbert said. "Are you saying we have to turn a blind eye to it?" I asked. "Unfortunately yes. Its like I said DCA is far too dangerous for us to meddle with." Gilbert announced. "But we have to save those people." I cried. "I understand your frustration it was not easy for you to see that but remember our mission its Harry we are after." He stressed, As anger rose within. they were using human beings as lab Rats and disposing them like garbage. How can we not do anything about it? "But they are going to kill my father." I shouted as everyone looked at each other. "What do you mean?" Gilbert asked with shock. I'm assuming Jeremy left that part out. He knew we would get involved so he hid that part. Jeremy sighed rolling his eyes. "They will be using prisoners as their next research test subjects and there target is morning ale valley correctional facility." Jeremy explained and I was grateful I was too shaken and angry to speak. "Is that true? How can they be so cruel?" Sofia added. And I nodded. "That is a problem." Gilbert got lost deep in thought. Adam grabbed my hand to comfort me he noticed my shaking in anger. "I have a plan." The man who was silent the whole time spoke up. "Who are you?" I asked wondering why there was a stranger amongst us. "Honey this is Tom he was the man involved that killed you grandparents and he is helping us take down Harry." Jeremy explained as I looked at him with a skeptical look. "I'm sorry and I regret my actions and will correct my mistakes." He looked at me with so much remorse. "What's your plan?" Adam asked. "We will break him out." He simply stated. We all looked at him his bizarre plan was ridiculous. "When they are going in to take the inmates that's a perfect opportunity for us to smuggle him out. We will simply raise a diversion distracting them and sneak him away." He explained. Gilbert nodded in approval. "That's not a bad idea...Jeremy do you know when they will put their plan to action in taking the inmates?" Gilbert asked. "Luciforto suggest they start there action two months from now. he said the nytroraidium should be near perfected then."

"Good that gives us time. I will go and visit Nicholas and tell him what's happening so that he is prepared for it." Gilberts continued. My heat rate was now going at a steady rate I was calm knowing this plan might work. "Oh my God!" Sofia suddenly shouted out as she stared at her cell phone. "What is It?" Gilbert asked. "Take a look." She handed her phone to Gilbert as he started to read out loud. "A terrible illness has come over the Flnn hairless Michelle Flynn. The illness is foreign and doctors cannot find the cure to this rare disease her father has put a ten million dollar reward for any doctor that can cure his daughter." He read and looked around. "What could it be?" Sofia asked. "Why don't we ask the Scorpion?" Jeremy smirked with an amused look. We all turned our attention to Adam wondering what he was talking about. "I gave her nytroraidium I don't know what it is but I was told it would make her sick for 3 days." Adam stated. I looked at him with shocked eyes. "Nytroraidium is what was used on the people as test subjects where did you get it?" Jeremy asked.

"From my men I hired. they said they use to use it back in military the to interrogate their enemies." He explained. "Who are your men?" Gilbert asked. "They have been my body guards for years I trust them." He said with defense. "If they no longer work for the military how are they able to get nytroraidium?" Jeremy added. "I don't know." Adam answered. "Can you ask your men if there is a cure?" Gilbert asked. My mind was racing, why would Adam give her that and when did he do it? was it when I was in a coma at the hospital? And if he gave her nytroraidium then she must also be a monster like the man I saw. "I will find out." Adam announced.

Adam walked away as he places a call. He came back shorty. "So I've spoken the man who gave it to me and he said he got it from a scientist that use to world work for DCA alliance he said he quit last year when he couldn't handle working for a luciforo and he went into hiding. He wouldn't tell me his wear about but I'm sure if we can find him we might have a chance of ending this." Adam explained. "Our concern is not Lucifer our aim is to free Nicholas and take down Harry." Gilbert announced. "How can you be so heartless you saw those innocent children crying and you don't care?" Sofia said. "You all need to understand we are not responsible for the world we are not heroes if you want to throw away everything we have worked for then I'm walking away right now." Gilbert huffed. And I was so hurt I couldn't believe what he was saying he was right in a sense. "Gilbert could you imagine being locked in there holding your child as he gets ripped out of your hands to be tortured and killed?" I cried. Gilbert averted his eyes as his anger dimmed. He sighed out loud. "Then what should we do?" He asked. No one responded, No one knew how to save them. "Let's focus on our mission first then we can focus on saving anyone." Tom added. And we all nodded. "I need to go back to the hospital now to visit my family." Tom said as he exited the room. "I too will retired for the night." Gilbert followed. "I'm going to get going I have to work on some things." Jeremy announced before leaving and Sofia left not too long after. It was now just Adam and I. He stared at me making me feel uncomfortable. "Get some rest, go to bed. I'm going to leave." He made his way to the door. I felt disappointed for some reason. I hated seeing him leave I didn't want to be alone. "Wait!" I called out. He stopped and turned around looking at me with his intense gaze. "Can you stay?" I asked shyly. "If you want me to stay how could I say no." He smiled warming my heart.

He was such a gentle men that he slept on the small sofa in the room. He look very uncomfortable constant tossing and turning for comfort. "there is space on the bed you know we can share." I softly spoke to see if he was still awake. He didn't respond. He must of fallen a sleep. I felt bad for making him stay and sleep in such a way. "I'm fine." His deep yet soft settle voice startled me. "besides I don't think I could control myself I might end up taking you tonight." He continued. My face burned from blushing. I was flustered. "I wont let you so you don't have to worry." I responded. "can you guarantee that?" the room was dark but I could image his playful gin on his face. "Yes…" I responded. He shifted in the dark and suddenly the bed moved. I felt his warm hands move around my waist grasping my tight as he pulled me into his warm hard body. If I'm being honest if Adam made any moves I don't think I would stop him. But to my surprise he just held my close. His breathing steadied and soon he was asleep. It was a mixed feeling of relief and disappointment.

Morning came and I notice Adam was awake as he was laying out breakfast. The smell of fresh bacon and eggs filled the room. "Come eat, you haven't been eating these days have you?" He asked. I smiled with a warm feeling. I wasn't ready to open my heart to him completely but I was slowly giving in. We ate our breakfast in silence . "I have to go to the hospital and check on Tom and his family please don't go anywhere." He said and I nodded. I knew he didn't trust me by the look on hips face. He repeated it so many times before leaving that he sounded like my mother. Once I made sure he was gone I got dressed and I walked out.

There was something I had to do.