Chapter 81

(Adam's P.O.V)

I left the hotel room and placed a call to my guard that had given me the nytroraidium. "Have you found anything yet? I asked him

"Yes I got in touch with the scientist that use to work for DCA alliance he refuses to help he wants no one to know his location but I found out he is still in the country." He explained. "How did you find him?" I asked. "My sister is friends with a woman that knows his wife I can send you her phone number, he has already changed his number since I spoke with him last night. Call her phone and maybe he will speak with you." He said "send it to me." I sat in my car for a few minutes anxiously waiting.


I Received a text message from him. I smiled to myself.

I quickly called the number he sent but a woman answered. "Hello?" Her melodramatic voice answers. "I'm looking for a man by the name Ian Spurr." I asked. "He is not home may I ask who is calling?" She asked. "I'm someone that needs his help can you please tell me where he is?" I asked. "I'm sorry but I cannot tell you, my husband is a very busy man I can take a message and pass it on." she suggested. Her tone was hostile and on guard "let him know it's regarding Nytroraidium and Luciforo if you can-"

"Please do not call this number anymore my husband has nothing to do with Luciforo and Nytroraidium." She cut me off then hung up on me. Why was she so bothered by this topic what's really going on?" I called Gilbert for his help.

" I need you to take a look into a man named Ian spurr and what you can find on him." I asked.

"I'm busy at the moment we are working on releasing information on Harry regarding the plane crash with Tom. Can this wait and who is Ian?" He asked. "Ian is the scientist that worked with Luciforo he might be the clue to ending Nytroraidium testing." I explained. "Not this again I told you kids, this is not our problem we have issues to deal with we cannot afford to waste our time on this let the authority deal with it." He stressed. "Gilbert, Nicolas is your friend, he and a lot of people will die if we don't stop him!" I shouted with anger. He sighed deeply with frustration. "Give me an hour once we expose Harry I will help. Now get off my line and let me focus." He said and hung up. I opened my phone and the first thing I see was more news about Michelle Flynn. it read her case has worsened and her family was desperate for help they raised their reward to 20 million dollars to any doctor that can cure their daughter. I didn't care about her health but I knew that if Ian could cure her then we could help those people. Knowing Gilbert he wasn't planning on researching Ian so I needed the next person best with computers. Jeremy! he answered with in the first ring. "What is it Scorpion I'm quite busy this morning."

"I need you to find info on someone by the name of Ian Spurr he is the scientist that worked with Luciforo." "You found his name? Good, I will look him up." He said. I ended the call and waited for his response he called back shorty. "I can't find much on him it's like he doesn't want to be found but his wife is a messy one her name is Abby Spurr she is a doctor that works at Morning-Ale Hospital in town. She has a history of her patients falling ill and even, some cases of missing patients. she has been investigated several times but she manages to get away clean. Something is fishy about her. Finding her is easy she works on hospital schedule so she should be easy to track down." He explained. Something was definite suspicious about her. "I'll pay her a visit." I quickly rushed to the same hospital Tom's family was in the one Honey was admitted Dr. Abby spurr was right under our noses this whole time. I went inside and asked the nurses for Doctor Spurr as they pointed in the direction of a woman in a white lab coat scanning through paper work. She was slim with short dark hair she looked as if in her late forties with almond shaped eyes. Her skin was fair almost translucent she was a pretty woman. I left the hospital and waited outside the doors how was I going to get to her without anyone noticing me. Then my prayer were answered Abby stepped out the doors and walked to the side of the building and lit a cigarette in her hand. I stepped out of the car and approached her. Her eyes lifted as she watched me. "Do you have an extra cigarette?" I asked her. She smiled as she reached out and handed me one. "The irony a doctor smoking, I'm terrible huh?" She laughed.

"We are all human what ever takes the stress away." I smiled at her. "Where are you from you look so familiar?" She asked batting her eye lashes at me She stared at me blushing, she was obviously flirting. "I'm not from around here just visiting." I lied. "You're very handsome i must sound like a cougar." She giggled. "I see you're married." I said looking the large diamond ring on her finger. She looked disappointed as her smile faded. "Not for long we don't see eye to eye." She said with a frown. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking to you about this but sometimes I just need someone to talk to. my husband is very distant and almost never home a woman gets lonely." She said with seductive eyes. I didn't want to carry this conversation on any longer she was a married woman trying to invite me into her bed. her cell phone rang as she pulled it out her eyes grew wide as she looked at the screen. "Please excuse me." tossing her cigarettes on the ground and walked away from me to answer the call. I followed her around the corner of the building hiding behind the wall listing to her conversation. "You know not to call me when I'm at work I'm already being invested....seriously it's a success how?!....ok I have a few patients that are already on their deaths beds I'll put in file they have passed away and send them over....i want my money in advance this time I won't risk being in jail for chump change double it ....alright wait for my call then." She hung up as I quickly rushed back. "Sorry about that, what was your name I didn't get it?" She asked, back to her flirtatious ways. "My name is Adam, maybe we can go for some drinks and hang out?"

"I would love that my name is Abby if you're free tonight I'll be off work around seven." She smiled with a flushed face. "Great can I get your number then." I returned my charming smile. She was like a little school gil confessing her love to a crush. She gave me her number and retreated to the hospital. This was easier than I thought. I got back in my car to ponder on my thoughts when Jeremy said there was something fishy about her he was right. That phone call was suspicious indeed. Test subjects and sending patients was something I couldn't ignore. Regardless I was going to find answers once I see her tonight. I called Jeremy explaining everything to him.

"Must be nice to be handsome huh?" He laughed. "well you cant be ugly and dumb at least you are handsome and dumb." He said trying to get a reaction out of me." you are starting to really piss me off nerd." I gritted my teeth. "don't get mad Mr. Dark it's a compliment, you finally put your good looks to use. Anyways now make sure she is alone so you can seduce her I have the feeling she has something to do with Nytroraidium testing."

"That's what I was thinking. I'm sure Ian and Abby may be doing secret tastings on sick patients at the hospital. I added. "Alight, so this is the plan if you can get her cell phone and dial #**698 I can hack her cell and find Ian once you get her alone I will contact him letting him know his wife is kidnapped he will surely ask for her whereabouts so once he arrives we will interrogate the both of them." Jeremy explained his brilliant plan. It was surely a great plan.

The sun started to set the crimson sky was darkening as I got ready to see Abby. I dressed in a casual blue cashmere sweater and dark jeans. She sent me the address to a bar, I headed there and once I arrived I noticed her standing in front of the doors of the bar wearing a short ,skimpy, tight, tiger striped dresses, her hair was jelled back with very badly done makeup I cringed at her terrible fashion sense and her horrible 80's plat form shoes that make her look like a spice girl. I forced a smile as I approached. Her face lit up with a smile once she laid eyes on me. "You look incredible." I lied. She starts blushing. "Thank you, you look pretty good as well." She smiled and I noticed her dark purple lipstick stained her teeth. I wasn't embarrassed being seen with her but I felt bad for her. I can tell she doesn't go out much and doesn't have any friends otherwise who let her leave the house looking this? The bar looked crowded I couldn't speak to her in private here. I know someone would recognise me if we stayed any longer. I already had so many woman glaring at me trying to figure out where they saw me it would be a matter of time before chaos arises. "Let's say we skip the drinks and head to my place." I asked her with a side smile. She stared at me with a flushed face. "Oh my, you sure don't like to waste time." She giggles wrapping her arm around mine. " I was hoping you would ask." She hissed trying to be sexy. I led her to my car. "Wow, nice car!" She commented dazzled gawking around. I looked at the clutch in her hand. I'm sure her cell phone was in there. I drove to one of my smaller apartments. "these are the fancy apartments and they are huge…You sure are doing well for yourself, what do you do if in may ask?" she was dazed . "I'm just a sales man, I like to splurge myself." I lied to her once more. " we entered the apartment she started to grope my chest and leaned in for a kiss I didn't want to kiss her, I was more grossed out by her. "I'll get us a drink." I pulled away from her and headed for the kitchens she was taken back but quickly followed as she got comfortable on the sofa. I walked back with a bottle of champagne and poured her a cup. She was more interested in me then the drink. "Where is the washroom room I need to freshen up." She asked. a sigh of relieve escaped me. I pointed in the direction and She stood up and made her way to the washroom. I noticed she left her clutch on the sofa i looked around to see if the coast was clear, I quickly opened it up the first thing I saw was a box of condoms I shivered at the thought of what she had planned for them I pushed it aside and dug deeper for her phone. Once I got it I punched in the code Jeremy gave me as the screen turned red and flicked and back to normal. I'm assuming it went through as I placed it back and closed her clutched back up. I heard her foot steps and I sat back in the sofa and grabbed my glasses of champagne. "Did you wait long?" she said sitting close beside me rubbing her shoulder with mine I shifted away but she got closed this time she pounced on me like a cougar sitting on me wrapping her arms around my neck as she grinded her self against me. She forced a kiss on me and tried to force her tongue in my mouth but I pushed her back on the sofa and whipped my mouth. I gagged with disgusted. "Let's take it slow and get to known each other." I said noticing the startled expression plastered on face. But that didn't stop her she lunged at me once more with lustful eyes as she tried to kiss me once again but I moved my head back pushing my hands against her chest she tried to undress me and started kissing my neck. "Wait,… A-Abby this is too suddenly." I said as I pushed her away and stood up. She panted trying to catch her breath. "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry ….oh my god, what am I doing?...I'm not usually like this." She hid her face in shame. she tried to pull her dress down. "Its just I haven't had sex in months my husband doesn't touch me anymore I'm so embarrassed." She covered her hands over her face and started crying. I felt pity on her. but it made me think of how Honey must have felt during our time together. Always pushing her aside not giving her any attention, neglecting her and my son..she must have been so Lonely. "It's ok, don't cry." I tried to console her. Suddenly my phone rang i looked at the caller ID and saw it was Jeremy. "I'll be right back I have to take this call." I said as I walked away and made my way to the bedroom. "Speak." I answered.

"Ian is on his way to your location and he's not happy I told him his wife has been kidnapped he should arrive any minute when I checked his location it was close to yours so be ready. " He explained. "Did he contact police?" I asked. "No,I told him not to get any authority involved or his wife will be in danger. Keep her occupied until then." He explained. "I understand." I ended the call as I made my way back to Abby. She was no longer an emotional wreck she stared at me with fierce eyes. "My husband keeps calling me he never calls during these hours I don't know if I should answer." She said with worry.

"What will you tell him if you answer his calls?...that you are at another mans house?" I asked. She pinched her lips together as remorse crossed her eyes as they flattered around the room. "Don't answered something tells me you wont be married long." I smirked. She shot a look at me. "What do you mean?" She asked with confusion. I didn't answer as there was a sudden bang at the door she flinched startle her head shot towards the door. "Open this door right now!" A mans voice shouted. I watched as Abby stood up with fear in her eyes. "Ian?...that's my husbands voice what is he doing here?" She looked at with plea for help. I walked towards the door his banging and shouting was getting annoying. "D-don't open it please." She begged but I reached for the nob and widened the door as he charged right in and ran towards his wife. He was not very tall he was slim with black Bob cut hair and wore glasses his skin was as fair as hers his eyes were small. He had high cheek bones and a pinched nose. he looked about the same age as her early forties I guess. "Abby are you hurt are you ok?...don't worry I will get you out of here." He rubbed her cheeks as he pinned her head to his chest her eyes wide with surprise. "Who the hell are? you what do you want from my wife?" He hissed at me. I closed the door and stepped towards them. "Ian what is going on?" Abby asked with confusion. "Don't worry honey everything will be fine." He assured holding her close to him as if cradling his child shielding her from a predator. "Now that you are here let's talk." I said with a calm demeanor. "You think you can kidnap my wife to get me to talk? You're crazy kid who sent you?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "Kidnap? Ian what's are ou talking about?" Abby asked looking at me and back at her husband. "I haven't kidnapped anyone relax I just need some answers from the both of you...Nytroraidium...tell me about it?" I asked I watched Abby's expression turn ghostly as she gripped her husbands shirt. She was nervous and by the look on her face she knew a lot about it. "I know nothing about that we are leaving." He grabbed Abby's hand and headed for the door. "Really ?...I'm sure Abby has a lot to say about it." I said and he stopped in his tracked and slowly turned around to look at me. "What are talking about?" He asked. "Why don't you ask her yourself..." I smirked holding a strong gaze at him. He looked at Abby who's eyes grew twice in size. "I-i don't know what he's talking about." She stuttered with nervousness. "My wife is an honest doctor. how dare you accuse her of such crimes." He huffed with anger. "Don't play dumb Abby I have all the proof I need that you are communicating with Luciforo and DCA alliance...speak now or I will send everything to the Morning-le police department." I threatened. Ian started at his wife with shock after hearing luciforo's name and DCA. "Abby…. What is he talking about?" He asked as he released her hand. "He's lying there is no way I would send patients to be lab test for Nytroraidium how could I?" She defended. Ian took a step away from her as my smile grew wide. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She said trying to reach for him but he pulled away. "I don't recall anything about sending patients for testing." I chuckled. She looked at me with shock. "Who are you? Why are you blaming this ridiculous crime on me.?" She cries. "Abby is this true?" Ian was now shocked to the core he couldn't believe his wife exposed herself. "Honey please believe me, I would never do that." She cried. Ian was in his own thoughts I could see the betrayal on his face. "All that money that kept coming to our account from unknown accounts that was him wasn't it?" He asked her. "No… please don't believe him he tried to seduce me he's framing me." She was now panicking. "You told me you mother sent you that money from your inheritance was that also a lie?" He asked. "You better confess now before I report you" i said with amusement. She darted her eyes around she was hiding something but was hesitant to speak. "If you confess and help me with information I promise you will be safe. " I said to push it out of her. "But he will kill me he is a dangerous man." She finally said. Ian couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I promise no harm will come to you." I assured. She bit her lower lip then continued. "He contacted me about 3 years ago he was looking to get Ian back in the lab but I knew an quit and wouldn't agree he offered me money…. I'm sorry Ian but you know we needed the money." She cried looking at him in despair who glared at her with rage and slight hurt. "He offered me money for exchange to give him sick patience he said they would be fine he just wanted to test Nytroraidium and needed people that no one would bother looking for I found out recently what his aim was I swear I never wanted to hurt anyone." She sobbed out loud. "I can't believe this….this this cant be true I left DCA because of his wicket acts and now I find out my wife is working with the devil? Tell me I'm dreaming." Ian said as he stumbled in the dining room chair with shock. "Darling I did it for us I never wanted to hurt you." She tried to console him by rubbing his shoulders. "Luciforo is planning on making an army of Nytroraidium soldiers he is turning people in to mindless monsters I've seen this myself…he has killed many innocent people and children due to this testing if you do not help us stop him the world might be in danger." I explained. "Impossible Nytroraidium was a failed project how is he still able to make so much?" Ian murmured more to him self "He was bale to do so and if you do not tell me the antidote to this we have a big problem coming." I said. "I've created it as just a way to make captured prisoners Congress crimes I didn't imagine they would progress this much." He said with disbelief . "Ian there are innocent children being tested on please help stop him." I said to him. "I'm sorry I can't help you I have not created an antidote." He said lowly. "You're the one that created this drug you have to find a cure for it take a look at what they are doing with it." I said as I grabbed my laptop and played the recording Jeremy had taken. I watched as both Abby and Ian glared at the screen with shock. "This cant be true what kind of a monster has he become?" Ian whispered. "I had no idea this is what they were doing I thought they wanted to help my patients and cure their illness if I had known I would never agree to it." Abby said with disbelief. "Now do you understand the severity of the situation if we don't do something millions will die." I stressed. "I understand I will do what ever I can to fix this...after all I am the one who started it." He said. "Thank you." I thanked them. Once I have them in board the rest will fall in line.

Ian and Abby left after they explain Ian will start to working on an antidote right away that's when I heard the news on the TV. "Harry Daniels the CEO of Mystro Inc. has been accused of murder of his parents and older brother with the help of a pilot named Tom Broland 16 years ago locals source say he was taken into custody for further questioning." I rushed over to continue watching as I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I watched as reported followed Devon and Harry questioning them but they didn't say a respond their body guard pushed through the crowded. Gilbert and Tom did it, they exposed Harry I don't know how but they old men did it. "An article was released detailing the murder from and unknowns source explaining Harry bribed the pilot Tom to take act in this atrocious crime Harry is scheduled to appear in court this week the Daniels family refused to comment about these accusation if these allegations are true he could face 20 to life in jail please tune in for tonight to further discuss this news." The reported said. I wonder what chaos is going on in the Daniels residence must be crazy. I called Gilbert to find out more of what's going on. "I cant speak right now Adam I have to get Tom into hiding I'm sure Harry has figured out he is no longer on the island and is here in town its only a matter of time he comes looking for him that's if the police do not get to us first." He explained. "What do you mean the police?" I asked. "The report we put out said Tom was the pilot that was responsible for the deaths they are probably searching for him as we speak." He explained. "But why did you say Tom did it couldn't you make up a lie or something." I wondered. "There's no way we could do that, everyone already knows Tom was the pilot that crashed the plane it's only a matter of time before the pieces are put together Tom was prepared for the consequence already, I got to go, call you back." He said before hanging up.

This was a game of Chess between us and Harry we have made our move and our next move will be check mate.