Chapter 82

(Honey's P.O.V)

It was late evening Adam said he was busy taking care of some matters so I decided to sneak in to Mystro building. Gilbert had mentioned the proof of my father's innocence was kept close to Harry. I know our plan was to break him out of prison but then what? Hide him for ever? I still needed to clear his name and make him a free man. And finding that info was a sure way to do it. I'm sure he didn't keep it at his house he wanted to keep it a secret from has family so I'm assuming it's in his office a place only he had access.

I arrived at the building it was dark and I noticed security patrolling the area. one stood in front of the building as another walked around it. I noticed there were three more inside standing in front of reception desk as they were deep in conversation. How was I going to get in? I stepped out of the vehicle as I snuck around to the back of the building. I notice another security guard approaching my areas so I quickly hid behind the dumpster. My heart was racing this was impossible there were too many security guards. Suddenly my phone rang as my ring tone echoed though out the area I quickly dug in my pocket and silence the call. "Who's there?!" I heard the security guard call out I could see him aim his flash light in my direction as he stepped closer my heart was now pounding I was about to get caught. I looked at my screen it was Jeremy. "Come out who ever you are!" He shouted as he took steps closer I bit my Lower lip as I broke out in cold sweats it was all over before it even began. Suddenly I heard an alarm ringing from within the Mystro building. "Shit!" The guard retorted before rushing back towards the building I slowly snuck a look as I saw him swipe his ID badge granting him access in the building and he stepped in. My phone rang once more it was Jeremy yet again "what!?" I shouted in annoyance and frustration. "You have 1 minutes to enter that building I unlocked the door for you and triggered the alarm to distract then move now" he said "what do you mean how did you know what i was up to?" I asked. "No time to explain you have 40 seconds or the door will lock and up and I wont be able to open it for another hour go they will disarm the system soon." He shouted I quickly stood up and raced to the door and pulled the door. I was shocked to see it was open, I made my way in. Once I entered the dark building I could heard the loud alarm sound then it was turned off. I could hear the guards walking around "no sir it was just a false alarm must be a error in the security system please have IT look it tomorrow .. I understand we will do a quick sweep in the building to make sure no one has snuck in." I heard one speak on the phone I quickly made my way up the long stairs I know all managements office was on the 12th floor. And using elevator was not an option at the moment. Once I reached the 12th floor I was out of breath I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath. I searched for Harry's office it wasn't hard to find considering there was a label on the floor "CEO Harry Denials" i read lowly. it was next to Devon's office but the large wooden door was locked. There was a small panel with a digital keyboard he must use a code to unlock it. I jiggled the nob and sighed in frustration hoping it was open. I heard the elevator ring as the numbers on the elevator panel increased someone was on there way up. I sighed in relief when I notice it stopped on the 9th floor. I searched the whole flow for something that can unlock that door it was no use, the elevator once again moved up to the 10th floor I was growing nervous they would be here soon. I kept searching Devon's office was also locked. I tried to punch in some random numbers to Harry's office but a red light flicked signaling the code was incorrect. The elevator moved again, the 11th floor. I panicked I tried more random numbers but that was another failure. I grew more and more worried suddenly the light on his key board flicked green was it open but I didn't touch it. I head the elevator ding once more as it was now on the 12th floor the doors started to part as i quickly opened the door and shut it quietly. I leaned against the door, calming my racing heart. I could hear foot steps walk around the room. "12 is clear as well I'm heading down now." I heard the security guard say. I placed my ear against the door I heard the elevator door close there was not a sound. The coast was clear. I slowing opened the door and peaked through the crack. He was gone. I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding I looked around the fancy office that was twice the size of Devon's office. This was larger than my mother's apartment. there was a book shelf a fancy looking rug and many fancy painting hung on the wall with certificate of achievement and awards. . My phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out and notice I had received a text from Jeremy. "I unlocked the door, sorry it took so long I needed to reset his password could you believe it was 12345 how simple and stupid could Harry be?" He laughed with an lol. I smiled. I didn't know he new how to Wright "lol". "Thank you so much Jeremy I was about to be caught." I thanked. "No worries now hurry up and get out of here Harry doesn't believe in system fault he will send more security to thoroughly search the building." He wrote. I quicker began to search I started with his desk but nothing special. I look through each cabinet and drawer but it was to no avail. Just as I was about to give up I then noticed my pgone buzz in ky pocket once again it was Jeremy. "I cant find anything im just going to leave while I still can." I said to him over the phone . "Not yet…he has a safe behind that large portrait of himself I don't know the code but it must be simple as well." He suggest I open it. I moved the portraits of himself looking like some noble as he posed with fancy sword. I set it a side of the wall there was a huge locked safe. I tried the same code as his door slowly turned the combination but the number was incorrect I tried again but nothing. "Try 081701." Jeremy said. I didn't question it as I entered the code and to my surprise it opened. "It worked!" I shouted. "I figured…what a psychotic man he is." Jeremy murmured. "what do you mean what are these numbers?" I asked. "The day he murdered his parents was august 17th 2001." He explained and i felt sick to my stomach why would anyone use that as there secret code to a safe. I widened the door and saw stacks of cash it must be millions he had multiple passports with so multiple different identifies I noticed a few files I grabbed them and started to read. It was all there. Document forging, money sent to Tom, and letters between him and Tom and so much more. it was all the proof I need. I quickly grabbed it and cleaned out everything in the safe including all his cash. If I was going to steal from him might as well take everything. That's when my eyes landed on a red folder that was sitting at the bottom of all the cash. I opened the file and was shocked to see it was the original file as my father and Gilbert being the rightful owners of Mystro. It held all the information from the moment they started the company. My heart trembled at the thought. This was not what i was looking for but it was much better then what I needed. All the proof I needed to take back the company was all here. I stuffed the file in my duffle bag and closed the safe.