Chapter 83

"Jeremy how do I get out of here the whole place is covered with security. I whispered to him. "I have a plan but it is a risky one…" he trailed off deep in thought. What is it? I asked. He paused before continuing. "I will set off another alarm on the opposite side of the building they will rush over and that's your chance to escape. He sighed in frustration "What's so risky about that?" I askes.

"It's like I said Harry doesn't believe in false alarms and a second in one night will definitely raise his suspicion. he will have the whole IT department investigated tonight…I'm risking a lot on this Honey."

I Understood what he meant, if the whole IT department he's head of the IT so something will definitely be found.

"Thank you, Jeremy i will leave as quick as possible. I said before I ended the call. The loud alarm went off i knew that was my queue to go. Slowly opening the door i headed towards the stairs I reached the main floor and slowly opened the door but my heart leaped in my throat as I came face to face with one of the security guards. He was standing right in front of the door as his dark eyes locked with mine. "Who are you what are you doing here? He asked reaching for my arm but i quickly ran as fast as i could. He chased me down the halls, i rushed for a doors but that was big mistake there stood another guard that held the doors shut. it felt as if it was all slow motion all i could hear was the beat of my heart and the sound of my breath. I knew it was all over. "Stop her!" The guard shouted from behind as he raced towards me the guard at the door grabbed my arm causing me to drop the bag that contained all the evidence, everything i needed to do claim my fathers company. He pointed a gun at me I raised my hands up. "Don't move or I will shoot." I knew right then and there this whole thing was a mistake i shouldn't have come here i was so mad at myself and even more worried knowing how disappointed Adam would be. i not only let him down i let my whole team down and more importantly i let my father down. I was put into hand cuffs. the guards made a call next thing I knew i was blind folded and tossed in a car not knowing where i was being taken.

I tried to stay calm but my emotions ran all over the place i drenched the blind fold in tears. I was so afraid and quivered with fear not knowing where they were taking me. After a few minutes the car came to stop I was roughly forced out of the vehicle as we entered a room. the smell of the atmosphere was warm and scented like vanilla and lavender it felt like i was brought to a house I was then led into a colder room as the smell went strong like diesel mixed with gasoline. I was shoved into a room and i fell on a hard floor. My hands were tied begin my back so the sudden shove caused me to fall as my chin scarped the hard cold cement floor. I was too afraid to be in pain. I tired to sit up when i heard foot steps coming towards me. I shifted away but it was hard with my hands bound. "Well i knew there was a mouse snooping around instead I find a little frightened deer." The sound of an elder man said and i knew right sway who it was i was now hyperventilating. "Take off her blind fold I want to get a better look at her. He ordered. one of his gauds pulled off my fold i squinted my eyes at the sudden bight lights of the room i looked around and noticed we were in a garage with so many expensive vehicle park all around. I looked up at Harry as he stood above me with a devil smile on his face wearing a very expensive striped black and grey suite that was not flattering for his age. "W-what do you want from me?" I stuttered. "Oh no little deer you sneak in my office, steal documents and money and you ask what do i want?" He started laughing making my skin crawl with goosebumps. "You are in my grasp little deer you will tell me who you are, who sent you and what is your plan after receiving these documents?" His smile was gone and replaced with a frown and fire in his eyes. I tried to swallow my saliva but my throat was so dry. It felt like I was being strangled. "I'm no one… i just wanted money." I lied he started at me long and hard analyzing my facial futures then started laughing out loud once again. "Little deer I have been around for many years and have developed a pretty good talent for reading people I know when someone is lying...this is your final warning tell me what you where doing in my office" he threatened. But i shook my head. " I told you, i was just stealing money your a rich man so i know you have a lot of it. I'm not working for anyone." I explained. "You're that receptionist that got fired and also the lead in the upcoming movie Jason is disappeared during filming and now you where caught stealing from me ....a coincidence?... I think not..." he narrowed his eyes at me with rage. "If you wanted money you could have just taken the money but you also took important my guess is you must have a connection to Nick am i correct?" He asked as his face was now inches from mine, his eyes pierced through mine. I shook my head trying to keep a distance. " do know Nicolas don't you." He started laughing hysterically. "You're his daughter hahaha… this is great how did i not see the resemblance you have his pathetic features." He could no longer contain himself he was overwhelmed with joy. "All these years I've wondered about his secret little family and you were right under my nose"

"I don't know what you are talking about." I managed to finally say. "Is that so?". He suddenly stopped his cheerful laughter and became serious. he glared at me causing my hair to stand on end. "Do what you have to do to make her talk i want to know who's backing her… she wouldn't act alone, i smell smoke and where there is smoke there is a fire." He waved to the three security guards in the room then turned around to leave. I might die tonight and i still haven't said goodbye to my son...or Adam.