Chapter 84

(Adam's P.O.V)

When someone usually says that they have a sixth sense I never believed it. How they knew something was wrong and could just feel it. Today i experienced that, I didn't know if I should be happy that Ian has agreed to cooperate and is working on a cure but why was my mind not at ease? Why did I feel something was terribly wrong? I kept having a bad feeling every time Honeys phone rang. She always answers why was it now going straight to voice mail? I wanted to share the great news with her that Ian was on board. Maybe she heard about my night with Abby is now upset with me. How can I even explain if I cant get a hold of her. I pushed all that aside and decided to visit Jr. I've missed him these day i haven't spent anytime with him.

"Daddy!" he shouted as he ran towards me. I hugged him scooping him up in my arms. "Hey buddy how have you been?" I asked kissing his cheek. "Good but where is mommy i miss her." He frowned. And my stomach turned with guild. He doesn't deserve any if this, he deserve to have his parents by his side. "Now Jr. you haven't seen your dad, why don't you spend a little time with him. Your mom is busy working she will see you once she's finished work." Heather said saving me from explaining anything. i looked at her and gave her a smile of gratitude. "Ok by grandma." He waved at her.

I drove him to a near by ice cream shop. I wasn't sure if I should be disappointed or proud that my boy doesn't like to eat ice cream or anything sweet, he takes after me in so many ways. We ended up just visiting a astronomy museum. I enjoyed it and was so very proud he was into smart stuff but is it wrong to want him to be a regular kid and not a genius, Eat junk when not supposed to, watch cartoons all day and play with toys. But it was like i was hanging out with a much older person than a 4 year old. "Do you know how many moons Jupiter has dad?" He asked "5?" I answered. But he just laughed at me. "No dad Jupiter has 79 moons I can name them all and Saturn is made of nitrogen and helium." He was getting excited his speaking was now increasing. "And Neptune is my favourite with 13 moons and a raging storm with super sonic wind that's faster than sound, don't forget Uranus spins on its side dad it has hydrogen sulfide so it must smell like rotten eggs and-"

" i get it Jr. you like the solar system." I had to stop him he just wouldn't stop and I have no idea what he's taking about. I still thought there was 9 planet but he educated me about Pluto not being a planet anymore. What the hell was I going to school for all these I'm an idiot compared to this kid. "Oh my…dad look over there all the dwarf planets!" He said racing over to a show case with more planets. They look like rocks to me. Suddenly my phone buzzed it was a text message from Jeremy.

It read.

"May day Bee stung, rocky mountain. Help"

I was confused, what the hell did that mean I ignored it as I was entertaining my son. Jeremy was a wacko I hope Jr. Doesn't become anything like him. Smart people tend to be strange. But for reason i felt something was not right. i felt this way for quite some time now. Jeremy was always an odd guy and this was him being him but he wrote help... what was he trying to tell me. I called his phone but no answer. I knew something was wrong I couldn't ignore that message. "May day....Bee stung...rocky" i said each work slowly trying to decipher what it meant. I forward it to Gilbert hopefully he knew what he meant geeks understand each other better than the rest if us. Gilbert returns with a call almost instantly. "Adam, how did this happen?" he frantically asked. "I don't know what you mean." I was now baffled. "Honey is in trouble she is captured and is being sent to Luciforo layer and Jeremy is in trouble as well." He shouted. What do you mean how?" I asked. "You just sent it to me you idiot why are all pretty boys stupid." He said insulting my pride. "Easy old man, and I the message came from Jeremy. How did you get all that from a few random words?" I wondered. "Bee stung is Honey meaning she is in trouble if a bee loses its stinger they die and Honey is in relation to Honey bee you dummy and Rocky mountain is the layer deep in the mountains Luciforo's layer. Help is obviously a cry for help. He must mean they will be after him soon. Come on Hollywood, read a book sometime." He explained but nothing he said made sense i didn't have time to be insulted Honey was in danger I have to save her. I drove Jr. back home he was disappointed our time was cut short but he understood i was busy. I drove in my car i was angry i was speeding and not noticing my heart was now beating out of my chest. This Luciforo guy and Harry are going to die today if they lay a hand on Honey.

I didn't want to rely on him.. i didn't want to resort to this but what choice do i have. I hesitated before I placed the call. He was the last person I wanted to speak with. "Well look what we have here Mr. Dark Scorpion has finally called me." His voice still annoying as ever but i bit my lower lip and swallowed my pride. " I need your help and its dangerous." I said to him.

He went silent before all jokes left his tone. "Who are we dealing with.?" He asked.

"Ever heard of DCA alliance?" I asked. He Chuckled "This must be my lucky day. I've wanting to stretch my legs these days. How many do you need?" He asked.

"About 100 or more if you can." I asked.

"Consider it done. You are my son after."

" ill keep you posted and send you the location." I wanted to hand up, hearing his voice again was reminding me of everything. So many years have past i tried to avoid ever since the years drew us apart. After getting tired of women he joined the military and quickly climbed the latter and he is now the general of the army force. I was proud of him that he finally became something but I guess I just couldn't forgive him for being such an absent father and his years of drinking and violence was still fresh in my mind. But once again the Hayes men are reuniting.