Chapter 85

(Honey's P.O.V)

I woke up in a cell cold and smelled extremely bad. i tried to sit up but my head was spinning and my body was aching i couldn't sit up at all my arm and ribs where all broken and right eye was swollen shut, i was completely covered in dry blood. I knew it was my own blood because just before i past out those men where beating me so bad before losing conscious. I remember them punching me and stomping on my body like there where putting out a fire. I recall how they twisted my harm so far back it snapped. " take it easy, He said make her talk not kill her."

"But this stubborn bitch won't talk" Was all i remember before losing consciousness. I forced my self off the cold wet cement floor as my broken arm just dangle at my side it was so discolored it turned blue and swollen that it looked like a doll arm was attached to me. i cried so hard i bit down on my tongue not to scream i didn't want them to know i was awake so they could come back and beat me again. I tore a piece of my shirt and tied it with my mouth to make a cradle sling for my arm. I bit on my shoulder not to scream from pain as i wrapped it up. I dropped to the floor in and out of dizziness from the intense paid that shot through my entire body. i was sweating as tears trailed town my cheeks. The broken ribs made it almost impossible to breath. Once i calmed my shaking and steadied my breathing i scanned my surroundings. It was a jail cell very similar to where they kept the people being tested on. "Are you alright.? I heard the voice of a small child. I looked in the direction of the voice, the cell across from mine stood a small boy not much older than jr. holding the bars as he gazed at me. He was very thin, his hair grew long and was so very curly wearing a rugged t-shirt far too large for him. And nothing more. His eyes so large, blue and so very sad you could see the fear and pain he must have endured. I couldn't say a word my heart was aching. I tried to open my mouth but nothing came out. "Did they bring you here to give you a better life too?" He asked. I was so confused, the boy spoke but made nothing he said made sense at all. A better life? "What do you mean?" I said with a crack in tone. "The man said if i came with him my sister and i could have a better life, you see we didn't have a very good life before but now we eat food everyday and that is much better than living on the streets with no food and here we even have a warm bed. Its not perfect but the man said if we do good we could have our very own home with even better food and clothes and, and so much more." He smiled showing such innocence. I was shocked and stunned beyond words. That monster lied to these children to be Guinea pig they where going to die and didn't even know it. "Where is your sister?" I asked "they took her for her medicine she will be back soon you can meet her." He explained. "What is this medicine?" I asked. "They say it will make us stronger and smarter but every time they take her she sleeps for a few days she wakes up feeling sick but they said the medicine is working it will be my turn soon too." "How old are you?" I asked "I'm 6 and my sister is 4 her name is Lilly and my name is Jay but around here they don't call us by our names I'm Subject A-1247 and my sister is Subject A-1248 its strange but kind of cool." I was shaking all over, my emotion was driving me crazy I head foot steps i dragged my body to a corner out of sight as i watched two woman in lab coats and a man in black a black suit he was carrying a little girl a very small body in his arm. The woman opened the gate and laid the little girl on the bed as jay smiled holding her hand. "Subject A-1247 it will be your time tomorrow." One of the woman spoke as they closed the cell door and walked away. "Is she ok?" I asked. Jay smiled and nodded at me. I needed to do something and quickly i cant watch these children die.

The caller was dark cold and the last place i wanted to be. I don't know how long I've been in here but as time went on countless people walked by carrying dead bodies of failed test subject i turned away every time so my heart wouldn't ache every time they carried a small body of a child. The last body they carried out was jays sister which made my heart quiver even more. hours had gone by Jay sat in his cell quite, the cheerful talkative boy he once was is now mute and almost lifeless. He sat there with his head hung low and tears staining his cheeks. The oblivious boy now understood the situation he was in. That these people where not so nice and what's worse he was never going to see his sister again. "Jay i will get you out of here-"

"How?" He suddenly cut me off with a low tone. " your locked in here how can you get me out?" He finished. He was right. How was i going to get us out? I was in no position to make such promises. "I don't know but i promise you Jay, if i can't get out of here i will make sure you are out of here safely." I stated. He didn't respond he didn't utter even a sound as he stayed quiet. Please lord i know i haven't been a good person but please , I beg you to let this child free.