Chapter 87

(Honey's P.O.V)

I must have past out or fallen sleep I don't remember falling asleep. I dreamed of the most beautiful dream ever. I was wearing a beautiful yellow summer dress as i sat with Jr. and Adam at park having a picnic. I was so happy, Jr. Ran around laughing, Adam wrapping his arms around me with his deep ocean blue eyes gazing upon me. He leaned in for a kiss as we kissed Jr. jumped on us tackling us to the ground as we laughed. Jr. looked at me and the clouds formed thick darkness as the winds blew the picnic cloth and food away. Jr. and Adam stood above me with serious looks on their faces "Wake up mommy or you will die." Jr suddenly said. "What are you talking about? I said confused. Lightning struck as the trees lit on fire, my beautiful dream filled with sunlight and happiness was now dark and a total nightmare. "Wake up Honey." Adam said "w-why?" I cried in fear. "You have to wake up mommy you will die if you don't." Jr. said.

"HONEY WAKE UP NOW!" Adam shouted and suddenly i opened my eyes, i gasped for air hyperventilating. I looked around i was still in the cellar as my body was growing cold i was almost frozen. My wounds reminded me of how injured i was. I curled in a ball and cried. If only my dream was rea, if only i could of stayed with them a little longer. I heard foot steps, I noticed those ladies and that guard once again. They made their way to Jay's cell. " we don't have much time and Luciforo is upset, we need to do more test hurry and get subject A-1247." One woman said as the man tried to open the gate. "Wait!" I shouted. Surprised even my self. They all turned to look at me. I tired to swallow my dry made it impossible. "I- i will go with you instead....p-please let me go..i volunteer." I said with shaken words. They exchanged looks. "You aren't even assigned a number we will place you in queue and when your time comes you will go." The woman announced as she turned away. "N-no....i'm more stronger than him his small body will only be another fail. You said it yourself, Luciforo will be mad if another body fails so take me please." I pleaded. They thought for a minute and nodded at each other.

They turned to me and opened my door and the large man pulled me out, i followed them. I looked into jays cage as his large eyes filled with tears staring back at me. Since I'm going to die sooner or later might as well give this poor baby another day to live.

I followed them into an elevator. they pressed a button, it was strange these elevators didn't have numbers but colors. She clicked green and the elevator went down. 4 levels so that mean i was held in red. I was shaking in fear as the door parted we entered the same room they tested that monster on. A few lab assistance were taping away at keyboard and a few tested chemicals. they placed me in the glass room and laid me on a bed and proceeded to strap me in. They began to strap one arm before a very loud freighting alarm went off as red light stared blinking in the room. My heart was seconds away from exploding in my chest. Everyone was running around panicking. "Do not move." The woman said As they rushed out of the room leaving me alone. I looked around scared . What was going on? I tried to unstrap myself using my free arm but to my misfortune my broken arm was free. It was almost useless. I screamed in so much pain as i used it to unhook the latch, it was hard and so tight but after a few cries and screams i was free. I sat up wiping away the tears. they left the door open, i looked around and found one of their ID badges laying near a computer screen. I grabbed it and ran as i tried to make my way around this maze like dungeon lab. I might make it out of here after all. I got in the elevator and tried to remember the color of the room I was held in. I hated being so forget full so i clicked yellow. The doors opened, i looked around, it was more cellars of waiting victims i walked around as i scanned the badge on everyone door to opening their cages. "Come on get out of here while you an." I said one by one they ran towards the stairs and elevators. "Honey?" I heard my name coming from one of the cells i rushed over, I was shocked to see Jeremy. I covered my mouth Tears filled my eyes once I saw the condition he was in. Beaten so bad i almost didn't recognize him. "Jeremy ,what happened?" I cried as i scanned his door open. He could barky stand. "I'm fine but what about you, are you ok? Did Harry do this to you?" He Clutched his fist in anger. "Lets just go we can talk later." I said once everyone was free i needed to go get Jay and the rest of the people out of here. "Do you know where all these people from here went?" I asked.

"I don't know but i heard them saying some test subject ran rampage and can't be controlled. Thanks to him we can get out of here. " he explained. I touched the red button on the elevator and was so relieved to find Jay. "Honey you're ok?" He cried looking at me with puffy red eyes. I let him out and he hugged me so tight it reminded me of Jr. and his tight hugs. "We have to get moving." Jeremy said. "I don't know the way out." I panicked. This place was huge. "I need to get my hands on a computer and i will find our way out."

"I know where they keep a computer. Follow me down this hall." Jay said racing down the hall and we turned towards another room we scanned our way in it was an office with that ID badge. I was so grateful they left one behind. Jeremy wasted no time getting his hands on the computer as he tapped away Jay and i watched in amazing as multiple code kept being unlocked, if i ever thought Jeremy was amazing today double that thought. "...and…done!" He exclaimed as all surveillance cameras appeared on the screen. On some screens showed the people we just freed being captured again and some on screens showed the monster that was lose as he fought his way through the crowed of guards. we watched as he tore them apart I gasped and covered Jay's, eyes he didn't need to see that. there was blood everywhere. what scared us more was, no matter how many bullets where shot at him it did nothing as he ravished through them. "My god...what did they create?" Jeremy murmured more to him self. But one onscreen shocked me more than this murderous monster, was an underground tunnel with hundreds of men all in prison attire. "No!... this can't be." I cried out loud. Jeremy was just as shocked as I was. "They said the prison move would be at least next month what's going on?" He asked. "I have to go down there!" I raced to the door but Jeremy grabbed my arm not knowing it was broken. I groaned in pain and he quickly let go surprised. "Don't be hasty Honey, they will catch you if you go now." He explained. "But my father is down there we have to save him!" I shouted but he blocked my way to the door. "That Stupid Scorpion will not forgive me if anything happens to you in my care..i can't let you go." He said. I was shaking all over with so much emotions. "Move now, or we will all die." I said walking towards the laptop. "What are you doing?" He shouted. "I don't know what this button does but I'm sure its not good." I said reaching for the keyboard. "Are you crazy? that will release that camera above us and give our location to this entire mountain side." He shouted with obvious fear. "You leave me no… choice move or we go down together…because i will rather die then watch them destroy my father anymore." I threatened. We started at each other hard to see who would call who's bluff. He sighed in frustration. "You and That Scorpion really are made for each other, both stubborn and stupid....fine i will let you go but I'm coming with you." My face lit up, I grabbed jay and hid him in the back room of the office under a shelf of files. "Stay here and don't make a sound, I promise you jay I will come back for you, be strong and do not come out unless you hear me call you, do you understand?" I asked as tears filled my eyes. I knew he would probably die in here because I couldn't guarantee that I wont die down there but I can't show him fear now. He nodded his head he wanted to cry but was trying to be strong. We left the room and reached and elevator we pressed a button and the elevator started ascend, the doors parted and there was a white coated lady standing right before us. she gasped and reached for her walky talky but Jeremy quickly grabbed her warping his arm around her neck. I grabbed her walky talky out of her hand "don't move or i will snap your neck." He threatened. "You will never get out of here alive." She said. "Just you watch, i we will get out of here alive and so will all of these people. You will either die here or rot in jail." I responded to her. "I will like to see you try." She chuckled. Jeremy tightened his grip making her joke on her laughter. "Get us to the underground tunnel." Jeremy said next to her ear. "You must be crazy if you think i will help you." She retorted. I searched the pockets of her labcaot and pulled out a needle syringe with purple liquid. She widened her eyes "Oh… looky, looky what we have here." Jeremy laughed. "If we inject this into you i wonder what will happen?" He was enjoying taunting her. "Please don't that stuff is dangerous." She gasped and struggled in his arms. "It wasn't dangerous when you ran it though those innocent people and children's veins?" I was furious i couldn't stop my trembling hand. "I will do what ever you want...please don't..." she could barley speak she so frightened. "then take us to the underground tunnel where they keep the prisoners." I said holding the needle to her face. "Press the black bottom on the elevator it is underground. I clicked the button and when the doors parted it was like this tunnel was not even developed. Dirty and stone walls. we walked out and was greeted by three more tunnels. "Which one?" Jeremy asked. "The right, the other two are dead ends still being developed. keep going and take another right that is where they are keeping more please let me go." She said. "How can we trust you?" I asked. "I can't take you to the end i do not have access to the basement that cell will not open for anyone accept for Luciforo, he alone has the key card mine or that one you hold is useless. Only way to open it is to break it....unless you are a genius you cannot hack it either it has the toughest security system its impossible." She explained. I looked at Jeremy who nodded at me and let her lose. "Your help was very much appreciated but you still need to be punished for your sins." I said just as i stabbed the needle in her neck releasing all that fluid into her blood stream. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" she screamed as she tossed on the floor convulsing, foam bubbled out of her mouth, her eyes rolled back as her face started to turn a blue color then she suddenly stopped moving. she laid on the floor lifeless. "Your aim is impeccable you injected it right into the external jugular vein leading to her brain in seconds. That must of been a painful way to die." He commented. "Come on we need to keep moving. We ran down the hall, Jeremy suddenly fell to his knees as he coughed out blood. "Jeremy!" I yelled. His body is badly damaged he couldn't go on any longer like this. "I'm fine we are almost there let's keep moving." He stood up shakenly as he kept running i chased after him concerned he might collapse. We finally reached the cell. There were hundreds of men locked in a small cell cramped together like cattle at a slaughter house. Jeremy started hacking the security pad. "Pshh this is the so called impossible security system to hack? This is child's play i had a harder time cracking the scorpions laptop that woman is stupid." He laughed. "you hacked Adam's laptop? I asked. "Don't look at me like that. It was a while ago i was curious but found nothing he was boring. Don't judge me." He smiled. "Who are you?" One man asked i ignored him as my eyes scanned the cell for a familiar face. "Dad?..its me honey! Are you in here dad?" I shouted they all looked at me wondering who i was and what i was looking for. "Who's your father?" "What's going on?" "Get us out of here." "please open the gate" they all started shouting at me with question, it kept getting louder and louder as they all shook the bars tearing my shirt reaching for me i was scared and beyond words. "I'm not going to open this gate unless we see your father." Jeremy said to me. "Open his fucking cell now!!" They kept screaming. I took steps back as i landed on my knees. My father was not in here. All this was for nothing. Where could he possibly be? Did they already kill him? That though made my stomach turn i felt sick i was too late. "Honey?...Your Honey aren't you?" I heard a voice from the crowed. Then a man pushed his way to the front of the cell. He was very tall, masculine and dark skinned with shiny balled head and covered in tattoos that was hardly visible due to his dark skin. "I'm your fathers Cell mate." He said. "Please where is he?" I cried. "They took him something about testing him first I don't know what happened to him or where they took him but he is somewhere in this building."

He explained. My heart quivered with fear. "When did they take him please tell me." I grabbed the cell bars. "Not too long ago, couple hours best." He said. "Thank you...Jeremy open the cell let them out-" "no don't...let these guys out or your in for more trouble...i know this place is bad but what's one jail cell to another...a lot of these guy are killers, rapist and a bunch of criminals your father was different he was not like us he was truly innocent. We have done bad things and maybe death is best for us...i just want you to do me a favor...tell Nick He has to try that restaurant i told him about... tell him i will miss him." He said with a half smile. I looked in his eyes full of remorse. This man was completely right, letting them out would put me in far more trouble than Harry. "I will but i didn't get your name." I asked. "It's ...Rhino he will know... now go!" He shouted i nodded at him. Jeremy and i started running, I could hear the other cell mates beating him up for telling us not to free them. Deep down i felt he was also innocent and was a genuinely a good man. We got in the elevator and pressed the one floor we had not been on. The blue button. When the doors parted my heart leaped into my throat and my entire body froze in fear my knees shook as i forgot how to breathe. Right in front of us staring at us with eyes of blazing flames form hell was the two devils. Harry and Luciforo. They stood with about 10 guards. I watched as a slow grin formed on Harry's wrinkled lips. "You sure are trouble little dear. And the basted of my slut wife together. Get them and make sure they stay in their cells." Harry ordered. the guards rushed in grabbing us i didn't struggle i was too scared to put up a fight. "Where is my father where are you keeping him? I saw the prisoners i know he is here!" I screamed. "You won't have to worry about your father anymore I'm taking care of him." He gave me a wicket smile. "Take them away!" He ordered. all i could do was scream and anger and frustration as they dragged us away.

Luciforo and Harry made sure to escort the guards to make sure we where locked up. The guards tossed us into cells, we laded on the cold cement floor. "Honey are you alright?" Jeremy asked. I didn't respond i glared at Harry with eyes of furry i was trembling with rage. That's when doors smashed opened. The loud bang started all of us. The monster made it's way in as it started growling loud, flipping tables and chairs. More lab technicians and guards followed behind it shoot trying desperately to take it down. But of had no success. "I thought they contained that thing?" Luciforo exclaimed in fear. "We have to get out of here or it will kill us!" He continued gesturing to Harry they sneak out the opposite exit. While the creature reeked havoc they made their escape. The monster continued killing and ravaging his way through the room one lap technicians was thrown so hard towards our cell her body crushed denting the cell bars her trail of blood entering our cell. I crawled as far back as i could in the cell. i have never been so scared in my life. I was going to be torn apart by this monster. When the monster killed everyone it huffed and puffed as it scanned its blood red eyes around the room. Jeremy grabbed me by the shoulder trying to calm me down. "Honey we both will not make it, one of us must survive to end all this. Look at me..... i will distract it you make a run for it." He said. "No i won't leave you...i wont let you die!" I cried. "NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE STUBBORN!!" He shouted. "You have more to live for your son...please don't make my sacrifice be in must escape.....i will be the bait make sure-." He stopped and turned around and noticed the monster was staring at us. It charged towards us and i screamed so hard i nearly burst Jeremy's ear drums. "Calmed down when he is attacking me run and don't look back." He said just before the monster pulled apart the large iron bars like it was bending clay. "No....please don't." I cried as Jeremy jump in front of the monster. The creature took no take to attack Jeremy roaring as saliva dripped down its jaws. I watched it tear Jeremy's arm off. the blood sprayed all over me staining my clothes then shoved his hand, wrist deep into Jeremy's stomach and blood squirted out of his mouth. I was now frozen in tremendous shock. I couldn't even breathe anymore as i watched Jeremy die right before my eyes in the most terrible way possible. with his dying breath Jeremy looked at me " r-run you idiot...." then all sense came to me. i ran as fast as my legs could carry me i did not look back i reached the elevator and clicked any button i didn't care what i touched. i need to get out of there quickly. The doors closed all i could hear was the monster's loud roars. I fell to the elevator floor shaking. What i just witnessed was the most gruesome act against humanity. And my dear friend was the victim.