Chapter 88

(Adam's P.O.V)

"Can't cant you go any fast?" I shouted. "Would you shut up, we can't afford to get pulled over and arrested right now we will arrive shorty" Gilbert was now annoyed ever since we got on the road i pestered him about when we would arrive or how slow he was driving. I glanced at the rear view mirror and behind us followed multiple militant trucks and helicopter. Looks like Andrew came through this was more than enough to rescue Honey. "Ugh, let me take the wheel I can get us there much faster." I said anxiously. "calm down fast and furious. I'm not letting you drive, I've seen your driving. I might die of a heart attack." He placed his hand on his heart. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

After i few minutes later we spotted the mountains. We pulled over Gilbert stayed behind in the vehicle he was our eye and ears guiding us. I hopped in one of the trucks with my father. "Listen son stick to the mission soldiers do not let their emotions get the best of them." He warned. "That's true but I'm not a get going." I responded. I was done wasting time every minute was crucial to Honey. We arrived at the gate. "What are you doing here? this is private property leave now!" The gate keepers shouted. Andrew instantly shot the guards with a swift a gun. he was quick i didn't even blink and they both laid on the ground dead. "Move, move!" He ordered and his soldier rushed in and a battle field was unleashed, bullets flying, bodies laid to waste.

We made our way into the building. Andrew stopped in front of one doorway he put up a fist signaling his soldiers to stop then when coast was clear he signaled his two fingers to enter. His coordination was impeccable, hard not to admire it. We rushed in there wasn't anyone around just the sound of loud sirens wring throughout the empty lot. We continued further in and came across a stairwell. we stared climbing, to our surprise both Luciforo and Harry were making their way down the stairs in a hurray and frantically. With wide eyes they froze before us. "The military? Why is the military here?" Luciforo questioned. Harry did not answer her stared at my father who gave the order to detain them, they wear placed in handcuffs right away. I grabbed at Harry's collar roughly "you have 5 seconds to tell me where Honey is before i shoot your brains out." I threatened. "We have to get out of here that Monster will find us." Harry cried. "I don't give a shit! where is Honey?" I repeated. "You don't understand boy that thing will be here any minute we must leave at once!" He shouted. I punched him in the jaw, he fell to the ground but he continued shouting we must leave. "Wait Adam.....what is this monster you speak of?" Andrew asked. They both did not answer but exchanged looks. "You know Luciforo, you are a very popular man world's most wanted man, DCA alliance has been causing trouble around the world and there is a huge price tag on your head...dead or alive....i could turn you in or kill you either way doesn't matter to me but i think dead is less i will ask one last time...what is this monster?." My father explained causing Luciforo to tense up "don't be a fool Luciforo, his threats are empty with Mystro backing you, you are safe." Harry reassured him. A mischievous smiled formed on my fathers face." You wanna test that out?...lets see what i am capable of doing." Andrew chuckled "you can't do anything to me…I am a very powerful man with the best lawyers- Aahhhhh," Andrew shot Harry in the shoulder causing him to scream in pain. "You Bastard do have any idea who i am?" Harry shouted with rage, nostrils flaring.

"My patience is running short just kill them both and burn this place down." Andrew said with a shrug helplessly. Luciforo paused before finally speaking. "I-It's a lab test subject that got out of control.... he can't be stopped not even the military can stop him. i created them to be the perfect weapon so there is no weakness." He heart was racing Honey was trapped with that thing. If it's anything like the one in the video Honey is in trouble. "You fools might as well kill us yourself, spilling it out so quickly you coward. I was done with this i wanted to know where Honey was. I snatched the gun from my fathers hand and placed it on Harry's head. I will count to better tell me where she is." I threatened with all reasoning out the window. But Harry didn't speak, sweat drained down his face with nervousness. "One..." i began not showing any weakness, I wanted to show him how serious I was. "two..." still not a word from him but his breathing increased. "...three." i finally said as i pulled the trigger, nothing but a click sound came out causing Harry to jump as he hyperventilated. "The bullets are empty here catch." Andrew tossed me another round of ammunition as i quickly switched out the gage. "Let's try this again." I said aiming the gun at his head again. "Alright...alright you crazy basted she and that filthy dog friend of hers are in laboratory X its the blue button on the elevator." He finally explained i quickly run up the stairs not giving my father a chance to catch up. Every step i took felt like daggers to the heart. It was painful thinking about what could possibly happen to her. I reached the fist door and rushed to the elevator pressing on the button. My heart was racing why wont this elevator come down sooner. The doors started to part my body froze losing all sense to function my breathing felt like suffocation. There laid a small figure covered in blood and bruises. Her clothes were torn. She lifted her head revealing her badly beaten face that held so much pain i fell to my knees. Why, why was she like this? Was i too late? She barley had strength to lift her head up. I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks i rushed in grasping her fragile body in my hands. "A-Adam?" Faintly escaped her lips. "Did Harry do this to you?" I cried placing my hand on her swollen cheek. "Adam...Jeremy is ...gone" she cried grasping me arms. What did she mean gone? "What happened to Jeremy? where is he?" I asked. She just shook her head sobbing. I knew what she meant but why was it so hard to accept. "Let's get you out of here let's go home." I said lifting her in my arms. "No!. Jay, we have to get Jay please Adam, we can't leave him." She pulled on me. "Who is Jay?"

"He's just a child who they kept here to experiment on, i left him in an office press the red button. I have to save him." She clicked the red button and the elevator rose up. The doors parted and we where in another lab she quickly rushed towards a room swinging the doors open.

"Jay, I'm here come out!" She shouted but not a sound "Jay it's me, you can come out now." She started searching the room under then table as panic took over her. "Oh god.. please no...Jay it's me Honey!" She was now crying. I took her hand calming her down. "Honey there is no one here." I said softly. She was bawling her eyes out. "I failed him Adam...i fail in everything i do....he's just a baby and i gave him false hope." She buried her face in my chest. I patted her head calming her. Suddenly we heard a raddling sound and out comes this little child from a container flipped upside down. Small, with large teary blue eyes. "Honey? Is that you?" He asked. He ran towards her hugging her as they cried in each others arms. "Jay thank goodness you are safe."

"I'm sorry, Honey i got scared when i heard people come in i had to hide." She rubbed his head kissing his forehead. "You did good." She smiled. "We have to go now." I interrupted.

We reached the underground parking. My father, and Gilbert were exchanging words. "So you made it, I was beginning to think that you got lost." Andrew laughed. His eyes landed on Honey. "I'm glad you are ok my dear. And it's good to see you again." Giving her a genuine smile, tossing his lit cigarette to the ground. Honey nodded holding the child close to her, he clung to her like a baby monkey. "Where is Harry and Luciforo?" I asked. "Got them loaded in the truck. Found the monster too we managed to capture it. He's locked up in that truck over there." He pointed to a large iron boxed truck. "How did you catch it? He tears through metal I saw with my own eyes." Honey spoke with shaken words. "We realized that when it kept tearing our cuffs apart. Turns out electric cuffs work best...electric waves are sent through the cuffs and that paralyze the monster. We lost some good men but we managed to capture it." Andrew explained. "We gathered everybody found, as well as the diseased.....I'm sorry but there was no sign of your father...we notified the proper authorities to deal with all this....." he continued after noticing the distressed look in Honeys eyes. "Thank you." She said almost in a whisper. She was so sad that it hurt me. "Let us take Harry you can have Luciforo...he must know where Nicholas is, he cant just disappear he hiding him somewhere and i will beat it out of him if i have to." Gilbert said. Andrew raised an eye brow with a half smile. "I like you old man." Andrew laughed. He nodded at one of his soldiers and he pulled Harry out of one of the tucks and tossed him in my car. "EVERYONE PREPARE TO MOVE OUT!" Andrew announced. "SIR YES SIR, GENRAL HAYES SIR!" All his men chanted. "we'll part ways now." Andrew said to us and started to walk away. "Wait!" I called out as i caught up to him. "Thank you…for what you did." I didn't resent, despised, or loath him anymore I was grateful for today. he squeezed my shoulder. "There is nothing I father wouldn't do for his son....i just hope we can have a better relationship in the future."

"We" I said for the first time in years.

He gave me a pinched mouth smile and walked away. His eyes said it all he was happy. We drove in silence, Honey sat in the back seat with Jay, still attached to her hip. Kind of annoyed me i wanted to hold her but i couldn't be selfish. Harry was tied up in the passenger seat and Gilbert drive the vehicle. It was a long quiet ride back. "So what's the plan once we are in town?" Gilbert asked. "Hospital...we have to tend to Honey's wounds." I explained. "No i don't need the hospital I'm fine, I need to know where my father is." She shouted. "I will deal with this. You need to check your body you are in bad shape."

"Jeremy lost his life for me how can i sit at a hospital and let his death be in vain....we need to end this." she began to shake she must have witnessed his death. I could hear Gilbert breathing increase as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "You are right Honey Jeremy sacrificed so much for us to get justice and end all this we will take him to my house and deal with this monster." Gilbert said with anger clear in his tone. Harry didn't dare make a single move his mouth was bound so he couldn't say anything. "But first what about that child you hold?" I asked.

Jay looked at me and held Honey tighter. "Does he have a family?" I asked but she shook her head. "He is alone.'

"Then We will drop him off at an orphanage that will be a good place for him." Gilbert suggest and i agreed. He doesn't have a family what other option does he have?

"No.." the boy who hasn't said a word for hours finally spoke. "I-i don't want to leave you." He cried. "Shhh..its ok sweety..."she brushed his black hair away from his forehead. "I can't leave him he doesn't know anyone." She pleaded. "Then what do you suggest we do keep him? are dealing with too much right now we don't have time stringing a little child along. We have to find your father remember." I said reminding her to see the bigger picture. She bit her lower lip and i could see the child tense up. She didn't utter another word so we understood her silence.