Chapter 89

(Honey's POV)

The orphanage was huge all light were out so everyone was asleep considering it was late at might when we has escaped the mountains. I stepped out of the vehicle and walked Jay to the doors as he cried his little heart out. Gilbert and Adam had their windows rolled down to witness it. I knelt down to his level trying not to cry but it was impossible. "Please don't leave me alone i don't want to go in there." He rubbed his red eyes. "Jay honey...its a wonderful place there are lots of children to make friends and so many great people to take care of you....i need you to be strong, Jay i will come visit you soon after i finish what i have to do, I will come see you again.." i said with a heavy heart. "Do you promise?" He asked. "So far i haven't broken my promises and i don't plan to." I hugged him tightly with one arm my other arm was broken and the pain wouldn't let me forget it was.

I rang the door bell and ran towards the car. Jay stood in front of the door still crying but desperately trying to she me he was. we sat watching as a woman opened the door she looked at Jay shocked. "Good heavens child are you alright?. She glanced around but we hid from her sight. We watched as she escorted him in and i broke down it felt like i was handing Jr. over to an orphanage. It's true when they say only a mother can feel the pain of losing a child these two idiot men are heartless. "You did the right thing." Adam embraced me with a hug. I hope jay enjoys his new life a fresh new binging he deserves that much.

In a rundown neighborhood we stood before a small house. It wasn't a terrible house but the neighborhood it was in was questionable. It was definitely the ghetto. "Don't be scared spoiled children no one will hurt you in this neighborhood." He chuckled. I was offended, The only spoiled pampered one was Adam. Mr. rich boy has never step foot in the projects; at least i lived a normal life, Adam lived with a silver spoon in his mouth all his entire life. From superstar mom to his rock star career. And now Andrew being a General in the military? I did not see that coming. But he really did save my life. I wonder what my mother would say if she knew.

Adam dragged Harry out of the car and followed Gilbert in. He tossed him roughly on the sofa and suddenly Adam's phone rang.

"Yes Ian?" He answered. "Put it on speaker" Gilbert said and Adam obliged.

"I did it Adam, I finally found a cure for Nytroraidium....after days of no sleep and constant studying I found the cure." The whole room was silenced Harry stared with wide eyes as he struggles to get free trying to speak though the strap around his mouth. Gilbert and Adam shouted in excitement this was a break though, a scientific breakthrough. I had no idea who this Ian man was but Adam knew and trusted him so did gilbert. He must be a super smart scientist. "That's great Ian good work." Adam praised. "Wait how do you know for certain if it works, have you tested it?" I asked. I needed to know. everything requires someone or something to test on so who was it this Ian man tested on. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Ian questioned. "Her name is Honey she is my wife." Adam introduced me as such a way my heart skipped a beat. I was his fiancé once but he called me his wife this time, why did it feel so strange to be called that? I started blushing as Adam smiled at me. "Ah... I did not know you where married. ..My apologies. it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Ian and i am an acquaintance of your husbands." Ian introduced himself. My face was now flushed hearing Adam being referred to as my husband was overwhelming. "Please come over right away and please bring your wife we need her aid in something." Gilbert said. "Of course we are driving as me speak see you shortly."

The call was dropped. Adam walked over to me and took a hold of my hand. "Come take a shower and wash up before they arrive." he pulled me towards hall leading to the washroom. "There is a fresh towel in there please feel at home." Gilbert called out to us.

"I can do it alone." I pulled away from his grip and walked in the washroom. "Let me help you undress." He said and my face was a new shade of red. Undress? I know he's seen it all before but things have changed so much there's no way I could let him see me in this condition i was a total mess. "I said I'm fine." I shoved him out and closed the door.

I started to undress but my broken arm made it impossible to get my shirt over my head. I groaned in pain at the attempt my whole body ached. I didn't feel much pain before due to all the adrenaline but now it felt even my fingernails wear on fire. Adam barged in once he heard my whimpering and screeching "how are you fine when you can't even take your shirt" helped take my shirt off over my head and started unbuckling my pant, I grabbed his hand in a reflex he paused and looked up at me his bright blue eyes where an unusual dark which was like a boundless ocean where the dark tides surging like a black hole deep as if it could suck me in. I was completely mesmerized i never really look at him and took in how much he had really changed and grown into a handsome man. He no longer held that boyish look and childish smiles, he looked mature and extremely sexy. his cheek bones where chiseled and his shoulders broad. His body was more toned than the last time i saw him. His skin was a golden tan that looked so smooth and flawless. His lips was a rosy shade that carved at the edges. His eye lashes so thick and long, it was unfair for a man to hold such perfection. His hair long thick black rested on his shoulders and covered his forehead. my heart began to race if there was such thing as a perfect man it would be Adam . "Now get in...i drew the water for you." He suddenly spoke snapping me back to earth, I was soring through and gazing at the Adam star. I looked down I was fully naked. When did he undress me? Was i so fixated on his appearance that I that didn't even realize he took off all my clothes? I tried to cover my self with my hands but he picked me up in his arms bridle style and placed me in the bath tub. The warm water instantly relaxed my tense muscles, it felt so good. Adam started washing my hair and rinsing the dry blood off my body. I was no longer shy, this is the man i shared everything with, a beautiful son. I didn't want to create anymore barriers between us.

It was silent between us he didn't say a word. But his eyes said it all full of anger and hurt as he touched the cuts and bruises on my body. He cussed under his breath. I placed my hand over his to show him not to blame himself for what happened to me. "Honey.." he faintly said my name.


"When all this is over lets live together like we use a real more hate between us." He softly spoke avoiding all eye contact from me. I knew he felt regret for how we use to live with neglect hurt and animosity. All was on his end, I was a good woman to him and a great mother to Jr. he gave me everything I ever wanted. Money, nice cars, expensive clothes, jewelry you name it I had. But never once gave me what I needed and that was his love his affection and a fraction of his time.

"I know I have hurt you in so many ways and I don't deserve your forgiveness. B-but... I'm asking for a second chance to show you that I will be the man you need me to be." He finally made eye contact and his eyes where glassy and broken down. He really meant what he was saying. Tears rolled down his cheeks. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him without even knowing it but I couldn't stop I didn't know how to stop. I was too chocked up to say a word. He began to embrace my kiss wrapping his arms around me. His tongue explored my mouth. There was a knock on the door. "You kids done yet? Ian and Abby are here." gilbert said through the door. My cheeks burned from the embrace. Blushing like a little school girl all over again. My lips could still feel his. Adam helped me out he warped a towel around me. He started wrapping a towel around my head drying my hair for me. He took off his t-shirt revealing his masculine built body and his six pack of rock hard abs. That darn Scorpion tattoo on his chest was so sexy his silver chain rested on his bare chest. This was dangerous injured or not I wanted him, to feel him against me. "Are you done staring? You're drooling." He smiled and I instantly snapped out of it whipping my mouth and found it dry. I was embarrassed. I slapped his arm for teasing me but grateful for his playful charm it cheered me up. "You don't have a change of clothes so wear my shirt." He put his shirt on me. It was so large it was down to my knees we walked out and there was a middle aged man and woman sitting with Gilbert chatting at the dinning table. I looked over at Harry who was tied up and sitting on the floor in a corner he glared at us with so much anger it drill a whole in our heads. I ignored him and followed Adam to greet these strangers. Honey this is Abby a doctor who will look at your injuries. And that man is her Husband Ian the man who created Nytroraidium he worked with Luciforo a long time ago." i was amazed this was the man who started this whole mess with that drug. Adam noticed the sudden frown on my face and explained. "He is helping to Stop this illegal testing and cure the infected. Don't worry he is on our side." I nodded but was still skeptical about him. He created something that hurt so much innocent people. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Honey you must be the wife of Adam its an honor." He smiled showing me nothing but respect. "likewise." I responded. It was stange how Abby was staring at me but avoided eye contact when I looked at her.

"Now Ian please explain the cure you found. While Abby tends to Honey"

Gilbert cleared his throat at the awkward encounter. The Abby sat me down and started to examine me while Ian began to explain. "Ah, yes... so when i first developed the Nytroraidium i had initially used the cells of a integrate I'm sure you are all familiar with that animal." He said and no one responded they didn't know what that animal was. "Yes an ingrate the most indestructible creature." I said and Gilbert and Adam looked at me with surprise. "You are familiar with this?" Ian asked with excitement. "Y-yes my son did a project on them last year." I explained "I had no idea." Adam said with a slight disappointed look. "you couldn't have known last year you were still doing your tour." I so badly wanted to remind him it was during the time he abandoned us and didn't even know Jr. existed. There was so much I wanted to say like how he was still distant towards Jr. and knew nothing about him. But I didn't want to embarrass him. But by the look on his face he was aware of it all full of remorse and guilt . I regretted even saying that much. Like Adam said. "let's move on and not lice in hate anymore." I wanted to move forward from those dark times. "As I was saying I've been examining the blood cells of the infected and i noticed when Nytroradium enters the blood stream it instantly attacks the muscle tissues then with and breaks down blood cells and constantly attacks the brain cells causing the brains frontal lobe, also knows as the decision making spot known to impair ones thinking and making choices, losing self control. So I went on a whim a hypothesis if you will. I added Pritrialumius a drug that is used for people suffering with mental health and a touch of hytrostill which i use to sedate patients, it caused a reaction canceling out Nytroraidium all together it was the exact ingredient i needed for this break though." He explained. I didn't understand a word and by the look on Adams face he didn't either. "That's excellent Dr. Ian you truly are as they say a Mad scientist." Gilbert praised. "Are you certain it works who did you test it on?" Adam asked the question on everyone's mind "I am very confident of this cure… i have tested it on myself." He said and i gasped in shocked the room was silent both Adam and Gilbert looked shocked as well. "You mean you willingly injected the Nytroraidium and cured yourself?" Gilbert askes. "What choice did i have. I told you i never want to hurt anyone again i was my only test subject. Had this failed only I would suffer or die." Abby was wrapping my arm and squeezed it tightly subconsciously i groaned in pain and she quickly snapped back. "I'm sorry is it too tight? Let me loosen it for you... don't worry your arm isn't broken it's just fractured. with time it will heal in no time." She smiled but looked like she had a lot on her mind and hearing her husbands words must of been scared to lose her husband. I felt pity for her. "You truly are mad but your actions are admirable, thank you." Gilbert thanked.

Now to get answers from that bastard over there." Gilbert looked in Harry's direction. "I'll take care of him." Adam said as darkness came over him like a thunder cloud really to explode and strike Harry down with lightning. He picked up Harry dragging him out of the house. "Where are you taking him?" I asked. don't worry about it just stay here." He said to me. "No, let me go with you i need to know where my father is." I stated. "No..i don't want you to see what I'm going to do to him." Adam said. "Please Adam he's my father, i need to know he's still alive." I pleaded. He sighed in surrender.

"Adam drove us to a villa of his. One i have never seen. Beautiful from the outside and extremely lavished. The garage doors rose allowing us access.

Adam pulled Harry out and tossed him on the floor. Not caring if the old fart got hurt and i was enjoying it. Two large men came in carrying trays and i took a look on the try Noticing some type of surgical tools Where they going to torture him?

They sat Harry in the chair and secured him in.

"Honey you can go in the house now i will call you in when he's ready to talk." Adam ordered.

I shook my head at him "this isn't the time to be stubborn you can't handle what I'm about to do." He said but there was no way i was leaving i wanted to see him suffer the way he made me suffer. Tgey he made all of us suffer. "I have seen worse… I watched Jeremy die right in front of me, he was torn to pieces so don't tell me what i can and can't handle." I pushed back the tears i didn't want to show Adam i was weak but remembering what happened to Jeremy tore at my heart he protected me and died so i could escape. It was all this monsters fault, no way was I going to miss the opportunity to see him bleed. Adam stared at me long and hard then turned to Harry he reached his hand out, one of the men handed him a plier. Adam took off Harry's mouth tie and the old man was sweating bullets in fear plastered on his face. "I'm not going to tell you anything you stupid kids. Don't waste your will all die soon anyways"

Adam laughed at his threat "Now shall we begin to play?.... lets start off slow ok? I don't want to rush i want to enjoy every bit of this. the rules are simple i tear off your finger nails one bye one lets see how far you go resisting." Adam had this sinister smile on his face it was frightening to see him like this. "do what you will brat, you and that bitch will die-" Adam punched him so hard his tooth flew out of his mouth not allowing him to finish his insults. "I don't think i asked a question yet so why are you speaking?" Adam was a completely different person i had chills all over my body. "Now where is Nick?" He asked. "Fuck yo- ahhhh!" He screamed as Adam tor off the nail of his index finger. Blood dripped all over the floor. "You fucking bastard, how dare you!" he shouted and again Adam tore off another nail. This continued until Harry had no more nailed on all ten fingers. it was gruesome but I didn't look away not for a second. Adam took a short break and lit a cigarette. I didn't know he smoked, when did he pick up this habit? Harry didn't get a break "break his legs and arms." Adam ordered. the large when started beating him up taking turns with punches. I ignored Harry's screams as i heard bones breaking. I stared at Adam the Garage was hot and Adam was sweating his shirtless body was glazed in sweat emphasizing his muscles even more. He look frustrated and was losing his patients. I had to admit Harry was very persistent. He tossed the cigarette to the floor "Hand me the torch." Adam said to his men. He was handed a flaming hand touch. Adam turned it on and began burning his fingers that were so tender after Having the nails ripped off. Harry's cries where so loud I covered my ears. I've never seen a man scream so loud . I felt my stomach turn how painful that must be. "You better start talking or I will burn your dick off next." Adam threatened. "Okay, okay!! Enough i can't take it anymore. Please no more." He was officially broken wailing like a crippled dog. Adam broke him down and i was so relieved. I released a breath I didn't realize i was holding. No screaming, no more blood ,and no more seeing Adam's dark side. "Bout time Where the fuck is Nick?" Adam asked. "He's gone there is no more Nicholas Daniels." He said each word slowly, he was out of breath and exhausted. My heart was pounding. And i begin to breathe heavily, there is no way. "What do you mean gone? Did you kill him?" Adam asked. "I didn't kill him but he's good as dead."

"What are you saying? explain if he's not dead then where is he?!" Adam shouted.

"He's a mindless monster now...and that military took him away."

I was now shaking.

"There's no ...way..." i murmured

"That's right sweet heart that master that almost killed you was you father...haha" Harry started laughing hysterically like a mad man. I dropped to my knees, it was mid summer the room was hot but I was so cold, so very cold. I hugged myself "no, no, no, no!" I repeated. My father was that monster that wrecked that placed, the monster that killed Jeremy and nearly killed me.

"Honey look at me, it will be fine, hey look at me!" He shook my i looked up at him "we have the cure now remember? your father will be fine trust me." He tried to give me a reassuring smile. "You stupid fool.. even if you do give him the antidote you think any human can survive that many bullet wounds? you would only be curing a corps?" Harry was still laughing. I stood up and punched him my knuckles hurt so bad but i ignored it. My fist was shaking. He was right they shot him so much his head, neck and countless shots to the body. Even if they did give him the cure my father is dead and that body is just a host for a mindless beast. I was too shocked to cry not a single tear escaped my eyes. "Let's go we need to find my father." Adam took my hand leading me to the house. "You better kill me or when i get out if here i will kill you all just like i killed Nicolas!" Harry shouted but we ignored him. we got what we wanted.

Adam called Andrew explaining the whole thing. Andrew arrived at the villa with an older man in a suit. He had a head of grey hair and a sluggish care free attitude . "Well you two certainly where busy. I must admire your brave courageous acts. You single headedly discovered and successfully captured the most dangerous men in the world…great work hand over Mr. Daniels and we can call it a day." The man said.

"We have some demands that we need met before you get any ideas." Adam said. The man looked angered that Adam dared to speak to him that way. "Do you realize who i am, boy? My name is Eugene and i am the chief executive officer with the secret services. " The man introduced himself. "I could care less I've had a long fucking night, I'm tired as hell and we just solved this case your useless so called government couldn't even do. " Adam said and i was scared. what would happen if we pissed him off? this man could arrest us all for meddling in government case. The man stared at Adam with a half smile. We were doomed this idiot could have just been nice but he had to open his big rude mouth and now we will rot in jail. "I like you kid, general Hayes you have a splended boy, have you ever thought about joining the secret service? We could use a young bold lad such as yourself but you are too much of a pretty boy with a face like that my wife might even end up leaving me." He praised and my jaw dropped. He liked him and even offered him a job? Its true what they say. beautiful people can get away with murder. "Ok so you persuaded me. what is your demands?" Eugene asked. "First where is Nick? We have the antidote and we would like to cure him." Adam asked. I know it was no use saving him but we had to try. Eugene mentioned my was father locked in a room an impenetrable room with full surveillance. He was handed over to the government and along with luciforo. All of their illegal acts where known and they where in search of Harry. .