57.5 – Daily life of the little white deer (side story)

The first thoughts of the deer followed with a sigh of relief. "I survived somehow!"

After close inspection of her body and sorting through her memories her body stiffened up. "I now am no longer a human but a spirit beast.. But among the many of different kind of beasts I had to be reborn as a deer! For human hunters the easiest prey to catch are deer, rabbits, boars, chickens and other rodents and yet I had to be reborn as a deer."

After experiencing several hundred years of cultivating spirit energy and research into different professions she had began to have a profound understanding of spirit energy cultivation and ways to improve herself!

Creating a unique cultivation manual for herself, she greatly enhanced her bodies strength and her toughness to be able to fight with other spirit beasts.

Also born with soul power or mental energy she is able to sense everything around her within a certain distance which is unique to those close to immortal rank cultivation or practicing a special cultivation method to improve mental energy.

Unlocking her dual attributes enhanced her fighting capabilities further, opposing elements of darkness and light which can only be used individually right now unless she wishes to cause harm to herself.

Unfortunately though…

Most of her knowledge had been useless… Every medicinal paste recipe she knew, she could not make it even if she had the ingredients, why is that?

She has no hands…but hooves!

Drawing inscriptions was useless…

Using a weapon? Ha! Only if she holds a sword in her mouth… Got to rely on the antlers then!

Weapon making? How can you do that with hooves? Who knows never tried it.

Delicate work like making clothing? No chance!

Creating tools or other useful items? Nope…

Becoming a songstress or an honourable scholar? Try playing an instrument or writing with hooves.

Preparing a good meal perhaps? Creating a fire to cook a meal? No wait…

The worst part for her…

She could no longer eat her favourite meals ever again!

A Deers diet consists of plants, grass, leaves, nuts, fruits, corn and fungi….which means no meat ;_;

While carnivorous beasts devour their prey and benefit a little from the spirit energy that had been strengthening their bodies… She also missed out on that part too since she was reborn as a deer.

She could only eat the beast core then… The rest of the bodies were useless to her.

So in conclusion…being a deer is tough!

And so the main character pushes forward to the next challenge and hopefully you will still be reading as she continues her journey followed by her pets… Ahem I mean friends.