
Shadow spent some time teaching Laune her cultivation method before leaving.

After Shadow left Laune alone with Lilith, the tiger sat before a wooden bath of blood before her and contemplated the reality before her.

She looked at the Lynx that bathed in a fragrant bath of flower petals and then at her own bath before she heard a giggle from the Lynx. "Heh, just don't think about it and just get in. It's too late to go back now."

Laune looked into the lynx' clear eyes which seemed to see through her hesitation with a playful smirk on her lips.

She looked towards the blood pool made from several 1st spirit gathering beasts and nodded her head. "I know."

Laune steeled her will and took a step into the blood pond dirtying her flawlessly clean coat of fur and began cultivating in silence.

Lilith looked towards the little tiger and gave an approving look before continuing her cultivation as she thought. 'This child isn't half bad!'

And so the two cats began to take their own individual paths from that night.

While the Ever-Reach clan was adjusting to their changes and teaching the new beasts how to cultivate…

Within the forest all of the beast clans had been sent into a panic!

Other beasts came across the lands of the tiger clan and the wolf clan but were met with no resistance at all which was unusual since they attacked those who intruded.

Investigating further there was no one to be seen in both clans!

The larger clans got hold of the information sooner than most, not a single tiger or wolf remained in their territory but there were signs of a battle taking place.

Normally there would be dead bodies but they had long since been buried so the clans could not find them, almost as if both clans had vanished within a short few days of their notice.

It was well known how arrogant the wolf clan had gotten over the years so they expected them to start a war with one of the weaker clans.

Some clans even made their own plans to attack the wolf clan after they lose some of their stronger fighters during the battle and reap the spoils of war.

They kept their eyes on the other clans movements so who was it that intervened in the war between the tigers and wolves?!

What scared them the most was that this attack was done by someone unknown to them and could possibly be a threat to them!

Their imaginations ran wild thinking of the powerful beasts that could wipe out two clans within a short amount of time and then just disappear.

Did the Lord of the forest wake up from his slumber?

Is there a new threat that has kept hidden and has been biding it's time to strike?

Never would they have thought that the sole beast behind these events was a harmless looking white deer!

If they did they would not believe it unless they saw it for themselves.

And so the forest area has become highly vigilant and restless for every beast living there.

The date for the hunting competition had approached and during that time Shadow cultivated in seclusion while leaving clan matters to Lilith.

During the time spent the clan had kept quiet and hidden, any beasts who discovered their location would be killed or be forced into submission.

So the clans strength only kept growing on its own, many beasts achieved breakthroughs while the newcomers adapted to their new environments.

Shadows family had achieved an increase in strength, especially her mother.

The monkey king had successfully been healed by Shadows treatment and while he had no breakthrough in strength he had improvements in his spear techniques with pointers from Shadow.

His son had also improved his halberd technique with Shadows help and was approaching a breakthrough soon.

All of the clans on ever reaching mountain had made their preparations for the upcoming event and began to head out from their homes to meet up.

The monkey king sat on a large tree branch with his son by his side who was hanging upside down with his tail wrapped around the branch.

They both overlooked the gathered clans of the deer family, panther family and the black fox family and the other cluttered beasts who had taken refuge on the mountain over the long years and let out a sigh.

How many years had it been since the monkey king sheltered everyone from threats with his own strength when they were too weak to protect themselves?

He saw many familiar faces but they did not look at him with the same respect as before, under his leadership they were strong together but now they were divided and each had their own motives for taking part in this event.

The panther clan had become too prideful and arrogant after many years of accomplishments and started to ignore his orders.

The fox clan had always been more reserved towards conflicts but lately their actions suggested they had been acting in secret and gathering their power for something.

The deer clan were always loyal but lacked enough strength and numbers to help the situation.

The other beasts were too weak or few in number in their groups to have a say or put up a fight against the others so they would only follow others lead, a lot of them were cowardly and would not intervene if a fight broke out.

The monkey king sat on his branch overlooking everyone with a touch of pain showing on his expression as he gave another look at the faces in the crowd.

His eyes landed on the harmless looking white deer stood by her family and being heavily doted on by her mother, the father and son standing by them like a steady and unmovable mountain and the sister who looked very excitable towards the events which will unfold.

Looking at the warm family display he felt his pain disappear and looked upon the faces of the other clans.

Jealousy, hate, confusion, disappointment, murderous and harmful intent and many other feelings he felt within their eyes which they tried to hide.

Growing used to reading the emotions of those around him he already knew long ago when the adoration, reverence and respect in their eyes had changed.

He stood up and looked down on the beasts below, straightened his back and finally spoke. "Everyone, today is the day of the hunting competition. The rules are simple and are for the good of the mountains future! Those from a young age that are capable of hunting to those below 30 years may take part in the hunt. Everyone can group up or go alone, the objective is to collect as many beast cores and herbs as possible. Those that collect the most will win, those representing the clans have the advantage in numbers so several groups can represent their clan.."

Clearing his throat he spoke again. "I hope that you can put survival first over collecting the items stated so you will lose a point for every life lost in your group. I am here to announce that I will be in charge of the fairness of this hunt. Everyone will be checked before leaving the mountain in case of cheating! Finally… The winning group has the right to nominate a new leader of the mountain."

He once more looked towards Shadow with a look of expectation. 'Although this is highly disadvantageous for you I hope you can give me some surprises.'