Surprise, Surprise

It took her no more than five minutes to get to the spot he mentioned. The restaurant was the corner a few blocks from her friend and only two from her own. She stood kiddy corner of the meeting spot and looked for the guy that she saw in her dream. She didn't see him anywhere. "Of course he isn't here. It was a dream. I need to go home and figure out what I am going to do now with what information I do have." She felt disappointed for some reason. But before she could feel anything else she was decided to leave. Suddenly, someone grabbed her arm, hooked it with their own and started walking.

"You really should be careful on who is around when you speak to yourself. Someone will think you crazy. And do not worry. I am keeping you safe by being this close. All of the people here are actually out to get you. Seeing you with me will ease their minds, if only a little." She looked up to find the man of her dreams. No, not of my dreams. From my dreams. He had a very carefree smile on his face but the look in his eyes were completely serious. So this is why I shouldn't pick a fight with him. I didn't even notice his presence. Even if it were a fair fight, I would lose. She just looked at him as she followed him to some location away from the Italian restaurant. Then she remembered something. "Why would you ask me to go a place where I would be hunted?" He glanced at her without turning towards her.

"I am surprised you had to ask." He spoke slightly accusingly, then changed to a lilting, carefree tone. "If they know you are with me, it makes you less of a threat to them. In a sense I am their Knight, if you would think of me that way. They know I have been the only one who has been able to defend myself from Hunters' raids. They also know you are the one who has been hunting your own kind. I'm actually surprised the Hunters haven't heard our talk about you. Maybe they have but haven't put the pieces together. Well, there are rumors that you did not know what you are. Then there are others where they think you have no heart and will fight for the highest bidder. That one is more popular, of course. Either way, it doesn't matter as long as you hang with me. My sister told you to tell your family that you were going to take some time off. We will stop by your place, pick up some clothes, and head to my place. It's farther than my sister's but it is surrounded by Abruti so no one will bother us."

She gave him an incredulous look. Did she just hear right? He was taking her to his place? And how long did he think she would follow him? "You must be the crazy one. Who, in their right mind, would follow a guy they just met to his place without introducing themselves?"

"You followed just fine until now. Although I'm also sure you knew who I was when you looked at me just a moment ago. And please let me introduce myself now." He stopped, bowed at the waist, right hand across his body resting on his left hip. "I am Teiran Hartsgn. The one from your dream and the man you were told to find for information. Though I'm sure you know this already. I will give it all to you for free, of course. The information, I mean. When you have explanations, you may do what you wish but as far as I am concerned, I believe in the rumor where you are uninformed or misinformed. We will see which one at the house." He took her arm again and they walked the rest of the way to her home. They went inside, and he helped her pack the essentials and some things she would not be able to leave behind.

When they were done, Teiran walked out the door, closed it behind them and looked around. When he decided there was no one around, he took out a regular looking key. He put it in the door, turned it as if to unlock the door, then turned the knob to open it. He kept the key in the door, and walked through, waiting for her on the other side. Sahanah looked at Teiran like he was crazy. "Well, come on. Hurry up. I can't leave the door open all day." So she walked through.

On the other side was the inside of a house that was so obviously not hers. The living room was furnished with a TV system on the far left wall, a blue "L" shaped couch in front of it that left the wall with the door to the middle of the room, two computers side-by-side on the wall opposite of the couch, and a bookcase on each side of the entertainment system holding books of all sorts. Next to the computers, there was a hallway that seemed to lead to a bathroom on the immediate left. At the end, also on the left was a small closet. Teiran walked in, signaled her to follow him as he left towards the back of the house.

At the end of the hallway was a large kitchen on the left that could fit four people comfortably, and on the right, opened into a dining area. There was a table large enough to fit six people. There was a block freezer in the corner, a counter next to it, and on the counter were a few game systems that she recognized. Above the counter was a 25 inch flat screen TV. To the right of the counter was another book case, filled with movies and games. She could tell they were organized by genre, then alphabetized. She could not help but think he was a little excessive in organization, but it was refreshing. His kitchen she could say the same, except for the pile of dishes in the sink. If she thought about it though, it just meant he ate at home. Meaning he also cooks. What am I thinking? So what if he is helping me. He still took me against my will. And he may be attractive but I need to remember why it is I am here.

That's when she finally noticed what he was wearing. A white tee with a dark, long-sleeve, plaid button-up and blue jeans. His black hair was gelled forward and up. His shoes were navy blue Converse.

He noticed her glances and stared at her. He didn't really notice anything about what she was wearing when he was looking for her. He was too busy trying to make sure no one attacked her. Now he finally noticed how beautifully she dressed, even on a hunt. Nothing but black and white. White tee under a black, leather vest. He wore a trendy black and white checkered belt, and black skinny jeans with shallow rips along the middle of her thighs and a hole on the knee of the right side. Her shoes were black and white sneaker heels.

Their eyes met and before he could look away he saw eyes he had never seen before. A shimmering brown, he could only describe as bronze but there were other colors, clashing colors. Jungle green, flaming red, and electric blue. He finally sat down at the head of the table and motioned her to sit the right of him. She felt a little uncomfortable because of the glance they just shared but set her things down on the table and sat next to him, nonetheless. He spoke first staring at the wall leading to the living room. "So what do you know? I know there is some new information since I gave it to you, but before, when you were talking to my sister, what did she tell you?"

Confusion overtook the discomfort. "You keep bringing up a sister but I don't know who you are talking about."

He barked a laugh when he noticed she wasn't kidding. He kept from sighing out loud. "Right, she has a different last name so it wouldn't occur to you that she is my sister. Maghenta Candor is my half-sister. She changed her last name when she found out that I was adopted. For whatever reason that gave her. So you are adopted and I am adopted. Something we have in common. And you're putting me on edge by being so stiff. You can trust me. Like you trusted Maggi."

She was reluctant but she had no reason not to trust him. He just didn't gave her any reason to trust him. She let her guard down. How would she take any information if she didn't trust him first? She sighed. "Okay. Okay. What I know is all here." She looked into her bag and grabbed the paper she wrote on the night before. She handed it to him. He glanced at it, looked at her then back at the paper. "This is everything that I know. And because your sister did not talk about you, I- I did not know what to put." Why am I making an excuse for having his name paired a question mark and the word Hidden. I don't need an excuse.

Teiran looked at the paper a little longer then looked back at her. "What is this weapon you have written here? Is it the Katana you have there?" He pointed to the Katana next to her, leaning on the chair she sat in. She nodded. "May I see it?"

She grabbed the Katana and handed it to him, grip first. He reached for it and as he was about to grab it, a small crackling could be heard. When he grabbed it he got shocked by it. "Ouch! What the hell? What's up with your Sword?" The Katana shocked him again over the two feet distance. "Whoa! Damn! What the hell!"

Sahanah couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe it has feelings?" Then it shocked her hand but not to hurt, only surprise her. Still she dropped it onto the table. "Damn! It does have feelings! Wait. He... He has feelings. That's why he won't let you touch him for one. You're a guy and so it the Katana. The other, I get the feeling is because it was made for only me and its using a protective spell so no one but the current owner could hold him. But now that he has found me, he goes to no one else."

"And how the hell do you know all of this? Even I haven't heard of all of this before." He replied. He took a close criticized look at the Katana making sure not to touch him. "See if you can ask him if I can hold him, only to look and that I promise to give him back. I have no use for Katanas. Prefer short swords or handguns." The Katana crackled as if to threaten Teiran.

She nodded and concentrated on the Katana asking these questions within her thoughts. As soon as they left her mind, she received a feeling that the Katana approved of the deal. She started to hand him the Katana saying "He says yes, I think. As long as you give him back to me."

"Of course. Now let's see if he will actually let me take him. I trust you and him only to a point." That, she could safely say, was true for herself as well.

Teiran slowly reached for the Katana and hovered over the hilt. Then grabbed it when he didn't hear crackling. The Katana didn't shock him. "Great. Now let's see what I can learn about you just by your markings and makings." He took his time going over the Katana looking at each of the details and mumbling to himself.

"So? What can you tell me?" Sahanah was feeling impatient as it was her Katana he was holding. Her Kajite. Wait... Kajite? "So your name is Kajite?" She received the same feeling before as if it was him saying yes.

Teiran wasn't paying much attention to what she was saying. "What? What are you mumbling over there?" He looked up long enough to give her a confused look then looked back down at the katana.

"His name is Kajite."

"That would make sense. It's also your middle name. Did you know that?" He looked up at her as he said this. He saw she didn't believe him. "Well it is. It's on Kajite along with the rest of your Hidden name. If I'm reading this-- him correctly, it should be Guenavheer Kajite Sohkara. Direct Lineage of the Sohkara royal family it seems. That is why this was made for you so long ago. They make the weapons for royalty generations before." He saw a flash of distrust in her eyes. And a question. "Yes, I knew your name before we met. Doesn't mean I knew you were directly related. But Kajite proves that you are. Meaning the weapons that belong to your children and grandchildren and even your great-grandchildren are also somewhere in this world. Probably among the Hidden. Though they also may be destroyed or Hunters have them hidden away."

Guenavheer Kajite Sohkara. Sounds familiar, was all she could think of. "Will he be able to tell me more? Who I am? Where I come from? Who my lineage is? I mean besides the Sohkara? Like my parents and grandparents" Before he could answer she went on to ask him. "Who would know that my family was or is royalty?"

He didn't know what to say. For one, there were so many questions. Second, he had no answers for any of her questions. Nothing about the sword, her family, or anything else really. He hardly talked to anyone these days and anyone who would know is likely dead. If anyone alive did know, they would be well hidden. "I can't say for sure who would know that name. Or if Kajite knows either. I can ask around and see what I come up with and you can ask Kajite yourself." He looked at a watch that was hidden under his sleeve. "But for now, we need to think about food and what to do with you until things settle down. Though it seems we will be roomies for a while. You sure as hell cannot leave this house. Not until we have answers." Then he got up, grabbing his phone and called for pizza.