Why me?

well to start our story I should be a good person and give you the reader a little bit of back story . so our mc is named nick in case you didn't read the synopsis and nick unlike most MCs has literally zero desire to be great he just wants to be a normal guy which to be fair isn't a bad thing in and of itself but that not how we roll up in wn. so nick is about 6'2 with black hair and a decent face , so all in all a normal guy. well one day nick was a bit thirsty and decided to walk up to the corner store to buy him a soda because what self respecting American drinks tap water. so on the way up to the store nick wasn't really paying attention to the coming traffic because cars don't use sidewalks usually and thus fails to notice a blue truck swerving towards him thanks to the drunk who happened to pass out behind the wheel ,but we all know how this goes down . the truck hits nick breaking his spine and crushing all of his organs into paste. Well now that the back story is set time to tell the actual story.


Nick feels the life leaving his body and just before he passes out a curious sound echoes in his mind.


* The destruction and creation system is booting up .... error host environment unsuited to growth reincarnating...*



"Ow!" Nick cries out as he feels something rough smack his butt. 'What the hell i thought I was going to heaven why does it feel like I'm not in heaven, is this limbo or some shit?' Nick try's to open his eyes and notices that he feels very weak and ...small? 'What is this why do I feel so weak and small why can't I open my eyes?' he thought as panic set in.


*Responding to host questions host has just successfully been reincarnated into an infants body*

'There is a voice talking in my head !' Nick exclaims mentally and starts panicking before he manages to open his eyes with much effort . nick looks out at his surroundings In shock as he's in a large room with dark purple curtains and several oddly dressed people around him. "Waah" an infantile sound escapes his mouth as he tries to say something .


*Host can think to ask questions to the system*

'Good to know here's a question then WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!' Nick mentally screams at the system. '


Host has been randomly chosen as the user of the Destruction and Creation system and has thus been forcefully reincarnated with all of your memories intact. Host is to try to grow strong enough to rule over everything .*

Nick was shocked at the systems reply ' how did I get myself into this mess I don't want to rule over everything I just want to be normal can't I just do that instead?' He mentally asked.


* Negative Host would render system pointless if host did so.*

'I don't care I'll just be a normal person anyway not like you can do anything about it anyway.' Nick decides without caring about anything but himself.


*Host is warned to change his mentality or face the consequences.*

'Ha threats won't work on me I'm normal and I'm staying that way!' he mentally affirms.


*host was warned system will now tell host that he was reincarnated into a world were normal people are treated as slaves by the stronger people and host will suffer till such time as host changes his mind*

Nick was startled by this sudden insight from the system 'fuck! You brought me here on purpose didn't you!' he asked mentally.

(System ignoring nick)

'System aren't you supposed to answer when I ask you a question?'

(Still ignoring him)

'Fine I don't need you anyway!' nick pouts at the systems stubbornness and carefully observes the place he is in . there is a women with light red hair and a beautiful face smiling happily as she cradles him in her arms singing softly to him , her voice is soft and smooth almost angelic even. Next to the bed there is a man who terrified nick when he first noticed him even though the man has a gentle smile on his face. The man should be about 7'6 in height with massive well defined muscles pressed against his clothes the man has dark blue hair and a handsome face but the most stunning thing is the numerous scars all over his face and arms. 'These must be my parents in this world, I wonder what I look like ' he thinks to himself.