
Nick sat in his mothers arms calmly as he tried to figure out what he looks like based on his parents appearance. 'Do i have blue hair like my father or red like my mother hmmmm'. he wonders. 'I'll find out later I guess , for now I'm rather tired so I'm going to sleep'. Nick fell soundly asleep and entered the dream world , meanwhile his parents begin a very important conversation about nicks future. "Look at him atica he takes after you so much." The man says to his wife nicks mother. Atica smiles and says "perhaps ,but he has your eyes and cheeks veras. " veras strokes his wife's hair affectionately "I hope he's has your strength atica he will need it when he comes of age." He says seriously. "Damn those old fogies and their stubbornness!" Veras says angrily as a dull red light starts radiating from him . "calm down veras you'll wake our son otherwise." Atica says firmly but gently. Veras calms himself and the light fades back into his body . "you're right dear. its just so infuriating how they want him to become a political piece when he was just born! " veras says with gritted teeth and sighs. Atica comforts her husband and they stop talking before atica puts nick in his crib. about two hours later nick wakes up from hunger and notices he's alone so he tries to sit up with several failed attempts and has trouble staying up on his own so he leans against the crib . nick then looks around the room and sees he is in a small room with only a few items nearby including a rattle made from some kind of bone and an odd green glowing stone. Nick crawls over to the strange green stones and picks it up and looks at it curiously.


*Acquired tier 1 qi stone, would host like to absorb?*

Nick is surprised at the systems sudden announcement and suspiciously looks at the stone in his hand which is only about the size of his infant palm. 'System what would happen if I said yes?' he asked mentally.


*Host would begin strengthening your body with the energy within , would host like to absorb (y/n)?*

Nick thinks it over for a minute and decided that he would absorb it so he could move around without so much effort after all its not like it would make him ridiculously strong right? 'Yes absorb the qi stone.' he commands.


*Beginning absorption...*

Nick feels an incredible suction force coming from his hand and watches in awe as the glowing green stone slowly starts to shrink till the size of a pea then shattered into dust . 'well I don't feel any diff..' nick thinks before the system interrupts.


*Absorption complete beginning strengthening*

An intense itch spreads through nicks body as a strange power courses through his veins.



*Would host like to see your status?*

Nick was shocked at the sudden level ups and realizes that the system never told him how much stronger he would become as a trap to make him do what it wanted . 'You tricked me! Why didn't you tell me I would grow so much stronger !' nick mentally yells at the system.


*Host never asked *

Nick was stunned at the systems answer and knew it was right. even in his past life he knew of several time where he had gotten into misunderstanding because he simply forgot to asked about something. 'show me my status' nick commanded after sighing.


*NAME:Nicholas varia




CULTIVATION:body refinement tier 5


ABILITIES:awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)







Nick stares at the stats in disbelief and doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. 'What is a normal persons stats?' nick asked only to have his suspicions confirmed.


*the stats for the average adult mortal are at 8 in each stat*

Nick practically breaks down knowing he will never be truly normal now no matter how much he wants too since as an infant he's already almost twice as strong as most adults. Nick starts crying in sadness when a sudden wave of coolness flow through him and instantly calms him down.


*unusual emotions suppressed.*

Nick finally realized that the system will never let him be weak ,not even emotionally.