
While veras and Gregory were celebrating about veras's fortune nick was talking to the system. 'So let me get this straight in this world cultivators are normal and so an unbelievably strong baby is not unheard of?'nick asked amazed and confused.


*Host is correct however there is a limit *

'Which is ?'he asked after learning his lesson previously.

*Surpassing the body refinement class while an infant .*

'You're not going to try to trick me into reaching that limit are you?' Nick asked the system suspicious since it has tricked him before .

*of course not host if host is too extreme it will place host in danger of being killed.* the system replies slightly irritated at nick. 'that makes sense ' nick nods not realizing how odd that probably looks. after verifying a few details about the world that he managed to coax out of the system nick planned on trying to grow up in a normal fashion. And so nick spent his infant and toddler years slowly improving his power in what is considered normal standards , but what the system didn't tell him was that it was only normal for absolute geniuses instead of normal cultivators .

Six years pass in this way as nick finally seems to notice something was wrong . 'System why is everyone else my age still in the body refinement level while I'm in the spirit gathering level?' Nick asked the system in confusion.

*host is a genius so it is normal of course * The system answers matter of factly.

Nick finally knows that his suspicions were right on point . (okay so to be fair the reason nick didn't figure it out sooner was because children aren't exposed to each other till they are six so nick never had anything to compare himself to.) Nick was furious at the system for not telling him sooner .



*NAME:Nicholas varia




CULTIVATION:spirit gathering tier 3

SKILLS:swordsmanship lv4 , flame step lv2 , dragons rage lv3

ABILITIES:awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)

body control (user has complete control of their physique including nerves, pores,veins,etc)







'System explain now!'nick demanded


*Host forgot that system is here to make host powerful enough to rule over everything .*

'what about what I want ?'nick asked angrily.


*unless it makes you stronger it is irrelevant.*

Nick was stunned at the system which for all intents and purposes did not care what he thought.

'Fine then I'll just go ask my father about cultivation so you can't trick me any More.' nick thought angrily at the system.

*can host not blame me for your ineptitude*

Nick ignores the system and walks across the room he is in towards the door. He grabbed the groove on the side and slides it open and steps out into the courtyard which is much like a garden filled with various flowers and fruit trees . nick breathes in the pleasant aroma and walks towards the exit of the courtyard were two guards are standing each giving off a thick aura of power ,one of them looks over towards nick and speaks up . "young master Nicholas seems to want to go somewhere would you need a guard while you are out ?" His voice was respectful and kind as he spoke . nick shakes his head and says " no I'm only going to see my father but thank you for the offer." The guard nods then says " young master need not thank this lowly one as it is my job."Nick nods at the guard then walks through the exit calmly. After nick is out of earshot the guard starts talking to the other. " the young master is an odd one , not that I'm complaining as he treats us well." He says to the other guard. "You're right but he is a genius so being a little odd makes sense I mean I've never heard of a young master who cares for flowers and treats everyone well without an ounce of arrogance." The other guard says. The first guard nods and finally says "we need to save him in the attack he doesn't deserve to die so young because of his family." The second guard then says "I'll send him out into town so he's not here when the others come." Both guards stop talking and go back to doing their jobs .