Conspiracy 2

Nick walks through the wooden hallways towards his fathers office ignorant of the approaching disaster . nick arrives in front a large door and knocks on it lightly . "come in" a rough voice echo's from the other side . nick pushes the door open to reveal a burly blue haired man looking at him from a large paper covered desk. Veras motions for nick to sit nick nods and sits in a leather chair and without waiting for veras to speak he says "I want to know about the cultivation levels that come after this one." Veras looks at his son and nods then begins speaking "well first is the body refinement class , the spirit gathering class,the origin core class,the nacent soul class. In each tier has a total of 9 tiers and as for any classes after those I don't know as the highest I've ever seen was nascent soul class." nick memorized the classes then asked "father what class are you in ?"Veras puffs up his chest in pride and says " I'm a origin core level cultivator in the eighth tier."

Nick is super happy about how strong his father is as he can just have his dad as his big tree to sit under safely. After nick finished talking to his father he walks back towards the courtyard where his room is and comes across and elder talking to one of the guards by the courtyard in a hushed manner but doesn't think much of it and respectfully bows to the elder and entertain the courtyard to tend to his garden. Meanwhile in a dark room somewhere else several shadowy figures are gathered in secrecy. "Is the plan completely foolproof?" One of the figures ask. Another figure quickly speaks up "getting second thoughts F?" F snorts in anger "of course not! However I don't want to have any mistakes in the thing if veras survives...." The other figure says " relax veras won't see the end of tomorrow I guarantee it." F nods and goes quiet. "What if his son Nicholas will be be a problem later ?" Another shadowy figure ask . this question raises that discussion about nick around the room when they finally come to a concensus about what to do with nick . "if he is there and sees us attacking we kill him but if he is gone and doesn't know it was us we leave him alone ".

Everyone was in agreement about this particular detail for some reason or another.

Meanwhile back in the courtyard ...


*New mission acquired : go to the auction in town tomorrow .*

*would his like to accept this mission y/n?*

'Hm? System i didn't know you had a mission setting.' Nick thinks at the system questioningly.

*host has never bothered to ask*

Nick thinks about it and indeed realizes that he might have forgotten to check what abilities the system has.

'System what abilities DO you have?'


*Bringing up interface*









Nick looks over the settings and notices something off . 'System how do you use the shop without currency?'


*there is a currency however host has not yet acquired any due to lack of effort on host part.*

'Did you just scold me?'


Nick was a little irritated at the systems attitude.

'System open inventory.'



SLOT1: starter kit





Nick looks at the screen and sees the starter kit and wonders what that about.

'System open starter kit.'



A box shows up on the screen and then exploded in a pink puff of smoke dramatically.

The contents of the box show up on the screen .


1. Beginner cultivation technique

2.grade 3 healing pills

3.tier 2 low grade sword

4.150 DC points


Nick was not particularly shocked at the contents as he had read a few novels in his past life so roughly knew what to expect.